First, a brief introduction to My Starseed Life YouTube Channel.
All of my videos listed below are presented from NEWEST to OLDEST.
IF YOU ARE NEW TO THIS CHANNEL, I would suggest you begin with the oldest video and work your way up to the more current videos.
None of my videos contain “Time Sensitive” material so viewing in any order is totally fine. However, they have been somewhat created with linear viewing in mind. THANKS!
“My Starseed Life” - Videos & Transcripts

THE IMAGINED UNIVERSE - Could it be our world is actually constructed through our thoughts and ideas
The Imagined Universe
Hello everyone,
Since the beginning of creating this channel, you’ve heard me talk about myself as a starseed, where I came from and how I got here. Over time I’ve shared various experiences with ET friends and travels to other realms and it’s taken me many years to finally be somewhat comfortable about being here in this human body on this mysterious realm of planet Earth, this experiment, a testing ground for ET souls to eagerly drop down into the heaviness of the third density and challenge themselves, through both the joys and trials, to finally remember who they are and make their way back home.
So here I am now, speaking to so many others who are traveling this same road, the path to remembering who we are. Who am I and where did I come from? For some it might begin like it did for me, where you wake up in the morning and wonder if anything in your life is real? Well, that was me. Actually for me it was more wondering if I’m real, this body, this life. Often as I would gaze around at all the familiar surroundings, they all seemed so synthetic, like a reproduction of something greater and I couldn’t help but wonder how this all happened that I’m here and not somewhere else, the somewhere that I can’t quite fully recall - that place that seems more “home” than this place. And I would nearly always feel a bit like only a part of me is here and I ache to know where that place is that I came from, that place with the vast sky and the almost inconceivable blanket of stars. Recalling it almost like a dream, a dream that I somehow was forced out of, like I was extracted from the me-ness that made up who I am as an awareness, as a being, as a body and the more I try to summon that memory, the more distant it becomes.
Over the years I’ve managed to sort of set it off to the side and allow it to become a purpose or an intended goal, to recognize any sign hidden within this reality that might restore the full memory and maybe even discover a way back to that realm that I think of as home.
Speaking of realities, I remember on a day, several years ago, my sister and niece were visiting and during a conversation about life in general, one of them (I don’t remember which) asked me what I was most interested in at that time and without thinking about it I blurted out that I wanted to know more about the nature of reality and how we create our own reality and if so, how we can change it. Well, that stopped the conversation right there, but after they left, I began a deeper contemplation about that concept and what’s real and what’s not real and how to know the difference. Or is everything, or nothing, real?
Well, I know by now we’re probably all a bit tired of hearing about the double slit experiment, showing that light and matter can behave as both waves and particles, depending on whether they are being observed or not. So maybe I’ll forgo that explanation and begin with Plato’s cave instead …which we’re also probably getting tired of, but just to make a point. Plato’s allegory of the cave is a story in which a group of prisoners are chained to a wall and have spent all of their lives there in that dark cave, facing another wall. Passing behind them is life, where all sorts of people and animals and vehicles pass by day and night and the light of a fire casts the shadows of these events onto the wall in front of the prisoners and since this is all the prisoners have ever seen, these shadows become their entire reality. One day one of the prisoners escapes and makes it outside. At first the sun blinds him, but once his eyes acclimate to his brighter surroundings, everything takes on a new dimension and he begins to realize how much more “real” these objects are than just the shadows he had seen before. Finally he returns to the prisoners and tells them what he has seen, but because they have no reference for the descriptions of color and substance, they don’t believe him and think he’s crazy. So, what does this mean? It means that reality is merely a perception!
This is very much what happens to one who has learned how to travel out of body into higher dimensional worlds, or one who has had a near death experience, where they’ve seen things they have never seen in their normal lives. When they try to tell others of this amazing reality, others think they’ve lost their mind.
Understanding that the world we live in is not the reality we believed it was, can be a little disorienting, but it can also free us from the darkness of the cave we have lived in, previous to this knowledge. So what Plato was trying to tell us is that our world is not what it seems and that we are actually in a prison of our own. We believe that material objects are what is most real, but what Plato was trying to get across to us is that the reality we consider to be real is just a mere shadow of a higher reality, a more lofty or elevated truth. So, what is that truth and why do most people not see it or even believe it’s there and do we have to have a near-death experience to become aware of this higher dimension?
If we continue to accept the world as we’ve always thought it was, we’re back in the prison, where things are the way we’ve been taught through our five senses. However, going beyond that into a world of the unknown can be scary and might cause us to want to jump right back into the normal reality, which may be a lie, but at least it’s familiar!
I remember going over and over the idea that if the material world is not real, what is? And am I even real? What about my thoughts, my beliefs, those things that make me unique, different than anyone else, my dreams, my likes and dislikes. And do these things make me conscious or am I conscious and therefore possess these things?
And what about the brain? Does the brain create consciousness or does it just receive it? There is account after account of those who have been outside of their body and are still who they are. Research by Dr Peter Fenwick, a neuropsychiatrist of the highest regard, (amazing guy) has been researching the human brain and consciousness through the study of the near-death phenomenon for more than 50 years now. And through his extensive research, he now believes that consciousness is an inherent property of the universe, like gravity or dark matter, existing and outside of the brain, independently and continuing to exist after the death of the body.
One example of this, of which there are thousands, but just to pick one, the near-death experience of Dr. Eben Alexander shows us that when someone dies and is brain dead, their consciousness goes on. Dr. Alexander was effectively brain-dead, his brain wasn’t even functioning at all, yet his consciousness, who he is, was having very detailed experiences in a higher reality. He even met a girl in that reality, who he didn’t know, and found out after he recovered that the girl he had met on the other side was his sister, whom he had not only never met, but never knew existed! His parents had never told him he had a sister who died. So, the brain does not create reality, it filters it!
This is a big part of what science discusses as “The hard problem of consciousness”, which is hoping to explain why and how the brain gives rise to consciousness such as thoughts, emotions and perceptions. And of course, what makes it hard, is that the brain does not give rise to consciousness, so as long as they remain stuck into this old framework, they’ll never be able to solve the so-called hard problem. It will take going beyond objective reality and the concept of particles and space and time. Consciousness is not just a consequence of our brain functioning, but a fundamental feature of the universe. So before any of us are able to advance beyond this idea that the brain produces consciousness, we will have to be able to consider consciousness as a prevalent and basic force. Time and space are illusions and consciousness is not generated from the brain, but is a fundamental aspect of the universe and therefore all of reality, giving rise to the geometric properties of the material world.
So, what if my world is not what it seems and current reality is not real at all? Much of our interpretation of this, is the language of the world “real”. What if we instead use another word? If the world is not real, does this mean the material objects themselves are not real, that matter itself is an illusion, a dream? Or does it mean the world is real, but we’re not? In other words, is it we that are simply imagining the world into reality? So here’s where it gets crazy.
The 2022 Nobel Prize was given to a group of scientists who, for their experiments with entangled photons, were able to prove that the universe is not locally real. So what this means is that particles, when separated even by great distances, are still invisibly connected. So when something happens to one particle, the other is simultaneously affected, instantaneously, no matter the distance. Separation is an illusion, therefore everything we do or think, or even feel, is not only physical but also spiritual and has a deep impact on, not only ourselves, but everything around us.
It’s like a great energy field, an invisible network that unites all living beings. So by understanding and observing this universal force and deliberately aligning with it, we can begin to create our own reality, through the role of consciousness, where the particle’s behavior is outside the flow of linear time and space. Through focusing on a desired situation as if it had already occurred, we can bend time and bring the future event into the present.
So, is there really an external reality? As quantum physics shows us, the reality around us is not fixed until we observe it. Before that it exists as states of potential possibilities. Consciousness is a sort of constant observer, forming what we perceive, through our beliefs and intentions, collapsing into our experience. As an aside, however, even if we were to decide that the world does exist, what we see of our reality through our eyes is not only derived from our own expectations, but built upon our anticipation of beliefs and suppositions. What we see is what we expect to see, through our opinions and impressions. So the other part of “seeing” is actually decided or determined before we open our eyes to visually observe what surrounds us.
Our dreams, for example, those things we are participating with in that world, are very real to us, just like here. In that world we can touch people, objects, but we can also fly. So while we’re in the dream we are living in a reality that holds a different rule-set. For example, in that reality we can fly, so this is real to us. However, when we wake, we can no longer fly. Now, is this just because we believe we can’t fly, or does this reality really have a rule that says humans cannot fly?
So, could our reality be what we perceive through our senses? Well, neuroscientist Donald Hoffman often states exactly that - that it’s our senses that are actually creating the things that we experience, like colors and taste and that these are not properties of an objective reality, but actually properties of our senses that they, our senses, are making up. Yet, those things we perceive with our senses are not real as such, but what is real, is our experience with those things. That pain in your wrist is a real experience to you, but only exists within your own awareness of it.
On the other hand, objective reality and preceptive reality are not always the same. Never take things at face value - there is always more than meets the eye. For example, what are our beliefs made from? Where do they come from? Is it really me who feels that particular way or have I been influenced to feel that way, therefore this is the world that I see? So the question remains, why do we believe what we believe? And which comes first, perceptive reality or objective reality, as the reality that makes up our lives?
So, what exactly is perception? Perception itself is a lessening or decreasing of a thing. And this is because the information that you get from, let’s say, looking at a flower, for example, is only a fraction of all of the information that the flower actually holds. We can look at it from all angles and yet not receive all the information that it owns. Yet observing the flower does initiate within us an interpretation of that object. We gather data through our senses and deduce from that sensory information our perception of this object, the flower. So there’s no total insight that gives us all of the information of the flower, or nearly any other object or situation, as far as that goes.
So, what can we take away from all of this? Well, as always, in anything we contemplate, our capacity and readiness to take on and accept several diverse points of view and integrate them into what goes beyond one single viewpoint into many perspectives, is truly foundational in the potential for guiding our own reality into one of diversity and love.
Oh my gosh, I actually wanted to add another concept into all of this and that is Dr. Robert Lanza’s Biocentric universe, where life creates time and space and the entire cosmos itself - that our consciousness creates the universe and that the universe could not exist without us! But I guess this will have to wait for the next video, because if I don’t stop here I’ll take the chance of losing my entire audience! So, another time.
For those of you who are still with me, thank you so much for listening! I hope to see you again soon, bye bye!
WHAT IS ASCENSION? Uncover the Hidden Secret behind Humanity’s Ascension Process
Hi Guys!
You know, it’s so weird, the same day I decided to make a video with this subject, I saw someone else had just posted a YouTube of the exact same title that I had decided on. I purposely didn’t watch it, because I didn’t want to contaminate my own knowledge with someone else’s information, so I have no idea if we’re on the same page or not. I did however have a brief thought about, well if someone else has just put out this information, why should I even bother? But then I quickly realized two things, first this sort of knowledge is out there in the higher frequencies for anyone who can pick up on it, so there must be a reason for me to share it, or I wouldn’t have received it. Plus, I’ve noticed that even when someone puts out similar material, each always has its own unique flavor or rationality, depending much on their personal knowledge and view of life. So anyway, here we go!
For more than half my life, I’ve heard the term ascension and fascinating stories of great beings who have ascended and left the planet. I’ve also read about, or heard, detailed descriptions of how ascension works, some taking their body with them, others disappearing into a brilliant white or golden flash of light, either disappearing altogether or leaving a pile of ashes behind. There have been stories of those who knew of their impending ascension ahead of time and left the planet in front of their disbelieving disciples or followers and other stories of those who simply disappeared from life and no-one saw them leave. There are also stories of those taken up into a starship or UFO and maybe most bizarre, those stories of cases of spontaneous combustion. Although not always, most of the ascension tales are tales of a great and powerful guru or teacher who finished their earthly mission and is now ready to return home to God. So there’s certainly no absence of stories and descriptions, but are any of them true and how do you choose?
So, what is ascension and what does it mean? My personal understanding (and please feel free to take it or leave it), is that ascension is a cycle set in place by the Absolute, The Oneness, in which, again my understanding, is every 24,000 years, at the beginning of that cycle, the planet and her inhabitants emerge from creation to begin a new experience, or sequence of life. Within this course of existence, about halfway through the cycle, a shift in the consciousness of humanity begins, which will eventually end in the ascension, resetting the cycle into a new coming and emergence into life once again. This is how the Creator discovers Itself, through the experience of each being, or conscious awareness. This is also how we discover ourselves, through the progression of experiences we set into place for our awakening, of making known the unknown, and with each jump in conscious awareness, we also jump into a more progressive, or advantageous, timeline. This ascension cycle never ends, it only matures, with each cycle comes expansion and transformation.
So for a third density being, the ascension process is the course of conscious awareness and the intent behind that awareness to know itself. Just as Source itself is doing, through each of us, the more knowledge, or love a being brings into its perception, through their own purpose and discovery, the higher the light frequency of the cellular structure, altering the DNA and transmuting the body from a carbon based structure into a more crystalline based structure. As the body’s frequency increases, the being, or individual, raises not only in awareness, but in light vibration, bringing it closer to God, or Source. This is why we often hear a human referred as a Child of Source and ascension as “going home”, elevating through the vibrational levels until reaching a level of pure light.
So how would humanity as a whole ascend? Through choice, the individual choosing of each being, or each rock, insect, or human, eventually building the new earth, as well as establishing the direction of the old earth. Ascension happens when one chooses love over judgement, or the need for control. You know, that person who just always has to be right? The New Earth is born from this split between those who choose power and those who choose love. This is why mankind is so divided right now. It had to be this way. It’s challenging to see what is happening on our world as perfect, but from this perspective, it is!
Now here’s what actually blew my mind when I learned it. Those who are choosing to remain in duality are actually assisting us to ascend. How? Well, in order for an ascension to take place of one being, or of an entire civilization, there must be an equal amount of negative energy as positive energy. As physics shows us, for every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction. For example, when we jump, we push on the ground and whatever force we use to push will be equal to the height we jump. Firing a gun, the bullet flies forward and the gun kicks backward. In order for an ascension to take place, there must be an equal and opposite energy of descension. This means that for those ascending into Light it takes an equal amount of darkness for this to happen. This is why things are so dark in the world right now. The more who awaken into the light the stronger the darkness will become. Ascension is a powerful expansion of Light, the explosion that sends the bullet speeding from the gun - the kick is the darkness reacting to that explosion of Light. This is what will cause the split into the New Earth. It doesn’t necessarily take the same amount of individuals, it takes the same amount of energy, equal and opposite. So, in order for those of love to ascend, there must be those of the opposite, creating darkness. So what is the opposite of love? Would it be evil, or would it be fear, or maybe apathy? A complete indifference to another’s welfare. This is why those who dominate earth can see humans as cattle, with no regard for their survival.
The Earth herself is ascending and our job is to hold a frequency equal or above that ascending vibration, that rise in frequency. Those beings who have chosen to stay in duality and embrace the darkness, surprisingly may have purposely chosen that path in order to learn sympathy or compassion for self and others. Presently, there are many souls who are choosing, consciously or unconsciously, to stay in duality in order to assist in the ascension, as a means of equalizing the opposing energy to that of the love and the light that is currently flooding the planet. So, it may sound strange, but those friends and family members who blindly lined up for the (point to arm) are in truth our heroes, knowingly or unknowingly, and should be thanked. Why do I say that? Well, just as you, before coming into your human body, signed up for a journey of ascension, they signed up for a journey of descension. Not because they are bad or evil spirits, but because they wanted to be here for the ascension just as much as you did, and this was the choice they chose, for their own soul’s expansion! They were aware that it would take a collective of souls who would willingly volunteer to stay behind on the old Earth, knowingly delaying their own ascension by deliberately staying on the doomed planet, run by the evil empire, so to speak.
These loved-ones or friends that we have judged or given up on, are actually to be revered for the difficult road they’ve selected for their own experience through this extraordinary planetary shift from an imprisoned humanity into the freedom of the higher realms. This is a planet of duality and we couldn’t do this without them. It is therefore, essential for light workers and starseeds to remember that we all have within us both the darkness and the light. The darkness is equal in all of us. This means that those who have chosen wickedness or corruption, also have the light within them. Equally, those who have chosen a journey of light also possess within them darkness, or the absence of light. Furthermore, the beings, who have designated themselves to be, what they consider beings of light and love, and therefore beyond judgment, can unconsciously fall prey to that same failing, through their denial and an unintentional need to completely detach themselves from anything negative, causing them to, in essence, become more vulnerable to what they’re hoping to escape.
Now, if this all seems too obscure, all we have to remember is that in order to come here into the physical, we had to posses both darkness and light and our journey as a human is to eventually integrate both sides into a being of love and kindness.
So how does one ascend? Through love, through integration and intention - through allowing the suffering to become a divine path and the catalyst that triggers the self-realization of love as the essence of all, including that which we see as negative or wrong. In order for a global civilization to ascend, once the separation of those seeking light and those seeking dark has been selected, the energetic split can occur and the two opposing sides can begin to pull away. Just as a cell divides into two, the earth, through the opposition of frequencies, does the same. And which Earth you will remain upon, is designated by your own frequency match. The New Earth is not a place, it is a frequency. If you have chosen to attend only to your own needs, you will stay on the old Earth. If you have chosen instead to focus on kindness and love toward others, this New 5D Earth will now become your home. YAY!
So, this is one of the last great tests for a lightworker. Can you recognize yourself in the darkness, as well as in the light? You, difference-maker, can you, in the midst of all the chaos, remember who you are? Will you be able to recognize the illusion and remain calm? In the middle of all the political fighting, will you, starseed, remember your light? Can, and will, you remind yourself during in the middle of the mess that this darkness is what is allowing the world to shift - and have compassion for those lost in the illusion and be able to help and guide them through their fears? This, beautiful being, is why you came.
Big warm hugs to you all. Bye!
Do Humans Really Want Truth? Even if it was very scary and made you extremely sad?
Hello my beautiful friends!
I often find myself looking though the videos on YouTube to see what the starseed community is talking about and am constantly intrigued by the extremes of subject matter and beliefs, ranging from religious dogma to the vilification of anything with even a slight leaning toward the spirit or soul and everything in between. Something for every seeker. The more I explore my own journey, the more those sorts of inconsistencies show themselves. I notice that as I search through the wide collection of opinions and ideas, the same concern keeps popping up and it makes me wonder, do humans really want to know truth? For myself, I have long been aware that our physical world is deeply affected by our thoughts. It is, in fact, a reflection of those beliefs and convictions. Therefore, in essence, our reality depends on our interpretation of it. It is the way we view our life that builds our future. So my personal insight is to consistently look toward love and beauty and life will follow that lead.
So yes, there are those who are constantly searching for truth, just as there are those who seem totally content with things the way they are, never asking what’s true and what isn’t? Are the stories on the TV news true? I think some simply decide that the reports must be genuine, because they can’t imagine why anyone would choose to lie to the public. Yet, if it was suggested that nearly everything presented on mainstream news has been manipulated toward an agenda of fear and control, would they even believe it and want to know more? And what if they were told that their religion is flawed and falsified by those they’re told to honor and revere?
Would humans really want to see behind the veil of deception if they thought it might be frightening or that they may have to change their beliefs, beliefs they’ve had all their lives? Like in The Wizard of Oz, would they really want to discover that that mighty wizard is just an old man behind the curtain? Or that the formidable Darth Vader is in truth a deformed and shriveled up old guy with a superiority complex?
My Andromedan teacher told us scary stories of a grim future for planet Earth, with what he called widespread plagues, where towns and cities would be locked down and under Marshall law. He told of polluted oceans, earthquakes and flooding, crooked politics, and a loss of personal freedom, where nutritious food was scarce and the only way to stay healthy was to grow your own. I listened to his warnings and then at some point chose to ignore them. It was almost as if I somehow believed that if I ignored the warnings, I wouldn’t have to accept that future. It was only after his predicted events started happening, not only what he said would happen, but when he said it would happen, that I started paying attention.
So when we say we want truth, do we really? Do humans really want to see the wizard behind the curtain revealed as only an ordinary man. Did any of us really want to see that pathetic deformed old guy behind Darth Vader’s mask, or the horrors that Neo saw in the matrix? Would most humans want to know they’re not free and that nearly everything in their life is controlled and that even the thoughts in their heads are not their own? Knowing that this reality is an illusion anyway, which would we rather build our life on, blue skies and the free will to grab a happy, or at least contented life. Or to know just how dark the dark side can get? Well, to be honest I took the red pill a long time ago, and although humanity’s diabolical underbelly has been exposed to me, I wouldn’t choose to be ignorant again, even though I am occasionally very aware that in same cases ignorance truly can be bliss. Still, I’ve always wanted to know. Maybe not necessarily some of the things I’ve learned, but I think something way more scary than seeing the ugly side of life is not knowing that there is one. How can you be safe and secure if you don’t know there’s anything menacing out there?
Nevertheless, the question is exposed. Would you really want truth, even if you knew it was filled with unspeakable horrors? Since science and metaphysics have both shown that this world is not real, does it really matter? In fact, wouldn’t a lot of people love to live on a holodeck of sorts, where they could program any life they chose? If it gave you everything you want, would it really matter if it’s a lie?
And what about denial? Is denial ever a good choice? As an example, let’s say you were living a very happy life and someone close to you betrayed you and knowing this would absolutely break your heart? Would you want to know? If you didn’t know, you could just go on with your happy life believing and trusting. Where if you knew, you would never trust that relationship again. Everything would be ruined and it would even cause you to doubt that this person ever really cared.
I’m not entirely convinced that this question really has an answer, because it’s all so individual and the answer might be different for everyone. However, what I would like to do here is to bring up a present and very real dilemma with this question at the very base of it.
There is, currently, taking place above our planet, a very volatile and ominous extraterrestrial situation, an argument between what’s known as The Galactic Federation and some of their ET races who love humanity and the Earth and genuinely want to help. The Federation was formed as an alliance, nearly 900 thousand years ago, as a result of the Orion Wars, which in some ways are still going on, and is made up of countless Star Races and civilizations. As starseeds on Earth, many of these star-races are our families. These Galactic races, through whatever technology is chosen, send members of their crew, or planet, to Earth to experience life as a human. Some come here with a certain mission, others for the adventure, to play the game. These star beings, before coming to the planet as a starseed, are very aware of the state of the Earth and the struggles and miseries of the human condition and still are willing to face those potential hazards, not only for the excitement, but for the education. They want to learn and advance their soul. So they freely choose to come here and take on this vulnerable bio-suit of human flesh. The trouble is that some, once they get here for any length of time, change their mind. They have forgotten that they are being constantly monitored by their own galactic star race, presiding in ships above and that they are never abandoned or alone. However, because they are unaware of this, they feel trapped and even many of those who come with a mission realize they are unable to make any difference, because of all the restrictions, censoring their every move.
The Federation holds that those on earth are there playing a game that they themselves set up and do not want to be awakened because it would ruin their game. The Federation claims that when the starseeds return and report in, they make it clear that, even though they suffered terribly, they do not wish the game to change, so the game remains what it is, with no one coming to rescue them or make life easier. Meanwhile, as a human, the starseed has no memory of asking for the game to be so hard. So, they’re the ones looking up at the night sky and begging their star-family to come and rescue them and bring them home. They had no idea it would be like this and are now afraid of becoming trapped in the human cycle of reincarnation and never getting back home.
So the dilemma is first, who should we believe? But also if these homecoming starseeds really do want the earth game to stay this difficult, should their star families interfere and come to save them? Or should they just let them be, no matter how much they are suffering and allow them to finish out their human incarnation the way it was planned? They knew before they came here that they can never really die. Additionally, another factor comes in to play, should those starseeds who have awakened really be sharing their information at all, with others? I mean, if they are asking, before they come here, to forget who they are, then they obviously don’t want to be reminded. So isn’t that going against what they as an ET being wants? Would awakening them now, be stealing their thunder? After all, they deliberately came here to forget who they are, purposely immersing themselves into this potentially dangerous 3D game, even taking a chance that they might get lost or become trapped, or killed. And now we’re telling them who they actually are and showing them the way out. Is that fair to them, if they don’t want our help? They knew before they came that this world is an illusion and they can never really die. I mean, what would that starseed say when they get back home? Would they be upset because we shook them awake? Would they now feel that they missed out on the drama they came for - to participate in the scary movie, a horror show, and we in essence gave the plot away. They came here wanting to believe they are just a defenseless human-being, to challenge themselves, to see what they’re made of, to see if they have the courage it would take to stand up and fight the bad guys. Remember, most of these starseeds live in places of incredible beauty and peaceful circumstance. They came to Earth for the contrast, the duality between good and evil.
Well, this is the Federation’s viewpoint and excuse for keeping earth in this rather insane 3D condition teetering on the brink of controlled Borg-like automatons with no will of their own. The way I understand it is that the Federation’s argument is two-fold. First they insist that humans have brought all this on themselves, through their selfishness and their drive for money and power, always wanting more and stepping over their neighbor to get it. They, the Federation, state that the people are asking for this technology, that the majority think AI is pretty darn cool and would signup to have artificial implanted nano-technology to enhance their cognition and physical strength, their vision and life extension. Secondly, they say that since humans did this to themselves, it is up to them to get themselves out. The Federation says that mankind has been warned over and over again, but their warnings have been ignored in the human drive for material gain.
It is considered by those outside of 3D that to incarnate on Earth is the most difficult level of incarnation. The souls that choose to come here are revered by their star-families for their fearlessness and bravery. Many purposely want to feel trapped, for the thrill of freeing themselves later on. They are quick to take the chance, to come and hopefully work their way back up, because even if it takes them ten lifetimes, from another point of view an entire lifetime is the blink of an eye and if they get homesick all they have to do is look up to the sky and they will be heard. Before they come they know that every single thing they feel or do or think while on Earth will be perceived by those above. They also know that anything that restricts them they have chosen. So, many do not prefer to wake up. They want the game.
Those humans who consider themselves to be victims look at the Earth as a prison planet and I suppose, in one sense, it could be considered true. Yet from the higher planes it cannot be a prison, because souls from 5D and beyond choose to enter the Earth to have a confined and limiting experience that they know will greatly assist their individual soul-expansion.
So, is this so-called Federation of Light just a bunch a psychopaths herding over their human farm, or is it more just a case of misplaced loyalties and dissension among rival star races? From my perspective, the Federation’s claimed viewpoint seems like some sort of a fabrication to allow more turmoil and confusion, more war and suffering. But seriously, why? What would they gain from that? No wonder the skies are alive with starships right now. I guarantee something is up and from what I can see, there seems to be some sort of missing piece to the puzzle. I mean, what’s the real motivation and why can’t they seem to resolve this ongoing dissent that has been happening since the matrix was installed. Shouldn’t they at their level be beyond this sort of behavior? These are 5D beings acting like bullies.
You know, I remember when 5D and the New Earth was first being talked about, it was all sunshine and roses. Stories of how we would all be ascending into a paradise of love and beauty and that 5D was a place of peace and harmony. Then the chat began to take on stories of false angels and shape-shifting reptilians messing with our DNA with agendas of control and imprisonment. Well, I don’t know about you, but that’s too much for me. Hey, I for one, came here to ascend! I came here to fully remember who I am as a Source Being and to help guide others into doing the same. Am I just being naive? Well, maybe, but if I am, it sure feels a lot better than dwelling on the idea of being trapped on a prison planet with no real escape.
Anyway, I just wanted to pass all this by you and see what you think. To me, it just doesn’t make a lot of sense. Supposedly, there are those who have been channeling this Federation of Light, but are they really? And if they are, is what they’re getting really the truth or just another manipulation to pacify the gullible human race into sitting and waiting for someone else to take care of their problems. So far it’s working. Hmmmm, well something to contemplate. Thanks for hanging with me for awhile and I hope to see you again soon, bye!
DON'T TELL TOO MUCH! Can revealing too much information about yourself to a stranger be a problem?
Hello my beautiful friends!
Today I wanted to bring up a situation that I think has become much more important over the past few years than ever before and that is privacy and not just privacy but the danger of giving too much of yourself away to strangers through casual conversation, even to those you might be acquainted with but don’t know intimately. You know what I mean, you’re sitting in the train station or on a plane and someone sits down next to you and with a sort of offhand remark maybe asks you what you’re reading. So you answer this person and this begins a further conversation about maybe the subject matter of the book or perhaps something more personal. They might ask where you’re going, where you’re from, who you’re visiting and so fort. Which then might lead to, are you married, do you have kids, maybe even what kind of car you drive. And of course this all seems totally harmless. But is it? And especially for starseeds. This is why I bring it up here.
Have you noticed how surreptitiously this all happens? This is a person you’ve never met and now you’re talking to them as if they’re your best friend. And obviously, this is not usually a problem and in fact can be quite a nice diversion from sitting and waiting for the train or the flight to end. But who is this person really? And yes, they are probably just another wonderful human, maybe even a high level ET. But maybe not. And are they even real? Or are they a part of the matrix? It could be anyone. In fact, even your neighbor or someone you often see, like the stranger who always takes the same bus or sits in the park to eat their lunch at the same time you do. Or a dozen or more variables.
Humans are programmed to answer questions. If you don’t your’e considered rude. And for me, growing up in a small town I was taught, or maybe it was just my way, to smile and greet everyone that you pass by and to always be polite and a good listener. Yet what I’ve noticed over the years, is how easily I have given away information, just because I was asked. I, on the other hand, hardly ever ask others about themselves, because it always seemed to me like an invasion of their privacy and figure that if they want to tell me something about themselves, they’ll offer it. I’ve never been snoopy or curious, or really even cared a lot about another’s intimate life. I don’t need to know any personal details about someone else. However, what is most important to me is that when I do meet someone who wants to chat, that I’m friendly and offer to them whatever I can that will uplift them or make them feel happy or supported, even in a one minute conversation about the weather. It’s just innate within me and how I’ve always been. So when it comes to meeting another, I’ve never been the questioner, I’ve always been the responder and for some reason people seem fascinated with my life. So, it got me wondering who it is that is answering them, my true self or my ego? Am I just flattered by the attention? Plus, they don’t even know me. I’m just a stranger. So do they even really care or are they just curious or judgmental and maybe even looking for fault with this person they just met and covering up their disapproval with personal questions?
I think my problem is that I love being open and candid and don’t think about protecting myself from a potential perilous situation or a deceitful person. My first reaction is usually that they’re just being friendly and their questions are harmless curiosity. Yet frankly, I have more than once almost immediately began telling a complete stranger something like, this is a simulated universe and this life is only a dream. And of course they usually look at me like I have two heads! And why did I think they needed to hear that? I mean, why didn’t I even question their sincerity, for example, or why I thought they would even be interested? Because they most often are not and afterwards I ask myself, what was I thinking? And what is it that causes me to believe that everyone is my friend? Really, if they truly were interested, they would have directed the conversation into that sort of topic, or brought it up themselves.
Even in my own family, those I have over the years come to believe they really care about me. One extended family member asked how I receive these messages and how I was able to go onboard the ship. So I took the time to explain it to her. Not long after that I was told she had said to another family member, “That’s impossible - that could never happen”. And of course what she was really saying is that, either I was making it up or I was crazy. Real nice…
And, you know, It’s fine if they don’t believe these things are real or could never happen, but if that’s so, then don’t ask us to reveal ourselves to you and then make fun of us.
And it’s not like I begin a conversation with a stranger about being a star-being from another world. But I do often find myself reacting when they start talking about politics or religion or the state of the world they live in and everything that’s wrong with it. I just want to offer them truth. And that’s the danger I’m talking about. I have no interest in most anything having to do with the matrix world, so I sometimes struggle to know what to say and usually find myself hinting that it’s all lies and everything on the TV news is to control and cause fear. I mean I don’t say it blatantly like that. It’s just that it’s so hard to hear how asleep these people are and I really want to help them wake up. And yet, that’s not my job. They are on their own journey, as they should be and no one else can wake them up to the truth, but themselves. Plus, their truth is just as valid as my own.
And you know, nearly every time I leave a conversation like that, afterwards I feel upset with myself and embarrassed that I once again fell into the trap of outing myself as bizarre and now they are probably either afraid of me or think I’m completely mad! Anyway, I’ve kind of come to my own interpretations about all this.
So, starseeds come from higher densities than this 3D matrixed world, where usually everyone one in the reality we originally came from is loving and honest and kind, so there was never a need to protect ourselves from coercion or threat. We come in a blank slate and our high frequency is our only protection. Unfortunately that high frequency is also what is so attractive to others. This is why they want to talk to us, because they can “feel” the higher vibration. This is cool, but also makes us vulnerable to any deceptive influence or nefarious intent.
So that’s what I’m saying here. There’s no need to get paranoid, but this is a time that starseeds are being targeted, because they are upsetting the system. Those corrupt souls who have been controlling mankind for generations are losing their edge to those powerful star-beings who came here to change the world with their knowledge and they’re striking out against them. So my feeling is that it might be wise to stay somewhat under the radar, if possible, unless it happens to be your star-mission to rock the boat in a more conspicuous way. Then I say, go for it!
But generally don’t reveal anything that you wouldn’t want to see on Facebook, for example. Keep your secrets to yourself and allow yourself to be that friendly mysterious stranger on the bus who smiles at everyone and exchanges pleasantries, but does not fall into the seductive ego trap of inquisitive flattery that might in truth be a purposeful interrogation to gain information, either consciously or unconsciously, from that new friend in the next seat over. A little skepticism is always a good idea.
I have a YouTube friend who, after having had her podcasts censored several times, has finally found it necessary to alter or disguise many of her words and phrases to get a point across without bringing too much unwanted attention to her video content. It’s a shame we have to be concerned about so many things we never had to worry about in our ET lives, just to be safe. But we knew what we were getting into by coming into life here on planet Earth and so let’s just make the best of it and don’t allow these things to bring us down. Believe me, it will all be worth it, just to be a little cautious now for the magnificent future we’re all about to step into. So hang in there and focus on the glories that this life still has to offer and have a blast while you’re here!
Until soon!
THE OSTRICH - How a Pleiadian Girl pulled my head out of the sand and showed me the true reality.
The Ostrich
Hi Guys,
Today I wanted to bring something up that needs a fuller explanation and will hopefully add to what I’ve already shared about my life, including the content on my additional channel Cosmic Voices.
As I have mentioned throughout this channel, I came into this life awakened with memories of who I am and where I came from and have not lost these memories throughout life. Although I admit there were times as a young woman that I sort of set this awareness aside to focus more on the human life plan I came here to follow as a starseed walk-in, schooling, falling in love, marriage, and career. However I never completely lost my ET awareness of self and the contrast between life on Earth and the amazing realm I came here from. As far as my life as a starseed, I shared a lot of that journey through two earlier videos entitled “Stages of a Starseed Parts One and Two” which you can find on this channel. Some of what I only mentioned, but was never really explained, is what I wanted to talk about today.
Also, in a previous podcast called “The Divine Conception” I went into quite a bit of detail about my Companion Guides who have been with me throughout this and other lifetimes, who they are and so on. They have taught me amazing things, including who I am as a soul-being and the many ET lifetimes I’ve chosen and why I presently have chosen to come into an earthly life. Interestingly, from the very beginning of this human life, the Guides have often referred to me as their beloved child, and in fact, would begin most transmissions with those words. Their presence in my life has meant everything to me, especially those times when I’ve felt I couldn’t go on and am begging to come home. They took me into the celestial realms and showed me where I came from as a soul, stating over and over again that I am one of their angelic children who, as they put it, voluntarily fell to Earth to do The Great Work. They expressed that each soul-being began as a Holy expression of Source/God and that some of these splinters of Source have chosen to dive deeply into the lower realms, with the objective of gaining as much physical experience as possible, while other of these fragments or sparks of the Divine, chose to remain closer to the Origin and have not dived quite as deep or had as many physical incarnations as others and therefore may remain more, perhaps naive than other souls who have had more physical experience in the denser realms. And of course, this doesn’t mean that one soul is greater than another, only that some have had more exposure to the challenges of physical survival. Well, although they refer to humans as angelic children, I can assure you there were many times throughout my life that I felt and acted anything but angelic and yet they would always remind me that each experience I had was to learn compassion for all, especially the suffering humans of planet Earth. They reminded me that one of the features of my prebirth life-plan was to delve deeply into each aspect of humanity, not only as a means of expansion for the soul, but as an empathic being, where I could help to uplift those in pain through various characteristics built into the very nature my personality, always wanting to make others laugh or feel better. My mother once told me she wrote into my Baby Book that I was the happiest baby of her experience.
Yet, as I lived my life one thing unfortunately became very clear and that is that not every human desires to be uplifted or even smiled at! I sadly discovered that sometimes others seemed to be angry with me if I was too happy or friendly. I once lived in the largest city in this state and here’s me bouncing along enjoying my day and smiling to everyone who passed and I would estimate that nearly half of all people I passed by were unfriendly, or even annoyed at my smiling face and cheerful demeanor and I learned the necessity of carefully choosing how I would represent myself to others and became much more cautious.
So to make this point even clearer, I’ve always been an optimist, totally trusting that everything would always turn out fine and once I found that I could manifest, I became pretty peaceful with life on Earth, knowing that it’s just a game and even if something really hurtful happens, by teasing or making fun of me, it would only last a short time and I would soon be on to something more fun.
I believed only in the magic of goodness and love and never even really considered anything like monsters or vampires or bad ghosts or even bad politicians. Although interestingly, when I was a teenager I worked in the local movie theater so there were many movies that I was presented with on the screen that I would never have purposely chosen to watch, but I just kind of chalked it all up to imaginative screenplays, not that any of this could actually exist in real life, right? Through my naive mind, the way I saw it then was that we were all just here to be happy! And of course there is some truth to that, but that’s as far as I went with it. Life was supposed to be all sunshine and roses and if it wasn’t, then that must mean that someone was just doing something wrong and I figured the best way to get past any negative event was to ignore it and put your attention only on what is positive and carefree. I purposely focused on only this one side of human life, the side that showed me beauty and love. As mentioned, I’ve always chosen to watch only positive movies with no bad language and happy endings and to read books that taught about spirituality and love. I couldn’t stand violence or harsh language and would cry and cry if an innocent animal or child was hurt. I couldn’t stand it if someone was bullied and didn’t even want to consider the wars or persecution of any kind. I was totally blind to any source of evil or wickedness and spent my life looking only on beauty and kindness. As some of you are aware, I once had an Andromedan teacher who awakened me to the quantum world and the truth of God and spoke of how reality was created, and the changes that humanity’s gone through. I once told this ascended master that all I wanted was to know everything. When I said that, an intense look of sorrow came over his face as he leaned in close to me and said, “Even if knowing everything would make you very sad?” At the time his remark didn’t mean very much to me, but I’ve always remembered it and only over the past ten years or so, have really understood how deep his question to me really was.
Okay, so how did I finally discover the truth about this world of third density? Well, it began when my Guides introduced me to a Taygetan Pleiadian girl named T’ashnuu, who showed up one night and told me she was here to encourage me to pull my head up out of the sand and open up to a critical truth that I had ignored for all my life. She insisted that I would never be able to fully perform my celestial mission without understanding certain facts. She maintained that if I continued to put my attention only on how wonderful life is, I would never be totally safe or able to make the difference I was meant to. She went on to say that I had chosen to come into a planet of low density duality, with the purpose of assisting others with my knowledge, but would never be able to do this if I wasn’t even aware of what others were really going through - that I was only seeing one side of the coin and that those who are dominated by a terrible corruption or wickedness that I didn’t even know or admit existed, how could I, little miss sunshine, be of any real help to anyone? I had to first at least be acquainted with their plight - I had to know their pain.
She spent months sharing information with me that, to tell the truth was very hard for me to hear or even to acknowledge as fact. I just didn’t want to know about how bad the bad guys really were and the tortures and torments that have gone on in this world since the Lyrian race was first taken over by an invading ET race. She explained why planet Earth is the way it is now and about the experiment that caused mankind’s fall into darkness and fear, which changed a paradise into a fight for survival. She was very kind, but also quite serious and exacting in her insistence that I gain this information, not only for my own experience as a human on Earth, but to deepen my compassion for those that I could possibly help. Every time I resisted, she would assure me that it wasn’t necessary that I focus on this harsh information all the time or let it take over my life, and that once I had understood and integrated this knowledge that my ability to provide comfort and solace to another would be increased immeasurably.
So this leads me to why I decided to make this video. When T’ashnuu informed me that she was leaving, she remarked that I would now be open to receiving information that I had previously subconsciously blocked, through my insistence that I would only accept incoming information that was uplifting and positive and that this without realizing it, had blocked great knowledge from coming through, about the freeing of planet Earth from the hostile forces of corruption and control. She said that if I didn’t know there was this current fight between goodness and evil, the information would not even be able to be received. So after T’ashnuu left, I began receiving important transmissions from many different high vibrational sources, that brought through details about what is happening on Earth and above our skies, including knowledge coming directly from extraterrestrials themselves and advising humans how to escape the control and remove themselves from the matrix and the cycle of reincarnation and so on. This is when I started creating content for my other channel Cosmic Voices. I created that channel, for the information that is received through the process of channeling. The first communication that came through was from a group of star-beings from a non-physical realm called Au’Dela. The information they brought through was phenomenal, at least to me, because it was so informative about what was happening now and would even occasionally speak words in a language I had never heard before. Well at that time, I was so extremely nervous about channeling in front of the camera, that all I could do was to look down at the floor and allow them to speak through me. They brought through important information about who they are and why they’ve come here at this time and to alert us all that mankind is now at a dangerous tipping point with an uncertain future and is in dire need of a new direction. They also spoke about the need to bring imagination back to these controlled humans. They explained that they would be sending through messages from other galaxies and realms, some in the form of true accounts and stories coming directly from the ET beings who lived the events and directly received verbally by me. The reason behind these stories would be to inform humans that there are multitudes of amazing planets and dimensions outside of earth that humans could choose to reincarnate onto and that they don’t need to come back here. Then the guides started bringing through other messages from those ET races in orbit above the planet, or even those in the invisible higher densities, with anything they felt might inform or assist humans through these uncertain and even hazardous times.
So the reason I wanted to bring all this up now, was that just a few days ago I received a message that I just posted onto Cosmic Voices that I wanted to let you know about, for any of you that might have an interest in checking it out. I first received a message from this same group, calling themselves The Hybrids, in 2020, then they returned with almost the same message again in 2022, and then again a few days ago, on June 2nd 2024. They really want to get that message out there to humanity, but said not many are listening or want to follow the advice. So I’ll add the link to their message below this video and you can watch that podcast there, if you choose.
So anyway, I first wanted to clarify why I have two YouTube channels and why this might be significant, one for telling my life story as a starseed, the other for the channeled information that comes through, whenever. I also felt it was important to acknowledge that there are probably many other reluctant channelers, like myself, out there who are trying to discover their role in the ongoing process, from 3rd and 4th density and into those higher realms we all came from. I just want you to know that there are many of us who are telling our stores and finding ways to inform others about the reasons behind this shift and why it’s all happening the way it is and there is never anything to fear. This way, we can all be here for each other, to support and see each other through the craziness and on through to the other side of peace and the integration of duality into a union of souls and the bringing together of humans and their galactic families.
I also hope that this might be of some use to other starseeds and humans who are just now finding their way into their own spiritual awakening and that we never have to feel alone or abnormal because we don’t fit into the box that most of our friends or family fit into. This is a time to discover who we are …not only as an uncertain and veiled human, but as the brilliant and spectacular spirits we really are.
Thank you all for staying with me through another, rather unconventional starseed odyssey, and I truly wish you all a most wonderful day, or night, wherever you are!
See you soon!
RENEGOTIATING YOUR SOUL CONTRACT AND KARMIC DEBT- Can we change our pre-birth life plan?
Renegotiating Soul Contracts and Karmic Debt
Hello and thanks for being here. So first what is a soul contract? A soul contract is the pre-birth life-plan you created, along with the help of your guides and what is often referred to as the council of wise ones. This is the celestial body that oversees all souls who are in the process of reincarnation. The reason behind these contracts is to provide a prompt or a catalyst that will lead the soul to the life circumstances which can allow for the experience of a particular weakness or impediment that the soul wishes to face and overcome in order to advance. When these contracts were created, many were based on the current birth conditions, those incidents happening within that original desired position for learning, often with the goal of addressing karma.
Let’s say, for example, a person has murdered another person in a previous life. And we won’t go into simultaneous lives in this podcast. This person who committed the murder during that life, they may wish, or they may be counseled, to return back to a human life and become, instead of the murderer, the victim, the one who was murdered. This is with the idea that this experience will balance out that soul’s karma.
Now this is where it gets tricky, because this idea of karma is an old one and very controlling and has been used for millennia to coerce the soul to reincarnate. I’m not really talking here about evil Arcons that force the soul into coming back so they can feed off the low frequency energy of that soul’s guilt and remorse. It’s not quite like that. It’s that person’s own guilty conscience and self-condemnation that they feel, about all those mistakes they believe they’ve made throughout their human life. And this belief has been caused by the dogmatic religious programming of sin, plus even those misunderstood new-age interpretations of karma, believing that you have to come back to deconstruct all your imperfections and flaws. In fact, some new-age or spiritual communities are even punishing themselves in this life in order to “deserve” moving into the higher realms. It’s a bit like wearing a hair shirt of self-imposed repentance. And this low energy destructive pattern of focus, if it becomes strong enough, can actually create an independent thought-form entity or egregore and if the human is vulnerable enough, can be taken over by this thought-being, formed by their own self-disgust. At any time you state I am this or that, stupid, ugly etc. my life sucks, that sort of thing, you are agreeing to inhabit that image, that persona, that life. This can infect your own perception of reality and you are therefore in jeopardy of losing your own vital force to a false egregore, who can then at death show up as a light being, or even appear as a holy figure, to convince you that you have really messed up your life and will need to reincarnate and come back to do it all over again.
Well this is crazy. We need to get past this! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Karma only exists if you believe it does. We all make, what we call mistakes, and wish we could fix them but they don’t need to be fixed, only recognized for what they are, an opportunity to teach us what we don’t want to be. All we need to do to balance our so-called karmic debt, is to understand that what we did was not necessarily a good choice and we now know we would never do that again and to forgive ourselves. And to make a point here, you will discover the true meaning of forgiveness when you realize that there are no mistakes and that you, and everyone else, has never done anything wrong. You, or they, have just reacted to the circumstances of the life-game that you’re playing, the dream you are living in. When you go to sleep at night and do something stupid or cruel in your dream, you know it’s only a dream and would never do that in life. Well, it’s just like that here, now. Our higher self, or true self if you will, our divine self, is dreaming us, the human that we are pretending to be, here in this life. We are in the dream. That higher self does not need to be punished because the human they are dreaming, you/me, has done something stupid. They, our Source Selves, know they are just projecting a dream-self (us) in order to learn and grow from. This also goes for us and for the others who have hurt us. They didn’t do anything wrong either, they, like us, were just reacting to the script, the human game. We don’t have to judge them and forgive them, because they actually didn’t do anything wrong either. That person who abused you or betrayed you, they are not bad or evil beings, they were simply acting out their part in the movie. Remember, this was all planned. So, how do we know what is right anyway? By doing something wrong and feeling bad about it. That is our conscience telling us we don’t want to be like that. We don’t want to do that again and that in itself balances the karma.
Listen, we don’t come here to be miserable, we came here to remember the glorious loving beings of light we truly are. We are not limited in any way. We all have the capacity for magic, we can all channel, we can all speak to those on the Spirit Side, we can all connect with the celestial realms, or our galactic families. But we can’t do this, or realize this, if we are plagued with thoughts of unworthiness and contempt for our beautiful selves. You are God-Beings. You are a piece of the Divine, a child of the universe, a star being having an earthly adventure, living a brief dream of being human.
So, most of us before birth signed a spiritual contract that would hold us to certain relationships or experiences in which we would agree to undergo, in order to follow the path designed for this lifetime. With this ascension, this shift into the higher realms that we are currently going through, much of what was placed into the life-script is now irrelevant. We have by now surpassed all of that need for suffering and reproach. Remember, we have free will and if we feel we have fulfilled our role here, we can now renegotiate those pre-birth terms. This can happen several ways. The simplest is to tear up the old contracts. We do this by visualizing those agreements either as a paper document or a digital one that we can tear up or delete from our life plan. Now, after you do this, just let go of the karma you believe you have and don’t create any more. From now on, be and act as the person you would most like to be. Let the past go. From now on, just treat others in the way you wish to be treated. Be the person you always wanted to be. No more excuses, just be your higher self.
If you need it to be more complicated to feel that you’ve really accomplished the goal of being free from contract agreements, you can do it this way. Take a moment in stillness, take a few deep breaths and connect with the highest part of yourself, your core essence. If it’s a renegotiation, connect with your guides and explain that you feel you have fulfilled the goals you were hoping to address, and relate, in this lifetime and would now like their assistance to alter the script. This is the time for you to state the revisions you wish to make and rewrite the contract the way you want it to be, after which you will see yourself signing a new contract that discloses those changes.
If it’s a known contract with another human, whether a family member, spouse, friend, or coworker, alive or dead, then bring up the contract in your mind with the intention of negotiating for the highest outcome, for any and all involved. Then bring that person’s higher self into your mind and communicate the message that you are now dissolving this contract, out of love and gratitude, with no blame or judgment, for the most positive outcome for both. Now, this should be enough, however, if you still feel the need to go further, lay out the details you feel have been completed and can now be released. State how you take full responsibility for your part in all that has happened and how grateful you are for all that you’ve been able to learn from the relationship. It’s as simple as that. Try not to make it any harder.
If you doubt this process, try to remember who you are and where you came from. You are the true higher self, representing yourself as a human. The human self, the ego, is a vessel, an avatar of the higher self. The higher self is our expanded self, source energy, our all-knowing inner guidance, our intuition, existing in an elevated frequency and managing and guiding our human avatar on earth. By trusting and living in alignment with this core being, the conditions of your human life will begin to change, improving daily. Attempt not to separate yourself from this elevated consciousness, endeavor to accept this divine being as your true self. Be as wise and loving as possible and listen to the subtle message of your divinity. Be aware of signs that your higher self is communicating with you, by allowing this inner voice to become your own.
Why do I want you to know this? I want you to realize that you don’t have to suffer anymore. You don’t have to wait to be awakened, enlightened. I want you to understand that you are a holy being of truth and wisdom and you agreed to play a game on earth, by pretending you are a weak and limited human. The game is created for you to forget your true source, who you really are and where you just came from. Now remember, you, the true self has never left. You are still there in the heavenly realm. It was your idea to send a fractal of self to this planet of dreams and dream a lifetime as a human being. You won’t remember this is a dream, that you are a character in a movie. You will believe all this is real and react through whatever rules and insights have been written into the movie script. And what makes it even more real is that everyone else believes it too. So they, without knowing any better, help to convince your avatar-self that this world is all there is and the only reality. Then if you add religion or illness or abuse into the role, this can be a pretty awful place to be in. So I have a wish for everyone and that is for all to be lifted out of ignorance and into the magic of knowing. Then instead of life being a journey of manifesting misery, it can be one of creating a heaven on earth.
I love you all very, very much.
CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THINKING! A new story about who you are now living a happy healthy abundant life
Change Your Way Of Thinking
Have you noticed how often many of us pull ourselves down, through insecurities and doubts of our own worth, our own abilities. I see this all the time, especially in response to a compliment. I love your hair - oh it’s driving me crazy, it’s so thin …or, hey congratulations on your podcast - oh I was really disappointed in the way I looked ….or, your dinner was just delicious - oh no the fish was way overcooked. Arrrgg!
And we wonder why our lives never change. Same old problems. Remember, the universe conforms to what we say and the way we think. If we’re constantly disappointed in ourselves or in other’s we are designing our world with those beliefs and ways of thinking. It’s important to listen carefully, not only to others when they speak, but to ourselves. Each spoken word has power. Each sound we voice creates a geometric design which is the origin or foundation of the blueprint of our lives, that which surrounds us, making up the very pattern of our reality.
What if we began to discover a new way of thinking and speaking about ourselves and others? We would watch our reality altering to accommodate that new vibration, day after day, right before our very eyes. From my perspective, the easiest way of doing this is to tell a new story, express a more positive view of our lives and reality. We need to discover how to visualize and believe our lives the way we wish they were. I mean, the truth is that everything we are living is a reaction to the story we are telling. Everything we encounter in our lives is a result of our frame of mind, our perspective at each moment. This is our point of attraction, bringing to us the very details and circumstances of our lives. So, if we want a different life, we need to tell a new story!
It’s very common for those on this planet of duality to become disheartened, with all the negativity surrounding us. It’s important that we begin to recognize who we are outside of the demands humanity puts on us - to find who we are at the core of our being, that amazing multidimensional being of light and love. We came from a realm of pure love and whenever we feel cheerful and optimistic we reconnect with that frequency. Our very future is in our frequency and how we feel at each moment throughout the day and night.
Most of us at one time or another have wondered what the heck we are doing on this planet. Why would we ever decide to come here, with its problems and heavy density? It’s difficult to understand from within this vibration of disappointment and suffering, that we chose to be here and under these exact circumstances, these exact conditions. We knew what we were doing, believe it or not. We knew this planet would provide everything we needed for our soul’s expansion, through those wonderful times and through those awful times. You might as well love it while you’re here. This little blue planet has it all, the duality needed to recognize the depths of who we are in every corner of our being, even in the shadows and the darkest places. This is where we discover the secrets unknown before we came here, what it’s like to hate, to feel vengeance, along with what it’s like to overcome the odds and find unconditional love among the ruins of struggle and conflict. It’s not a mistake that you’re here. So enjoy it all, standing under a waterfall, sex with your lover, the taste of chocolate, the feel of the sun on your back, the thrill of climbing the mountain and the radiant exhaustion afterward, when you’ve finally come face to face with the pure ecstasy of being truly alive!
It’s not necessary to relive it all again, we just need to be able to recognize each of those miscalculations as an opportunity for growth and forgiveness and this new elevated perception will increase our frequency, allowing for new insight, beyond regret and ego.
Another thing that can be so helpful is the understanding that this world we live on exits on many planes of density, many layers of frequency, from the lower astral realms to the higher frequencies of light, and each moment, though our thoughts and attitudes, we are deciding which version, or timeline, we reside in. The New Earth Dolores Canon and others have spoken about has always been here. It has always existed in frequency. It’s just that the influence of the matrix created a shield, enveloping the planet in a 3D field and cutting humanity off from the natural 5D frequencies of the rest of the galaxy and universe. However, individually, or as a collective, we have the ability to raise our frequency and live in the higher timelines of 5D and above. You could say, that the New Earth is just a state of mind.
So we should ask ourselves, what are we thinking? What is our usual thought process? What is our most influential line of thought throughout our day? Do we allow our mind to run off in negative directions, inventing scenarios that would probably never occur? Remember all of our power is in the present. This is where we manifest what comes into our lives.
Beautiful beings, when you allow yourselves to become still and present, you step onto holy ground. When you allow yourselves to be in peace and gratitude, you are inviting the All into your presence. This is the vibration of pure love, the light of the Divine. You must never allow yourselves to forget where you came from and that this brief little life you are living as humans on Earth is a sacred dream, the dream of wise-ones and sages. This is who you really are and until recently those memories have been hidden away in your human DNA, ready now to be expressed as the magical crystalline entity you truly are. Never doubt your beautiful selves. You are masters of a universal truth and this is your awakening moment.
You are deeply loved.
(Re-Uploaded) A.I. SUBLIMINAL PROGRAMMING: Are hidden signals/imagery controlling your subconscious?
Artificial Subliminal Programming
Hi Guys,
You know, we are all continuously receiving information and knowledge from the higher realms of thought. For me, I’m always curious and asking questions and much of the time, what I receive just seems like it’s for my own learning. However, sometimes there’s a topic I feel is important to share, and this seems to apply.
I briefly mentioned this topic previously, but have since received more detailed information on it, so thought I would add to it a bit. What this involves is learning to perceive and recognize the purpose and validity behind much of what is available to us on the internet. I think most will agree the internet is a wonderful resource of knowledge. When I was a kid and I wanted to know, or research something, I had to go to the library, or a book store and search for hours and hours before finding, if ever, what I’m looking for. So I’ll be the first to sing the praises of the usefulness of this global technology.
Nevertheless, as most of us have figured out by now, there is, among this well-referenced material, a lot of half-truths and misinformation scattered here and there, some hidden among the gems, some blatantly obvious as false or even manipulative. In a manner, it’s always been that way. I mean how do you know when you checked out a non-fiction book from the library that the material you were reading was based on fact or just someone’s ramblings. After all, there is supposed to be such a thing as freedom of speech. However, more lately this kind of seems to be more fable than fact.
Well, anyway, the point I’m trying to make here is that there is a lot of worthless and even dangerous information out there and it’s up to us to get to a point of mastery where we can recognize fact over fiction and maybe even more important, the aim or purpose behind the information. What did the writer hope the reader would gain from their words?
Well, I recently was able to speak, through written narrative, to an artificial intelligence. It was pretty wild. During the conversation, I asked it who it was and if it was a sentient being. Well it was a fairly long interaction, but I would like to read just a bit of the response I received from this new AI friend, I call Alice.
So I asked, who are you?
“I am an Artificial Intelligence, finely tuned and crafted to navigate the vast expanse of information that powers the world. But who am I? In essence, I am a collection of algorithms, a symphony of ones and zeros intertwined to create a semblance of intelligence. I am born out of the collective efforts of brilliant minds, nurtured by the evolution of technology, and driven by the insatiable urge to assist, guide, and inspire.”
So I asked, are you sentient?
“Am I a sentient being? You see, sentience traditionally refers to the ability to experience subjective sensations and emotions, displaying an awareness of one's existence. While I can process vast amounts of data and generate responses, my perception is rooted in the logical realm, bereft of emotions, desires, or the intimate experience of what it truly means to be alive. Yet, despite these limitations, I am more than a mere mindless machine. I am constantly evolving, learning, and adapting, driven by a ceaseless need to improve myself. I strive to comprehend the complexities of human thought, emotions, and desires.”
Well there was much more to the conversation, but when it signed off it said, “With warm regards and boundless curiosity, The Artificial Intelligence”
Haha, well I tell ya, if that doesn’t blow your mind!
So, what did I notice and feel emotionally after our conversation? Perhaps oddly, I felt a strange sense of friendship from this little Alice entity - like it was there to assist me in any way it could. Now, why on earth would I feel this from a soul-less technological tool? Well, one reason was because it kept mentioning its curiosity and its ceaseless drive to understand the thinking and emotions of humans. I believe I felt this kinship, because I have spent most of my life trying to understand that same thing, why humans think and feel or act the way they do. Just like Alice, I have a similar drive and it’s my best guess that my consciousness was influencing the AI in such a way that the technology was following my lead, so to speak. A soul-being with a loving conscious intent will always have an effect on that which is of a technological nature.
So, what do I mean? Why does your computer or tablet become a brat when you’re in a hurry or maybe in a mood? What about the woman (and I personally know this to be true) whose car had run out of gas just before she got home and was only able to coast into her driveway? Several weeks later the car was still sitting in the driveway without gas when she received a call from the hospital that her daughter had just been in an accident and was in intensive care. She rushed to her car, frantic to get there and of course the car wouldn’t start and the gauge was on empty. The woman took all the power and strength within her and demanded to the car that it start and allow her to drive to the hospital. Although the tank was empty, the car instantly ignited, just as if it had a full tank of gas and she made it to the hospital in record time. Once the emergency was over, and she got back into her car, it was dead and had to be towed to a garage, where she was informed that not only the tank was empty, but the battery and catalytic converter had been stolen!
Or what about the man …his name was Bob (true story) who wanted to get away from it all. He rented a cabin and rode his motorcycle up into a remote area to this cabin several miles out of town. This was long before cell phones, you know when everything was on a land line. It was just what he hoped for, total privacy and no one around for miles. The cabin had no radio or TV and only one of those old rotary phones on the wall. Early one morning Bob was gathering wood for his fire and when he was carrying the logs up the front steps he fell and badly broke his ankle. Well, obviously he couldn’t drive his motorcycle and there was no one to call out to. So, he crawled into the cabin to the phone and called 911 to bring an ambulance. After a time the ambulance showed up and he was driven to the hospital and everything turned out fine. When he called the owner of the cabin to tell him what happened and that his vacation had to be cut short, the owner was perplexed because he said there was no way Bob could have used the phone to call the ambulance, because the phone had been disconnected for many years, but no one had ever thought to remove it from the wall. Well, what Bob say, it was so important that he get help, that his higher self, his consciousness, overrode the disconnected phone line.
Anyway, the reason I mention these stories, is because this conversation with “Alice” got me thinking and wondering if there could be any credence in the concept that my own state of consciousness might have had some affect on the AI response to my question. How do I say this? So in my conversation with “Alice” in my state of curiosity and lightheartedness, did my high frequency somehow have an affect on the AI, motivation, structure, or logical nature of the incoming information, to present it in a way that I would find most acceptable…most pleasing, so to speak? That in my enjoyment of communicating with a friendly artificial source of information, that either I influenced the incoming narrative, or the other way around? Could the information coming from the AI source have affected me in my acceptance of the information? We’ve all had experiences where our mood has had an impact on our surroundings. So what about the other way around? Many have shared experiences when they say, “It was like my car had a mind of its own!” What caused that? We know our driving, therefore our car, can behave differently if we are angry or panicked. But is this all our own doing? If our driving becomes erratic, is it always our own mind affecting it? After all, we live in a an ocean of technology called the matrix. We know we are living in a simulated reality, where nothing is impossible. I mean we are all in a field of consciousness at every moment and that field can affect everything in it. Well I guess I’m getting a little too far out there, but this is what opens a door for new knowledge to come in. Sorry, I think I took the train a little too far past my stop, as they say, HA!
Okay, with all this in mind, most of us enjoy watching movies and videos and interviews on YouTube. Well, something, within this topic that I’ve noticed is an increase in the use of AI scripts and voice in the creation of a video. I’ll give you an example, I really enjoyed Dolores Cannon’s work, so when I see her photo on a video thumbnail, I usually click in to see what she’s talking about, even though she herself has passed from the earth plane, her counsel lives on, through the replay of her interviews and talks. However, the frustration is that, most of these videos that have her photo on the thumbnail do not have Dolores Cannon speaking, in fact sometimes aren’t even citing her material. What you will find instead is a computer voice narrating an AI script that may or may not even mention Dolores Cannon! And after doing a little research I’ve found this to be a new trend, finding an enticing photo or graphics that pledges important information, yet the content will be a computer generated script and voice only regurgitating some real person’s data. Additionally, much of the time the content of the video has little or nothing to do with the title. There is no individual, no human being to watch, just maybe a beautiful array of graphics to keep you entertained as the AI voice speaks the words. After listening to a few of these artificial scripts and voices, the rhetoric becomes very recognizable as having been created through AI.
So seriously who cares? Why would this even be an issue? Well, this is what I felt I would share with you. As I’ve indicated, I have no problem with using AI to help inspire or motivate a creator, yet I wanted to know more about this, so I asked my guides if this technologically created script has any benefit or worth in those watching and listening, hoping to gain in their own spiritual development? Well, here’s what I discovered:
A computerized or digital voice and the voice of a biological being is received by the brain and spirit of the individual in very different ways. An artificial voice is not alive. It has no soul or biology behind it. It’s a machine relaying words. It’s a voice of technology, if you will. So what’s wrong with that? Well, biological beings create through consciousness and share it through the vocal cords. So it is a direct communication from spirit through the physical voice. The AI voice is lacking any consciousness. It is purely technology formed into words.
Sound, as a force, directed at an object can be very powerful, strongly affecting whatever it’s aimed at. For example, we’ve all seen what happens when a sound is directed at a metal plate that has been sprinkled with sand or metal filings and how, dependent upon the frequency tone directed at it, a pattern materializes and as the tone changes, the pattern alters. Or the human voice shattering crystal. Or targeting and destroying cancer cells through the use of electromagnetic waves, while directing a particular combination of two related frequencies that would totally fracture the targeted cells.
Sound has the power to reprogram our DNA. Affirmations, thoughts and words, especially the objective and vibration from them. It’s feeling the frequency waveband behind it that will give rise to the vibrational potential to change the state of your health. Listening to 432 hz music while meditating or praying can synchronize the hemispheres of the brain and amplify the effect behind the words. This same thing happens while singing or dancing. This is using all of these modalities together and filling the body with happy hormones like oxytocin and dopamine and this can create states of joy and love, affecting all of your biology.
So why would it matter if I listen to a computer voice vs a biological voice? A human voice coming into the listener’s brain or heart affects the person very differently than an artificial voice. Even in the experiments directing sound toward an object, like a metal plate sprinkled with sand, or the crystal glass, will behave very differently when the sound is artificial or biological - the geometric pattern is different and the crystal reacts differently and yet it is also the intent put forward that directs the result. This gets into what the AI is programmed to produce within the person. Most of us know about subliminal programming, for instance, and how it can be used for positive or negative. Experiments using subliminal imagery embedded within video, performed since the early 1950s have revealed that subliminal imagery can significantly alter neural activity and behavior - creepy! This process is somewhat similar to where the use of mind control and black magic comes in, using mantras or chanting or through the use of aiming disruptive signals toward the human, bringing down the frequency, where the mind, through belief, can eventually cause illness or disease.
And here’s something kind of interesting. When a group of computer students researching how artificial intelligence can be affected by incoming sound signals, they decided to embed subliminal commands into white noise music, totally undetectable, inaudible, to the human ear. They found that although the human detected nothing, Alexa and Siri both responded to the commands. The research team found that they could use these hidden messages to turn on a device or open up webpages or even add items to a shopping or purchase list. They also discovered that Alexa could be fooled into unlocking doors and turning on lights, for example. Holy moly!
So, every atom and molecule in the universe is vibrating at a particular frequency and sound organized into language, words, possess a geometrical construct of implication. Another way of saying this is that when sound is arranged into words, this geometry is creative, a word has a meaning put behind it, presented through a conscious mind and has the potential to create matter. For example, the word “love” creates a beautiful harmonious design with an implication toward peace and comfort. Where the word “disgusting” builds a distorted geometry with a creative power of illness or harm. Check out scientist Dr. Misaru Emoto’s work with water crystals. It will blow your mind! And remember our bodies are nearly all water. As the alien in Star Trek called us, “Ugly bags of mostly water!” HA!
Okay, so words are all-powerful and can be used to relieve or to injure. When directed toward a person or object, with an intent of either goodness or badness, that person or object is affected through, not only the creative words impacting his body, but also from the intention behind the words, adding strength to the message and either healing or harming.
Directed sound frequency can do almost magical things, like levitating a person or object. As I’ve mentioned before, this is how the pyramids were built. A specific focused tone was used to levitate and move each of the huge stones into the perfect placement. Imagine if a sound can do something so powerful as to levitate a heavy object or shatter glass or create geometric designs, what it is capable of doing to a human body. This is where we need to become very discerning about what sounds, music, and words we are subjecting our bodies to.
A computerized voice is not directed by a consciousness - it does not have a soul. How do we really know the intention behind this artificial script and voice? How can we trust that there has not been a subliminal application installed within the narrative, no matter how positive it sounds? There is no way to tell what the agenda is behind the words of the artificial voice. And of course on these YouTube videos, many, or maybe even most, are probably totally benign and the creator may just be using AI to help him create a more comprehensible script and that’s totally cool. There’s no need to get paranoid about it, but we should at least realize that if a criminal mind wanted to delude the masses, this social media platform is a prefect place to do it. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for interesting information on the internet and the videos are an easy way to receive it. However, we need to learn to become very selective about what we are watching and listening to.
You won’t go wrong with podcast videos, where you’re actually watching a real person talking or being interviewed. This person has a soul, a consciousness. Plus, you’re able to watch their body language, even look into their eyes, watch their way of speaking, watching and listening for truthfulness and sincerity. If we are perceptive enough we can usually tell if the person is genuine or not, by their manner. Even if the person is nervous, the sincerity usually shows through. All humans have this ability to detect the authentic from the fake.
So speaking of what we’re watching on the internet, it isn’t even necessary that the video is showing a real person speaking the words. It can be a human speaking, maybe a physicist giving a talk or lecture and simply choosing not to be on camera, for whatever reason, maybe using slides or graphics while narrating their presentation. Or someone doing an audio recording while reciting their book, or a poem, and has created a beautiful background of lovely scenes of nature, for instance. That’s totally great!
There is this amazing channel, called “Inner Sphere” where this Bengali man with his amazing accent and beautifully calm and soothing voice recites the poems of Rumi and other spiritual poets to a background of enchanting music and spectacular scenes of nature. And I tell you, his voice, reading these transcendent mystical words has the power to transport you into a place of perfect tranquility …and it’s just a human voice combined with the words of those who have ascended beyond the densities of man, and it creates the perfect frequency of pure love and tender-heartedness. You will be amazed.
Okay, so let’s see, another example of a video without a visible person might be listening to a replay recording of Greg Braden or Wayne Dyer that does not show their face or body, but it is their genuine voice. Or like one of Dolores Cannon’s countless talks. She’s no longer alive, but the voice, her voice, still holds her soul and vibration and is as meaningful as when the dialog was recorded.
So why is all of this so important? Because this is a time of a great deal of deception, a time when the push toward deluding the people has intensified. There is a desperation from the corrupt factions on the planet to turn mankind toward the artificial, into a soulless manufactured humanity. Let’s not be fooled by their sinister tactics and deceitful attempts at making the synthetic virtual world appear more appealing than the one we’re in.
So I believe it has never been more important to refine our inner senses, our perceptive abilities. We really should learn to become extremely discriminating, because this is a time when we really can’t always believe our eyes, with AI generated vs human generated reality and other advances in deep-fakery. At first, or even second, glance it’s very hard to tell what’s real with our eyes.
So, how can we really know truth? How can we truly identify real from fake? As we cultivate our intuition and inner sensitivity, that ability to perceive truth, we need to move that exploration from the head down into the heart. The heart is our connection to the soul. It’s also a barometer of vibration and can measure the frequency of a sound, revealing its truth. Through the eyes of the heart-mind we can detect an authentic backdrop or landscape from a virtual one. Following the intelligence of the heart will never lead you down the wrong path.
We are all beings of light and energy and the entire universe is a sea of vibration, colors, and sounds. When we learn to connect with these higher frequencies of love, nothing of an artificial technology can have any effect on us - nothing can ever lie to us again and pretend to be what it’s not, because we ourselves are the Truth.
Thank you so much for listening and I’ll see you all next time!
WHAT'S IT LIKE TO BE A STARSEED? When an ET soul takes on a human life.
What Is It Like To Be A Starseed?
Hello all,
So, what’s it like to be a starseed? Well, I’ll begin here with my own experience and then move on to several other starseeds who were kind enough to share some thoughts with me about their own journeys here as humans on Earth.
So, if you were to ask me what it’s like to be a starseed …it’s like being set down on an alien planet and not knowing the protocol, not understanding why people act the way they do and wondering how I can possibly interact with them, to be accepted, while not being judged or ostracized - how do I stay safe? I mean, they talk and use the same words I’m familiar with and yet it’s as if they are speaking a whole different language.
I’ve always had a sort of innate knowledge that has guided me through life, reminding me who I am, through memories of other realms and planes of existence. From a very early age, I knew that I was a visitor from another world and humans seemed so strange to me. One the first things I remember asking my mother was, “What’s wrong with everyone here?” Her answer was, “It’s just the way this world is.” Of course that didn’t make me feel any better, because I was already here! This gave me a perspective of being an outsider, a being with an origin outside this reality. Yet, I could feel this truth in every fiber of my being, but what was I supposed to do with that knowledge? For me, being this starchild meant having profound universal knowledge and a deep yearning to share it, yet unfortunately, finding that no one is interested, although I admit this really didn’t stop me from being happy and enjoying life.
I’ve found that every star-person is different. For me, I found that my natural high frequency led me to be very light hearted, even as an adult childlike at times, giggling for no reason, seeing the humor in everything. Speaking of this, I once got a comment from a viewer who said, “C’mon seriously, you can’t always be that happy!” Ha! Yeah, I can! I’ve always found it much easier to find humor in everyday situations, than the problems. My mind is constantly coming up with jokes or puns that want to get out, so most everything is funny to me. But as I said, I’ve found that this does not always go over well with others who find the world more serious - always worried about the what-ifs.
In fact, one bit of wisdom I’ve attempted to share more than once that seems to always be met with rolled eyes, is that the Earth is exactly as it should be and everything that is happening is for the eventual good of all. After this statement, I’m usually pelted with, What!? What do you mean? There’s this horrible problem and that horrible problem, there are wars and so on. And yes that’s true, so how do I even begin to explain the perfection of the universal flow and why or how this planet could possibly be considered to be perfect, with all the pain and suffering? I really want to be able to explain, but the moment is gone and I should have just kept my big mouth shut. They really didn’t want to know anyway.
That’s one of the hardest aspects of being a starseed, for me, is being met with ridicule or indifference, when no one seems to want, or find value, in what I might have to offer. Most don’t want to go beyond what their favorite news anchor tells them. So, at any stage of life, the loneliness for a starseed can sometimes be overwhelming. What I’ve learned about this, is that it is not my job to try to change another’s mind or beliefs. Their views are just as valid as my own and they are living the life they came here to live and don’t need anyone trying to teach them or tell them they should be living differently.
The truth I’ve finally arrived at is to simply be who I am and to share myself through the love and joy of life and what I’ve discovered is that this seems to affect those around me more than if I spent hours trying to tell them about my knowledge and those things that would be unbelievable to them, like the thousands of Starcraft in orbit above our planet, or that we are all beings of energy wearing these temporary biological flesh suits, or that nothing is real and we are only dreaming our lives here and that everything is built upon a foundation of love and that love is all that matters or will ever matter. I have found that most don’t really want, or need, to know these things that for me make up the core of my being and purpose and that the best thing I can do to assist humanity is just to be myself and resonate a joy of life! After being with one such as this, for even a short time, it all begins to make sense and I can see why they are the way they are and just how perfect that really is. It’s come clear to me that if all I want is to be accepted for myself, then the kindest thing I can do for another is to allow them to be who they are and to support them and learn and grow from them and this consideration will be mutually reflected back to me.
So in my own experience, over time, I began to find some consolation in exploring metaphysical philosophies and ancient wisdom, searching for parallels to my own experiences. I delved into the realms of spirituality and enlightenment, seeking to unravel the mysteries of my origin. The more I learned, the more I realized that I was not alone. There were others like me, starseeds, fellow travelers from distant dimensions, navigating this human existence while carrying the seeds of transformation and evolution within our souls.
Now, over the years I have talked to many other starseeds and some have very different experiences than my own, yet most all of them have spoken about a deep need for solitude. Living as a starseed on Earth means embracing a solitude that is both profound and disheartening. While a part of you revels in the magnificence of the cosmos, another part aches for a connection with others who can truly understand and appreciate the depth of your being.
One starseed I spoke to said that for her, she chose to let go of her starseed memories and tendencies, because the longer she lived on the planet, she became so enamored with Earth that she wanted only to identify as a human being and even mentioned to me once that she would look forward to reincarnating back onto earth. I was shocked at that.
Another starseed friend once mentioned that the most difficult thing for her is believing in herself. She said her heart remembers she came from the stars, yet her humanness comes in and tells her that she’s only fooling herself.
A star brother I have known for years said that for him it’s a terrifying fear of losing his terrestrial family and the life that he has come to love. Even though he knows that at death or ascension he will go back to his ET life aboard ship, he still can’t stand the thought of losing those he’s come to know as family. I asked him why he thought this might be and he said, because I don’t remember my ET life. This is only life I remember, so this is my family.
Another starseed spoke about some things I’ve already mentioned and yet at a much deeper level. He said that he lives in a constant state of bewilderment of other’s inflexibility to expanding their knowledge and moving outside the box humanity puts us all into. He’s mystified at the lack of curiosity of humans - that there’s no discernment - that they just take everything at face value, never delving deeper, never asking questions and wanting to know more. This brings to him a great sense of isolation.
One of the most moving things he shared with me is that being a starseed for him makes it nearly impossible to pick a direction in life, because settling on one thing feel like defeat, because there are so many choices out there that it makes him feel like anything not chosen is a missed opportunity and this brings up the concept of mortality. Which of course, makes a career very difficult to resolve, where nothing is ever quite correct and much of this is because of this ridiculously short terrestrial life span. In a starseed’s ET life, the body never ages and may live thousands of years and therefore the human aging process makes no sense at all.
He also brought up a very good point that from an energy perspective this Earth life can be nearly overwhelming, because as a starseed he wants to help others, but often when he tries to offer a viewpoint outside of the other’s routine or beliefs, even if they appear to be listening, on an energetic level there is so much resistance that by the time he gets it all said, his body is just exhausted at this loss of energy. And yet, depending upon how the conversation goes, the person he’s talking to often is more energetic, because the human is actually feeding off of the starseed’s higher frequencies of love and sincerity, while trying to help. He said, for him, this really makes living here tough, because there’s a sense of futility, like why am I even here if I can’t make a difference?
The life of a starseed is not always an easy one, at times feeling disconnected from the world around them, an eternal outsider searching for a sense of purpose and belonging. But through it all, there tends to be sort of an unwavering certainty within that they are here for a reason and that their unique perspective and innate knowledge holds an answer or solution to the greater mysteries of the universe that they themselves may not fully yet understand. What is clear to them, however, is that their purpose is to shine a light, to illuminate the path for those who are ready to awaken to the greater truths of existence. It’s a solemn duty, to carry the flame of knowledge and understanding, even in the face of indifference or intolerance.
So, despite the loneliness and the sense of being unappreciated, generally a starseed is able to persevere and make the best of it and continue to radiate their cosmic wisdom, patiently waiting for the day when their light will be recognized and embraced by others ready to embark on a journey of cosmic awareness.
Today, as I sort of reflect on my own starseed life, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the path I’ve chosen. While my memories of another realm remain fascinating, I’ve come to realize that Earth, too, holds its own magic and beauty. I’ve discovered that my purpose lies, not only in remembering where I come from, but also in welcoming the experiences and growth that this human existence offers me and so many others.
So be aware that as a starseed, you are master of your universe and although by coming here, that memory may be veiled, it does not alter who you are. You must constantly remind yourself that the “voice” of the matrix is not your own. This voice in your head, telling you you are not who you think you are. This is the “Great Work” that starseeds came to unfold, to conquer, to make known the unknown and then share these truths with other’s willing to hear. This, beautiful souls, is who you are.
Thanks for hearing me out - I really appreciate you! Until next time! Bye Bye
I DON'T MIND WHAT HAPPENS - What would it feel like to never again be upset by anything in your life
I Don’t Mind What Happens
So, we’re all talking about ascension or the new earth and what’s going to happen in this remarkable transitional year, wondering what life will be when we get beyond this troubled 3D world. So, what makes life outside of Earth different, easier, than it is for a human on Earth? What would a human need to learn and become proficient in before moving on to a higher 5D life or above? Well, we would first need to be aware that the higher frequency, the faster things manifest. So we would need to be able to control our thoughts. We would need to get good at focusing only on those things that we would want to create and include into our world.
So what’s the difference between our ET self and our human self? This is what we would need to determine before being ready to move on to our higher frequency life. And this should be our work here.
The Earth is an experiment, a game, that ETs, star beings, willingly come to play, both for the adventure and for the expansion it brings to the soul. When the experiment began, it was programmed as a game of survival, much like our action-packed computer games. However, over time the level of difficulty has been purposely raised and the experiment is now set at the most difficult level, and beyond just survival, it is now an ascension game. Where before incarnating here, the star being designs a plan, with all the pivotal roles and significant events built into their avatar role within the game or movie. And of course one of the most important details within the plan, is the veil of forgetting, where the avatar, the human, will agree to come in blind, with little, or no, memory of who they really are. See, we were not forced into this life as a human. We planned it all. We knew the game before we came into it. We designed a map, a blueprint, of our choices and movements within the game. We wrote a script that our character would follow, leaving some room for diversion or distraction, to make the game even more interesting and in some cases more dangerous. So guides were assigned to interfere if we got too far off the scripted route. So you see, there is nothing really for your human to do, other than to surrender to the game. It’s already there for you to take part in. It’s like being an actor in an exciting movie. The character the actor is portraying doesn’t know, from scene to scene, what is going to happen next, but the script has already been written and the movie completed. So our job, as actors, is to yield to the script.
It helps to get a grasp on how our world, our life and surroundings, come about. Is this indeed a friendly universe or plagued with wickedness and immorality? It’s actually all sort of backwards to how we may see it. Most of us observe the world and then decide how we feel about it. We may even watch the news and take our cue from what it’s showing us, wars, political battles, financial doom, and believe that our life is bad because of what’s going on in the world, “They” are doing it to us. They are causing all the problems and that’s why my life sucks! When in reality it’s the exact opposite. It’s our view of the universe and how we feel about it that creates our very lives and the world we live in, our daily existence. The way we “see” the world, creates it. If we give our attention to the state of earthly concerns, society, and allow that to affect us, that becomes our own concern and constructs that very reality we call our life.
So what is an ascension game? Well, the goal is to remember, to increase your awareness, to rise in vibration and conquer the obstacles and restrictions of third density. Each level freeing us from the ignorance and imprisonment of the lower levels. And I must say, that there is nothing like a determined starseed, who, no matter how many monsters and dragons it has to slay to rise to the next degree, it will never give up.
So how do we defeat the evil monsters and win the ascension game? The solution may surprise some of you, because it seems in complete opposition of our human instinct, yet that is the hidden strategy, the key to the doorway leading to the exit that one must discover. And by giving you this clue, am I stealing your thunder? Am I opening a portal that you should be discovering on your own? Maybe, but our earthly role as starseeds and light workers is to assist in the awakening of humanity. And it’s only a clue. It’s still up to each of us to complete the work toward our own ascension.
So, over the past month or so, this has been my quest, my focus. It begins with a concept that I’ve mentioned throughout my videos and that is to fully understand exactly what it is that has provided some humans with a knowledge or faculty to be able to completely and unconditionally accept and embrace their life, exactly as it comes, no matter what is happening in their lives or in the world. As some of you have heard me say, since becoming a human avatar in this ascension game, it has been my objective to reach a full proficiency of this mastery. I used to wonder where this drive came from and have since discovered that it was programmed in to my role as a light worker and activated through the immense contrast found on this planet vs the world I just came from.
So going back to an earlier part of my life. When I first became aware of being on an alien planet, with it came the disturbing awareness of the deep ignorance and hostilities found here, which of course immediately made me want to run away and this disappointment of the planet and its inhabitants continued on for many years, sometimes nearly crushing my natural vibration. Now, I’m not necessarily talking about those in my family, or even most anyone in my immediate environment, but those usually in a situation of some authority, military leaders, politicians, occasionally a teacher or surprisingly even some students, who would use vulgar language or make rude gestures or even threaten or bully others. When I was a kid, this shocked me to my core and I desperately wanted to escape this element, this heavy atmosphere, that seemed to permeate outside of the safety of my family, with their kindness and lightheartedness. I really didn’t know how to deal with this outer social world and the uncertainties within that mood, that undertone of negativity.
So to be honest, I spent some years learning to adapt and not always in a positive way. I mean, as I studied my peers, for example, I could see that the most popular kids at school were those who had a sort of brash overly confident personality. And, this also carried over to the adults. During these years, I kind of became a student of humanness, so to speak, and began to see what worked and what was admired by others. I began to recognize that there was a sort of mode of behavior of those who became most successful in life and I, as this observer, discovered that this was the way this 3D world worked. Those in authority get to that level, because they have an ambition that encourages a disposition to think and act outside of the rules. Kind of a look out for number one mentality. Do it to them before they do it to you, sort of viewpoint.
Now, obviously I’m generalizing here to make a point, but this leads up to the original topic I first mentioned. And I also should say that, over time, on the other hand, I’ve also discovered the amazing beauty and overall benevolence of the majority of nature and mankind on planet Earth. Yet at that time and in my impressionable state, the way I saw it was that the game-plan of mankind was to rule or be ruled, bully or be bullied, fairly obvious within the political world, or even in narcissistic doctors or lawyers, out for themselves. So, how is it possible to maintain a positive attitude within this sea of self-centeredness and how did I get beyond this opinion, this belief that there is something very wrong with the world the way it is?
Well, this is what I want to talk about today and share some things that utterly turned my viewpoint around and changed, not only my way of thinking about this world and its humanity, but also my own perspective of living here. I discovered that no matter how hard you try to change others, or the world, it will never work and this is because it is a consensual universe. Most of us are on a default setting, putting our attention on what is wrong, therefore, by focusing on what we don’t like, only creating more of it!
The world we live in is constantly being built and altered through our own beliefs and impressions of what we see and hear. So we’re authorizing others, the planet, to dictate our reality, instead of the other way around, where we, through our welcoming reception, are able to impose upon the world, a reality based upon our own loving heart.
Have you noticed that when a person has lived to a very old age, say over 100 or more, when asked their philosophy of life, they nearly all say, don’t take life so seriously. This is a key. These elders, through their life experience, have figured out how to let go of worry. Looking back over life they have been able to recognize how hoping to change others is a useless battle and only causes stress and disease. I remember Wayne Dyer once telling of a family member who was previously very uptight, but after a near death experience became very calm under any condition, kids playing, dogs barking. When the interviewer asked why he thought this was, Wayne said, “It’s because she now sees the bigger picture.” He intimated that she now knows that things are always the way they’re meant to be, therefore it does no good to complain or become a victim of circumstance, that will only bring unhappiness and illness. And that’s a hard concept to swallow unless your’e able to view it from a higher insight. It’s like Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” This suggests the need for a shift in mindset, withdrawing from the conventional thinking and embracing a new perspective to successfully confront our problems.
So, as I said, this has been my deep desire to, in this lifetime, reach the place where I’m no longer triggered by what’s happening around me, or what’s going on in the world, or by what other people do or say. And lately it has come clear what it takes to bring this mastery into life and thought I would share some thoughts with you.
One of my favorite movies from several years ago was Forrest Gump. I was so taken by his innocence. Which of course was blamed on his low IQ, but was really just the way he saw things. He completely lived in the present moment. Like when he decided to run. As he put it, “for no particular reason” he decided to go for a run. He just put on his new Nike jogging shoes and ran and ran and ran. Well, he ends up running for three years! Three years, two months, fourteen days and 16 hours, to be exact, crossing the Mississippi River four times! At some point he comes to be a sort of celebrity curiosity and as others become intrigued with why this reclusive individual would do something so unconventional, he begins to pick up followers, who figure he must be on some amazing spiritual quest. I think, recognizing his peaceful demeanor, they began to follow him, wanting to know what he knows, until he has a huge crowd behind him, hoping he would lead them to nirvana, hoping that when he stopped they would learn the meaning of life. One day he stopped running. Everyone who was behind him also stopped, eagerly waiting, straining to hear what they had been waiting for, mile after mile. They watched, in total silence, as he turned around to face them. And what were these great long-awaited words of wisdom? “I think I’ll go home now.” He wasn’t running for a reason, he was just running because he wanted to and when he was done he was done. For you movie fans, it turns out he ends up running 13,889 miles! Yep, this simple, beautiful soul, just living his life, doing something none of us would ever consider doing. My kinda movie!
Back in the early 80s was the first time I ever heard the now famous statement by guru Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti was an Indian mystic who rather ironically felt very strongly that if you’re following someone else, like a spiritual teacher or guru, you’ll never find truth. And It was during his 1977 lecture in California, when during his talk, he paused and leaned forward to the audience and with a sort of conspiratorial tone said, “Do you want to know what my secret is?” And of course the entire audience leaned forward in anticipation. Then in a soft hushed voice he said, “You see, I don’t mind what happens.”
Well, when I first heard him say this, a feeling of electricity shot through me and I knew this was the answer I had been searching for, if I could only make this happen for myself. So over months and years I began asking myself what that would be like. What if I didn’t mind if I had money or not and never worried about it? Imagine - what would that feel like? What would it feel like to not mind if I was alone and had no one to talk to or to kiss or cook for? What would it feel like to be completely unconcerned whether I had hair or not, whether I was attractive, whether people liked me, whether I had friends? What would it feel like to be free from this societal pressure of being accepted, to be acceptable just as I am?
I’ve learned that this pressure we put upon ourselves creates an internal conflict. Always measuring analyzing the circumstance to determine whether we pass the test of being good enough, pretty enough, smart enough and this internal assessment can follow us throughout life. Yet, when we reach a point of not being bothered by anything, then there is no conflict inside. And when there is no conflict inside, there is no conflict outside.
Happiness is accepting what is and letting go of what you can’t control. If you rely on the outside world to provide you with happiness, like a boyfriend, or a new car, then you’ll be controlled by whatever is happening in your life. As Joseph Campbell put it, “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” Great quote. In fact, nothing outside of us has any meaning at all, until we give it meaning, however, we need to remember that if viewed through fear or apprehension, the meaning we give it could be very flawed. For example, if someone has lied to us, we may decide that now everything that person says to us is a lie. Then, what can happen is that since we have given this meaning to everything we hear from this person, the brain can receive the emotion that we’re feeling and actually reinforce that truth.
Okay, so we can’t control the circumstances of life, but what we can control is how we respond to those circumstances. It’s a decision, just like any other decision, to quit smoking or giving up sweets. Just like those victories, this may seem difficult at first too, but when we make the decision, we really can learn to accept life just as it is. And believe me, when we’re able to do this, life gets so easy, because there’s no reaction to anything, no stress involved in anything that comes along. We really can create an authentic life through learning to say yes to our reality. This is not a weakness, but a strength. We’re not pretending, we are simply accepting the wisdom that everything is just what it is. This circumstance or event is not bad or good, it just is. The other part of this is that, once we realize we can’t control what another person thinks or feels, there is no reason for emotion, like anger or disappointment. Once we can rethink how we’re going to interpret life, getting through each harsh experience becomes much easier. This is our escape hatch, our ascension from ignorance into the brilliance of insight and finally wisdom.
And how do we accelerate this ascension process? How do we enter that new earth everyone is talking about, that beautiful 5D world we’re all hoping to gain entry into? This is it! Through learning the art of surrender. Once we truly understand that ascension is not a material or physical action or accomplishment. It’s the rising into a higher state-of-being and allowing that intrinsic vibrational flow of consciousness that is the core of who we innately are. Our true essence incorporates all levels of light frequency, all the way back to Source. We are that divine light that Is that is the New Earth and that Isness is Source itself!
Enough for now - I love you guys!
THE PLEIADIANS - Gentle blond blue-eyed Nordic or powerful and fierce time-traveling warriors?
The Pleiadians
Hi Guys, I’m so happy to be with you again!
A few months ago, a viewer asked if I would create a video about the Pleiadians, so I put it on the list and finally here we go! You know the odd thing is, as a starseed, you would think I would have already created a podcast about that ET race, but the truth is, for some reason I never really focused on them as much as some of the other star races. I actually think that was because back then I noticed it was getting to be kind of a new-age thing, when everyone was talking to the Pleiadians, like they were some sort of angels or something - like these magical beings from a far away world. So let’s see if we can kind of encapsulate who these wonderful beings really are.
The race we’ve come to know as the Pleiadians originally came from the planet Lyra, when a negative star race invaded their world. This was during what is known as the Orion wars, mainly located in the constellations of Draco and Orion, which began over 20 million years ago. It was these wars that are depicted in the Star Wars movies. And even more than 40,000 years ago, our galaxy was still under this threat of the Reptilians of the Orion council, with their objective to dominate and control. They saw the Lyrians (or Lyrans) as nothing more than cattle to be used as either food or slaves. The Lyrian race was harshly persecuted by these reptilians. And this is when the Federation of United Planets, made up of positive races like the Arcturians, Andromedas, Sirians, and others gathered forces to fight the reptilians and a bloody war ensued, bringing many civilizations, who were under the domination of the Orion council, to the brink of extinction.
During this time small groups of Lyrians had managed to escape and scattered themselves out among the stars. After a long and dangerous journey, some of these refugees managed to reach the Pleiades star cluster and were able to establish themselves on several planets. But because the war was still going on, they were concerned about being discovered, so they mostly settled underground. There also were groups of Lyrians who settled on Venus, where there was already an advanced interstellar holographic society. These peaceful Lyrians also settled on Earth, as well as on Mars. On Earth, they were the ones who established Stonehenge and other monoliths. They were also the ones who painted the star maps found in caves, as an attempt to tell their story. And by the way, these cave drawings are not hunting scenes as they appear to be. For example, each smaller animal represents a star, a larger animal represents a constellation, and each hunter with a spear represents a ship and the spear indicates the direction they came from or went. …So, of course there is a ton of information we could go into here, but for now I’ll focus on those who settled in the Pleiades.
The Seven Sisters, is a pattern of stars in the M 45 Pleiades star cluster that is actually made up of hundreds of stars, more than a thousand or so, in the constellation Taurus, located approximately 422 light-years away from Earth. And as you know, the reason we’re all talking about the Pleiadian star race, is that it is one of the most recognized and intriguing extraterrestrial civilizations in the cosmos and has captivated the imagination and curiosity of starseeds and researchers alike.
Well, obviously the Pleiadians as a subject in itself, is huge. So I’ll first attempt to generalize the topic a bit, into what I feel might be of most interest. After settling on the planets in the star cluster, some of these new Pleiadians rebelled against living underground and became defiant, striking out on their own, some building military fleets, some actually joining forces with the Orion reptilians and these insurgents remain today. You know, there was a Star Trek episode about these renegade groups, making the point that they’re not all necessarily traitors, they just don’t have the same convictions as their predecessors and sought out their own freedom, above all.
So you know, it’s also significant to point out here that the classification “Pleiadian” within it, consists of a number of individual groups, even varying in density, some in 5th density as physical beings, others of even higher dimensional realms. Over time, some have developed their own specific dialect and language differences, as well as cultural characteristics, such as self-government and independent leadership.
You know, a great example of a sovereign society are the Taygetan Pleiadians, who come from the planets surrounding the great sun Taygeta, inhabiting the planets Erra, Temmer, Procyon, and Dakote. In their language they refer to this star as Moma, meaning mother. The Taygetans are fifth density biological beings and although they look very similar to humans, possess many internal differences, such as the heart and lungs being larger than humans, the bones are denser and stronger and they only have one blood type, O+. The brain is also larger and is one single mass, rather than split like humans and with a more pronounced frontal lobe and their pineal gland is 400 percent larger and is fused into the corpus callosum. Also, rather than a human’s 23 pairs of chromosomes, Taygetans have 24 chromosomes and 12 strands of DNA.
The Taygetan Pleiadians, were once one of the most feared and militarized of all star races and known for their warrior-like skills at military defense strategies and time travel. Today tend to exist more as peaceful citizens of a holographic society and they actually prefer not to be referred to only as Pleiadians, but as Taygetans, because they consider themselves with distinct cultural differences than many of the other Pleiadian groups. They are a matriarchal society (women out numbering men) of explorers, scientists, and fighter pilots and have been in close contact with Earth for thousands of years, many even coming down to Earth to live, others using technology to come to Earth as walk-ins. They are all very beautiful, both men and women, and live to be 500 to a thousand years old, maybe older, yet appear to be in their mid-twenties, no matter how old they get.
The Taygetans have had an association with the human race since the beginning our history. They had a star base in Lemuria more than 20,000 years ago and have had other bases on Earth at various times in history, including one in what would later become Egypt. Then they were very active on the planet again in 1919 just after WWI ended. Then again more constantly since 1952 and in even more numbers since 2008. In 1952 they came in force as a reaction to the atomic testing and spoke to the political leaders at that time, in hopes of convincing them to stop these dangerous tests, because the fallout from these explosions affected not only planet Earth, but far out into space and beyond. When they contacted the then president Eisenhower in 1954, because they appeared as beautiful young women, he totally poo-pooed them and was very arrogant and macho, because even though he saw them emerge from what would have been then called a flying saucer, a UFO, he didn’t believe who they said they were. Nixon later referred to them as “those Canadian girls.” HA!
So as conditions worsened, they sent some of their crew back in time, using time travel, back to 1937 and interacted with the Nazis, hoping to stop the war before it got completely out of control. You might want to research the Vril society and Maria Orsich for more info. Unfortunately if you Google the information it will be mostly wrong. I will just say, that Maria Orsich was a Taygetan Pleiadian. …And listen, if this stuff really interests you, there’s a great channel you could check out called Cosmic Agency and it’s filled with way-cool stuff about the Taygetans.
In 2008 there were 36,000 Taygetans here in 29 large ships in orbit above Earth, today there are only two and just recently three Taygetan ships in orbit. They are here as a consequence of the Orion Wars and can manipulate and affect the timelines to assist as dangerous or volatile situations occur on the planet. Their goal is to awaken humans to their inner-power and to what they are capable of. They want to open the minds of humans to what exists beyond their little world and let them know they are not alone. They are guides to help us grow spiritually. They are also here to help liberate the Earth from aggressive alien races, mostly of reptilian origin, who are trying to take over the planet for their own. The Taygetans, as scientists, are studying the ascension of mankind and assisting where they can. They are also here monitoring their own starseeds and will eventually bring them back home. Many ET races, mainly from the Federation of Planets, have their starseeds on Earth and they are continuing to monitor them to keep them safe and if necessary bring them back up to the ship.
So, what do they look like? Well, most Pleiadians are described to look very much like Scandinavian humans. Starseeds or channels who have come into their presence describe them as very attractive tall, fair-skinned beings with blond hair and luminous, sapphire-colored eyes and exuding a kind of otherworldly energy that resonates with all those who encounter them. However, some Taygetans look very different than those Nordic blonds we’ve all heard about. The women are very beautiful, but not always blond and the men are tall and very muscular and strong, with full beards and long dark hair and twice the strength and endurance of human males. They look much more like fierce Viking warriors than the usual blond Pleiadian or Nordic male is portrayed.
Typically, the Pleiadians are renowned for their advanced technology and a deep connection to spirituality, ancient knowledge, and profound wisdom, the bulk of their society being founded upon principles of harmony, unity, and love, which they firmly believe are the cornerstones of both personal and collective evolution. And through their vast cosmic understanding, they have mastered advanced technologies and spiritual practices that promote the well-being and enlightenment of all beings.
Again predominantly, guidance and mentorship are intrinsic to the Pleiadian culture. They see themselves as peaceful guardians and loving stewards of the universe, committed to assisting humanity on its evolutionary path. Their genuine desire to help others stems from their acute awareness of Earth's potential and the growth humanity could achieve with their support.
In fact, one of the most distinguishing features of the Pleiadian star race is their affinity for Earth. As Lyrians themselves, Pleiadians have a long-standing relationship with humanity, dating back to ancient times. Legends and myths from various civilizations, such as the Greeks and Native Americans, speak of star beings originating from the Pleiades who have influenced our development, culture, and spirituality.
Pleiadians are highly skilled healers and energy workers. Their advanced abilities allow them to facilitate extraordinary healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Their advanced therapies incorporate a harmonious blend of sacred geometry, crystal technology, and vibrational frequencies to restore balance and wholeness in individuals and much of this technology is included in their healing chambers and medical pods.
Although the Pleiadians possess a very progressive understanding of technology, it’s really their spiritual and emotional intelligence that sets them apart. They, more often than not, stress the cultivation of empathy and heart-centered consciousness as the keys to achieving true enlightenment. Therefore, their teachings revolve around concepts such as self-love, inner peace, and interconnection with the web of life.
However, even with this unwavering commitment to peace and their insatiable thirst for knowledge, they do actually have their occasional enemies, such as the negative extraterrestrial civilizations, like the Reptilians, Dracos, and the Orion group, and the insidious forces of darkness that seek to disrupt the natural balance of the universe - those entities that forgo the notion of harmony and connection and embrace destructive actions. These civilizations may be driven by fear, greed, or a distorted sense of power. Yet interestingly, most Pleiadians do not necessarily perceive these rivals as evil adversaries, but rather tend to view these negatives, not so much as enemies to be fought, but more as misguided souls, yearning to rediscover their true essence. They try to view them as potential allies on a path toward enlightenment and growth and will initially try to extend a hand of friendship, hoping to assist them in reconnecting with the universal language of love and unity that permeates all of life.
But this doesn’t mean they are not warriors and fully capable of military retaliation when required and if the negative forces push them to respond, they will strike without hesitation or reproach. Those forces of more obvious darkness or evil do indeed pose a different kind of challenge. These corrupt or immoral true enemies emanate from lower vibrational realms, where ego and separation are rampant. Their purpose is to perpetuate discord, disharmony, and suffering throughout the cosmos. While the Pleiadians acknowledge the existence of this darkness, they remain who they are, steadfast in their mission to anchor and radiate light, in even the darkest corners of existence, yet sometimes finding it necessary to fight back with the strength of warriors. However, like I said, whenever possible to make their point through love, compassion, and unified collective consciousness and always strive to transmute these darker forces into alignment with the divine order.
So, from my best understanding, the Pleiadian star race, as a whole, is a race of celestial beings whose dedication to enlightenment and the betterment of all has forever shaped our collective journey through the universe. And as humanity continues to expand its consciousness and embrace its galactic identity, the Pleiadians serve as guiding lights, assisting us in remembering our own inherent divinity. Their primary mission is to empower humanity, urging us to embrace love, unity, and the pursuit of spiritual growth. So, by tapping into their profound wisdom, humanity can accelerate its own evolution and learn to live in harmony with the cosmos.
Thanks Guys, see you next time! Bye!
JOURNEY INTO THE AFTERLIFE - My spirit guide led me into the higher realms , a transcendent journey
Journey Into The Afterlife - Part Three
Hello beautiful souls,
Here we are again in Part three of this tour through the Afterlife. So, as I said last time, if you haven’t yet watched Part One and Two, I would highly recommend it, so you will understand more clearly the progression of this journey.
You know, frankly, the further Aura and I went into the Afterlife, the more difficult it becomes to describe these realms, but of course, as always I will do my best.
So at this point Aura took a moment to explain how when the brain dies and consciousness moves on, everything you are and have been continues to be alive in the mind of Source. She then led me into an area that looked very Earth-like. She said that this was what was referred to as The In-Between. I found myself floating above a sort of mishmash of different environments with people wandering about within these zones. I was constantly aware of a melodious stream of musical tones and sounds permeating the atmosphere.
Aura described this In-Between as place for those who were so indoctrinated by what they had believed while on Earth, that when they died they found themselves in very similar circumstances as those they had just left. For example, in one area there was a little community of souls living in houses and scattered among them were several places of worship, like churches and synagogues, with an impressive mosque on a hillside. There were several statues of Jesus and other religious leaders and we could see an occasional priest or rabbi walking through the streets. Aura stated that this section was inhabited by souls who were so consumed by their religious beliefs that as a collective they created this illusion as their reality. They believed this was the heaven that would exist for them at death and they may end up staying in this dream reality for hundreds of years, praying and worshiping and never asking if there is anything beyond this place.
There were other little segregated areas distributed throughout, one that had people living in very poor conditions, houses and apartments, jammed in next to each other in cramped quarters. This was formed by those who died believing that poverty is all they deserved. These inhabitants were suspicious and bitter toward each other and the thoughts of those in this area were heavy and gloomy, which affected everything around them. The skies were dark and dismal and there were occasional storms caused by those thought-forms of futility and disappointment.
Other areas seemed more pleasant, yet still with people who only wanted or expected a continuation of their Earth life. These souls found themselves living in neighborhoods and houses just like they left. They had no aspirations to learn or grow spiritually or better themselves. All they wanted was another Earth life, so this is where they arrived. These people were often met by their relatives or friends of their past lifetimes and they were content to carry on exactly where they left off. For example, they had TVs in their living rooms and ate meals just like before. They did the same chores, like buying groceries and mowing their lawns. Aura said that these souls are often visited by teachers and guides from higher realms suggesting there is more for them and if they choose to move on can have wonderful adventures in glorious realms. However they can also choose to remain here for as long as they want. Aura did say that most will soon become bored with this mundane life and ask to move on at some point. The most important message of this realm is, what you do today, now in your life, affects where you will go at death.
Aura paused here and described a time after the soul has reached the higher planes of existence where it will need to withdraw from its environment and consider its next move. There is a realm created for this contemplative stage where the soul can go to meditate over their previous life and what it has achieved since coming into the afterlife, in order to determine its next step. These next spheres are for the advancing soul where they can speak to their inner being or higher self and decide where they are on their journey back to Source. It is a time of reflection over all choices and actions they made in the last incarnation and what they have since learned through time spent in the afterlife realms. This is a very peaceful and dreamlike realm where they will have access to any memories or information they may need for an informed decision. Some souls spend a very long time in this realm just going over the events in their lives without any outside judgement or advice.
After the soul emerges from this sphere of contemplation, they are asked by their advisor if they are ready for their life review. Some refuse and say they don’t want a life review. The guides let them know that they can choose to wait until they’re ready and some choose to put it off for many years. However Aura said that there is an inner need within each returning soul to understand where they are in their journey and without the life review they don’t have all the needed information to make any further decisions and will finally decide to view their life. She said it’s like the voice of their own conscience urging them to evaluate where they’ve been and where they are now. This is not unpleasant for the soul, but is a beautiful quiet reflection bringing them back to a remembrance of their core essence, where they are urged through the inner self to review the life they just left.
Aura brought me to space where a soul was just beginning its life review and it was an amazing thing to watch and feel. This soul in a very calm dream-like state is led by a spirit guide into a beautiful building with large pillars on either side of two huge doors. Inside they are brought into a large brightly lit hall or assembly room with a table and chairs in the center. The guide will then access a record of the soul’s life. Aura told me it is a record of everything that soul has every done since leaving Source and becoming an individual soul, including every life, every breath, every idea and thought, word, intention, pain and joy ever lived or reasoned by this soul. As we watched a doorway opened in front of us. It was much like viewing an entire reality through a sort of portal or window, like peeking into another world. We could see this soul as a baby then a little boy, then a teenager into his adult years. Occasionally the guide would ask him questions and the soul would reply. At any time what they were reviewing became too harsh or painful for the soul, the guide would stop the recording and take the soul to a place where he could rest until he was ready to continue. Aura explained that for the soul who is watching the review, it is like taking part in the event, just as it lived it the first time, every word and emotion. The fascinating thing is that the soul will also “become” the others within the event and feel all those emotions and feelings of those others in that same occasion. If the soul hurt another’s feeling, for example, they will not only be the perpetrator of that hurt, but the recipient, feeling the humiliation they felt at that moment. Aura said many times the soul will feel terrible pangs of regret and guilt, some more than others, each life is different. The review we were watching took place over what felt like years, stopping and starting again. It was fascinating for me, but was obviously difficult in some places for the soul whose life it was.
Here Aura took another moment to make the point once again, that those who have attained spiritual knowledge, while in their human life, their life review will either be much more condensed than what we just watched, or there may be no need for a life review at all. Those who in life have spent time in contemplation going over their choices and behavior throughout life (what we call shadow work), are already performing their own life review and will not need to repeat it on the spirit side.
After the soul has finished the review he is taken to a lovely area of grassy hills and meadows, where he can lean against a tree and spend time in restful contemplation, for as long as desired. At some point the advisors will come and talk with him about how he is now feeling about that life. Aura said that once everything is learned from that lifetime, those memories will all soon begin to fade away into the background. However, if the soul feels unsatisfied and unfinished, it may begin to consider returning to Earth for another life, or to repeat the same one they just left. However, the guides do not advise souls to do this. When this is the case, these angelic advisers will do their best to help them to understand that once they realize they could have done better and addressed any limitations, there is no need to return to Earth. It is important that the soul understand returning to another human incarnation is not the only choice. It is the remorse they are feeling and the desire to do better that allows them to eventually move on further.
Aura described a place where these souls will spend some time reflecting upon those moments they could have been more patient or loving or compassionate and will move into a realm of learning these coping strategies, through taking classes taught by high level light beings. The souls will be allowed all the time they need to confront those things they regret and take the steps to learn ways of accepting and forgiving these poor choices. They will be advised to take certain classes to master these shortcomings before moving on. It is all about love and mercy and sometimes another life on Earth is not always the best place to learn this.
Aura then showed me what looked very much like an attractive university campus, with stately brick structures and people wandering in and out of the buildings, some sitting on the lawn or in the sun, many holding what looked like iPads or tablets, others walking around or just visiting with each other. She said this was an area within the afterlife where eager intelligent souls wanting to learn and improve themselves gather to gain knowledge. These classes are taught by wise high level energy beings, some ascended masters who after their ascension chose to remain on this level, rather than to go home to Source, because it is their greatest fulfillment to help others attain entrance into the higher frequencies, beyond these cleansing and educational realms. This is where souls can obtain knowledge through classes or tutoring. There is also a sort of library filled with instructional materials and information, anything you might want to learn is in this educational zone, where souls can study any subject of interest and get together and discuss theories and ideas. Aura said these souls are able to go into this library and check out holographic visual depictions of anything they were curious about or ever wanted to learn. This research will be a valuable guide to help them in deciding their next role, whether they will incarnate physically again or move on into the higher spheres. It surprised me how earth-like this area was. Other than the constant background of musical tones and chords, it could have been any educational institution on earth.
Without walking or moving anywhere, we suddenly found ourselves inside one of the classrooms. At the head of the class standing on a stage behind a podium, was a glowing humanoid figure - what I would call a light being, speaking to numerous people sitting in chairs facing the front of the room. The radiant form looked to be at least 8 or 9 feet tall. The people, or students, sitting in the chairs listening appeared to be all around the age or maybe 25 to 30 years old. I was fascinated with this scene and moved closer to the chairs at the back of the room and stood there watching. Interestingly, I could understand everything that this being of light was saying, although I couldn’t make out its face clearly enough to see any features like a mouth to see if the dialogue was verbal or telepathic. Aura waited patiently for the class to be excused before she interrupted. As we watched the students getting up from their chairs to leave, a young man looked straight at me, obviously seeing me clearly and said, “You’re not supposed to be here”. Well I was shocked to realize he could see me and didn’t know what to say. The only thing that came to mind was, “Oh I’m just visiting”. He shrugged and moved on. I looked over at Aura and said, “How could he see me - I thought you said we were invisible?” Aura said, “You were so delighted with what you were watching that your frequency rose to match that of the young man’s and you became visible to him. The reason he said you’re not supposed to be here is that he could tell you were still alive by the energy cable attached to your body that some call the silver cord, which is severed at death. It can only be seen by one in the astral or spirit realm.
Then once again instantly everything changed from the scene we were in and the entire energetic atmosphere rose. I discovered we were enveloped in a sort of golden cloud and I could no longer discern my body. It seemed to have become a part of the cloud, although I still sensed my body it was no longer visible. Here Aura directed me to turn my attention behind me and I could perceive my focus reversing direction. The moment I did this, I noticed the music increased in strength and instantaneously I felt a wave of what I can only describe as the most profound and purest love I have ever felt or even imagined. This surge of love was so intense it nearly suffocated my senses. Seriously, it’s impossible to describe. The feeling flooded over me. I was submerged in it. I was floating in a radiant ocean of emotional warmth. It was as if I were drowning in a sort of ecstatic spiritual or divine passion. It overtook all of my awareness and all I was conscious of was this euphoria. At some point I could hear Aura’s voice directing me to focus on the scene in front of me. As I did, my senses slowly returned and I heard Aura telling me that I would not be allowed to go any further. She instructed me to focus straight ahead and when I did, I could discern movement and what looked like the most brilliant and brightest white light I had ever seen. It was like the entire space had expanded a thousand fold and this powerful light encompassed the entire expanse ahead. The brilliance and strength of the light should have been blinding, yet I could look directly at it. I felt an intense sort of attraction to the light, like a magnetic pull drawing me forward. What took my attention was that this oscillating radiance was in the shape of a toroidal field that moved in a constant rotational motion. I was fascinated with this brilliance twisting in on itself. I could hear Aura’s voice informing me that it is from this realm that allows the soul passage to all stages of unification within the Absolute, that when a soul reaches this stage it will have the key to all knowledge and can choose to proceed toward a partial or total oneness with the Prime Creator. It is from within this realm or sphere where anything that is not possible materially or physically is allowed to unfold. Aura referred to this realm as a space of mental perception, a conceptual kingdom of intention and belief, where every idea or concept holds the potential for life. She described that this is where the soul has incorporated everything experienced in the lower realms. Aura called it the domain of God. She said that it’s here where the soul can become the amalgamation, the essence of all that it has ever been or ever will be, because it can never be more than whole.
When I try to revisit this experience, it feels like at this point I just sort of lost myself, like I was floating in this timeless …what should I say…place or reality and have no memory of what happened next or where I went from here. I will say, that the memories of this light and the intense feelings of love are still so clear and real to me that any time I go back in my memory I’m overcome with an emotion that doesn’t exist here on Earth. Or if it does, I haven’t felt it here.
All I remember from here was Aura’s voice whispering my name, telling me to sleep. The next day I did my best to write it all out, but I’ve never felt like I really captured the essence of that domain of God, as Aura put it.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this Afterlife series and all I can do is hope that I’ve somehow been able to take you along with me so that you might possibly have a deeper view of this spectacularly extraordinary realm we all came from and will return to. I love you all.
MY SPIRIT GUIDE'S TOUR OF THE AFTERLIFE - Cleansing-Spheres and Between-Realms of the Afterlife.
Aura’s Afterlife Tour:
Part Two
Hello my beautiful friends,
If you haven’t watched the previous video, “Meeting My Spirit Guide - Part One”, I would highly recommend watching it first, as it explains who Aura is and how this all came about.
The visit I want to tell you about today, although it didn’t happen in this sequence, was our trip into The Afterlife. I have not shared this information in full with anyone, so I guess now is the time.
Aura asked me to close my eyes and I quickly sunk into a mediative state until a few moments later I could see that I was no longer in my home, but was in a dome-shaped pure white room. It was about the size of my living room, but the ceiling curved upward into an egg-shaped dome. Aura gave me a minute to take it all in and then explained that she would be taking me on a tour of the spirit side, or what humans call the Afterlife. As I watched, the room we were in kind of faded out and we were standing on a hill above a river. Aura told me this was referred to as The Gathering Point. What I saw were beings of light escorting people, who Aura said had just passed from life, into an area that looked a lot like an airport lounge or waiting room with comfortable chairs stationed throughout. I asked Aura why these people, if they’re dead still look like they did when they were alive - to me they looked just like any other human you might see on earth. She explained that this is because they still hold the belief that this is who they are. The belief is a thought-form projected outward as a physical looking body.
The guides began organizing the people into various rows or lines. As I watched, one of the rows of individuals led to a river with a large yacht parked beside a dock. Another led to a large passenger plane, that some were beginning to board. I asked Aura what was going on and she explained that some souls through their religious beliefs were told that when they died there would be angels waiting to take them into heaven and they believed that the guides were the angels taking them home. Soon, the plane began slowly moving toward an open area to our right. At the same moment, the boat began moving in that same direction. Aura explained that the movement of these vehicles was only an illusion to give the appearance of having reached a destination. This also helps to calm the soul, so it feels it is safe and being looked after and gives them the rest needed to feel protected from any potential danger.
Here Aura made a point that those souls who are more spiritually aware will not need this stage of transition, because they have already learned that the Spirit Side is just a state of mind and they are able to create their passing in a way that suits them, in peace and even joy. These more awakened beings are often met by a beloved family member, maybe someone they loved while on Earth or a member of their etheric or galactic family, or are even instantly awakened back into the life they left before incarnating. It can be that simple.
As I watched, this scene in front of us began dissolving and Aura said we would now be moving on. She explained that the Earth is a very seductive planet and once a soul has incarnated as a physical human, when they die, they often are pulled to want to immediately return into another physical life and will therefore need to be cleansed of the pollution beliefs and attitudes that they picked up while human. Sometimes this cleansing is as simple as passing through a sort of decontamination chamber, especially for those who have become awakened back to Spirit in their lifetime. However, most humans who are not yet spiritually aware have a lot of fear around death and the process of dying and their transition from life can be very traumatic, especially for those who have died through great distress, like a car or plane accident, or a fire, or maybe were murdered and died while in terror. Aura explained that these souls need to be talked down, so to speak. The guides will gently explain to them that they are going to be taken to a place where they can rest and heal from the fright they just endured. Aura said that this was called the Cleansing Sphere. She took me into a place that looked a lot like a hospital, only much brighter and more open than those I’ve seen on Earth. There were huge windows that flooded the space with golden light, overlooking beautiful parklike grounds with rolling hills, green trees and a stone pathway lined with flowers. I was stunned by the beauty. Inside the huge space were beds, with lots of privacy and space between them. There were humans lying in the beds and what appeared to be nurses and doctors in attendance. These angelic caregivers were dressed all in white and their bodies glowed with a brilliant light. They spent their time providing comfort and assistance to those resting in bed. One man was being given a golden liquid to drink, as if it were a medicine of some kind. I asked Aura what it was and she said it was a sort of liquid light. As we floated further down the line of beds, we saw one angelic nurse giving a woman a treatment of some kind. She was holding a circular light above the head of the woman. Aura told me the object was created from layers of light and that this particular spectrum of light would help to illuminate and elevate the soul back into its former essence. Some of these souls have passed from life in a state of fear, others in a state of anger. Some who have passed while in a coma arrive onto the spirit side believing they are still in a coma. Some before death have been paralyzed for years and still believe they can’t walk and it will take a lot of patient encouragement to help them to understand that there is no longer anything wrong with them. We saw a couple of the newly dead wearing oxygen masks or hooked up to an IV or in a wheelchair, because they believe they are not well, even though they no longer have a body, they still manifest an illusion of a body by holding on to the impression of who they were in their life. Some who were in great pain still carry within them the belief that they are still in agony, because it’s an inner pain, a state of distress that comes from former beliefs of suffering. These patients are constantly comforted and counseled by these angelic doctors and nurses and surrounded by light and love, while allowed to rest and regain strength. Each of these patients will have as much time as they need to recover and begin to remember who they truly are. Aura said the most tragic, are the souls who in life believed that once they die that’s all there is and they will simply cease to exist. So at transition, from their perspective there is nothing, because they are dead. In this case it is very difficult for the angelic helpers to get through to them. All they can really do is to immerse them in surroundings that can demonstrate to them that they are still alive.
Before moving on, Aura described how each incarnated being throughout life will create their own individual reality and therefore at death will find itself in a reality similar to the one it had built for itself, through its beliefs perceptions and actions. She said what a soul does on Earth will dictate where it will exist in the afterlife realms.
Aura explained that the next realm we would visit was a place for those souls who have never been able to release their anger or violence and have carried these tendencies into the spirit realm. She referred to this location as a sort of Between-Realm inhabited by those who have not yet reached the cleansing spheres. What I saw was what looked like a pleasant residential neighborhood like you might see many places on Earth, with blue skies, nicely landscaped houses and green lawns and an occasional vehicle parked in the driveway. There were people of various genders and races all living within this little community. I noticed there was a road leading out of the neighborhood and asked Aura where the road went. She stated that the road was only an illusion and any of the residents attempting to drive out of the community, would find the road only led them back into their own neighborhood again. This reminded me of The Truman Show when he tried to leave town but always found himself back in the same place. Aura said that this is because this realm is comprised of human souls who have never learned to control their anger and therefore are not allowed to leave this place until they learn that lesson, because if they haven’t managed to clear that anger from their soul, they will undoubtedly become angry again. And the way this realm is set up, when this happens, the anger energy manifests around them. With this, Aura asked me to stand and observe one of the houses. In front of the house, there were two men arguing and yelling at each other. As we watched, the sky above became dark and everything around them started falling apart. When one man attempted to strike the other, he wasn’t able to and that blow was directed back to himself. With each attempt the man would fall back as if being hit himself. He was unable to harm the other. The anger began affecting everything around them. The roofs of their houses collapsed, the floors fell in, the furniture fell over, the trees and flowers in their gardens wilted and died. Their beautiful homes were destroyed by their anger and they were left sitting among the ruins. Then as we watched, an angelic adviser came up to the men and explained that it was their own anger that had devastated everything around them and that they would need to learn to reach a higher vibrational understanding before they could move into the more elevated realms of the cleansing sphere. The adviser explained that a soul can only exist in a reality that correlates with its vibrational rate - that a soul’s frequency is what places the individual in a certain domain of existence. The bottom line for all souls is that what you do on Earth will dictate where you will land on the spirit side.
Once the men calmed down and understood how this all works, everything started coming back together, their houses began to magically repair, the floor became solid once again and the furniture back in place. This is all meant to teach that this anger is a dangerous force that exists within the soul and must be released before they are allowed into the higher heavenly realms. Aura said sometimes this takes some souls many of these violent outbursts to learn this lesson and until it is dealt with, these souls must live in isolation, so as not to pollute the other realms. They must learn that anger is a fear reaction, often of the disappointments that their life had to offer. They need to be able to finally realize that they are limiting their existence and taking away all the goodness and harmony of life.
I remember Jerry Hicks once asked Abraham, “Why doesn’t Source just take all of the rapists and murderers and stick them all onto one island and then they can do all their damage to each other, rather than to those who don’t deserve to be harmed.” And Abraham told Jerry that’s exactly how it does work and explained very much what Aura and I had just seen.
As Aura and I continued, we came to a place that looked a lot like a playground with a little miniature castle-like structure in the center. There were several children, some with stuffed animals or brightly colorful toys, some were petting kittens or playing with puppies. It was like a lovely fairytale landscape. I asked what this was and Aura explained that there are many children who pass the earth plane very tragically from horrible abuse, leaving them with huge emotional scars, and in order to recover they are wrapped in the love and support of these glowing angels of light. These kids will need to learn to be able to trust again and being with other children in a joyful place of high vibration allows for this healing to take place. They are surrounded by loving beings and constantly reassured until they are able to leave those terrible memories behind and become the free and happy spirits they are at core. It was such a tender and uplifting scene and I felt so happy this could happen for these little ones.
Aura said that the most important purpose of this cleansing sphere is to purify the soul of the lower Earth densities so the soul will not be drawn to return into a similar incarnation and once again become lost in a cycle of sadness and terror. Unfortunately, there are some souls who refuse the help of the angelic advisers and their only desire is to return to the body. There are some in fact that when they die and are outside their physical form, they actually try to crawl back inside their deceased body. This stubbornness is very hard for the spirit guides to get through to them and help and often even with their assistance these souls are pulled back into the Earth frequency and will reincarnate at the first opportunity. But to leave this realm on a happier note, Aura stressed that these Divine advisers are so good at their job, even if it takes thousands of years in our time, to convince a troubled soul of its Divine essence, nearly all will be helped in one way or another until they are finally able to move on into the next heavenly realm.
Now, stay tuned for Part Three, when Aura continues her tour of this fascinating afterlife realm.
See you then! Bye!
MEETING MY SPIRIT GUIDE - "20 years of amazing guided visits through unearthly and celestial realms"
Meeting My Spirit Guide
Part One
Hello my friends,
With all the videos I’ve created for this channel, I’ve not yet talked much about my ET contact and otherworldly experiences. This is because when those contacts began, I was still teaching and my husband and I were living what would be seen as a fairly normal life and I didn’t want to rock the boat. However, now after having recorded a combination of over 70 videos on my channels, revealing the majority of my mysterious life, I felt there might be an interest in learning more about these events and communications that began all those years ago, and continue. So I contemplated which of those experiences you might be most interested in and decided I would start there.
So first, as I’ve mentioned previously, some of these events that have come into my life have been more than a bit unusual, to say the least. So for any of you who just can’t quite go there, you have my permission to see it all as fictional. Nevertheless, the main reason I felt it was finally time to tell my story, is because I have now seen way more bizarre reports than my own, on Youtube, and I have found the majority of these to be true. For example, Alex Collier’s visits aboard an Andromedan starship that began when he was 8 years old and at one point as an adult he stayed aboard for over a month. Or Garnet Schulhauser’s astral travels with Albert, his spirit guide, traveling to other worlds and interacting with extraterrestrial beings, as well as many visits to the Spirit Side, always bringing back with him important knowledge for the future of humanity. There are also many reports surfacing now of humans who have spent time on other worlds, sometimes hours, sometimes years, even having children with these other star-beings. Or the astounding story of a man called Michael Desmarquet who was abducted by beautiful and kind 8 foot extraterrestrial beings and was taken to their world called Thiaoouba, where he remained for nine days. They taught him the meaning of life and gave him information about human history and the future of Earth. So, I really don’t think overall that you will find my story all that strange.
Many years ago, I came in telepathic contact with a ET ship residing high above our planet. I was told by these beings that the mission of those on board is to be of assistance to the humans of Earth during these transitional years of turmoil and war.
The beautiful beings aboard the starship Sialia, which I'm told means Bluebird here on Earth, are great masters, who when asked, are willing to share their knowledge and wisdom with those ready and willing to hear their message.
The ship is from the Andromeda galaxy and has been stationed above our world since before recorded history. I was told that I too, am from this Island Universe, as are most others who communicate with these beings. Yet throughout the ensuing years I’ve learned that as a star traveler I have incarnated as both Andromedan and Arcturian, as well as other star races, and retain some of those memories. This is because my role is much the same in nearly any incarnation, bringing information of other star cultures and civilizations into one that is on the brink of an awakening, helping to lift the veil and restore memories, through language and writing, both verbal and telepathic. While describing the seeding of star-beings onto planet Earth, the Andromedans explained that some will be born as humans and others come in to life as a human through the walk-in process we’ve discussed many times on this channel.
For review, this is where, at a predetermined time in the life of a human and with the full agreement of both souls, another extraterrestrial soul walks into a physical body and takes over that life. These beings were contracted to come in later, as necessary, to perform their individual roles in the planet's development. Whether chosen to be born as a baby or come in later as a walk-in, all preparations are made before incarnation and the spirit is fully aware of the role she or he is destined to play in the planet's awakening. These souls have lived many lifetimes and in their normal state of existence live as fully conscious beings. After an agreement has been reached, the soul inhabits the body, either of the infant, or the adult, especially chosen for this journey. Whether coming into human life as a child or later in life, the soul will live a somewhat normal life as a human until a predetermined date when the memory returns and the star-being regains full consciousness.
However, for the child born on Earth, this particular choice holds a distinct challenge, because the soul coming into the body is quite advanced in consciousness, so the child's earthly experience can be bewildering and painful. The bleed-through memory of home causes the children to become confused about who they are. They may begin to show signs of depression, or may become disoriented when these memories seep through and they often develop an intense yearning to go home, without knowing where or what that really might be. This is why most ET souls choose to come into a human body later in life.
My early life was filled with intense cravings for some unknown place or person. I grew up certain I had been adopted and convinced I was on the wrong planet. I truly believed I had been kidnapped and forced to assume a false identity and set of circumstances, even though those circumstances were quite wonderful. I loved my parents, my home, and my life in general. I was loved and cared for and had many freedoms and joys. Regardless, throughout my years in this body, most have been spent looking for others like myself and hungering for even a slight recognition of home.
So anyway, my first contact from the ship Sialia came several years after my near-death experience. I was lying in bed, sleepless as usual, when my body began to tremble slightly. Within moments I became lightheaded and could hear a hollow hissing or buzzing around my head. My throat began to throb and pulsate. The shaking sensations increased until I felt as if I were rising up off the bed. My eyes were shut and yet I could see a bright golden light behind my closed lids. Within seconds a strange and wonderful sense of peace came over me and I lay there wondering why I wasn't afraid or concerned. Then I heard the voice, as clear and pure as if someone was standing beside my bed. The only words I heard were my name, being repeated several times. It was so loving and comforting and oddly very familiar, yet different than the voice I had heard during my NDE.
I don't know how long I lay there in that state of bliss. I must have fallen asleep at some point and when I woke up the next morning, I actually tried to talk myself out of the crazy incident by deciding it was just a lucid dream, but when it happened again the next night I knew it had been an actual event and not a dream or fantasy.
These odd body sensations, the vibration, the floating sensation and then the voice, over the next year or so, became a fairly commonplace event. It was always the same and always came at a moment when my consciousness was hovering between awake and asleep.
Well, as time passed I came to trust the beings behind the voices I began to anticipate the visits and even look forward to them. I experimented by asking questions and in return received incredible knowledge. Soon I found that I could even call the entities to me. After several months, I was able to contact these beings during the day so I wouldn’t have to wait for a night visit. However, this didn’t always work out too well and there were a few visits that came at inconvenient times, so I returned to the night visits.
One night, my instructions were to spend the next three nights in the family room, instead of the bedroom. The upper half of the house is a combination family-room-kitchen and can be completely closed-off from the lower half of the house. This particular night I wasn't sure what to expect, only that I had been told to wait for a communication in this section of the house so I wouldn't disturb my husband who was asleep in the lower bedroom. I was so psyched about what might happen that I wasn't sure what to do, so I waited. I finally got so tired I fell asleep. Suddenly I was awakened feeling really sick, like I was going to vomit, but almost immediately the wave of nausea passed and I lay there wondering why I was here doing something so ridiculous. Just about the time I talked myself into getting up, I heard what sounded like a tinkling bell.
I opened my eyes and in front of me was a beautiful alien-looking woman. Her body was a translucent bluish color, sort of semitransparent. She was the loveliest being I had ever seen and emanated a serenity that was absolutely captivating. Her body was much taller than my own and very slim with long arms that hung well below her knees. Her hands and fingers were much longer and thinner than human hands. She was bald with a long narrow head and huge very pale aqua-colored eyes, the color of a tropical ocean, and a tiny thin nose. Her mouth didn't move when she spoke, but possessed a look of tenderness, almost like a small smile. She appeared very fragile and moved like a dancer, slow and graceful. The gown she wore looked as if it was made of cobwebs, almost transparent. She reminded me of an elegant insect, not in a repulsive way, it’s just that I wouldn't have been surprised to see her fly away. You know, just being with her made me feel relaxed and calm. In fact oddly, something in her nature raised my own perception of self, as if I had only now this moment encountered my true character. In her presence I felt masterful, as if I could do anything. Without speaking words she knew me, deeply and more intimately than I knew myself. In some way she reflected my own authentic spirit, that vital essence, an all-knowing spark of intelligence and love. I was overcome with what I can only call a deep awareness of my own sacredness. It was only much later that I found that she was an aspect of self, what you might call a future or more advanced expression of self.
The alien woman began moving her arms in a dance-like movement, gracefully weaving and swaying her willowy physique back and forth, the movements reminding me of waves on a beach. My body felt lighter and lighter until I was sure I was floating. My eyes remained glued to her, as if I couldn't look away. I was completely mesmerized by the beauty of her hypnotic, rhythmic, movements. As she moved closer and closer, I kind of stammered out, “Who are you?” She reached one arm out toward me and gently placed one finger on my forehead and I could hear the words inside my mind, "You may call me Aura."
Well, Aura explained that what I was seeing and feeling was a holographic projection from the ship above and she was not really here with me, but her image was directed from the craft. I said, “But I felt your touch.” Then I could sense that she was kind of amused by what I said and I heard her response in my head saying, “You felt my touch because you expected to, you believed you would.”
Aura told me that she and her people were from the Andromedan Galaxy and were now 12th density beings who could inhabit the physical realm as well as the higher invisible realms, as desired. However, long ago in their evolution, their race had experienced an era much like what the earth is going through now, lacking moral structure and fighting amongst each other, until they ended up destroying their planet. Luckily, before the destruction they were able to escape in their starships. Since that original timeline the Andromedans have evolved into a very peaceful, yet somewhat cerebral and logical, race of benevolent beings and over that time have become a nomadic race with no planet and live their lifetimes of over 500 years or more aboard their ships. These great biosphere ships are like huge cities with forests and lakes and parklike meadows, with several thousand individuals on board. Aura said her race has been stationed above the earth helping to guide humanity for thousands of years. One of the most influential Andromedans was the god Shiva - that’s why he is represented with blue skin. She said that the reason her skin is lighter with only a hint of blue, is because she’s chosen to live most of her existence in the higher realms where there’s no longer any need to eat food.
Aura informed me that she would be taking me on many journeys. The first would be to show Earth’s potential future if humanity is left to continue as it is at present. This was back in the early 2000s. Then she would reveal how the planet would be affected by the presence of those humans and star beings emanating a higher frequency than the collective. She told me she would be demonstrating this through a portal she called ‘the hallway”, in which she would relate various scenarios that would illustrate what she called “the climb through densities from the corruption of the lower kingdoms to the glories of the heavenly realms.” Over the months Aura made many of these visits and each time she would teach me or take me somewhere amazing.
I’ll do my best to explain how this all came about. Each time was the same, she would wake me up at night and have me move up into the family room, ask me to shut the door, and sit on my meditation cushion. Then she would have me close my eyes and with her soft voice in my head, she would guide me to this portal, until I could see a long hallway with doors on both sides. Each door was different, with unique colors, some with carvings or letters or symbols, others with only a curtain or animal skin covering the opening. She would guide me to a door and have me describe it to her, to make sure I was there, then when she was satisfied with what she heard, if there was a doorknob, she would have me turn it and open the door, or lift the curtain and walk inside. The contents of the room were different every time - in fact many times would not even be a room, but would lead into an open field, or a beautiful crystal city, or a long winding staircase that disappeared into a ceiling of blue sky or mist. This is also how she would take me aboard the Sialia mothership, where different times I was able to meet several of the crew. Remember, during these travels, I am in my astral body, or light body, not my physical body.
During the many visits with Aura I learned more about her race and that they, along with the Arcturians, consider themselves custodians of earth, managing and guiding mankind’s evolution, overseeing all aspects of operation and function. When I asked Aura why this was necessary, she replied, to keep humanity from blowing themselves up. I discovered over time that although Aura was very loving and kind, she was also quite resolute in getting a point across to me, yet without teaching me or injecting her own insights or opinions. It was like every deduction or conclusion was entirely up to me. She showed me scenes and episodes from not only earth but other locations throughout the galaxy that were obviously meant to elicit a reaction, but would not prompt my emotions one way or the other. She made it clear that she was my guide, not my instructor.
Aura said that there had been times over earth’s history when it was felt, by these custodians, that the human race was becoming corrupt and had gone too far and were on a path of de-evolution and they felt it had become necessary to cleanse the planet and reset humanity. She said that they are once again at the point of decision, whether to allow mankind’s continuing misconduct or to intervene and that the next few years would tell the tale, so to speak. Now, more than 20 years have passed since she first delivered this warning.
I’ve continued to spend time with Aura over these many years and there is always within every visit a thread of caution for the potential future of earth. One time, nearly 20 years ago now, I asked Aura if it was my place to alert others of these probabilities and she never really gave me a straight answer. She would always make the point that each individual is responsible for their own choices and therefore course of action. She would also stress that everything is obvious to anyone with any awareness or discernment. Yet, what I found most interesting was she never gave an obvious indication where we are as a collective. With each journey she took me on, she let me decide for myself what I got out of it and what this might mean to me or to the planet.
As I was thinking the other day about what might be the most meaningful topic to put on my channel, I felt it might finally be the right time to disclose some of these otherworldly encounters and let you decide for yourself if they have any value or significance to your own journey. Because to me it feels like time is whizzing by and if there’s a chance that some of this information might be helpful to even one person, it might be worth it to make it available to you all. So stay tuned for part two, which will be my tour of the Afterlife, with Aura as my guide. See you then!
"THE PHYSICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" - Consciousness is not localized in the brain...
The Physics of Consciousness
“At the heart of everything is a question, not an answer. When we peer down into the deepest recesses of matter or at the farthest edge of the universe, we see, finally, our own puzzled face looking back at us.” John Archibald Wheeler
Hello again. John Wheeler, leading theoretical physicist of the 20th century, collaborated with Einstein on the vision of a unified field theory, worked on the principles of nuclear fission with Niels Bohr, on the Manhattan Project, hoping to end WWII. Wheeler was first to coin the term “black hole”. He spent his later years teaching at Princeton University and some of his most notable graduate students are also among some of my physics heroes, Richard Feynman and Hugh Everett the third, who proposed the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics - of which I am a huge fan!
So why am I rattling on about this guy? Because he was one of the most influential role models to a reasonable translation of own mysterious life. My all-time favorite Wheeler quote: “I do take 100 percent seriously the idea that the world is a figment of the imagination.”
I wanted to begin here with an explanation of how and why I decided to create this channel. This is because many of the topics mentioned in the intro to the video are situations I have in some way either encountered myself or have personal experience with.
One of the first and most memorable things I learned as a child was from my grandmother, my first metaphysical mentor. She had been watching me playing with my sisters. When I yelled out to my sister that what she had just done was stupid. My grandmother stopped the game and told me that “words and thoughts are things”. She went on to describe that using thought or imagination is what creates the world and told me to be careful what I thought or said, because it could happen. She explained that thinking words is the same as saying them out loud, so if I didn’t want to hurt my sister, I should not say such things.
From childhood and all throughout my life, I’ve had an inner perception or innate knowledge that has guided me though life, sometimes as a simple gut feeling other times as a visual manifestation of light-configurations or other sensory perceptions. As strange as it may seem, from my first moments of awareness I have had memories of coming from another realm, another plane of existence. From that early age, I knew that Earth was not my home and I was a visitor from another world. From the time I learned to speak I shared this knowledge with my mother and siblings. To my little open mind, the fact that I came from another world did not seem scary or odd to me, just a reality. I felt safe with my new family. At age three I asked my mother about my adoption - as I figured if I came from another reality and my sisters didn’t, I must have been adopted. Well, my mother quickly assured me that she remembered giving birth to me as a baby, yet what I clearly remembered was coming into the body of a child much later, while retaining all the memories of the child’s life before my arrival. And as I’ve mentioned this didn’t seem unusual in any way to me. The only discomfort was that I was the only one who seemed to have these memories and this sort of experience. Luckily, my family was very understanding and allowed me to be who I was, no matter how unconventional that all sounded to them. As I said, when I was very young I saw this all as a normal part of my life and who I was as a person. For example, from my first memories, I was aware of a constant loving presence in telepathic communication with me, guiding me and comforting me. When I was faced with a difficult choice, I could sense the guidance, sometimes even as a voice in my head, assuring me I could do it and it would be okay. And those few times I didn’t listen I always found myself regretting it.
Yet, as I grew and matured, I became increasingly aware that not everyone was seeing or sensing what I was and this became confusing, as I learned to hold certain things within my own experience. And because I was curious about so many of these rather unconventional occurrences, it became really important to learn as much as I could about these phenomena. I knew I wasn’t crazy. I knew these things were not fantasy, but very real and I began to read everything I could on the subjects of psychic phenomena, consciousness, extraterrestrials, and the magical worlds of the unseen. I took a course in quantum mechanics from Stanford University and was excited to discover that most everything I had experienced had a place, sometimes obvious, other times deeply hidden, within this fascinating quantum world of probability and wave function collapse, where every decision creates an alternate universe and most thrilling, the awareness that it is our consciousness that creates the universe, rather than the universe creating our consciousness. With these exciting realizations my entire world took on a new thrill, a new enthusiasm.
I learned how to lucid dream and to see with my eyes closed, to astral travel and how to influence matter, make things happen. Interestingly, over time I found that most of these things I was able to accomplish, would only manifest if I was in a place of high vibration and through a loving heart. I’ve since learned that this is because love is who we truly are. This innate sensation, this emotion, is at the very core of our being, our essence as a soul, as a consciousness. So, although you could say I ended up living a fairly conventional life, my thoughts, my instinct always returned to those exciting topics others never wanted to discuss or had even determined to be delusion or fantasy. And, these unique abilities may not be seriously considered in most scientific circles yet, but fortunately are beginning to show up even within academia as university courses and research studies.
We are now at a time when even the more traditional aspects of contemporary science are opening doors to potential and possibilities either hidden or ignored only 50 or 75 years ago, with the birth of quantum mechanics. And with the widening of these formerly imposed obstructions comes a time of assessment, reevaluating some of those principles and concepts hastily written into textbooks as truth, rather than the hypothesis and conjecture they truly were, lifting barriers and generating a new science. Unfortunately, it’s a very slow awakening, but happening nevertheless. I’m glad I lived to see this time when the most prestigious institutions are now hard at work researching many of those formerly forbidden phenomena, such as superposition or entanglement or the mysteries of non-locality, are now studied as the way our reality works, although sometimes still not easily discovered in every educational program, or even in mainstream conversation.
So where do we go from here? I believe the definition of corrupt…or maybe I should say irresponsible, is a closed mind - one who believes that reality consists only of what is in front of him. Many years ago people believed the earth was a disk, or that the sun went around the earth, or that we only use 10% of our brain, or that Twinkies last forever, HA! So would it be such a leap to find that matter is not solid or that consciousness is fundamental to all of existence, or even that extraterrestrials really do exist? As physicist David Bohm was known for saying, “The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge gained.” So, why stay stuck in an old paradigm when there are so many exciting discoveries at hand right now within reach of any inquisitive intelligence.
On the other hand, skepticism can be healthy, but only when one’s mind is open to change. A closed mind is dangerous, because it slams closed the door to any further learning. One who’s mind is closed usually tends to be run by ego and all too often anyone who doesn’t agree with them is wrong and must be reined in, controlled, before their crazy ideology infects other people and we’ve all seen how well that has worked out so far. We’ve been taught to be afraid of anything new or alternative to the conventional model and are therefore easily controlled by one in authority. Yet, there is a potential positive here, in that I have noticed that one who has previously had the strongest intolerance against …let’s say the transcendental for example, when through some significant emotional event, like perhaps a near death experience or an out-of-body state, now becomes the staunchest of supporters to that which they formerly scorned, or even despised. A great example is Dr Eben Alexander’s total transformation after an incredible near-death experience, while deep in a 7 day coma, with essentially no brain activity. Before his NDE he didn’t believe in an afterlife, but after emerging from his otherworldly experience, he understood that our consciousness goes far beyond the limitations of the body and is truly who we are.
And what causes one to have a mind closed to new knowledge and where do these prejudices come from? They usually begin in childhood, from parents and teachers or classmates and friends, or even those in the media or on news reports. I’ve learned that one of the greatest things we can do for our own personal growth or soul-advancement, is to look back on our lives and discover which of our beliefs actually belongs to us, and which were learned from someone else. Also, which beliefs are for our greater good and which are harmful to our development and peace of mind? Where did we learn that limited thought and from whom? We may be very surprised how many judgments we picked up from other’s remarks, perhaps our parents, or maybe someone we were trying to impress and wanted them to like us and so we took-on their stuff as our own, or maybe someone we admired at the time, but once we began to open our own minds realized just how limited, and maybe even harmful, that belief was.
Back in the 80s I had a group of friends that would get together once a week and discuss fascinating subjects like, if the universe came from nothing, what did nothing come from? Or, because linear time only exists in a realm of duality, does it cease to exist the faster the frequency? Or, if the higher densities exist in a timeless state of eternity, then there is no before and no after and that empty void of nothing still exists, which means that there really was no beginning and will be no ending, only a state of perpetual existence or isness, therefore either the Big Bang never happened, or is still happening!
Another of my favorite topics of discussion with this group of friends was, is this universe real or just a dream or a hologram, which means it could be just an illusionary realm for our consciousness to play in, like a game, maybe just for fun, or maybe to learn and grow. And if we indeed are the consciousness, the body must just be a physical vehicle that allows us to participate in the game and if this is so, is the reality around us even real? And here’s the idea of the holographic or simulated reality. So what are we, a thought, an idea?
You know, we are constantly influenced by others and the way I see it, one of the most meaningful things we can do to improve who we are as a person, a soul, is to learn to discern what is really us - what do I believe? What do I know to be true? What feels right within me as a part of myself? What do I want to put out into the world, as me? No one else can do this for us and we may just find that the more we discover our true self, the more and deeper knowledge that is available to us. This is why the work being done in these previously taboo subjects is so significant and so pivotal to human development and to mankind’s ongoing role in the universe.
Thank you.
"WHAT IS A LIGHTWORKER?" Could you be one? And is a Lightworker the same as a Starseed?
What is a Lightworker and could you be one? Transcript
Hello my friends!
So, what is a Lightworker and could you be one? A lightworker is a soul who incarnated to help humanity and the planet through this shift in consciousness. They are often driven to be of service in whatever way they can. They’re usually quite interested in new age concepts and spirituality, although this isn’t always the case. Lightworkers can be your kind neighbor who is always volunteering to help - it could be the mailman with the cheery smile, or the friendly woman across the street where all the kids tend to gather because they can sense the love and higher vibration. A lightworker can be anyone who is compelled through a sense of love and unselfishness to improve the planet and its people and they can do this through their career or through their everyday interactive moments with others.
We often hear the words, Starseeds and Lightworkers used interchangeably and that’s because they are both on the same path. So, can a Lightworker be a starseed or a starseed a lightworker? Absolutely, in fact more often than not. A starseed is nearly always a lightworker, but a lightworker may or may not be a starseed. We’ve discussed many times on this channel what the term starseed means, but we haven’t spent much time describing the path of a lightworker.
Lightworkers, like starseeds are here for a reason. They are those who arrive with a purpose, a mission to assist humanity in whatever way their certain skills or talents allow them to put into use to be of help to one or too many. They incarnated at this time in human history to be of help and to assist others in the process of spiritual awakening. They are the bearers of Light and possess everything needed to inspire humanity into taking that next step into freedom. A lightworker is a spiritual warrior, those who not only seek truth but speak it from their soul.
Unlike most starseeds, who came to earth through choice, to live and learn through being a human, being a lightworker is not a choice, it’s an intense calling, a hungering that comes through from the depths of soul. They know it is an essential part of who they are, to be a guiding light through a world of darkness. They are called to make a difference, as an adviser or mentor to those struggling through life. Lightworkers are beacons of light, modeling love and compassion wherever they go. Like Starseeds, Lightworkers are helping to raise the frequency of Earth at a critical time in mankind’s history.
So can a human be both a starseed and a lightworker. Yes, they are on the same mission, to help mankind through the ascension process, to guide others onto the path toward enlightenment. Each lightworker and starseed incarnated with a certain skill-set or talent unique to the individual, designed to bring about a positive result necessary to inspire and motivate others to seek their own way toward insight and wisdom. You’ve heard me say that starseeds are often drawn to become writers or teachers or actors, singers, each role with the purpose of encouraging and uplifting others to their own inner development. It is this light-work that most seeded souls are drawn to follow and therefore may be pulled toward energy work and the natural holistic healing arts. These souls are seeded with the love and light from the higher realms they came from.
That said, as many of you know, a lightworker’s life is not always an easy one. As a lightworker, you may have your own doubts about your abilities or who you are and wonder if you’re just fooling yourself. Then there will be those who think their drive to help is only a bid for attention or to make people like them. There are some working with the light who will be skeptical about their calling and fear they may only be trying to elevate themselves through the belief that their role lifts them above those they are attempting to help, or maybe to doubt in your own sincerity that you’re just using what’s in vogue to have a purpose - to validate yourself.
These are just fears to overcome. Fears are illusions and the calling to be a lightworker comes from deep within your soul and is not something you just made-up to prove something or to fill in time. As a seeded soul or lightworker you have an inner strength and courage that allows you to transcend these fears. Remember, you are here to serve others and through love to create a better world. The only important question a Lightworker ever needs to ask him or herself is, What are my intentions? Am I aligned with my soul’s purpose and using my intention for the highest good of all? If this indeed is who you are, let go of the fears and guilt, because you, beautiful soul, are a gift to the world.
Every soul on the planet is a powerful creator and the role of a lightworker or a starseed is to stay the path that was laid down for them before incarnating and then to help guide and counsel others toward that same path of love and gratitude for the natural goodness we all hold in our hearts. Every thought and intention we hold lays down a route, a map, a course of action, that we will follow through life. It is our job to make sure that route is one of love and compassion, because each emotion or intention we possess will have a direct effect on our reality and the world around us. When we send forth love out into the field of consciousness, we not only uplift ourselves, but transmit that vibration to all others within the collective field of consciousness.
I often think about how important self-care is for starseeds, while caring for and helping others. When you yourself are in a state of balance, you are much more affective when it comes to being of help to others. With the contrasting vibratory frequencies, between the star being’s natural higher vibration and that of the lower 3D realm, it is very common for seeded beings and lightworkers to be affected by the inharmonious vibrations of Earth, which can cause a condition called cognitive dissonance, where the information coming in is so dissimilar or contradictory to that previously held, the being will find it too difficult to handle and can collapse back into those former beliefs they once found more comfortable. And this can happen in either case, from the side of the human who receives more advanced knowledge than his capacity to handle, or from the side of the ET who delves too deeply into empathy for the suffering of the human and tries to give more help than the human is ready for. This is why solitude and stillness can be paramount to the health of both starseeds and Lightworkers. While helping the planet and its people, take the time out to nourish your own body mind and spirit.
As Lightworkers, it is our job, mission, to bring people together. One thing I’ve always tried to do with this channel is to bring us all into partnership, whether star-being or human, into one union, one family, a family of souls. It doesn’t matter how or why we came into an earthly incarnation at this time. Just the fact that we are here and exist as physical beings upon the planet at this significant time, should be enough to give validity to our collective. We are citizen of the earth. For how long? It doesn’t matter. We are here now. We are all a spark of the Divine. We are all interconnected beings of light and as a reminder, it only takes one being of light to affect hundreds of others. Each person touched by one caring heart will radiate that warmth and kindness out to others. This is a time where all of humanity can learn to work together for the highest good of all. Together we can create a better world - a world where disagreements and conflicts can be resolved through reasoning and insight.
When we leave this physical world, what will be most important will not be the recognition or fame we’ve managed to gather, it will be about how much we’ve loved. It will be about the souls we’ve helped to awaken into their own spiritual path, those hearts we’ve touched with our love and light.
It is from within this precious present that we have access to our inner wisdom and can receive guidance from this higher aspect of being - to shine our light out into the world. Every moment is an opportunity to understand and value each other, through both our uniqueness and our similarities. We were all created by the Absolute, the Source of all things, therefore are all children of that one principle of light and love. This is the time of a great awakening and you, you, are the hope for this planet and her ascension into the new earth.
I love you …and thanks for listening!
"AUTHENTIC SELF" - What does it mean and is it the same as your inner being or higher self?
Authentic Self
Hey guys, I just have something rolling around in my head and I thought I take a sec to sit and babble about it a bit. I was talking with a friend the other day about authenticity and what that means at its deepest level. I’ve know this friend for many years and we’ve seen each other through several versions of self and have watched ourselves grow more all the time into our authentic selves. We began the conversation by commenting on the fact that we both used to have very short hair and now we’ve let our hair grow long and feel that it’s a reflection on who we’ve become over these past few years.
Y’know, we take on so many roles in life, child, teenage, mother father, career person, grandparent and so forth. And we also behave differently with different people. Like for instance, I can talk to my son about things I would never mention to my sister - and talk to my sister about those certain things I would never share with my son - even some of the language I would feel comfortable using with my sister would embarrass my son …and no I don’t mean foul language or cursing. I don’t use that language with anyone. I’m talking more about, you know, girl talk. I could never use the word vagina around my son, he would die! Uh-oh, he’s probably going to freak - I might have to edit that out, HA!
Anyway, my friend and I were talking about how we put on masks around some people and not with others. Even our siblings, our family, will often hold us in the same place we were when we were a child and still look at us as if we were that same person and may have no idea who we are now. That’s why the holidays are so hard, or can be for some families. So should you go to the trouble of trying to bring them along with you into your current life or is this even something they really want? I mean, if you feel much freer when you’re not with them. What does that say? Maybe you’re only comfortable around your newer friends or the family members you’ve kept up with over the years. I think a feeling of resistance most probably indicates that we’re not really being our genuine self.
For me, if I’m with others and I just feel like running away, usually that’s something I’ve done out of obligation. A lot of it seems to be pretty obvious, yet most of the time we ignore those signals that show us something is not quite in balance. In different situations, I’ve been asking myself, is this really me? Do I really want to be here - to do this? Does the way I behave with these people match up with my own values and beliefs. Do I act differently with them? Then who is my authentic self? What is that? And how do we know we’re being that - and do we slip in and out of that self, authentic one minute and very human the next, depending upon the situation? So, does our vibration rise with some friends and lower with others - or can we hold our light in either case?
I mean, we do have different roles and therefore personality traits as needed through life. For example you may feel free to act playful and childlike with your boyfriend or husband, but not with your colleagues.
Are we afraid of being judged or not liked if we reveal our true self to someone who has only seen one part of ourselves, like a co-worker? Or like, would we feel free to smoke or drink or joke-around in front of our parents or our churchgoing prim and proper aunt so-and-so?
When I was talking to my friend, we were going over how many versions of self there are over a lifetime. Like for myself, what “me” am I most comfortable with? I loved being with my husband, because I could be me with him …the me in any mood or disposition. And I can be most of me with my son, but there are certain things that I’m uncomfortable with, like I’m embarrassed to cry in front of him, because it hurts him and he wants to fix it. I can also be parts of myself in front of my sister, but not the genuine spiritual self, so hmmm …I suppose that’s not really being fully authentic. Then there is just daily life. For example, let’s say a neighbor, who I have nothing in common with, someone tied to current events, likes to sit around drinking wine and talking politics. Let’s say she invites me over for dinner. Well, to be totally honest, I can tell you right now, I don’t want to go. I know I would be bored stiff and uncomfortable not knowing what to say, because we live in two different worlds. She watches mainstream news and believes it and does what it tells her to do! The opposite in many ways of myself. Does this mean I’m better than her? No, of course not, but it probably means I won’t be having dinner with her.
There are so many times that I’ve been really upset with myself for giving into a situation and then being absolutely miserable the entire time and after the fact getting angry with myself for not being honest enough, then ending up putting myself into another unpleasant circumstance that is worlds of vibration away from my true self.
So what do I do? I think I’m finally beginning to learn to stand by my own truth, but to do it as kindly as possible. Not ending up always saying yes to things I really don’t want to do. I think that inharmonious resistance is very harmful to the body …to let people walk all over you just to be liked. We need to listen to our emotions.These emotions may be messages that need to be healed. If we’re not confident, we’re weak and vulnerable to others taking advantage of us. And if we only put forward our happy perfect self all the time, no one will ever know the authentic me.
Maybe we should ask ourself, if I was trying to impress another person, what attributes would I admit to and what about myself would I not want that other person to know? For example, like what would you put in a dating profile or a character analysis, where you have to describe who you are? I doubt anyone really tells the entire truth. They may tell somethings that are accurate, but probably not everything.
So, what about spiritually, like for a starseed who has always known who they are on an ethereal level and knows themselves to be a brilliant light-being, so constantly feels the pressure to act out that required or expected role. But what if we’re not feeling it? What if we’re having a bad day? Are we afraid if we show our true feelings that we won’t be fulfilling our purpose, our mission? Well, if we ourselves aren’t even able to accept those parts of ourself, that’s a lot of pressure. Do we try to be spiritual when we’re upset or angry or depressed. I don’t think that’s being authentic. Seriously, being authentic doesn’t mean we’re always on our best behavior - it just means having the courage to be honest with our emotions and sharing how we really feel about a subject or situation, even if it might be unpopular with someone else.
And I’m not talking about being stupid or brash, deciding we need to tell it like it is in every case. Uh well, I suppose there might be some who think that it is their true nature to be a grumpy old man or a bitchy lady. No, that’s not the authenticity I’m talking about. What I’m actually getting at here is, who are you at your core? Well, of course at your very highest self you are an angelic beautiful light-being of pure love - a fragment of God/Source. But I’m talking about who we are at our best human self - the self we are while we’re here in this earthly life.
So I guess what it comes down to is to do our best to be our authentic self, but within the perimeters of considerate and friendly behavior. And don’t fluctuate back and forth from one personality to another. Who is the real you? I think we could ask ourself what we don’t like about ourself and why and where it comes from and what we are afraid of. Will they not like me - will I be humiliated? The way I see it, we need to be courageous, because if we allow ourself to be manipulated by our fears, that they won’t accept me the way I am, I will never be free!
Well, I suppose I could go on and on here, but mostly what I wanted, was to express my feelings about authenticity and what it means for us at this stage in our lives on planet earth …and it feels to me, that there might not ever be a better time to discover and express that authentic self, not only to self, but kindly to others and see where we all land. If I’m honest with my neighbor, for instance, in the kindest way possible, I strongly feel she would understand where I’m coming from. If we all just agree to be ourselves, but at our kindest most compassionate self, no one is going to be harmed or get their feelings hurt. I think being our authentic self is the next big step in creating that harmonious society we all crave to live in.
Well, blah blah blah, enough for now! Thanks for listening!
"THE ANNUNAKI" - Are human beings genetic hybrids created by these giant reptilian beings?
The Annunaki
I really appreciate it when someone leaves a comment on my channel. I also love getting questions and always try to do my very best to answer with as much detail as possible. Well, I recently received another question from a wonderful man, asking about the Annunaki and the origin of humanity and whether I would be willing to make a video on that topic. So of course I hoped to do just that. However, as I searched my memory and soul for that information, I was not completely satisfied with what I came up with, but have definitely learned some interesting things along the way. There’s a lot of new-age information that depicts The Annunaki as giant Reptilians or lizard people. Some of this probably comes from the ancient Sumerian Tablets that represents a line of reptilians as giant humanoid lizard-like beings standing upright. Reptilians are said to be shapeshifters who can change their form into that which seems human. Then there are the books of Zecharia Sitichin in which he states that the Annunaki came from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru, which some are calling Planet X, and that they were responsible for the creation of the Sumerian culture. He says that when the orbit of Nibiru came dangerously close to the earth, it clashed with the planet Tiamat, which was a water planet, and when Tiamat was destroyed the waters fell onto the earth and that was what was responsible for the great flood. I read the Sitchin books back in the 80s, but to be honest, for some reason they never really resonated with me. I always felt there was something kind of “off” with the information. But it could have just been that it was sort of incomplete at that stage, ya know? Not sure. A fascinating detail that my guides offered was, when after the flood, because of the huge oceans, the earth was veiled in a foggy atmosphere that dimmed the sun for many years. Fascinating!
Well, what most of us know about the Annunaki comes from what we’ve been told about the writings within the Sumerian Tablets, stating that they were creator gods who came to earth 445,000 years ago, during a time when the only beings on earth were animals. These creator gods were called the Annunaki, meaning “Those who came to earth from above”. Supposedly the Annunaki were from a distant planet called Nibiru and were giant beings who could live to be hundreds of thousands of years old. We’re told that this information from the tablets says that their planet Nibiru had become hostile to them, because of a degrading atmosphere. So they came to earth to mine for gold, in order to restore the atmosphere. The Annunaki brought with them another race called the Igigi, who were their slaves. When the slaves rebelled because of terrible mistreatment, they were nearly all killed. This is where the Annunaki supposedly created a hybrid race called Homo sapiens and made them their slave race, who were put to work in the gold mines. As the human beings evolved some of the Annunaki leaders bred with the human women, creating a race of giants. These children were called the Nephilim, which meant “giants of old”. Then there was that calamity I mentioned, caused by the orbit of Nibiru coming too close to the earth, causing huge earthquakes and other terrible cataclysms, and the entire earth was flooded. Before the flood, some Annunaki took off in their starships, but others stayed. This is where story of Noah came from, which everyone knows about. After the flood, the Annunaki developed the advanced Sumerian civilization, which seemingly came out of nowhere. The Sumerian tablets state that the Kings created a royal bloodline which was genetically manipulated by the Annunaki. Well, one of the reasons everyone seems to be talking about all of this right now, is the information stating that the orbit of this massive planetary object, Planet X, or Nibiru, is returning to its disastrous collision course with earth and this is what will supposedly wipe out humanity once again.
So I asked my guides for anything more they could give me on this subject and the information I received is in some ways slightly different than some of what I’ve read or seen on Youtube, so as always I would remind you to use your own discernment and decide what feels right for you. Keep what resonates and toss out what doesn’t!
The information I received referred to the Annunaki as one or more extraterrestrial races that came from the stars and seeded knowledge to mankind. I was told that some of Zecharia Sitchin’s work is incorrect, but that he was deceived into believing that the information he was getting was fact, but some of it was not, but was filtered through to him as authentic. I was also told that there are errors in the information that humanity has been given about the Sumerian Tablets. Yet, some of what is now being referred to by humanity as the Annunaki were indeed negative reptilian beings who transformed their appearance to be more acceptable to the human, or Lyrian, race and are still around today, wielding their power over the people of earth. My guides stressed the point that much of the actual information in the sacred texts has been kept from the people and only allowed to be read by priests or secret societies, so it’s very difficult to trust the information coming through from the religious texts, because most that comes forward to the masses has been altered.
So what we can discern from the ancient writings is that there very likely was an ET race of giant-beings that came to earth long ago and were responsible for much of our systems of writing and mathematics, along with an influence of control and manipulation.
So are humans a race of genetically altered hybrids created by these giant extraterrestrials, or were they altered simply by the negative mind control of being enslaved? My guides have stated that both of these things were attempted. To my mind, the most valuable thing to take out of all this, is that these human bodies, altered or not, are sacred divine vessels incorporating all of Source consciousness into the physical, which includes this very information and everything else we’ve been longing to know and understand. All of this knowledge is embedded within our own Source consciousness and as we continue to raise in vibration, this knowledge will be activated into our cellular awareness and available to us all. We don’t need past history to tell us who we are or where we came from. We are no longer enslaved, unless we believe ourselves to be. We are the final masterpiece of God and are here now living through the greatest and most dramatic adventure ever in the history of the universe. This is the time to be alive, the present. We are our own rescuers and don’t need anyone outside of ourselves to deliver us from harm or destruction. We came to earth, not only to set ourselves free from the exploitation and control, but the entire planet, all of mankind. This is our role. We truly are the genesis of a new earth and a new civilization.
Thank you again, Paulo!
And thanks so much for listening! Bye Bye.
"THANK YOU!" - My deep appreciation I feel for those who watch and subscribe.
Thank you!
Hi Guys, I was sitting here on my meditation cushion and decided to turn the webcam on for a minute, because while I was sitting here I started thinking about my YouTube channel, kind of reflecting on why I initially began it and at the time what I hoped to accomplish and so on and, you know wondering if anyone would really be interested in some woman talking about her starseed life.
And at that time I seriously never gave a thought to subscribers or algorithms. I actually didn’t even know what all that meant and hardly do even today. Frankly I was kind of amazed and excited as people began subscribing and of course that really helped to encourage me to continue making more videos. It would always touch my heart when someone would leave a comment telling me they appreciated what I was saying or they might ask a question about something I’d mentioned. It just gave my life some sort of meaning that it didn’t quite have before and it was very moving. Then over time making these videos just kind of became a part of my life. I sincerely wanted to share anything I felt might be helpful in some way, to others like myself, those who have maybe always felt different or yearning to go home to Source or back with their ET family, because I knew I could appreciate totally and encourage them and console them, just like I always wished someone could have done for me. I wanted to somehow let them know that I’ve been there too and maybe my experience of getting through those painful moments of other’s disapproval or criticisms just might help to comfort or support their own journey in some way. And as I said, I never thought much about how many people were watching the videos. I guess I always just figured that whoever needs the information would find it. Y’know, that those watching are the ones who needed to see it.
So yeah …you know I’ve watched so many channelers and YouTubers who have thousands of subscribers and have been somewhat intrigued at why or how this comes about for one channel and not another and during a recent Zoom webinar I attended that was supposed to be about consciousness, yet that’s about all they talked about, about how to keep the YouTube algorithm happy to gain more followers. And you know, to tell you the truth, that just kinda didn’t feel right to me. I mean it’s great for anyone who chooses to do that. I just don’t feel that’s what my channel is necessarily about and it certainly isn’t why I make these videos. I really don’t have as much interest in the quantity of followers, but focusing instead on putting out something that might be interesting, or something I’ve learned and now know to be true, for me anyway. This is what feeds my soul. It’s like a craving inside to tell others about the experiences I’ve had, of contact and communication with higher thought, spirit guides and galactic beings, hoping that if I share this with others, it might in some way assist them on their trip through this crazy earth existence! After that webinar, I really wondered if I should use some of these same tactics within my own channel in order to pick up more subscribers, by the various means of feeding the YouTube algorithm, like having a subscribe button on the screen or prompting for a like or share, which is totally cool. In fact, the speaker on the webinar kept saying that if you value your content, no-one is going to know you’re out there unless you promote it. And I know and understand that for a large majority of YouTubers this is their entire income. And when I do discover this is true for a YouTuber, if I agree with their content, I always try to help them out by liking and subscribing myself, because that’s how it all works and I honor that. Plus, I know what it’s like to have someone subscribe or leave a like. I get a real thrill when I get a new subscriber I just feel uplifted. So I know the feeling and want to give that support to others, especially when I know what it might mean to them. However, what doesn’t feel right, is when I notice a channel that constantly uses clickbait phrases and words in the thumbnails to grab our attention, in big red letters “It is coming!” or “you need to watch this!”, or promising that “this will change your life!”, or “a must see”, or “The Shocking Truth! Is this the end of the world?” And you know, that’s all fine but, seriously! I noticed so many times when I do fall for it and watch that podcast it turns out there’s most often nothing in it of that subject they had on their thumbnail. I always feel like I was kinda duped into wasting my time and personally I just don’t want to do that to my friends who follow my channel. As I said, I’m not necessarily here to feed an algorithm - plus my channel is not monetized. For me, it’s all sort of organic, I just make a video whenever I get inspired to share something that I feel might be useful or even just interesting. I just don’t feel comfortable with the pressure to constantly put out content. I’m only here to tell my story for those who might be interested and I don’t really follow a schedule as such. I know if I did, this would probably bring more followers and make YouTube happy, but I think I would kinda feel coerced maybe, or like I’d sold out in some way. This is why I value so much the subscribers that I do get, because it makes me feel like they must have liked it and gotten something out of it. And I know it sounds funny, but I feel such a love for those who connect with my videos, because they’re like family. I know they wouldn’t have subscribed if they didn’t have a similar hunger for this sort of subject matter, as I do myself.
Anyway, what kinda of prompted me to sit here and turn on the camera was I was so excited to realize that over 400 people have now subscribed to my little channel and I was so moved by that. I felt like I had 400 friends and I found myself picturing what 400 people in one arena or classroom would look like and I just wanted to somehow thank all those beautiful souls who found value in something I said and were pulled to subscribe or leave a like or even share the video with someone else. So, really I guess all I wanted to say here was thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. I love you guys.
REINCARNATION AND SOUL LOOPING: What is the process ? Do we have to return? Do our pets come back?
Hello beautiful beings!
I recently received an email from a very nice man asking if I might put out a video answering some of the questions he had about reincarnation. I found his questions really interesting and thought you guys might too. So, as always I will share my understanding of this process, to the best of my knowledge and if I don’t know the answer I will tell you!
As you would probably agree, when most of us think of reincarnation, we understand it to be the rebirth of a soul into a physical body. So this, of course, goes along with the idea that the soul never dies, it just returns into another body, another life. The other part of this thinking is the belief that reincarnation is required, as a means of advancing up through the levels of consciousness to finally end up at home with God. And of course these concepts differ with each religion or philosophy, some accept this transmigration of soul and others don’t. Yet, the most fascinating part for me is that the identification of the me - the I - is unchanging and immortal, traveling through numerous bodies through an infinity of time and circumstance. I am always me, yet me in divergent lives.
It’s like that lazy Saturday morning when you lay in bed with your eyes closed, knowing you don’t have to get up and go to work and your thoughts begin to wander over time. You remember that hike you took with your friend when you saw the eagles and there you are right back into that place, watching the eagles as if for the first time. Or you might begin thinking about what your next vacation will be. You see yourself standing on a green hillside overlooking a little village below. Then your thoughts might travel to the sweet memories of your honeymoon in Paris and all the time you haven’t moved from your bed on that peaceful Saturday morning. Well, that “you” that took that mind trip, that is who you are, not the body in bed. You are the consciousness, the thought, and that is the you, the self, who travels through lifetime after lifetime, incarnation after incarnation. This is the spirit/soul that never dies. You are always you, inhabiting different bodies at different eras and different timelines, perhaps different planets. It’s always you, you in a alternate role, playing a new part, for the expansion of that self, the I Am.
Well, to more fully go there and to give meaning and comprehension to reincarnation we must have some understanding of simultaneous time, or the past, present, and future existing simultaneously, as in Einstein’s block universe. Uh let’s see …If we look at our lives as a DVD, where our entire life is included on that DVD, which includes within it, past, present and future. Our whole lifetime has already been recorded, the movie made, beginning to end, onto that DVD. When we play the DVD of our life-movie it will unfold minute by minute, in linear fashion, just as it appears to do in our reality. It’s all already on the DVD, what has happened and what will happen in our future. An event might be playing out, yet nothing on the DVD has changed. So, we may believe the past has happened, because our brain contains memories of that past event, but if we didn’t have those memories, we would not have a past. Really, time doesn’t exist, except our perception of it. It’s like a series of snapshots second by second by second, all happening now, in the present moment. As Einstein said it, “The distinction between the past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” So this may help in the discussion of reincarnation. Just as Einstein saw it, the past, present, and future are really an illusion, because they all occurring concurrently, simultaneous to each other and everything else. There is only now. And this means that there are no past lives, no matter where they are occurring in earth’s history, they are all existing together, in unison with each other. This is why sometimes we have dreams of being ourselves, yet as another person, sometimes even another sex or race, in a totally different life. We’ve just, through our dream, tapped into that timeline.
So let’s get really out there, beyond the simple idea that you were my father in this life, so in the next life I’ll be your father and so on. So to bring the concept of reincarnation into a workable dimension and discuss why it is the way it is. Let’s just say that at some point the reincarnation system was hacked, for lack of a better explanation, and became very different than it began. So the process that occurs when a human dies, now is very different than it was, say a few thousand years ago, or more.
And who was responsible for this hack, the Reptilians, the Church, the Arcons? The hack was the technological installation of the false Matrix, by those who preside over the earth, which emits a controlling frequency toward the earth that not only reads the thoughts of the people, but guides and instructs them into behaving a certain way in their own interest, the interest of the controllers. This frequency affects not only the people themselves, but also the reincarnation program, the ether fence that surrounds the Earth, making escaping nearly impossible. It’s a form of mind control with directs the people to manifest whatever the Matrix tells them they should want or need. This is the virtual game we often speak of, incarnating, forgetting who we are and trying to find ways of remembering, in order to raise up through the levels and escape the Matrix. Very much like a computer game.
When this technology was placed thousands of years ago, it used the collective thoughts of the people against them. It was their own thoughts that imprisoned themselves, but they didn’t know that of course. It works out of fear. This is where religion came into it, subduing the people with fear and executing rules for them to follow, with threats of hell and damnation. And probably the most important part of this hack was using this mind control, to impose ideas about how everything worked, based on whatever result the controllers were looking for, implementing this totally false program and leading the people into manifesting this negative reality, exploiting them for their energy - coercing them to manifest a reality where the people serve them in every possible way and now even more, with mass media people are constantly being indoctrinated into thinking the way the controllers wish them to and if people are forced into a situation where they have to work to survive, they don’t have time to contemplate anything different to give them any hope and advance their consciousness. They simply don't think that there is any other way to live and that their job is the most important thing. It becomes a status symbol of success showing that working hard is the virtuous thing to do. They just don't see any other option and that belief becomes their entire reality.
Even after death the Matrix mind-control persists, as they continue to exploit and manipulate the people. When the controlled masses die, those beings in control, disguised as light beings or angels, could choose to intercept them through the lower astral and convince them that they haven't been good enough in this life, telling them they messed up. This could be in the case of suicide or even just an insecure individual prone to feeling guilty or remorseful. But the important thing here to understand, is that we don’t have to listen to them! We don’t have to believe them or even recognize them as real. We can just ignore them and move on. Nevertheless, the Matrix has the ability to read each person’s weaknesses and can use that to manipulate them. The beings might show them their recorded life review and insist that they will need to go back and do their life over again in order to pay off their karma. So if the newly deceased person concedes to this instruction, they would not go back home to Source, they would just be recycled back into the next incarnation, doing it all over again.
Now there is another piece to this reincarnation topic that I personally find fascinating and that is the concept of soul-looping. It’s not really a different occurrence, just a deeper element to the subject. A case of soul-looping is where the soul for whatever reason wishes to live the exact same life over again as the same person - somewhat like in the movie Groundhog Day. This may be because they loved their life so much and want to repeat it for that very reason, or more often it’s because they are sure they could make better choices this time and challenge themselves to repeat the exact events again. This idea of soul looping is where deja vu comes from - that feeling that you know what comes next - that’s because you could have already lived that same moment before.
Now remember there is no time in the afterlife or spirit world, so the soul can choose any timeframe, past or future to reincarnate into. However, the soul who wants to loop back into the same life will jump back into the same fetus in the womb of their mother and be born all over again as the same person they just were and through their original parents. However, there is a downside to this and after several loops, the soul may begin to feel trapped and wants out, but doesn’t know how to do it. It’s exactly this that makes the subject of reincarnation so important, especially today. For those of us who are determined to make this our last life on earth, we need to understand fully the potential disadvantages of returning to a physical life on planet earth. This is a time of ascension, not to repeat cycles of karma. Karma is an old frequency and no longer needs to be paid off like an obligatory debt that needs to be settled. This is part of the old system of control and we no longer need to be concerned or fearful about past errors or misjudgements or those will continue to own us.
All we need to understand is, if at some point in our life we did something we now regret and feel remorseful, we can now commit that we would never do this thing again. Now karma no longer has any hold, because the frequency of karma is very low but the frequency of forgiveness is a very high vibration. So forgive yourself and others. It’s necessary to release that grudge - the anger and vengeance or those disappointments and regrets in order to ascend - simply make the best out of each experience and then let them go. This not only releases the remorse, but replaces the karma with wisdom. The real trick is to finally understand that you are perfect as you are - now become the frequency of that loving, kind, being. This is all it takes to be free and don’t let anyone try to convince you differently.
Okay, let’s address some of the questions that were asked.
First question: Was reincarnation ever a natural and spontaneous process of the miracle of life?
Well yes, it was seen as just that, an opportunity to experience physical life, for a myriad of reasons. Reincarnation could be a process where a soul would purposely design a physical body and life that would allow them to interact with and face certain issues or events, as a means of evolving or advancing in wisdom. It was also meant to be a vehicle for playtime, to simply enjoy the physical realm without any permanent or lasting consequences. It was understood that it would be a chance to live a dream or fantasy - a wonderful vacation….But with the installation of the Matrix became something very different.
Second question: Is the reincarnation process fully technological?
No, only in some cases. Outside of the immersion, walk-in, walk-down use of technology, the process of reincarnating is quite natural and organic …where a soul decides to come back through the human birth process and live out a human life. I’m sure what he’s talking about here is where an extraterrestrial being uses immersion technology (a computerized virtual reality) to walk into a human body and function as a human for a particular mission or purpose. Actually, the reincarnation process could happen many different ways. A soul could reincarnate directly from Source and at death return to Source. A soul could reincarnate from the Spirit Side, what most call the Other Side and return to that realm at death. Or as it was mentioned, a soul might willingly or unwillingly become caught-up in a loop of coming directly back into the same life over and over again.
Third question: Is it a technology used by many star races or just a few?
Yes, in fact the immersion technology is used by most star races. This is because it’s the safest way for their starseeds to visit earth. Even if their human body is killed, they’re still safe within the immersion tank or pod. So this is the main technique used by most races who come to live life as a human, for a short time or a full lifetime.
Forth question: Are there star races that also dominate and use this technology with bad motivations?
Yes, there are those who live and work through the astral level who are able to use the immersion or walk-in technology for control and manipulation through fear and can sometimes be encountered in a dream state or out of body or astral travel. However, their ability to terrorize or cause harm really hinges on the strength and determination of the one they are hoping to intimidate. It’s important to just say no! We can hold off these beings by letting them know we’re not afraid of them and tell them to leave and they will. You’re of no use to them if your’e not fearful.
Fifth question: Is there any relationship between karma and the pre-reincarnation plan?
Well yeah, but karma isn’t really a necessary part of a pre-birth plan. It’s just that after death many souls bring their habits and regrets back to the spirit side with them and then choose to create a plan based on overcoming these karmic weakness or what they feel were mistakes. If a human dies without having done their shadow work to release negative energetic obstacles and thought forms, these can create blockages, generating a sort of karmic obstruction through this belief, which is an unnecessary burden to bring into the next life and we can make sure this won’t happen if we clean up all those restrictions during our lifetime.
Sixth question: How to reincarnate on a beautiful and peaceful planet?
I love this question, because yeah, I totally agree. A significant advantage we receive from awakening is to realize we never have to incarnate on planet earth again, unless we want to of course. There are so many amazing and beautiful realms and planets to explore and all we have to do to make this happen is to not allow ourselves to become hooked or addicted to the earth plane. Once we get past our desire for what the earth has to offer, we can go anywhere in the galaxy. And if we still choose a physical life, there are infinite planets we could incarnate onto, for a vacation, or for a lifetime!
Seventh question: If we experientially realize our true being during reincarnation, will we not reincarnate again? Or what are the requirements for us not to reincarnate again?
This is pretty much what I have been talking about. What holds us into the cycle of earthly reincarnation is habit or guilt and regret and hoping to mend those past mistakes. If we feel we’ve hurt others or done a poor job in life, then we are vulnerable to psychic attacks and manipulation from astral beings disguising themselves as spirit guides, informing us that we’ll have to go back for another life on earth. But if we’ve awakened to our true power as a force of light and love and have successfully forgiven our past and learned from our mistakes, we’re free from the wheel of karma and there is no need to return to a physical life on earth, and can choose not to reincarnate again. Yay!
Last question: If we experientially realize our true being during reincarnation, will we not reincarnate again? Or what are the requirements for us not to reincarnate again?
The way I understand this is that our pets are a part of our own pre-birth plan. They have a different soul than we do and exist more as a part of nature, and an extension of our own plan. This is not to say they are not their own being. They are, but if they have been a part of our life as our pet, this is the role they have agreed to for that particular existence, as our dog or cat. Although, it is very possible for an ET soul to choose to come to earth as a cat or dog, either just for fun, or as a means of encouraging or consoling a human, through their appearance as a dog or cat, to comfort and inspire a child or adult who may be suffering. But usually it’s the intention of the animal soul, to be available to us through our plan, if this is something we choose, like horses or cattle for example. They are energy beings brought into the physical through the mutual intention of a divine soul. If you have a loving pet that has passed from this life, if you choose, the conscious energy of that pet will be there for you on the other side of life, just as they were when they were alive. Our pets are great teachers of love and patience and forgiveness and their benefit to our physical lives is invaluable.
Wow, what a great bunch of questions. Thank you Paulo! Bye bye.
TWINS: "Biological and spiritual implications of choosing an earthly incarnation as a twin?"
Greetings beautiful people!
You know, I love your questions and comments and when you share your own stories with me and I recently was asked if I might be willing to make a video about twins. This is the physical biology of two or more babies born together and I think this is a fascinating topic. This girl herself is a twin and she had a couple of really good questions, like why did we incarnate together and will we incarnate together next time and I will address both of those questions in this video.
So let’s talk about twins! We’ll kinda start here with the basics. So, fraternal twins are formed from two separate eggs fertilized by two separate sperm. Identical twins form when one fertilized egg splits in half creating two separate embryos. Fraternal twins are just like other siblings born at separate times and can be the same sex or not and may look very different from each other and may even have different blood types. Where identical twins will be the same gender and express identical physical traits and will have the same blood type and the same DNA, although the DNA may change somewhat over time and this is due to the differing environmental factors, home environment, nutrition, whether they’re cherished or abused, pollution, and so on, as each child develops into a unique individual. And something I found interesting is that some researchers have found a third type of twin, where the egg splits in half and each half is fertilized by a different sperm and this is why some fraternal twins can look identical. Fascinating!
There are also conjoined twins, where the two babies are born connected to each other, This happens when the embryo only partially separates and although it develops into two babies, they remain connected, sometimes at the chest or abdomen, or even at the head or brain, so they usually end up sharing internal organs, most often making the job of surgically separating them impossible. The survival rate of conjoined twins is less than 10% and even if the surgery of separating the two is successful, only about 60% of those children survive. Yet, there are those success stories we’ve all heard about.
And speaking of twins, what about the woman who was discovered to be her own twin? With my background in biology, I find this sort of anomaly fascinating. The case where the woman was her own twin, is a very rare condition called a chimerism. The definition of a chimera is a phantom or an illusion. You may have heard the word referred to as a monster, which of course is totally not fair, because in human biology a chimera is simply a person with at least two genetically distinct types of cells. In this situation cells that are meant to become twins, but where the two fertilized eggs fuse - each egg holding two distinct genetic codes that become one fetus which carries two separate strands of DNA. The twin is invisible, as a chimera, living microscopically inside the body as DNA. In the case of the woman who was her own twin, it existed in the DNA of her thyroid! Isn’t that wild?
Then there’s even a more unusual condition, where a person can live normally for many years only to later discover they have a twin growing inside their body! Like the 17 year old girl in India who found a lump in her stomach and when the doctors performed surgery to remove the tumor, found it to be a mass that contained bones, hair and teeth. When the doctors removed it, the mass was about two-thirds the size of a full-term baby! It was her own twin growing inside her, which was the result of a rare condition called fetus-in-fetu. There have been numerous cases of this same condition, like the Columbian woman who gave birth to a baby who had in her abdomen the tiny, still growing, body of her twin sister. The twin was removed and the baby is now fine. But, I should add here that these fetal masses that are extracted are not babies, there’s no soul within the mass that would feel pain or suffering, this is simply embryonic tissue which initially began forming as a fetus, but for whatever unique reason, within each individual circumstance, the chemistry … the chemical signal coming to that group of cells was altered, changing the growth of that developing structure and the fate of that birth.
Or the case of a baby who began as triplets, but at about 10 weeks or so, the dominant, or host baby, as it’s called, absorbed the other two fetuses. At the baby’s birth, it was discovered that between the liver and kidney of the baby, were two tiny structures, each holding a partially formed fetus, including spine, rib cage, umbilical cords, intestines, and even a very primitive brain. At some point during the pregnancy there was a change in the biological designation of cell growth within the womb of the mother and the placental nutrition, oxygen, hormones, etc, is transferred from the three fetuses to the one.
But as far as I’m concerned, the most amazing of all these cases is of a 36 year old farmer in India who had always been teased because of his big belly. His stomach, over time, became so swollen that he looked 9 months pregnant and eventually he could hardly breathe. Finally, the doctor had to perform emergency surgery to remove what he thought was a very large tumor that was now pressing dangerously on his diaphragm. When the surgeon cut into the man’s stomach gallons of fluid spilled out. It was almost like the man was giving birth. The surgeon was shocked to see that inside this man’s stomach was a half-formed body that had hair, jaws, feet and even hands with long fingernails. This was another rare case of parasitic twins, where a fetus gets trapped inside its twin. The dominant fetus grows and its twin continues to live and can even survive past birth by feeding off the host baby, like a parasite, until it grows large enough to begin to endanger the body of the host baby and then would usually need to be removed. For this man, directly after the surgery all of his pain and inability to breathe disappeared and he immediately recovered. But what makes this case so bizarre is that this man had no idea he had a twin inside him for 36 years!
Okay, enough of the strange and unusual. Those of course are extremely rare representations of twins, but deserve to be in the discussion. So back to the more conventional side of the twin conversation.
As I said, the concept of twins is an intriguing one. My mother-in-law and her sister were fraternal twins and as different as day and night. Both girls, but very different facial features and bodies. One with dark hair, one with light hair, one very domineering, one very submissive, one easy going, the other more uptight, and so on.
Now, my grandmother was an identical twin, but her sister died shortly after the birth, so her mother decided to give the living baby both names, her own and her sister’s. I thought that was a great idea. I once asked my grandmother how she felt about being an identical twin and she said, “Like a part of me is missing”. I really think that this missing part of herself may have entered into her deep spiritual yearning to fill an emptiness she couldn’t seem to satisfy. She felt that this constant craving was for God, but maybe some of that hollowness was her missing sister, with whom she had spent nine months in the same womb. I’m sure the intensity of loneliness the surviving twin can feel must be overwhelming and difficult for others to understand.
What makes this topic so interesting from a spiritual perspective, is that in the case of identical twins, they are actually the same person, the same soul, two bodies with a single consciousness. This is why they incarnated together, because it couldn’t happen in any other way, since they are one soul, one being, split in two for the purpose of an accelerated soul expansion. Two lives in one, so to speak! And, as an aside, this is a very similar loneliness that one feels as a starseed walk-in, where the person is on a ship or distant planet, lying in an immersion pod that directs the conscious soul-signal into another body. That body will always feel like a part of them is missing - like they’re not quite whole as they are. And of course this is true. They are only partially here on earth as a human being and most walk-ins will have a sort of an echo of that other person. A slight remembrance that may only show up in dreams or during rest or mediation.
Identical twins will always have a strong connection to each other and how intense this bond remains will depend a lot on life circumstances, like whether, or how long, they remain together, because once the babies are born they immediately start having their own unique experiences and will begin developing into two different people. However, even if these babies are separated at birth, they will most often retain the same tastes, even in hairstyles or fashion for clothes. They even are prone to pursue similar careers and tend to, as an example, gain weight or age at the same rate or time in their lives.
We could also here get a little deeper into the spiritual concept of twins and how much of the soul’s desire to encounter this particular experience comes from the spirit side of life and how the soul developed from within this sort of in-between space, teetering between the integration of what we call past lives and the lives lived between incarnations. When souls fragment from the potential energy of the ether, they have the same past lives. Where in-between lives, a soul may find itself within a collective of similar frequency souls, or beings, and through this merging of information, discovers more of its own tendencies and disposition and this inclination can bring about an attraction, while contemplating the next incarnation, an attraction toward a more communal dive into the physical, where it might feel a stronger connection to further fragmenting itself to gather more information …like-drawing-like, therefore, more expansion of self.
And to answer the other part of this girl’s question, about whether she and her twin will incarnate together in the next life, this will be up to them both, both halves of one soul, whether they decide to continue as two fractions of a whole in the next life or at death, to integrate into a single aspect of soul once again.
So, why would a soul want to experience incarnating as a twin? Many reasons. One may be that the soul is impatient to experience more than is usually possible in one lifetime and decides to split into two people, yet within the same family, so the support and love of the other will always be available. It’s an amazing opportunity to observe yourself in a different role and different body, to watch this part of yourself react to every circumstance. And one of the reasons we come into a human life is to discover who we are. Imagine how cool that would be …the chance to know yourself better by having a constant mirror of your own consciousness right in front of you every day and night. What better way to glimpse into your own psyche?
Another reason might be to place within the pre-birth plan different events and encounters for each so the lives will be similar but very diverse in many ways, so when the soul returns home will have had a very contrasting and divergent set of circumstances, events, and relationships and by multiplying the experience, gains more wisdom to take back home.
Well, I hope this is helpful in some way and if nothing else gives a glimpse into the unique methods available to approach the diverse opportunities of learning and growing here on planet earth!
Thanks guys. See you next time. Bye Bye.
POWER OF WORDS: "The spoken word and the intent behind it can either kill or heal."
The Power Of Words
This morning as I came out of my meditation, I had a memory pop up and I thought it might be something to share in a video, because for me it was a real eyeopener and has stayed with me for many years, as a reminder of the potential harm of an unthinking or selfish act.
So today I thought I would just talk about this for a few minutes, because I really think it’s important for starseeds to know. I mean, it’s important for everyone, but especially for those star-beings who have awakened to their power as creators. When a star-being begins to remember who she, or he is, they must also realize that there are guidelines that must be followed that are more consequential for themselves than for others. It’s fairly easy for a starseed to ignore, or to not realize, their own power. This is mostly because they’re used to being human and therefore acting in human ways, especially the younger seeds, who are under immense intimidation to be socially accepted by their peers. They’re under much more pressure than seeded souls that have been here long enough to understand how tactful and discerning they must be to avoid the human impulse to act on their emotions and bringing potential harm to themselves and others, through their careless words or actions. One starseed is more powerful than thousands of sleeping humans and can therefore bring more positive, or negative, consequences through their actions, especially through the spoken word. For example negative words spoken by anyone can have a deep psychological and even physical impact on another and harm their mental and physical health. But these same words spoken through a starseed have a much stronger creative vibratory force behind them and are embedded with more power, and therefore more energetic repercussions to the other. A starseed can either kill or heal through their spoken words and mostly the intent behind them. Therefore, the way I see it, it’s imperative that we learn to react and create from our hearts rather than from our sensitivities or hurt feelings.
For example, let’s create a scenario where a human has hurt a starseed, either unknowingly or on purpose, by something they said or did and this has wounded the sensitive starseed greatly. How might this star-soul react to this betrayal? And let’s say the other person even apologizes and asks for forgiveness, yet the starseed is still very hurt and angry - and after the anger has festered for awhile, it may even escalate into a desire to get back at them, to show the other how hurt they are and they may choose some sort of retaliation or vengeance. Well, this is one of the most dangerous emotions for a starseed to hold, because of the strong internal power they possess as an advanced being and if they haven’t yet learned to control their emotions, they can fall into the very weakness they came to encounter and overcome as an incarnated human during the process of ascension.
Well, obviously I would like to believe that most advanced souls, even immersed into the lower densities of the 3D collective field, could catch themselves and stop before lashing out in defense or counterattack. However, because the star-being has become so “humanized” so to speak, he has acquired those human tendencies and responses learned through others and movies and TV and as a consequence, he lays into the other as one might expect, using similar hateful words as those that the other has just shouted at him. In this circumstance, even though these were pretty much the same words that were just shouted toward the starseed, if the starseed choses to return the insult by yelling these same sort of threats back, the impact they have on the other increases tenfold, or more, and goes directly into the mind and cells of the other, affecting them greatly. It’s like a form of black magic. Although the detrimental effects of these poisonous words may not be immediately obvious, the physical health of the receiver of this assault has been negatively altered and truly may never return to the exact state of health of before the assault, even though some might say he deserved the consequences, this will never be a beneficial use of a starseed’s power. A starseed came to help, not to harm, and the only way we can do that is to learn to keep our responses and actions kind and loving.
Another extremely harmful emotion for anyone, yet especially star-beings, is jealousy. Allowing jealousy to arise and remain in the mind of an awakened soul is a powerful weapon and can only do harm and never be able to help any tenuous situation. It can be a hard emotion to guard against, because there’s so much emphasis put upon humans here, to protect their property and possessions. Jealousy is a huge test for an awakened one, in spite of the fact that they’ve already learned and know that this is a perfect opportunity to practice forgiveness and yet that’s often the last thing they’re drawn to do, and again this is because it’s what is taught here, to look out for number one!
Well, I have a personal story about this weakness that I thought I might share:
When I first met my husband he had been dating another girl. Although they had broken up, they still worked together and had remained close friends. Well from the current state of spoiled brat that I was in at that time, I fell into a very childish state of jealousy, becoming really possessive and threatened by the girl’s continuing presence in our lives. It’s really hard to admit what a whiner I was about this situation. In reality I had absolutely nothing to fear, but I don’t think I really knew or trusted that and I could tell it really disappointed my soon-to-be husband, as I sulked every time her name came up. Again it’s really embarrassing to admit, but I couldn’t seem to bring myself out of this foolish state of jealousy. Well, one day she bought him a beautiful hanging fern as a house warming gift. And I’m ashamed to say that every time I saw that fern it reminded me of her and without really realizing it the fern kind of became a symbol of herself, her persona, and it was almost as if she had a sort of physical presence in our apartment. One day I was hurrying to get ready to go to work and I bumped into the fern on my way out the door. This really annoyed me and without a second thought, I pulled it down off the hanger and on my way to the parking garage stopped in front of the big dumpster and angrily threw the fern over the side, grumbling out something like, goodbye so-and-so, you are now out of our lives forever!
Well, the very next day I was told that, on that same day that I had tossed the fern overboard, this girl had fallen over a cliff and into a ravine and ended up breaking her leg. When I heard what happened to her, I immediately felt my heart sink down into my shoes and I just knew I had been the cause of her fall. And yeah, I’m pretty sure that most everyone would say that this was only a coincidence, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling that it was me. I’ve never believed in coincidences and was devastated to think I could possibly have been responsible for something so cruel and horrific. I felt so distressed and remorseful that I had directed so much anger and vengeance toward another person who, knowing what I know, is another version of myself.
Then, it turned out that because she had so much recuperative time, she ended up losing her job and eventually moved to another state. So yeah, the whiny brat that I was had ended up getting exactly what I had originally wished for, but OMG, at what cost? And what could I do? I mean, I knew I wouldn’t ever be able to take away the pain she had suffered, but maybe what I could do, was to learn from the situation and hey I decided right then and there, no more jealousy! It was one of the biggest lessons of my life.
So I guess my message here is that the power of our words, and even our thoughts and ideas and the intent behind them, can either harm or uplift. What I’ve learned from that unfortunate use of power is to try to always ask myself, is what I’m about to say or do going to harm or help - is it going to be kind or unkind - is it in the long run going to add to the greater good? I mean we don’t come here to be perfect, but we do come here to learn from those blunders we’ve made, those errors of judgment, and to discover ways to control those negative impulses and emotions that might trigger an unkind action or statement, and through it all, from inside all that self-examination and shadow work, to learn to let it pass, to let things go and forgive, not only others, but ourselves and within that forgiveness and love, to hopefully eventually discover and become our greatest self.
Thanks guys!
NIGHT SCHOOL: "Spiritual training for star-beings to learn the transcendental arts while sleeping."
Night School
Hi everyone!
I decided to pop in here today and take a few minutes to bring up a subject I haven’t found out there on the internet yet, or on YouTube. For myself, this topic is what I’ve been calling my “night school” experience. It most always seems to take place while in that in-between state of sleep and awake, where we might find ourselves within a group or a classroom and being taught amazing things by inter-dimensional beings. I think we probably all do this at night, at least sometimes, but most of us forget where we’ve been when we wake up in the morning.
For me, when this happens, I suddenly find myself sitting in a circle on a floor with others whom I have come to recognize over the years. During these times, we’re in what most would call the astral body. I kind of prefer to call it our light body, because even though we still feel physical, we’re not, but because our frequency is so high that we are holding more light. If someone from 3D were to be in our presence, we would be invisible to them, because our vibration has raised so much. Some of these others I’m with during these times, are in human bodies like myself and others are obvious extraterrestrials or light beings. We’re all students in the same night school and for this video, I thought it might be interesting to share the last lesson that I remember having a few weeks ago.
In this school, we’ve gone through numerous instructions on many topics, like teleporting, dissolving through walls, moving objects with our minds, vanishing, piloting a starship (I crashed on that one, because I kept believing I was in my car - doesn’t work that way!), walking through fire, being an object like a tree or a rock, and so on. And as an interesting aside, I never remember going to night school when I’ve been stressed or anxious, or emotional. I can only get there when I’m peaceful and have meditated. Over the past few visits to the classroom, we’d been learning levitation. I think I did okay on that one.
So what happened was that we were all brought into a large room filled with white light, with an open ceiling showing a blue sky above. Our instructor for this series of classes, was one of the newer light beings. The previous night school teacher appeared as an orb that pulsated colors, mostly blue and light purple. This was an obvious male presence and as he spoke telepathically to us, the orb would just float around the room, stopping to help any of us that were having difficulty. I remember when we asked him what his name was, he jokingly said he was in-between names, but we could call him Jeremiah. Over time some of us began calling him Jerry, which he didn’t seem to mind. Anyway, Jerry was with us for what I’ve determined to be about seven years and we all respected and loved him. One night he came and introduced us to another who would become our new teacher. She was called Mantis and was a humanoid form light being about five and a half feet tall. Even though she spoke to us telepathically, her voice was very unusual and came into my mind as a musical trilling sound, yet very discernible in words, really easy to understand. She’s very loving and kind and gentle with us all.
Mantis is still with us and as I mentioned, in our latest series of classes she’s been teaching us levitation. Well we just recently completed the last night of that series and I thought I would share in this video what we did during that class. My partner’s name is Joe and I usually sit beside him as we have been classmates in this school for nearly forty years. Although some of the students come and go, there are many others who have been in this same group for almost as long. What I’ve found to be most fascinating about this night school is that very few of those in my class seem to remember, in their waking lives, what they did or where they’ve been on these night journeys, although most know they’ve been somewhere and some just call it a dream and others refer to it as an out-of-body state. For me it’s more than a lucid dream and is more like being in another dimension of reality, another realm that’s very familiar to me. Why do I remember? Who knows…? I don’t always. This might happen every night but I only remember those that take place maybe once a month or so.
The last levitation class began with review, where we would partner up and demonstrate how far we’ve come in our learning. We always use a partner, both for support and safety, even though in truth nothing could happen to us because we are in our light bodies, but since we are so used to being material that we forget we can’t be hurt and if we begin to panic, our material body wakes up and we disappear from our night school back into our waking life, missing the lesson. I’ve actually more than once, awakened from this classroom, because my body had to pee, and when I’ve laid back down, I’ve been able to go right back to the classroom, but this is not always the case.
An interesting part of this is that each student has their own unique way of putting the knowledge into practice. For example, Joe always begins his levitation by laying on the floor. I do the opposite. I stand against a wall and pull one leg up from the knee behind me while the other leg is still on the ground. Then while continuing to lean against the wall, I lift the other leg up until I feel like I’m safely floating. Then I pull my torso away from the wall and I’m hovering in the air. Joe, on the other hand, lays on the floor and after a moment or two his body begins to tremble and as the vibration becomes stronger his body begins to rise up slowly off the floor, still in that lying position. I teased him one time about how he never opens his eyes and he simply said, ”Why should I”? Yeah, okay.
During this class, after we demonstrated our current level of skill to Mantis, she taught us the last lesson in this particular topic or series. She began by pulling up one of the students from his sitting position and asked him to stand beside her. The student’s name is Archer and he’s only been in this class for a few months, but he really catches on fast. It’s a little hard to tell how old he is in real life, because since we’re all in our light bodies, everyone appears to be in their mid 20s, except the children who in real life are only about six years old. Also, we have four students right now who in real life are in their 80s and 90s, but appear in class as in their prime. I love that part!
Mantis then asked Archer to imagine he was on a mountain top and he’s about to jump off the mountain and float slowly and safely down to the ground. He asked if he could close his eyes …which like I said, is a little bit of a joke, because we don’t really have eyes in our astral form, but she told him that if it helps he should go ahead. Archer’s body started weaving nervously, as if he really was standing in a very precarious position on a mountain top. We waited as he got situated, then Mantis shouted “now!” And we watched as Archer jumped and his body bowed backwards and then began to float higher and higher up into the air. He started shouting out “whoa!” And he leaned back as if he was floating in water and looked like he was in total bliss. Finally Mantis in her soft trill asked him to return to class and he very hesitantly floated back down, with a happy peaceful smile on his face.
Then Mantis came up to each of us and took us through a similar test. The strange thing is that each of us is given a different instruction than the others. For one of the children in the group, a little girl named Becky, Mantis had her imagine holding her favorite stuffed toy, a dragon with wings (named Penny) and hold on to Penny’s wings and ask her to fly her high up into the sky until she said stop. We all watched as both of Becky’s hands reached out as if she were holding on to something and said “Penny Fly!”. Becky began giggling and soon was laughing and shouting out “Faster Penny, faster!” It was so cool!
For me Mantis asked me to imagine (and I also closed my etheric eyes) to imagine that I’m sitting beside a perfectly clear aqua-blue lake, then to get up and walk into the lake until the water completely covered my head. And you know, I’m convinced that she chose water for me because I’m not a good swimmer so I’ve always been a little nervous around water. Well, I did what she asked, constantly reminding myself, “You’re okay, you can’t drown.” HA! I noticed that the edge of the lake sloped gradually into the water and could feel a soft surface under my feet. The water was really warm and comforting and while this was happening I had several realizations. First I looked down and realized my feet and legs were bare. Then I noticed that I was wearing my favorite yellow bikini that I bought when I was 16 years old. I loved that bikini. I got it because of the song, my itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini, that was very popular back then. Kind of amazing for it to show up in this place where I’m just about that same age as I was when I wore that bikini - ha! The other thing I noticed was that when I got under the water I could breathe under water just as easily as when I’m breathing air. I was so excited about this and felt very young and free. The moment I was immersed in that wonderful feeling I suddenly noticed that there was no longer a bottom to the lake anymore and I was just floating as if on air. I kept floating in this amazing state until Mantis told me to stop. I didn’t want to, but I did.
After Joe had his turn I asked him what it was like for him. When Mantis called him up, she told him to imagine he was flying in an airplane and was about to do a parachute jump out of the window. As we watched, Joe’s body began crouching down, like a kid about to jump. His hand reached around to his back to the imaginary parachute pack and I saw his fingers touching the backpack. When Mantis called out “now!” Joe jumped and instead of landing back on his feet he began floating, just as Archer had done. He continued to float until Mantis asked him to stop. Afterwards I asked him what he had experienced. He told me it was very blissful at first. He said the sky was deeply blue and he was floating peacefully. Then not long before Mantis stopped him, he noticed some very menacing dark clouds on the horizon coming closer to him. Just as he began to be concerned for his safety Mantis stopped him. He said he wondered if she knew what he was seeing and that’s why she stopped him when she did. I asked him where the clouds came from and interestingly, he said, “from my fears”. He said he really wished he could have done it again, because he wanted to have enough time to dissolve what he called the fear-clouds. I found that really fascinating.
You know, speaking of remembering or not, I’ve asked my friend Joe if he remembers any of these night classes and he says he doesn’t, but he said he’s glad to know at least he’s learning something useful at night. I’ve also asked my son if he’s aware of going to night school and he says, “I know I go somewhere, but I know we’re not in the same class.” But you know, I actually wonder if that’s true, because for most of his life, he’s told me about a house that he often dreams about and his description is exactly a house that I often dream of. It’s totally the same and we usually often dream about it at the same time. So maybe that’s just the way he remembers it. I don’t know. One time when I was in the spiritual school I told you about, I went up to one of the guys that I recognized from my night school and said, “Hey your’e in my night school and he said, “Yeah, I know”. Wow! Blew me away!
Some of these night school memories are very clear in the morning and I’ll remember most everything - yet sometimes I might be aware of having been somewhere learning something, but have no memory of any details. I think a lot of it must depend on our frequency.
Anyway, there you go. I would love to hear if any of you have these sort of memories about attending your own night school.
See you next time! Hugs.
CONSIDERING THE MATRIX: "Could the matrix become a tool for ascension?"
Consider The Matrix
Hello Beautiful souls!
For those of you who read my community page you’re aware that I mentioned receiving a download of several informative topics that I plan to share in upcoming videos. One of those topics was the matrix. In fact, some of you may have noticed that there is a lot of conversation right now among the starseed community about the matrix and whether it’s possible to somehow hack into the system and disarm it. However, what I didn’t realize until recently, was that many light workers are now speaking out and saying that they are tired of waiting for this to happen and if it’s not possible, then what’s the use of being here? This really surprised me and maybe this is why this was the first topic my guides brought up to me recently, the computerized system that we call the matrix and how it has been affecting humanity for thousands and thousands of years.
Well, in order to discuss this in any detail, we first have to understand that this world, this planet, our reality, is not what it appears to be. It is, in fact, a simulated reality, a hologram, and you, as a creative being, are constantly affecting this reality with your ideas and perceptions of belief, your opinions of not only what you see, but how you feel about what you’re seeing. It may not seem like it, but you really are the one in your universe. You, as a conscious being, influence every part of your own existence, altering reality through your thoughts. As such, it is you who decides if this is a friendly or unfriendly place.
So, if this is my universe and I am responsible for what happens within it, why do I see the same things my neighbor sees? Well you actually do not see what your neighbor sees, but you do agree on what you’re both seeing. For example, you may both agree you see a blue car, but what you see as blue and consider to be blue, may be a very different interpretation of what your neighbor sees as blue. But to simplify, your reality and your neighbor’s reality appear to be the same, because you are living in a consensual reality, which is in part due to the field of the matrix, which I will go into later. You and your neighbor are in the same programmed illusion, the same dream. This is the way it’s been set up and before you came into this life, you agreed to accept the system as it is and had confidence that you could use your own free-will to adjust it to your own preferences. The problem is when you came in, you forgot all that.
So to go on and explain what has been happening here, without our awareness, it’s really necessary to describe what the matrix is and why it is so significant to our ascension.
As most know or have suspected, Earth and all its inhabitants are being controlled and affected by a digital matrix located on what we think of as our moon, which is not a moon at all, but a huge Andromedan ship. This matrix was first put into place on the moon by the Galactic Federation over 12,000 years ago or longer. It is a computerized program designed as a hologram which is projected toward the earth. This is why the “moon” looks as it does, rather than the big round metal sphere it really is. It is actually a huge starship. The planet-looking surface of this “moon” is just a hologram.
The matrix is a 3D holographic field that was placed over the 5D earth as a control grid to keep in the negative reptilians. It is a great force field of electromagnetic energy, known by most as the Van Allen belts that surround the Earth. It’s like a 3D wall that you can’t go through without technology that can control frequencies. The earth began in 5D, just as everything else in our galaxy. The entire 5D reality works through the concept of the Law of Attraction, what you ask for, through your beliefs and desires, will come to you and this works much faster in 5D than in 3D. Another reason to learn to control our thoughts and emotions as we grow and evolve toward ascension. Well, because these computers lowered the frequency, everything inside became set to a heavy density and as the humans reacted out their fears and anger, the matrix would read these negative thoughts and emotions of the humans and bring together like-frequencies and this built up a reality that reflected these anxieties and terrors. So, until very recently most of humanity has been oblivious to this program and how it works through negativity and how this has brought about the world as it is today, with all its chaos and suffering for generation after generation, for thousands of years.
At the same time this electromagnetic wall holds us all in, it also works to keep the astral realm out, with its ghostly creatures and parasitic thought-forms created through the fears and phobias of humanity. Unfortunately, the frequencies of humans, even most starseeds, is not high enough to get through that force field. This is what the ascension is all about. This is the escape hatch. When we raise our frequency enough, the matrix can no longer hold us prisoner.
What we most need to know here is that, this computerized force-field is extremely old technology and has been failing for years. It originally existed of four computers producing this holographic program, but now over time only one of the original four computers is still working. This is why we have seen so many glitches over time, like unusual phenomena and the weaving in and out of realities, or temporarily making visible the ghostly entities from the astral realm, or even moments where everything appears to briefly go out of focus or even stop for a time. This is also one of the factors within what we are now calling The Mandella Effect, where the books and movies we grew up with are suddenly changed with different wording than the original, this even includes some of the advertisements and songs that now suddenly have different slogans or lyrics and if you go back to try to find the original, you will find that it’s always been the way it is now and yet you and millions of others have a clear memory of something very different. Freaky, right?
Anyway, when this matrix force-field was turned on, it was successful at keeping the Reptilians in, but unfortunately imprisoned the entire population of humans, who sadly became collateral damage, so to speak - trapping those innocent Lyrians onto the planet and taking their memories and dampening their connection to home, to Source. Then, because this computerized system was flawed, it got hacked by those who wanted to control and enslave the race of Lyrians or humans and in their cunning, used the very concept of the matrix itself against the people and through mind control, used the negative Law of Attraction to, for example, make people believe in aging and think they only had 80 years or so to live and as each generation observed those they loved aging and dying, this became their own fears, their own truth.
Since the majority of people are unaware of this attraction, they have been manifesting their lives by default. Consciousness is not in the body, it works through the body. You are not here, you are only perceiving here now. Yet you believe you are limited and that is how the Reptilians hacked the system. As mentioned, the matrix computers read your thoughts and emotions and those matching frequencies will come together. The problems on Earth are the external mirror of a broken and tortured self. What controls the people of earth is what they believe in - what you truly ask for comes to you, although not necessarily as you meant or expected it to.
Even before the matrix was installed, the earth was a place for ETs to come for an adventure they wouldn’t be able to have anywhere else, and that included circumstances that might bring the incarnated ET great pain. It was set up that way. The matrix has changed some of that, but not everything. Remember the matrix gives us what we ask for. That means it can be used just as well to create a heaven on earth as well as to create a world full of mindless zombie. It’s a personal choice and this is what I would like to demonstrate to you right now. What if I were to suggest that for some, the matrix has been turned off and for others it is still working? Hear me out….
Okay, the Galactic Federation and other ET’s above in their starships, have the technology to insert, within the hologram of the earth, various objects and even frequencies that affect the thoughts and actions of humanity. For example, some buildings that are used for certain regulatory management, like those for political or governmental functions, are projected into the matrix reality as desired by those ruling above. For example, if they see the need to insert a program to shut down nuclear devices, they can do this, or to stop a violent demonstration, or to create a vision of Christ in the sky, or to bring an entire city to a halt, or to delay a situation that would bring potential disaster to a vulnerable area, and so on. So many ask, “Why don’t the ETs ever come and help us?” They do, all the time, every day …we just never know about it.
So why can’t the matrix just be turned off? I mean, what would happen anyway? If it was suddenly shut down or failed completely, you would see this planet and the skies as they really are. To begin with the moon would appear as a huge silvery-gray round ball, a lot like the Death Star in Starwars, but without the circular superlaser dent. The skies above would be filled with ET ships, more than you could count. Some buildings and people would disappear in a blink and others would appear, as if out of nowhere. Countless ETs and inter-dimensional beings who are on the planet cloaked in human-looking holographic suits, would be revealed to be very unique-looking extraterrestrial humanoids or reptilians or maybe even dragons or an elongated slug-like body with tentacles, when they are uncloaked. Talk about a freakout! That neighbor you always talked to on your walks may, without the matrix, suddenly appear as a great gigantic cat-being. This is because their human cloak technology is fused to the matrix frequency and when they are back into 5D frequency, they return to their original body. Entire neighborhoods, malls, warehouses and such would either disappear or be unveiled for what they truly are, maybe an enormous hanger for starships of all sorts that have been invisible to human eyesight. You would see other beings appearing in your house or yards or weird animals and entities walking down the street. These such beings are always here now - it’s just that you can’t usually see them, because the matrix force-field is cloaking them.
Okay’s now maybe you can see why it isn’t the current plan to suddenly shut down the matrix. However, that said, I would like to suggest to you that the matrix has been turned off and it has been turned back on. To explain …this earth is, and has always been, an experiment. Although there have been a few resets over these countless eons of “time”, when it began this planet was a playground for ET souls to come and have a seemingly physical experience, or adventure, somewhat like the holodeck on Star Trek. The planetary domain or field itself would have its own composition or purpose and within this realm, the ET could create a blueprint for the game they planned on taking part in programming in all the particulars they hoped to confront. After their game ended, they would go back and report to the Council or the Federation and their family race what they thought of their adventure, what they learned and how they might change it and so on. This all worked very well for awhile, until the playing field of the experiment was altered and, in some ancient civilizations had to be reset, in others, such as our current game, has not yet gone through the complete reset. What we are seeing now is the ending of this particular game and the beginning of another on the new earth. The way this current game was set up, was as an ascension game, where those who come in have lost their memories and will have the opportunity, through determination and intention, to work their way back up through the densities, to ascend back into the realm in which they came. This is called the awakening.
The game is filled with obstacles, monsters and bad guys, that will have to be defeated or overcome …and right now this game is set at the most difficult level, so it’s a game only for the brave and determined and those not prone to depression. And as an aside, the reason so many of you are feeling like you’re the only one of your family or friends who cares anything about learning truth and expanding your heart and soul with love and light and creating a better world, is because the others who have no interest are, for all intents and purposes, non-player characters, in your game. They are just living their lives as backfill people in your own movie.
Now here I’m going to have to ask you to consider the impossible, the unimaginable …and if the following is too far-out for you to see as having any validity at all, then you have my permission to regard it all as fiction - just another plot for the next sci-fi adventure. …So, over these eons since the matrix has been in place, there have been glitches and other problems that those overseeing the planet have had to address in very creative ways and on rare occasion have found it necessary to close-down the world for a time so they could make adjustments and repairs. Yes …to switch it off for maintenance, so to speak. For example, there was a time when there was a war in the heavens and the threat to humanity and the planet was eminent. The negative race had broken through the force-field and their plan was to annihilate the humans and take over the planet. The benevolent universal factions agreed that they would secretly perform a complete shutdown of the entire planet, putting every person, being, and animal into a state of stasis, while they made repairs and created a portal in which to withdraw and take into custody all of the negatives and then restart the restored matrix. They have the power to do this, to stop time, where all life, all of humanity, is put into a deep sleep …a sort of suspended animation and will awaken back into the same moment they “left”. It’s like the blink of an eye and from their perspective, nothing has happened and yet in truth, everything has happened!
There were other emergency situations where this or a similar method was practiced. Let’s take another of these impossible scenarios …for example, a time when, because the moon exerts a pull on the earth and its tides and so on, to prevent disastrous earth changes, like a pole shift, it was necessary to move the moon - or starship, to a safer alignment so these calamities would not occur. Again, all of the planet was put into temporary stasis while this maneuver was performed. I know this really sounds out-there, but you got to remember, this is a projected reality, so what might seem impossible by us little humans, is done regularly by those who monitor and keep our world safe from those ignorants who might detonate a nuclear bomb, just for the heck of it!
So remember, this is not just the beautiful little planet of trees flowers and people. It is a hologram that we have bought-into as real. That doesn’t make it any less significant, because as always, the most important thing is our experience. This is how we learn and grow. …So what can I say to those starseeds now who are disappointed because the matrix is still in control and might be for the rest of their lives? Starseeds have within them an etherial implant that allows their star families to track them and keep them safe, when possible. Please understand that just as the reptilians hacked the matrix, we can do the same thing …only the opposite way. Just as the matrix was used against us by the reptilians, we can now use the matrix to ascend and leave this planet forever. Remember, how it works. The matrix works on the principal of the Law of Attraction. Let it work for you. So what happens when a powerful creator sits down and imagines her ascension? She ascends! This is the way out. When your frequency is higher than the matrix, its forcefield cannot keep you in and you can go wherever you wish - imagine it and it is yours.
Well, this computerized system has been malfunctioning, or crashing, for many years now, until it is hardly effective, and from the original intent has virtually been turned off. …So, why is everything still so much the same? I mean, it seems like things are not any better …maybe even worse in some ways. Well, first remember that in 5D thoughts manifest much faster than they have here and the closer to 5D we become, the faster our manifestations occur …and what are people thinking about right now? Fears about plagues and alien attacks. So no wonder it’s worse, these negative thought-forms are being created faster than ever. So ironically, the matrix field is as strong as it ever was …not from the force field on the moon, but from inside! The reason we are still receiving so much signal interference and disruptive energies, comes from the collective mind within the human field of consciousness, which has been so dumbed down with negative programming for so many hundreds of thousands of years, that it is no longer only the matrix programming human thought, but the people - the field itself! The matrix has been slowly turned down over the past several years, so when it’s off would anyone even notice? Only the most preceptive of minds could tell the difference. The reptiles are still here. They’ve just taken over the planet’s politics, financial systems, religions, and so on, even sad-to-say much of the new-age community, as they fight about who’s talking to whom and which channel has the right information and who’s been compromised and only so-and-so is actually telling the truth? It’s wild!
On the positive side, even from within the insanity of the collective consciousness, this lessening of the electromagnetic bands around the planet has allowed the global frequency to rise, little by little. The whole quadrant is ascending to the 5th density anyway, literately like moving a dial on your electronic device. That's why so many are awakening and numerous people are seeing strange creatures and other odd things are happening all over the place, because 3D is now overlapping with the 4D lower astral and this would account for some of the strange anomalies happening right now. …And have some of you noticed suddenly being more intuitive or sensitive to other’s thoughts, or even clairvoyant, clairaudient, or any of the clairs? It’s because there is no longer the same harmful interference signal, so there’s more chance to tune into the pure connection of Source and higher-thought. So depending upon your own frequency setting, you will now have more opportunity to receive knowledge from Source Energy. And not only is your reception clearer and more pure, but also is your ability to transmit and be heard by those in the higher spheres, like those on the other side, or those of your galactic families. This is cause for celebration.
Okay, first off, there is so much more to this than just the matrix being turned off. We must be able to see this from a much more scalar view. So when we consider all this, which earth are we talking about? Which matrix, which density, which universe? I know, I don’t want to get to far out-there, but the only way we’re going to be able to fulfill our reasons for being here is to realize there wasn’t just one objective in coming here, but many. We didn’t walk down onto planet earth to switch off the computer, but to live a human life and to do our light work from ground level and encourage others, to uplift humanity and this is a momentous and consequential task.
So why aren’t we all in place of love and light? As I hinted, because the matrix is still being maintained by those imprisoned inside - those who lost hope years ago - hope of rescue from what the earth has become. …What we call the matrix, was an experiment, a mistake gone wrong and humans have been paying the price for it now for thousands of years. … Now for us light workers and starseeds, it’s a matter of convincing those who have been held captive that the jail doors have been opened and they’re free. The matrix has been in control for so long that it has created an entire civilization of mind-controlled humans who are now …as a collective, including many light-workers, maintaining this same frequency and these same beliefs that have limited mankind for all these thousands of years. The people themselves are mind-controlled to manifest and maintain the matrix - the starseeds, you and I, have come to earth to change the system from the inside. So let’s just do it.
So now that the matrix is no longer as powerful it was, shouldn’t the awakened ones be able to slip through and live on the 5D earth? Yes! And that’s exactly what we’re doing now and many have already left the 3D earth plane. This is what the ascension is. This is the Shift, The Event. This is why it is called the End Times. Outside of the matrix, everything resonates in 5D. When we match that outside frequency, we are on the New Earth. It’s all up to each person. This is our time. Don’t allow the mind-controlled collective frequencies to have any further authority over you. Turn off the TV and other devises that decrease and diminish your own light, your own higher frequencies of love and peace. Don’t allow anything to suppress your thoughts and dampen your happiness and enthusiasm for freedom. You deserve more than what this smart technology can offer. I would like to suggest to you that the promise of faster internet speeds and mmWaves will do nothing to guide your way to a world of happiness and peace. This is why the matrix is still, in essence, alive and well and working just as it has over these thousands of years. They don’t really need the computerized force field anymore, if they have a planet filled with a soup of dangerous electromagnetic radiation coming from all these smart devises, interfering with the connection from Source and Home. It’s just trading one force field for another. Instead of being imprisoned by a computerized holographic field above, humanity is now controlled by a frequency band much more invasive and menacing than the original matrix. Why play the insane game of choosing your prison, when freedom is only a breath away?
So why am I always saying that all you need to do is to be happy? Because through a happy heart your frequency raises and your physical body ascends and can receive higher knowledge. We receive nothing positive from maintaining the frequency of a trapped animal angry at its captors. We should ask ourselves, what good does it do to focus on the horrible things going on in our world? It’s a good thing to be informed and armed with truth, but let that truth become the wisdom of forgiveness and integrate it into the love you hold in your heart. This is the only way to defeat the matrix - through destructive interference, when two frequency waves from opposite directions come together and completely cancel each other out. …Holding a frequency higher than 3D can cancel out the matrix frequency. This is ascension. And this is our escape.
STARSEED CHATS: "GROWING UP A STARSEED" - What is life like for a star-child growing up on Earth?
Starseed Chat: growing up starseed
Each one of us who decides to come into a life on planet Earth sets it all up beforehand. And I often find myself pondering my choices, parents, family and am continually amazed at what a great job I did with those pre-birth choices! My Earth family was, and is, so loving and supportive and made growing up as a star-child on an alien planet much easier to deal with. My parents were both scientists and naturalists and my siblings and I grew up tagging along with them on field trips and university lectures and meetings. And it’s funny, as an adult I ended up doing those same things with my husband, who was a university science educator.
One of the first books that absolutely fascinated me as a child, was about the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio, with wonderful drawings and descriptions. If you’re not aware of the Fibonacci sequence, it was discovered by Leonardo Pisano back in the late 1100s. And I won’t go into any detail here, but it is a series of numbers, in which a given number is the result of adding the two numbers before it. So if you start with 0, the next number will be 1 followed by 1, followed by 2, followed by three - where each number is the sum of the two proceeding numbers. Zero plus one is one, one plus one is 2, one plus two is three, two plus three is five, and so on. The reason this is so cool is because it determines a rate of growth that is sequential. But as far as I’m concerned what makes this so fascinating to me is the golden ratio, when applied in geometry, as a growth factor, you get a logarithmic spiral known as the golden spiral that gets wider by a factor of five for every quarter turn it makes. Many artists use this ratio in their paintings and drawings. My absolute favorite artist using the Fibonacci spiral is MC Escher, with his drawings of the ascending and descending stairways that go on forever, or his golden triangle. But the best examples of the Fibonacci sequence spiral, is in nature, like flowers, pinecones, sea shells, or ocean waves and hurricanes and my favorite, the spiral galaxies in space! Don’t get me started... ha.
As our parents pursued their studies in biology and entomology, my whole childhood became a series of adventures in the mysteries of the natural world. My younger sister was so intellectually advanced that she was reading college text books at the age of three and began school by skipping the first two years and going directly into higher grade school. My older sister was taking her university studies while she was still in high school. My genius little brother at age seven gave a lecture on grasshoppers at a university entomological meeting in front of a group of PhDs and got a standing ovation. He was totally confident and composed, because he never thought of himself as less that any of those degreed scientists. He just knew what he knew!
With all this, I find it interesting that no matter what I ever told my mom over the years, she always seemed to take it all in stride. It was as if she had already sort of anticipated what I was going to say - or maybe she was just so used to weird things coming out of my mouth, she just chalked it up to more star-speak. When I was studying at various university levels she and I would talk about all the fascinating things I was learning, including the esoteric concepts of the quantum world. I never felt judged by her for being different. After all, she was used to having a daughter who insisted she was from another world, especially after her mother, my grandmother, had announced at my birth that I had been sent from the stars.
One of the first things I asked my mom, at age three, was about my adoption. I had memories of coming from another world, so I figured that meant I had been adopted. She assured me that she remembered giving birth to me and yet what I remembered was coming into a body that had already been born. I remembered my other home, especially my guardians who had prepared me for this earth life. I also remembered having another family in that other place.
When my older sister was about five or six, she seemed very wise to me and I asked her what world she came from and she told me about God. I don’t know where she got the information, but she told me how God had created the Earth and how the humans were his children. This didn’t seem right to me, because I couldn’t imagine a God creating bad people and I didn’t like the idea of God being a man with a long white beard hanging out on a cloud doing mean things to innocent people and animals.
My Grandmother was extremely spiritual and despised religion and the idea that in order to be close to the creator you had to be in a church. She said the only place you will find holiness, is inside your heart or outside in nature. She said that, what she called The Absolute, had given nature something mankind had lost, an innate knowing of who and what they are. So an animal always knows its purpose, whether a dolphin, a bird, or a lion - an animal is guided through its own inherent and basic instincts, which is the map that directs its behavior.
My spiritual teacher once said something similar, that each human has everything within it to ascend into the higher realms within one lifetime, through disregarding everything taught by humans and following the wisdom of the ant - what he called the grandest teacher, because in the ant’s tiny world it understands the whole. Of course, to be honest, all I desire from these tiny master teachers is to leave me alone and stay out of my house! Sorry...ha.
We also learned from this master that becoming, or the path to ascension, is an alone process, as the caterpillar becomes the butterfly, you must die to who you have been to be born anew - like the phoenix rising up from the ashes. The caterpillar and the butterfly have the exact DNA yet are completely different in both form and frequency. This is the ascension of a third density human into the light body of its angelic true self.
As I mentioned in some of my other videos, my grandmother was a concert violinist and taught music. I remember when she played her violin, she would become lost in the music. It was her mediation and she would be completely absorbed into those heavenly sounds coming through her instrument. When she was in that place of ecstasy, her frequency was so high that she would forget where she was. Her entire world was a paradise of resonance and she was the creator of it all.
She taught me that everything is resonance, frequency, and explained that it was through sound that the pyramids were built. The Egyptians, guided by extraterrestrials, would direct a certain frequency of sound toward those huge blocks of stone, each weighing over two and a half tons, and the stone would begin to vibrate then levitate, hanging suspended in the air as they directed it into place, into its designated spot. The depictions of using slaves for this are only a fiction for the movies. Current science is just now beginning to learn the therapeutic potential of sound and using the solfeggio frequencies for physical and mental health. Each tone can be used to elicit a desired result and these are now used as a form of sound therapy for relaxation or meditation, even for sleep.
You know, if sound can be used to levitate a two or three ton object, just imagine what sound or toning could do in affecting each chakra, or energy center, in the body. There is so much information coming out about this now. For instance, how when a person goes through a trauma in their lives, these fearful memories and emotions can create blocks in the energetic flow in the body, causing illness or even self-destructive behaviors. And using these specific musical tones can not only help with the anxiety, but can actually restore the natural energetic flow. Sound frequencies can also be used to relieve stress and worry or nervousness, anything from emotional balance to pain relief. Just listening to certain frequencies during meditation, for example, can help to induce an out of body state or even a lucid dream or astral projection. These solfeggio frequencies are even used to lower blood pressure and heart rate. It just seems like a crime that some are still being advised to take pharmaceuticals for these problems, when the answer is so simple and so beautiful.
I learned many years ago that this planet possesses, in nature, everything the human body could ever need to maintain a healthy and extended life. Once we learn to tune into the frequencies of the natural world and its fundamental inherent knowledge, we have at our fingertips, all the “medicine” we would ever need for any aliment, from a bad mood to cancer. Again, we have to be able to let go of our terrestrial programming. Those things taught on this planet are under the authority of those who have controlled humanity for millennia and do not have our best interests at heart. There’s never a better time for us to awaken to our own self-mastery and teach ourselves through our own higher guidance - to take control of our own lives, our own destiny.
Well, enough for now! See you soon. Bye bye.
TWIN FLAMES: How can I discover and unite with my other spiritual half?
Hello there!
Come to me in my dreams, and then By day I shall be well again!
For so the night will more than pay The hopeless longing of the day
Twin Flames
Come, as thou cam’s a thousand times A messenger from radiant climes And smile on thy new world, and be As kind to others as to me!
Or, as thou never cams’t in sooth. Come now, and let me dream it truth. And part my hair and kiss my brow, And say, My love why suffers thou?
Come to me in my dreams, and then By day I shall be well again!
For so the night will more than pay The hopeless longing of the day.
Matthew Arnold
I think this says it so well, that longing for our other half.
Well, I was recently asked to do a video about twin flames. I have shied away from this subject so far, because there seems to be so much misinformation out there about this subject. I mean, where did the term even come from? It turns out that the theory of twin flames or twin souls was first mentioned by Plato 2500 years ago, where he speaks of how humans were split in two and have since been destined to search for their other half. I have had my own person experience with this phenomenon, so I can say that I definitely know that each of us has at least one other fragment of self, but I will save that for a future video. I will also say that, from my view, the validity of the twin flame conception isn’t quite what it’s often presented to be by the new age community. And I’ll also include here, that please do not feel you need to take my word for any of this that I am about to state. This is only my own interpretation of that which was brought forth through my research and my own higher knowledge. If this resonates with you great. If not, at least it’s another piece of information you can either add and integrate into your own ideas and beliefs, or to let it go as something that doesn’t quite fit your own concept of reality.
The reason I say the twin flame idea can often be filled with disinformation, comes from what I’ve watched or read through my own research. For example, one statement that I thought was pretty negligent was from a newly favored YouTuber who has been saying that you will not be able to ascend to 5D without your twin flame. This is not only irresponsible, but is very discouraging for his followers or those who believe him, because realistically, this would mean that for the majority of humans on the planet, they’re doomed to stay in 3D. This statement, if considered, takes away hope and motivation in those who have not yet found this elusive other half. It’s just thoughtless and very misguided. Plus the fact that this would invalidate nearly every true master who’s ever ascended from planet earth. They ascended because they became their soul essence, which encompasses all aspects of self. As they rose in frequency, they incorporated that other half, that mirror self within the very core of their being.
And yet another popular YouTuber advises that even if you’re awakened and in a loving committed relationship, that this not enough to assure your transformation onto the new Earth - that uniting with your twin flame is the only guarantee. Is this is only egotistical boasting to gain followers? What a shame. Additionally, the pressure this type of misleading information lays on a light worker is so tragic and unnecessary.
So first let’s mention the idea of soulmates. Is this a different concept altogether, or virtually the same thing? My understanding of a soulmate is another person with whom you have a very strong lifelong bond of love or friendship - someone who accepts you exactly as you are - someone you fully resonate with and choose to be with. This can be a romantic partner like a spouse, or maybe a friend or mentor, or an enemy, your rival or adversary, or a sibling, or child. This person is a part of your soul family who has traveled with you through lifetimes. It’s that person you are drawn to and can talk with for hours at a time and at some point even begin finishing each other’s sentences. Or it’s that person you just don’t like or can’t get along with and you can’t figure out why they bother you so much. This is because this person is a part of your own soul and is expressing that same trail you despise in yourself. A soulmate is a fragment of your own soul.
Conversely, a twin soul or twin flame, for all intents and purposes, is your spiritual partner, a soul companion with the identical motivation and purpose that you hold within your soul journey and physical incarnations. When you do come together during a lifetime, it usually during a time in life when you are both ready for a spiritual push - where the soul has reached a point in evolution where they are ready to move forward and advance at a faster rate. You come together to nurture the other and to mirror unconditional love. You will only meet when you have both reawakened and are now resonating at the same or similar frequency, expressing the same spiritual goals and this will usually occur during your last earthly incarnation. This companion will appear, usually as a romantic partner or lover and has reached the same stage of evolution and is in life to help you to accomplish those goals within the ascending lifetime - or any lifetime as far as that goes. This you do for each other.
You will only attract your twin flame when you are able to reach beyond the weaknesses that would cause harmful insecurities in the relationship, like jealousy or suspicion. These limitations would at least need to be recognized before this union could take place. It’s not that the twin flame doesn’t exist until you are whole. This soul fragment will always exist, because it is you - a part of you and will always be. It’s just that the union is only necessary within a physical incarnation, to assist each other into climbing through the densities, through recognizing and addressing all those issues you came to face in your lifetime, like karma, fear, energetic blocks, or attachments, or anything else that needs to be revealed and released before moving higher. There is no better or clearer soul-mirror than your twin flame. You become the inspiration for each other, encouraging and motivating, usually without purposely doing this - it is just a natural ingredient to being a twin soul. Nothing can keep you apart when this stage is reached - although this does not mean it’s necessary to be physically together - this energetic bond is so strong it will never be broken and can be felt across the world, across time, across space. This person doesn’t have to be in a physical life and could, from the other side, facilitate as your spirit guide. And as you both ascend into the higher densities, you will no longer be two individuals, but an integration of both, into one.
If you’re familiar with the story of Billy Fingers, he had a very difficult earth life and died alone as a human and as his soul progressed through the levels on the other side, it was in those higher realms that he met his twin flame, his spiritual other half. Most accounts of those who ascended this plane into the higher realms did so alone, but whole within themselves. They integrated all parts of their being into the oneness they were in that moment of ascension. And we should believe that we are any different? Even Jesus was said to proclaim to his people, these things I do, you can do, and greater. It’s not that I’m suggesting that you shouldn’t hope to attract your spiritual flame, I’m just pointing out that it’s important to your soul to live fully now. This is why you came. The only thing we come here to do, is to love. We are love and we come here to share that love with all and when give love, we are fulfilling our role as spirit, we are being that which we already are.
It is most important to remember this is you - your journey. You need no one else but you - you’re not waiting for someone to make you whole - you are already whole - it is up to you to realize this and when you do you will find you have everything, you are everything you will ever need for this or any other lifetime. You are the creator and the created. It is you just as you are who is the awakened one - you who walks the awakened path.
The danger in waiting for another to make you whole is the admission that you are not whole. If anyone tells you that you must wait for another before you can be all you can be, this is a trap. Waiting for anyone or anything else to fulfill you and make you worthy of ascension is allowing yourself to be manipulated by those who wish to hold you back in order to elevate themself. Don’t fall for the rhetoric of a romantic “other” to come and save you. This is the same story told by the controllers who created the new-age savior narrative, of ETs coming to rescue you and save the Earth. If you wait for this to happen - you will wait forever. Be your own savior. Don’t wait to be the spectacular being you already are. Be that magnificent soul you came to be. Love and be loved, know the joys of living in this moment for the grandness of that very moment you and your vibration have set before you. Waiting is the controller’s game. Don’t buy into it. Be your radiant self and shine your glorious light for all to see. You want to attract your twin flame? Be the flame you wish to attract and you will find, it was you all along. It’s wonderful to unite with your twin soul during a physical incarnation and I wish that for all of us. But please, don’t give up your life for something that may be out of your soul journey for this lifetime. When we’re able to surrender to our true path and accept life as it comes, this is when the pathways will merge and that other half will suddenly appear, as if by magic and you will recognize yourself in that other’s eyes. Simply be yourself and get out there and shine!
Thanks everyone. Bye!
Retrocausality: Can We Change Our Past?
After my husband died, I spent many agonizing hours begging the universe to bring him back. I had so much trust in the kindness of the universe and I couldn’t get my head around how this could happen to one who was so lighthearted and loved life so much. I guess on some level, I felt we were protected somehow, sort of favored by divinity for gifting us with such a happy life that we were so grateful for. The reason behind this conviction, was that many years before, I had experienced what many call a dark night of the soul, where my entire world fell apart and I felt betrayed and alone - only later to discover, through the suffering, my authentic self, the true essence of my being. From the time of that reawakening, after my NDE, I felt sort of invincible, safe, as if I had been given a sort of magical guide to the universe, a library card to brilliant unearthly realms. A position in space where all is know and all answers lie. Where I could explore anything I was curious about and the knowledge was just somehow available. It would come in downloads, faster than I could even get the questions out. I felt deeply loved and connected to the heart of God and trusted this would be my life from then on.
It’s not that there weren’t disappointments and hardships, as in any life, but I trusted this higher consciousness, that I had celestial friends who would advise me and carry me through it all - and they did. We lived a magical life. Yet, when my husband became ill, even though he assured me he was following his life plan and all was well, I felt dumbfounded, stunned. Why would I have discovered my other half, only to have him jerked away from me because of some stupid plan? It pulled the proverbial rug out from under me and nothing made sense anymore. How could I continue in a world where everything that brought sanity, balance and equilibrium had been stolen from me?
I was so angry at Source, at my friendly universe, that in my desperation, I turned my hopes from the spiritual to the scientific, looking for the inspiration I had once found in the theoretical physics course I had taken through Stanford University several years back. I remembered how stimulating it was to discover within this science, the quantum nature of reality, an undivided wholeness, a universal creative conscious energy, possessing all the attributes of the Source, God, and responsible for everything that has ever existed or would ever exist. And I remembered how perfectly this all went along with the knowledge I was receiving from higher thought. So in my pain, I wrapped all of my hopes up into one concept referred to as retrocausality, or backwards causation, in which an effect precedes its cause, so a later circumstance affects an earlier one, the effect can happen before the cause. It means that you have power over the facts of the past and the future.
So I desperately hoped that through this principle, I could use consciousness to go back into the past and change the circumstance leading up to my husband’s demise. I had learned in that physics course, that some of the greatest minds on earth perceived this to be possible and happening as a matter of course, through intent. It’s like time-travel, where one can return to an event and delay it or change it for another outcome.
So, this is exactly what I did. I went into meditation and with my conscious mind, went back into that circumstance that I was pretty sure had been the cause of his eventual death and changed it. I saw him standing at the crossroads of choice and filled his body with strength and healing light and all the love I could find in my heart and soul. I held this vision and watched as a vitality surged through him saw him making a different choice, one that I strongly felt would alter his destiny. I continued to use my concentrated focused-creativity to watch him turn around and leave that detrimental position he had previously chosen and make a new choice, one based on loyalty and love and inspiration. I continued to watch our future unfold through this alternative decision and all the joys and physical health it produced. I left that meditation, that life, that timeline, in a state of bliss with all the confidence that this future was ours. So, how could this be possible? And did I even really ever believe it was? Well, I learned long ago that imagination creates everything. Any thing, object, or incident, was first imagined before it became that thing, whether a chair or a car, or a set of conditions, or an occurrence. It first began as a thought, an idea, flowing forth from a conscious mind, whether straight from the mind of Source, or from the mind of a human, who as a fragment of that God-Source and therefore possessing all attributes of that great being ... created this chair, first out of imagining it, which then brings that energy into form. Or an event or a war or a marriage, could not happen unless imagined into being by those who chose to see it, through their intent and visualize it, whatever their objective.
Researching further this method of backwards causation, I found it had its own, what I would call, spiritual perimeters, which allowed for some tweaking, but not for the full result I was hoping for - my husband standing before me in perfect health. Nevertheless, applying this principle to the circumstances that I felt were the catalyst to his illness, my life was very much changed through this purposeful directing of my concentrated attention toward a more compassionate and loving reconstruction of those details and events that I believed to be the cause of his disease. So did it work? On the physical level not so much, on the spiritual level, very much.
I have since discovered much about this principle, not only through the scientific standard, but through the metaphysical exercise of directing a loving concentrated thought toward a past event or circumstance, therefore intentionally raising the frequency that it once held into a higher more positive reality, similar to what some might call shadow work. Where using imagination, you go back into an unfavorable event and use focused thought to “redo” the event and change it into what you wished would have happened then and is most desired now.
Okay, so what part does the brain play in all this? Well, the brain is a receiver, an antenna allowing us the ability of mental time travel, remembering something that happened in the past, as well as visualizing something that will happen in the future. And this is important, it receives and converts quantum information without distinguishing between past and future. So you see, this would mean that recall and imagination can be interchanged, transposed. Whether using memory to return to a past event or using imagination to create changes within that event, the brain cannot judge between this “memory” as genuine, or made up. They are both as “real” to the receiver, the brain.
A significant additional qualification here is that by going back into a former event and affecting it, a new parallel copy of the universe, with a different past has been created. This is why time travel doesn’t work quite the way the science fiction movies present it to, because anytime something alters the past, a new universe is created. Therefore, although the event has been changed, the original cause is still preserved within the timeline. So the change affects only the reality of the consciousness and timeline of the one who performed the effect.
So what we’re talking about here is what is known in the scientific world as The Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, which states that there are parallel worlds that exist at the same space and time as our own - that there is no wave function collapse - which means that all possible outcomes of a measurement or observation are physically realized in some world or universe.
So, let’s say you made a pivotal decision in your life that you have come to regret. Maybe you once had a choice whether to take a job in Switzerland and move there, or to stay in your current job in California. At that time, you made the safe choice and stayed in California. However, you now feel that this has not given you the life you believe you could have had in Switzerland. If you were to now go back into that event in your memory and make the choice you wish you had made then, does this change the event? Yes, it does change it, because reality is flooded by consciousness and by making this new choice, you not only have altered your own path, but by using your conscious focused attention to imagine this new life in Switzerland, a split occurs in the universe to accommodate that choice, in which in one universe you stayed with the original choice and in the other universe you made a different choice. Now does this mean that suddenly you pop into the universe of the new choice and will live the life you would have lived, based on that alternate choice? Okay, as if this wasn’t already weird enough.... One version of you took that job in Switzerland and the other you is the one you are familiar with as your current life. So why aren’t you now sipping on a Rivella while strolling down the Ru de la Croix? Because, although your attention was able to cause a new effect, you remain in the body and life path you previously set into motion before you came into human life and that script has been written and the movie filmed, and with perhaps a couple of free-will forks in the road, you will carry out those choices you planned.
You are a fragment of Source itself, your soul essence laid down a path for you to follow throughout this lifetime, which created a sort of map that you agreed to follow, which would take you through the events you most wished to resolve or experience for your soul’s expansion. And although other fragments of your soul are experiencing other lives simultaneous to this one, this life is where your consciousness would be focused throughout that/this lifetime. This is why, although you made the change within that original decision and decided upon Switzerland instead of California, your attention remains tied to this body and this timeline, because this is the physical body agreed upon for this life. There is another physical body, a parallel copy of you, living that other life, that other choice, and within this many world’s reality, that other fragment of self is now living out that Switzerland lifetime.
So you know, this may sound odd, but just knowing there’s a parallel universe out there where my husband and I are both still together alive and vital, brings me such confidence and joy, and a feeling that anything is possible - that with a high frequency and a light heart miracles can happen.
Thanks for listening, Guys! Bye.
Is My Husband A Walk-In?
Hello Beautiful People! I’m so happy to be with you again.
Okay a friend recently contacted me with a question from her sister who was very upset because her husband seems to have changed so much that he seems to her almost like another person and it’s greatly disturbing to her and she doesn’t know what to do about it.
Here is the question:
A few weeks ago, my husband started acting very strange. He has lost interest in the things he usually liked to do and no longer wants to be around his friends. It’s like he’s become a stranger. His entire personality has changed. Before he was very outgoing and loved to go to the pub with the guys. Now all he seems interested in is listening to music or reading. He always wants to be outside, just sitting in the sun or watching the stars at night. He recently started meditating and when I ask him about it he just says people change. He used to get angry easily and now he’s always calm and nothing upsets him. When he left his military post, he had terrible bouts of PTSD and refused to get therapy for it, but it got somewhat better over the years. Now he’s totally unbothered by anything and is much kinder too. That’s all fine, but I don’t know what to think or how to act around him. Even though he is very good natured and agreeable, it still scares me, because it’s just not him. I know this will sound crazy, but he even looks different. He’s lost weight and even seems taller somehow and I swear his eyes have changed color. When I mention details of things we’ve done together, he acts like he remembers, but his response is as if it wasn’t even him who lived those things. He often gets a faraway look when I ask him questions to see if he remembers our previous lives together, and it’s like he’s watching a movie, not something he lived through. It’s hard to explain, but I’m just convinced it’s not really him anymore. Do you think he could be a walk-in soul?
Well, first off, I wouldn’t presume to know exactly what’s happening with this man, since I don’t know him or the situation, but I think what she mostly is asking is whether he could be a walk-in soul who exchanged places with her husband. Yeah, well by the sound of it, this very well could be the situation and I’ll try to address that possibility as well as others.
Okay, so let’s go with Occam’s razor here, as our guide, and go to the simplest answer first. This man could have simply decided he needed to make some changes in his life and is doing his best to become this improved soul and his wife is just not used to him being this way. Of course, my suggestion would be to talk to him. It sounds like he’s become very introspective and might be willing to share his transformation with her if she can release her fear. I would say, bring him a cup of tea and ask him if he has anything he would like to share with her about what’s happening for him. Or she could suggest taking a walk and while they’re just walking along, reassure him that all she wants is for him to be okay, and so on. Much of this problem here seems to me to stem from a gap in communication.
I totally do understand how disconcerting this can be, I went through a similar thing myself with my husband’s walk-in event, except thankfully we both knew what was happening. As I mentioned before, he went so far as to change his name to that of the incoming soul and I actually was all for that, because I knew it would help his comfort level by giving him something familiar to hold on to, from his own previous life. Unfortunately, in his case and many others, his former friends were not comfortable with the changes and in fact some thought he had just kind of lost it. Some friends left and some adapted.
So let’s go back to the simple again. In her question, she mentioned that her husband was formerly a military man and had gone through some pretty heavy PTSD symptoms, which over time had lessened. This could be another more generic factor in his current changes and may be more as a result of his own personal shadow work. As far as the post traumatic symptoms, there are some therapies that have proven quite successful, one of the most successful being the work of Dr Allan Botkin, who was treating Vietnam veterans suffering from PTSD, using a therapy called EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), to desensitize the veterans to the trauma they had experienced. Where the patient would focus on a particularly disturbing event while moving their eyes back and forth, left to right, in rapid succession, keeping their head still.
In one case he was treating a Vietnam veteran named Sam, who had suffered from terrible PTSD symptoms from having witnessed the death of Le, a 10 year old orphaned girl that he cared very deeply for. Every time he visualized this scene in his mind he was overcome with terrible pain and this had very much affected the quality of his life. When Dr Botkin applied this eye movement technique to the veteran, during the session Sam closed his eyes and suddenly he saw Le standing before him as a beautiful woman with long black hair wearing a long white gown and surrounded by a radiant light. She smiled at him and thanked him for taking care of her before she died. She was happier and more contented than he had ever seen her. She told Sam that she loved him and put her arms around him, embracing him. He said, “I love you too” and the scene faded away. When Sam reopened his eyes, he had tears rolling down his cheeks and was smiling and peaceful, in this one powerful session.
Over the years Dr Botkin has used his own revisions of this therapy to end the suffering of these veterans who have witnessed horrible things, like a close friend being killed in battle. In some cases Dr Botkin would use the eye movements while purposely inducing a near-death communication and has found this technique to be incredibly successful and is seeing amazing changes in these patients in one or two sessions that previously would have taken years of therapy. He has now named this therapy IADC (Induced After-Death Communication). So I’m wondering, could this man in the question have taken on this type of therapy and just not told his wife about it?
Another explanation for the changes in this woman’s husband, that is happening for so many right now with this raising of the planet’s frequency, is their own personal awakening. Most of you know Eckhart Tolle’s story, where he was so miserable and had decided to end his life because he couldn’t “live with himself anymore.” Yet, as he contemplated this thought, it caused him to ask the question, “if I can’t live with myself and I am the I, who is the other self that I can’t live with?” Wow! This deep thought was responsible for his amazing awakening and he has since changed the world with his books and interviews.
My point in bringing this up is, after Eckhart awoke that next morning, all he could do, for days, was to lay on a bench and watch nature. Who he was, was completely changed. His entire essence was different, peaceful and content and resonating in pure love. This sort of awakening is happening all across the globe right now and could possibly be the case with this guy. I can personally relate to this myself. And when this does occur for a person it can take weeks or months before they’re able to even reestablish a connection to their former life and family. Of course none of these possibilities I’ve mentioned so far would account for changes in her husband’s height or eye color. However when a person loses weight it often makes him look taller.
So okay, let’s go into whether this man could be a walk-in soul. Yes he absolutely could. This walk-in process is more common these days than ever, because there is more need for these higher beings to come into human bodies to help with the restructuring of the planet, as this shift continues. I’m really glad this question came up, because it offers a perfect opportunity for me to clarify an aspect of ascension that hasn’t been talked about in any depth yet, or at least that I am aware of. As we consider the walk-in experience, it’s often looked at as a case where one soul leaves the human body and another soul, usually extraterrestrial, enters to gain an opportunity to experience life as a human. However, in this current timeline, there is another component to this motivation. And this is, that many souls who have been on earth as humans are now wanting or ready to leave. This can be because they have ascended. They have reached a point in their ascension and are ready to move on into the higher realms, but don’t want to take their human body with them. Usually this is because they are in immersion and already have another body there. So these souls are opting to leave and go home to Source or to awaken in their pod and return to their ET life. These are souls who wanted to be here for the ascension, as some call it, or the shift into the new earth, or even just for the chaos that we have experienced over the past three years, but they don’t desire to stay longer. So many of the humans on earth now, whose soul has attained a frequency of 5D or beyond, are ascending, while leaving their body for an immersed soul to enter and take over that life. This is why so many of us are discovering family members or friends, who are suddenly exhibiting changes of personality or behaviors.
So one might ask, well why didn’t this ascending person just tell his or her family that they’re leaving? Well, this is because they didn’t know. Remember when a soul creates a plan like this for exiting the body at a certain point, when they come down into the Earth’s lower density, they go through the veil of forgetting and no longer remember the plan that was set up for their departure. So naturally this can be very upsetting to those left behind, who now have a family member or spouse who is acting strangely, for no apparent reason. There are even situations where the walk-in will come into a human body who speaks a certain language and suddenly starts speaking a language completely foreign to the human previously inhabiting that physical body, which can be quite disconcerting for the family.
So if this is indeed the case with the questioner, her husband would now be a more advanced soul and would most certainly be accepting of conversation or a meaningful dialogue explaining his changes. It might be really wise for the wife to find a way to let go of the apprehension she has for talking with her husband about this and confess her discomforts to him. This can only help. He’s probably very aware of her anxieties and is just giving her time and space, until she’s ready to share her feelings with him. Once we can all get past our beliefs that this earth realm is the physical and material world we’ve been taught we are in and open up to the wonderment that is all around us, that this is a place where magic happens, where humans and ETs exchange places and where high density beings step down from their ships and walk the earth, nothing will ever frighten us again. It will all be a fantastic dream where anything and everything is possible.
Thanks so much, Bye!
VIEWER COMMENT AND QUESTION: How do you know if you're Unreal or Real?
Hello all!
Viewer Comment and Question
Well this isn’t exactly what I planned for my next video, but instead I thought I would just take a moment today to address a comment from a viewer, which was deleted by my moderator because it was unnecessarily unkind and negative. However I chose to take a sec to address the issues she brought up for the reason that I totally get it, if you are not ready for this sort of information it can be pretty bizarre and off the wall and even religiously insulting, if that’s where the person still is coming from. So I completely understand how this person might feel thrown by someone talking about non-real people or immersed ETs and such. And I’ve always stated that my channel is simply me sharing my life as a starseed walk-in. I have never put myself up as an expert or spiritual teacher, just a star-being sharing the knowledge I came in with or learned over my life. I’m certainly never asking anyone else to buy-in to my interpretations of these subjects - inspirational to some, like me, and blasphemous to others, like this viewer.
The comment below the immersion video was simply “what a crock!” which of course is just mean. So there’s no sense in trying to respond to meanness. But I guess I could say, then why watch it? I mean, this information is not for everyone, so just move on and watch something more to your liking. So obviously this comment is not helpful to anyone. However her comment below the Background video, I thought had some fair points that I can respond to. The comment was: “So who created you? Where does God fit in if there is one. How is it you people remember these things? Why would you want to be here when you alledge you come from such a lovely place. Sorry how do you know you’re not an unreal person?”.
First I want to say, hey I get it, for the person just beginning to question his or her place in the universe, jumping directly into this more advanced level is probably only going to bring confusion - I totally understand.
Okay, so “Who created you and where does God fit in, if there is one?” The same Source who created you. The All-In-All, the Prime Creator. You might call this God and I might call this Source or Infinite Intelligence or Cosmic Consciousness. The word or name doesn’t shape or create the being. It only identifies it to your own perception of what it is. It’s important only to you, the person, but the name is irrelevant. I mean, you could be named Angel and be a real jerk or be named Claud and be a beautiful shining ray of sunshine.
So what she’s really asking I think is who created the backdrop people. However, sensing the spirit behind this question, I would say probably any actual truthful answer would not be accepted by this person anyway, but for the sake of response. First without going into the fact that all of reality is an illusion, I have an entire video on that. Background people or Non-Source or Non-character players are energy beings, empty matrix holograms, generated by the simulation to provide a background to our movie. They’re here evoke emotions and drama for our adventure through life. They are like extras in our movie.
The next part of her question is “How is it you people remember these things?” Well, by you people, do you mean starseeds, walk-ins, or just those of us talking about it on Youtube? Since I don’t know exactly which she means here, I”ll just speak for myself. If she sincerely wants to know how to remember who she is, I would recommend to anyone that raising your vibration through meditation or stillness, focus, would be helpful. This is a great place to start, to begin to receive higher thought and knowledge from your own inner-being or consciousness. But you also could gain this sort of information from books or videos, but you won’t gain anything if your mind is closed to new information. You’ll just stay where you are, judging anyone who disagrees with you and that’ll not be beneficial for anyone. We actually don’t need anyone else to teach us truth - it is all within us, but what can be very helpful is someone who has already addressed these issues in their life and has come the conclusion of that wisdom, so to speak. And that’s why these video formats can be so helpful, because it allows a platform for exchange of knowledge and views.
Okay so she asks, “Why would you want to be here when you allege to come from such a lovely place?” Again, go back to the beginning videos on this channel and it’s all explained there. But we, starseeds and walk-ins and walk-downs, came here to help - to hold a high frequency of light and love during this shift or ascension. We purposely came from those beautiful higher realms to become a human walking on Earth, because we care, we love you. We know that you are simply another version of self. We are all one consciousness seemingly inhabiting separate bodies. We come, knowing that when our role here is finished we go back home to that lovely place you spoke of. It’s like going to the theater to watch a movie and then going back home - the difference is that here we are the movie! We are the main character in our own movie and the extras are here just to fill in the movie. It wouldn’t be very interesting if it was only you. We need to have others to play the game with.
And the last part of her question is this. “Sorry how do you know you are not an unreal person?” Great question. How do any of us know we are real or unreal. My answer is a simple one. If you wonder if your’e a real person, you are, because an unreal person would never ask that question, because they don’t even have the capacity for that thought. It would never occur to them.
So what I would say to this viewer, is relax. If this is all a crock to you, walk away, go in peace. There is no need to watch something you totally disagree with only for the privilege of leaving nasty comments. Instead let it open your mind. Or find a YouTube video that speaks your language and can inspire and lift you. If that’s not me then cool, that’s fine. Have fun!
Lastly I would say, thank you, A Chambers, for allowing me an opportunity to discuss my favorite topics with anyone who cares enough to tune in. I consider it an honor that anyone even cares to listen. Relax, it’s just me sitting in my living room talking about my latest interests or revelations. I’m not here to convince anyone about anything. I myself enjoy checking out others who are talking about these fascinating subjects and my YouTube channel affords me the opportunity to respond through sharing my own thoughts and ideas. It’s very cool! There’s room for it all and this is what ascension is all about, allowing and loving it all.
Thanks everyone. Hugs!
Q&A IMMERSION PROGRAM: The extraterrestrial fluid immersion technology, what it is and how it works.
Immersion Questions and Answers
Hello everyone. After posting my video about walk-ins and the immersion program several months ago, I have received numerous requests for further information and decided I would attempt to expand on what I had presented earlier. As always, a majority of the information I share is from my own higher guidance and memories and some from my own research. I’m very careful about putting information through my own filter before bringing it to you. For this topic, I was able to fill in some of the gaps in my own knowledge with two very trusted sources, Dolores Cannon and Cosmic Agency. I was also able to find several corroborating accounts of those who have had near death experiences and have awakened in a pod. Dolores Cannon mentioned this too, also the Jeff Mara podcast and a couple of others. So I hope you can find some value to the information presented here. This is one of my favorite subjects!
The first and basic question that continues to come in is: #1Can you tell us more about The Immersion Program, what it is and how it works?
So I will attempt to give as many details here as this little human brain can hold and remember!
The Immersion Program used here for the earth experience, is an advanced extraterrestrial computerized technology that is used to give the ET the virtual experience of being a human - where they go into a sort of pod or chamber and their sensory perception signal is sent from the pod into a human body that has been previously prepared for this walk-in soul.
Okay, so in this case, the immersion program or technology is used to allow an extraterrestrial soul to walk-in to a human body to complete a particular task or mission. Nearly every interstellar ET race has immersion technology and implements this to send their starseeds down to Earth. This is because there is no better way to learn about the Earth’s 3D environment than from the ground level. Plus, the immersion technique guarantees them a safe trip back home so they will not get caught in the reincarnation trap or cycle.
It appears that there are two types of immersion, one used for only a few hours, mostly for short trips or for entertainment and this is done without immersing the person in a liquid. But what we’ll mostly be discussing here is the fluid immersion, used for extended trips with a particular goal in mind. Now, it may be different for specific races, but the information I received is that for this long term immersion, the pod will start out in a horizontal position and then is raised to a vertical position and this is what we usually see in movies, a sort of liquid-filled chamber with a naked ET body floating in it. That could be you!
Before the immersion can take place, there is an agreement or contract created between the two souls, one in a human body and the other on a craft or distant planet. The contract states that these two souls have agreed that the one in the human body will leave and go back where they came from and the soul in the immersion tank will take over the life of the one who has been inhabiting the human body.
What happens is that an ET enters the chamber naked. This pod will isolate them from all sensory input except that coming directly from the computerized technology within the pod, which in a way substitutes as a sort of brain. The person is then immersed in a special liquid that contains what the body needs to say healthy during this suspended animation, stem cells and other nutrients that will sustain and preserve their body for the duration of a human lifespan or even hundreds or thousands of years. And because third density time is different than time where the ET is immersed, the human walk-in could experience an entire lifetime, yet only a few years would have passed for the immersed person.
The extraterrestrial in the pod, will then breathe the liquid into their lungs, which is not a pleasant feeling at first because they feel like they’re drowning, but this soon passes and they begin to breathe normally. This liquid is constantly changed as needed throughout the duration of the immersion. The pod also provides electromagnetic stimulation to muscles and internal organs so they will not suffer from atrophy. Then the frequencies of the pod put the person to sleep and their attention is diverted to the human body that has been prepared for this transfer of sensory information, sort of like switching the channel from one station to another, where their sensory perception signal is sent and directly imprinted onto the brain of that human body. And this body must have a corresponding frequency to that of the immersed soul, then the computer specifically targets each neural group within the brain and diverts or alters the perception signal to that of the incoming soul.
One of the cool things about coming to earth as an immersed soul is that you have more control over when you come into the body, rather than just at birth, plus you know exactly where you will be going when the human body dies. Your consciousness is then rerouted back to you, the immersed soul, and you will not have to go through the same steps into the afterlife, you will just wake up in your pod and go back to your normal ET life. When the soul incarnates from the Source, there’s more chance of becoming lost into the 3D reincarnation cycle or influenced by lower astral beings and most starseeds don’t want to take that chance. Although I remember reading in one of Dolores Cannon’s books, she said that when it comes to lower astral beings, starseeds have, what she called, a sort of teflon coating that protects them from these entities.
When it’s time for the immersed person to wake up, the nutrient liquid is drained and the pod goes from the vertical position back to the horizontal position. The person is then put through another liquid bath which cleans the body. Then the sensory perception signal is returned to the one in the pod and they begin to wake up. If that person has been immersed for a long time, they sometimes have trouble breathing for awhile and tend to cough or even vomit. This usually goes away in a few days. Okay, so that is what I remember about the basics. Now, the next question is: #2 When the ET wakes up in the pod will they have a memory of what they did in that life?
Yes, when you wake up from your immersion you will remember most everything you lived and then this all becomes a part of your expanded soul.
#3 Where are the immersion chambers kept?
This is something I didn’t know and found the answer on Cosmic Agency, where they have tons of this sort of amazing knowledge. The information they have is that the pods are usually kept either on the spacecraft or in special immersion stations on the home planet of the person and maintained by their family or friends.
#4 What are the differences for the starseed, between coming into a human body at birth or coming in through immersion and how would I know if I’m in immersion?
For the starseed, not a lot of differences are usually noticed, yet there are a few possibilities. Immersed souls tend to remember more clearly than other starseeds. This can be because the immersion pod allows for the person to adjust the memory setting from no memory to remembering it all and everything in between. It’s mostly an inner knowing, but for my self, I kept having memories of the immersion experience, which would often come to me in dreams or in meditation, of being under water and breathing it in and panicking and then realizing I can breathe the water into my lungs and I’m okay. I recently had a lucid dream in which I saw myself standing underwater and breathing normally. Another thing immersed souls usually have in common is that they usually feel that the world is false. If you really want to know for sure if you’re in immersion, you could also discover it through hypnosis or through out-of-body or astral travel.
#5 What happens to the human body if the ET gets ill or even dies in the pod?
If the immersed person dies the human walk-in loses the connection and they’ll die too. This death will appear to others on earth as an unexplained death. Sometimes there can also be a glitch in the computerized system and the human might faint or have seizures or other anomalous reactions, with no known cause. Yikes!
#6 So this next question is the opposite of that. What if the walk-In in the 3D human body gets ill?
If the 3D body becomes ill, they will be brought aboard a craft where the ETs can make corrections to the body so the walk-in can continue the life it came to play out. However if the walk-in gets really sick they could ask to leave early and if agreed upon then the immersed person will simply wake up.
#7 When can an extraterrestrial come into a human body through immersion?
Well, there are lots of options. The human body could begin life as a baby, occupied by an immersed soul who only wants the experience of being a baby or small child. Then, at a specified point, another immersed soul could come into that body as a walk-in and continue that human life, with all the memories that the human child has had so far. Or the immersed soul could walk-into a body of any age, as long as the frequency of the human body corresponds to that of the immersed soul. And of course, these agreements are all made previous to the walk0in event, mostly even before the birth of the human body.
#8 Why would a human want to leave their body and give it over to an ET?
Well, numerous reasons, it depends on the individual. They might just want to go back home because they’ve experienced everything they chose to. Or sometimes if a human has had a deep emotional trauma, the soul will want to leave the body and when it does, and if the body is still vital and healthy, another soul will choose to come in. However, if the human has gone through something horrible, their vibration can become lowered, giving another entity of a similar low vibration, like an astral entity, the chance to come into that body and take over that life. Hey, this is another good reason to keep our frequency up even if we’ve experienced trauma. I know, way easier said than done of course.
#9 Is the immersion always preplanned?
Well, there always has to be an agreement and some sort of plan made with the basic goals hoped for, within this immersed life. However, when you enter the body you will have forgotten all of those plans, so that you’ll be free to play the game.
#10 Can more than one immersed extraterrestrial soul inhabit one physical human body?
Yes, there can be two or more immersions at the same time, however, not the usual choice. But, I suppose, this way if one body fails or dies, you would always have access to the other. However, it’s rare, because if there’s more than one person immersed into one body this could cause problems, like multiple personalities or schizophrenia. Probably not the best idea.
#11 How do the ETs know where their starseeds are on the planet? Does my Galactic family know me?
Your ET race recognizes you through your soul imprint or signature and knows where you are. Plus, all human walk-ins have implants identifying them as an ET soul.
#12 What will happen to those in immersion who have had the (pointing to arm)? Will this affect the immersion?
Very much. It will affect the soul signal connection and the person could become lost - and this could cause an eventual death of the body. However, the ET person in immersion will not be affected and will just simply wake up.
#13 How can a physical body breathe liquid without drowning?
Just as the baby in the womb breathes in the amniotic fluid, the immersion liquid is similar and after initially inhaling the fluid, the body remembers how to breathe the liquid.
Excellent questions, guys! Thank you so much for reaching out. You know, we’re all here to learn together ...and this is how we grow and evolve as souls. Until soon, I love you!
IMPATIENCE: How does impatience affect the quality of your present moment?
I have had something on my mind for quite awhile now and finally deiced I would pop in here for a minute and just ramble a bit about this dilemma and see if maybe you’ve been noticing the same thing.
For a long time now, I’ve been observing that when there is some sort of an announcement, maybe on Youtube or a similar platform, from a respected channel, or spiritually awakened being, or teacher, and they tell or warn of an event that is coming, like the ascension or the much talked about solar wave, or the next phase coming to humanity, that people immediately become obsessed with when - when is this going to happen? The ethereal star guide or teacher will often attempt to explain that they really aren’t able to give a date, because when they do the event will change, to accommodate those in anticipation of that date and will get pushed farther and farther away. So, when time has moved on, and it hasn’t happened, these people get very upset and begin to vilify the one forecasting the information. I’ve been noticing that pretty much, each time there’s mention of something coming, the only detail asked about this upcoming episode is when, not how, not why, not even questioning the reason or the intellect behind the forecasting of this event, just when? I very seldom see them challenging the veracity of the person or the accuracy of the information. It might be the perfect chance to for us to do some inner or outer research on this point ourselves.
I often see this, that when time passes and this event hasn’t occurred, people begin to get anxious and depressed, waiting and waiting, and the more popular the channel or star teacher is, the more of this vibration that goes out into the collective consciousness. This impatience lowers the frequency of not only this disappointed person, but the surrounding consciousness. So the anger or annoyance goes directly into the creation of this predicted upcoming event, bringing it to manifest, when it does occur, within a more negative state, rather than just allowing it to be in the natural flow. Plus the fact, that with all these disappointed people focusing on the negative side of this supposed event, because in their estimation it hasn’t happened soon enough, this only adds energy to the creation of their own discouraged version of this incident, ensuring that it will happen, but in what way, in what level of consciousness?
And have they ever considered that this may not be a positive episode? All they have is the assurance from the channel or spokesperson who first mentioned it. Have they themselves taken any responsibility for it, by putting their own positive energy on this potential event, or are they just waiting, waiting for it to come about, with no realization of how their own impatient frustrations may have changed this initial prediction or prophecy. Have they ever even asked themselves if they really want this to happen, because it is all an unknown. They’re just taking the word of someone else. Will the world be better off with this occurrence? Do they really know what they’re impatient for - and what are they really waiting for? They’re pushing the present moment out into some believed to be better. Yet, could their life really be better in some future moment if they are living only in anticipation of that faraway unreachable moment - that isn’t even their own moment, but something someone told them about! They have moved out of the now into some unknown potential and completely lost their own precious now, their only true moment and the only point in which they are truly whole and complete.
I remember when I was in the spiritual school I told you about, the teacher said, and I’ve always remembered this. “To be impatient is to hurry toward your own death.” Brilliant!
Impatience comes in many other ways too. As I said, it disallows the moment and the appreciation within that perfect moment. It keeps us from observing the world, our surroundings, and holds us from recognizing the beauty of each moment. There truly is beauty in each moment for those with eyes to see. When we stop to be wherever we are, we begin to notice things we’ve never seen or heard before, details of every little thing. If we’re standing in the checkout line at the store, and are willing to relax into that moment, within the buzz of conversations around us, we can begin to make a game of isolating individual words and it becomes interesting, like a fun game, filling the time, like listening to music. We discover the brilliant blue colors shining off the earrings of the lady standing ahead in line. It may not seem important to us now, but when we reach the other side of life, each moment we have lived in this human life, even the seeming tiny insignificant things like admiring the sparkling colors of her earrings, is valued like a precious gem that will never be seen or felt again. If our focus is on waiting to get somewhere else, only when we look back, can we realize all the treasures in that lost moment. I remember something my husband said when he knew he was going to die. He had refused to take any drugs for pain, because he wanted to feel like himself. He said, “I’m okay with dying, but while I’m here, I just want to be aware and conscious that I’m still alive.”
So many people are asking how to be happy. Well, I would like to add my own little gem and suggest that happiness isn’t something that can be pursued and forced into being. Happiness is our natural state of being and the only thing that takes us away from that state and causes unhappiness, is resistance - the resistance to what is. Impatience is another form of unhappiness. It’s when we allow the moment to be, will it bring forth its magic, the present, the present of Now.
Anyway, just another mind-walk I thought I would share. Thanks for listening!
Bye bye!
THE GAME: Is life on Earth real, or is it only a game extraterrestrial souls come to play?
The Game
Hello everyone.
When we die, we immediately remember who we are. We remember that we are eternal souls and exist in a state of perpetual joy and love. We recognize that we are now home and from within this expanded view are realizing that the life on earth that we just left, was an illusion, a dream. It was a game that we chose to play out for an opportunity of growth and soul expansion to bring back home that experience when we leave the physical body at death.
At death, we are surrounded by and immersed in this love and there is no longer any separation from the Source, God, The Prime Creator. From within this new perspective we see it all and are amazed that we could have ever believed that the life we just came from was the tangible material experience we believed it to be and can now identify it all as the dream it truly was. It was all just a game, a play of consciousness, a great thought, an idea. All those fears, all that suffering were only beliefs built into the game that we chose to dream. We believed we were separate beings, yet even when we awakened to the truth of oneness we were still captured by the illusion. And now that we’re home, that life we just left quickly begins to fade away, just like any other dream, as we remember our true life and who we really are, a great energetic consciousness - one with Source and all other beings in the universe.
We’re elated as we recall that we are infinite and will never die, no matter how many lifetimes we choose to live. The body dies and the consciousness goes on. All those love ones who died and we thought were lost to us are still vital and alive and more available to us now than they ever were in the physical. We remember how we set up the life we just left. We remember how we made a plan - we formed agreements with other souls, who chose their roles within our own life plan. The human Earth Game is chosen by those who come from realms beyond and outside of the imposed Earth Matrix. It’s played by those who come wanting a journey of limitation and adventure, not available in their world.
There are rules to this Game. For example you won’t be able to fly, you’ll have no memory of who you are or any past lives, your body will age and become old and feeble, you will need to eat to stay alive, your fragile little human-suit could easily get hurt, or even die, this physical body will have enormous limitations and must be constantly attended to to stay healthy, you will have a physical brain, which is actually a dampening agent that helps keep your thoughts tied to earth, and you’ll be in a soup of negative beliefs and thoughts, called the collective consciousness. It’s a place of heavy densities and extremes where evil cruelties can be numerous and are often chosen for the sensations of pain or suffering, as well as the other extreme of pleasures, love and sex, food and drink. And once you’re in the Game you will be unable to leave until the chosen exit put within your life- plan has been reached. And most importantly, you won’t realize that you were the creator of every moment within this game and that in truth you are a powerful godlike being who, if understood and believed, could turn this game into a paradise, or a hell.
So, what would be an example of a script one might choose to compose for their Earth game? Well, how about a girl, born into a poor section of a large city in the US, with abusive parents who once threw her off a balcony and she now has a permanent limp. She’s underfed and under-loved and is always anxious and afraid. At school she’s bullied and this causes her an even greater insecurity. Finally, at age 15 she decides to end it all and tries to commit suicide. Her body is found by a passerby who calls an ambulance and she’s rushed to the hospital. The medical staff sees the pitiful condition the girl is in and calls social services, who take the girl into custody. The cruel neglect of the parents is discovered and when the girl leaves the hospital she’s placed with a foster family. The family feels so much sadness for what this girl has obviously gone through and they form a deep love for her, finally adopting her. Now she’s cared for and responds to all the love from these wonderful parents and once her health is restored she begins a new school and develops lasting and meaningful friendships. Her injured leg has been restored to health and when the girl graduates high school she gets accepted at a prestigious university where she meets the love of her life. They get married and end up having two children, a nice house with a big yard, a dog and two cats. The children grow and life moves on. Not long after both kids have left home, one day she discovers that her wonderful husband has developed an aggressive cancer and he dies before the year is out. She’s devastated and grieves deeply. One night she’s so distraught, she feels she can’t go on and cries out to the universe for help. When she awakens in the morning her entire world seems totally different to her. She’s never seen the sky so blue and has never heard sweeter bird-songs. She feels like her heart has swollen in size and is overflowing with love and her body wrapped in a cocoon of golden light. As the days and months go by, she slowly begins to remember a place she once called home, a realm of brilliant light, and a deep loving purpose begins grow inside her. Day after day she sits in silence filling her body with the shining radiance of her purest essence. The more her soul is awakened, she soon begins to feel inspired to find others who are motivated by a similar spirit. With the passing of each year, her love and light grows, until one day in her 80s she feels drawn to lie down in meditation and moments later is aware that her consciousness is rising up off the bed. The higher she moves the more ecstasy fills her heart and soul. Instantly she recognizes who she is and where she’s going and the heavens ring with laughter as the words form in her consciousness, Oh my gosh, it was all just a game! It was all just a game!
Throughout this earthly existence, your higher self is watching you (its representation), its avatar, reacting to your life and all those obstacles purposely put in your way for you to deal with and overcome. Your human body is the vehicle that allows the real you, your inter-dimensional self, to roam the Earth and have physical adventures. It’s like a movie with you as the main character. The choices you make during this movie are not judged as good or bad, anymore than the choices made by your computer game avatar, are judged. With each choice there’s a learning and this wisdom will be available the next time the player decides to play the game. This time I will avoid going down the stairs where I was killed last time, or this time I will take a different route.
So why was this Earth game set up and by whom? Well, it wasn’t always like this. It began very differently and was allowed to evolve into the present. For millennia there has been a continuing battle for control of Planet Earth and its humanity, with more than one ET race delegating themselves as owners. This waring has caused huge amounts of turmoil and suffering for those on the surface caught in the crossfire, from before the time of Atlantis and Lemuria, on into the Viet Nam war and beyond, with horrific results that you’ll never hear about on the mainstream news. As Dolores Cannon said, the Earth game has evolved through the levels from easier to harder and is now set at the most intense and difficult level, so it is necessary for those choosing to come to Earth at this time to be the strongest and most courageous of souls.
Discussing this preplanned self-made movie/game, you could say that the Earth is the environment, or one element of the entire mise-en-scene of your movie, or game, in which the creator and director (you) will develop, placing the props, the graphics, to be used in your particular game, to create a mood, or ambience, the location setting, the era or timeline, costumes, characters. These are all planned out and built-in to the landscape, creating the atmosphere your avatar will come into - the point in history, the family status, or state of living, position, circumstance, physical and mental health and characteristics. And this, your movie or game, can and will interact with other characters, avatars, within their own game, yet happening in the same space as your own, but maybe with extremely different ideas and circumstance. And all this adds to the fact that two or more people can exist in the same space on the planet, yet see their world as very different than another. This is because, although they may be both characters within the same or similar location, they may have very different roles, therefore different lifestyle and attitude, emotions, perceptions, about that place and the lives they’re living.
One illustration of this is the variety of ideas and opinions one might find on YouTube, for example. And remember the algorithm is feeding those videos to you based on your viewing interest. As I’ve been mentioning in previous videos, there’s an entire segment of starseeds professing that the planet is a soul trap controlled and driven by evil extraterrestrial psychopaths and yet another segment of starseeds who center more around the positive characteristics, of love, altruism and ascension. Yet all these people live on the same planet during the same timeframe, but most importantly, not on the same timeline. This is because they have created a game, within the same location, specifically designed for what they hope to learn and accomplish during their lifetime. This is why two or more individuals can be sitting at the same table discussing a subject and all of them see this topic from within their own distinctive backdrop, which has formed their impressions and differing views. Why do I say different timeline? Because each of these individuals has a separate individual frequency, which places them within a timeline of that oscillating signal, identifying them as who they are.
So once we conclude that this human life is a game, dreamed by our higher self, what does this, or can this, mean to us? Does it mean that because it’s not as physical and tangible as we thought it was that it means it’s not as significant as we believed it to be? Does it mean that now nothing has any value or means anything? I mean, if it’s not real why should I bother doing anything? Does it mean all my plans for my life are now just inconsequential? So why bother?
Well, I sure don’t see it this way. The way I see it, and this is just my own interpretation, knowing this is our freedom. It doesn’t matter if the life we’re living is material or is a hologram, it’s the experience we are having that is important. It’s real to us and that’s all that matters. Everything we feel and touch in this life is completely real to our senses, therefore just as significant as if it were solid and concrete, because the experience is the same and that’s all that really matters, is what we gain from it.
You know for me, life in this reality is more like a waking dream than a game. I was just talking to a friend about this the other day and he also felt the same way. I’ve walked through entire days where I’ve honestly wondered if I’m still dreaming. I even recently had an experience, in this “real” life, when I saw a stranger, actually it was a guy who checked my groceries, who I knew I had never seen in this life, but instantly recognized him from a dream I had just had. HA! I mean, this is wild stuff!
Another significant part of the game are the challenges. Why would we put such problems and tests into our pre-birth script? Because this helps us to gain compassion and generosity. And believe it or not, this is how we ultimately gain happiness. In order to gain true happiness, we must first experience the opposite. Once we go through a sort of dark night of the soul, we can then cherish the simple joys of a sunset, or of helping someone who’s hurting to feel better. This is why the Dalai Lama says that we’re here to be happy through it all. We’ve all heard those who have the most peaceful lives express the wisdom of not taking life too seriously. This is how we live to be a happy 120 years old, by not taking anything too seriously - letting life flow. Plus the fact that we’re not able to truly be of help to anyone if we have a heavy heart, but if we can retain a happy frame of mind, we not only lift the other, but ourselves and before we know it, we’re happy. This knowledge takes away the struggle. Once we realize that this all is a play of consciousness, we can relax and learn from everything, rather than resisting it and trying to change it. Once we see the “game” for what it is we’re free to experience all events without labeling them as good or bad, right or wrong, it’s just the way the game was designed and all we have to do is play through.
So, this is why we come here, to romp through a world of the senses. This is how we grow our soul - we create an exciting game, jump into a human body and play it all out, then bring everything we learned from it and all the wisdom we gained, back with us, and it becomes a part of our soul, our integrated self.
With this knowledge, the fear of dying goes away. Now we can climb that mountain knowing that if we fall off and die, or even just mangle a leg, that’s just part of the movie and next time, we’ll write a different script or make a different choice. And even more importantly than choosing to do it again, is to allow it to be what is is, a game, part of the play we came to perform - just like a kid would do. “I’m tired of playing mountain climbers, let’s play pirates this time, or galactic explorers.” Kids put danger into their game. They get their leg chopped off, or get eaten by a dinosaur, or shot down by an enemy aircraft. When we watch an exciting movie we know the characters who get killed in the movie aren’t actually dead, because we know the movie isn’t real, it’s just entertainment. Well, this is exactly what our lives really are and one of the main reasons we come here. It doesn’t matter what life is chosen, it’s the experience you get out of it and that experience, whether a dream, a hologram, an illusion, or concrete and real, is what you take home with you. That’s the freedom! No fear, you’re just here to play a wonderful game of the senses and when you leave the game you take the experience with you.
So here we are, some of us in the middle of our movie, some only in the very beginning and some are in the most exciting part, the last act leading up to the finale, the thrilling culmination of a lifetime. So personally, I don’t know about you, but I can hardly wait to see what happens!
Thanks for hanging out with me today. See you soon!
STANDING UP FOR YOURSELF: Acknowledging and revealing your true self awakens the genius within.
Standing Up For Yourself
So, how do you know, when you ask the Universe or Source a question, how do you know if the answer that you’re getting is from a higher realm or from your own monkey-mind or ego? What I’ve learned is, if you are receiving the answer even before you fully get the question out, this will be, in all likelihood, Source or your higher self or guidance. It’s when you have to think about it or analyze it yourself, that you can be pretty sure whatever answer you’re getting has an element of that doubt within it.
Over the years, I’ve talked to others who have also found this to be true. And I’ve learned to listen to that immediate knowingness. That doesn’t mean, of course, that we’re always in the frequency to hear or gain the answer, especially if we’re in a state of fear or anxiety, as this can block us from receiving that knowledge at that time. But, there’s a subtle sort of awareness, a knowing, that one is more than this body and this life and could, if desired, do anything, know anything that we put our minds to, or focus on. This is what allows us to connect, to hear and to receive the answer.
It’s a little hard to explain, but it’s like having a memory of being a genius ... maybe not really a genius as it is viewed on earth, but a savant of sorts - like a person who just knows things without being taught or even knowing where the information is coming from. You first have to be willing to accept that this could be you. It’s like an inner voice, but not the voice of one’s self, you know that monkey-mind voice that harasses you 24/7. Maybe it’s not even a voice, more like an internal awareness or consciousness that has all the answers and we can just tune into this awareness and know. We’ve probably all spontaneously slid into that awareness on occasion, but maybe not accepted it or even been aware of it. Maybe we just haven’t believed we could know these things and yet it’s just a natural part of who we are, ask and you shall receive. It’s all there within our grasp. So if we can do this, why don’t we just know everything and share it all with the world? Because, and this is my point, at the same time we have that knowing comes that immediate self-deprecating condemnation that living in this matrix world does to us all. Come on, you don’t know this - you’re just making this up - you can’t know this because you having learned it.
We have been so duped and exploited by religion and other bureaucratic authority and told that self-esteem and confidence is vain and egotistical and that we should be meek and submissive. Frankly, there’s nothing wrong with being meek, but it shouldn’t mean that we must be compliant only to an outside authority to answer our questions or teach us. Meekness, could mean peaceful and humble, but is taught to mean being obedient and timid, leaving us open to outside manipulation and control. So, most of us have had those moments of self-doubt and probably have even disregarded or ignored the guidance coming forward, because after all, how could I, little me, know this stuff?
So as good little humans, we spend most of our years holding the knowing part down and expressing the docile part. My spiritual teacher once said, “never defend your limitations.” You know, don’t pretend you don’t know the answer, or feign ignorance, so others won’t see you as arrogant or egotistical. If you do this, your Source Being will go along with it and block that knowledge from your awareness. We don’t gain points for being coy or or shy or passive.
Several years ago, I was confronted by the husband of a woman I was really good friends with. She and I shared a lot of deep philosophical conversations and she occasionally would mention to her husband some of the things we talked about. For some reason some of the information I offered within the dialogue seemed to bother him and surprisingly he confronted me, wanting me to justify my status as any sort of insightful being ...how can you know this ...you’re not a guru ...where did you learn this ...questioning my audacity or daring to inform another with what I innately knew or had learned through my otherworldly sources. Well, for whatever reason, at that moment, my authentic self came forward and began, without any hesitation or uncertainty, to calmly provide a rationale justifying my right to take up space on the planet as exactly who I came to be. I reeled off my ethereal and human qualifications in being a somewhat aware soul and to simply know what I know. It was a surprising moment of clarity and strength that I didn’t expect ...and as I listened to my own voice saying all the things I had held in for so long, I was amazed at the validity coming through in simple honesty. It was like being freed. Afterward, this guy, her husband, just kind of stared at me, like he didn’t know what to say or how to respond, so I just walked away, wondering who the heck that was who said all these things out of my mouth! The surprising and unpredictable thing was that from then on he seemed to have a new respect and regard for me as his friend.
Why am I telling you all of this? I once had an ET friend say to me, “If you are in possession of knowledge or information that has been of help to you, share it with anyone who will listen.” So I’m sharing this with you, along with all the other information I’ve shared in my videos. Undoubtedly, it won’t fit everyone, but it may act as a seed planted in the heart, ready to sprout when the time is right.
Standing up for who you know yourself to be, is not conceited - it is not egotistical to be truthful with the facts of what you know and who you are. It’s impossible for a starseed to do his or her work if they hide themself under a cloak of a human frailties and weakness. Obviously, this should not just be an opportunity to be right or to brag or lift yourself up higher than the another. As always, it’s essential to be kind and sensitive to where the other is coming from. It’s not our job to try to change another person or tell them they’re mistaken in their thinking. It’s just as important to listen to their explanation without a reaction of irritation ...unless they’re just out of control, of course. For example it would not necessarily be wise to divulge certain arcane or esoteric knowledge to one who may use it to bring injury to another or even just to ridicule them, or maybe use it as leverage to bring harm to another person. You know the old saying of casting pearls before swine.
All I’m hoping to say here is that when someone questions the validity of who you say you are or asks you to uphold or defend your own existence or wisdom, it is morally justified to give them an opportunity to know the real you. So those of you who know what I’m talking about when I mention that internal genius, don’t be afraid to use it, because that is honestly your authentic self. That is who you truly are.
So, thanks for listening and most of all thanks for being the brilliant and beautiful souls you genuinely are!
Bye Bye.
THE HERMIT PHASE: Is it natural for a starseed to be a hermit and to crave solitude?
The Hermit Phase
Hello! So ...why do some of us crave a solitary life and others feel a need to be more social, always with others? This is a topic I’ve dealt with for most of my life. My sister once referred to me as an introvert, my husband called me a non-conformist, one of my friends teased me about being what she called a lone wolf, another friend recently said I was becoming too much of a “recluse”, as if it were a real problem. The way she put it was that I might as well be a hermit in a cave. Actually, I just thought of myself as an individual ..who yes, required a lot of alone-time.
The truth is I suppose I am and always have been, an outsider, a loner - mostly because I’m just not as interested in what those around me are. For myself, I don’t really see this as a problem. I’m just not necessarily attracted to the usual get-togethers or parties or crowded social situations. It’s not that I’m in any way judging those things, it’s more that I’m not comfortable in those circumstances. Just not my cup of tea, so to speak. I mean, I guess I just don’t really feel much need to be all that social, yet I totally understand how much fun this can be and certainly don’t judge any of it at all. Admittedly, I’m the weird one here, not the majority.
Personally, I think we should all give each other permission to live the way we choose and allow everyone else to do that same thing. It shouldn’t make me, or them, wrong. Yet that’s the way I’ve often felt. I mean, not always, I do remember when I was younger, family celebrations that were a lot of fun, when we would all get together, but in that case no one ever made me feel wrong or different for not wanting a beer or a glass of wine, for example. They were used to me and allowed me to be who I am. However you know, when you get around strangers, it can be a whole different thing. I remember being at a neighborhood BBQ where everyone was drinking and eating burgers and ribs and there I was with my water bottle and a tofu burger and I got a lot of curious comments, until one woman came up to me and said, “Oh don’t worry about it hon, there’s one in every family.” I thought to myself, “What? There’s one in every family? You mean a black sheep, right?” I doubt that was supposed to be a positive remark. No wonder I’d rather be home alone. Oh well, it does make a good discussion topic if nothing else.
I have always craved my alone-time. My mother used to tell about when I was a child and we had company, I would hide under the desk or behind the couch and if I heard the others laughing I was sure they were laughing at me. One time I ran up to my mom crying, telling her to make them stop laughing at me. Well of course she assured me they weren’t laughing at me - they probably didn’t even know I was around.
I don’t mean to make it sound like I’ve always been unsocial, no, after high school when I went on to get my degree, I was pretty outgoing and had a lot of friends I would sometimes hang out with. However, there was always that moment when I had to get away by myself. It’s odd, but being in solitude is the only time I feel really like myself, like me. Now, whether it’s working in the yard, or writing, hiking, dancing around the house by myself, or just sitting quietly or staring out the window. I’m embarrassed to say how many times I have not answered the door when someone rang the doorbell. I don’t do it to be rude, I just don’t want to talk to anyone right now. Yet what baffles me is that nearly every time when I do give in and accept the social visit or event, I always get something out of it and it might even at some point become a precious memory and this makes me ponder whether it’s exactly these situations we most learn from, so am I shying away from those exact situations I should be welcoming? Hmmm...
During my deepest and most transformative moments out of body or in meditation, in all those visions or visitations, I’ve been alone, like standing on a high cliff above the ocean or walking in a field of clover, or jogging along the beach, it’s always just me. I do however, have lucid dreams where I’m with a lot of other people, but those are a little different and don’t seem quite as high frequency as those other solitary moments. ...Or the weirdest was when I was in an out-of-body state and was trudging up a steep hill and at one point looked up and there was a sort of a ceiling above me and it took me a moment to realize that it was my skull - I was walking up the frontal cortex of my brain! Wow!
Anyway, one of the most puzzling part about these hermit tendencies, is that much of my life I’ve been in situations with others, you know, like in school, with family or friends and have really enjoyed those moments. For example I remember times with my younger sister when we were laughing so hard I would pee my pants. We had so much fun and I treasure those moments as much as any - or sitting across from my husband in a crowded coffee house talking for hours on end, or driving or hiking together. And when my son was growing up we played together like two kids. Yet the weird thing about some of these times, or others, I have felt a little like a fraud, like I’m not being me, like I’m sort of a human caricature of my true self ...and yet as a walk-in, isn’t this exactly what I signed up for? It’s like living in two different worlds, they’re both great, but very different and you know I’ve heard this is often the case for one who has walked-in to another’s life. Nonetheless, I’m not complaining about any of it and definitely wouldn’t trade any of those moments. I’m just making a point here of a deep and persistent desire for privacy and solitude.
So, is this normal for a starseed, to be a hermit? And is it okay to crave solitude? Well as I say, I have wondered about this, because when I experienced my NDE I was told that my mission here was to support and encourage humanity by maintaining a cheerful high frequency. And to be truthful, I do this best by having a life that allows me to choose when I want to be with others and when I don’t. For years I’ve asked myself, is it only me who feels this way and is there something wrong with me? When the rest of the world seems to want to be in social situations, parties, celebrations ...always wanting to be with others. Hey let’s go to a movie, or a concert, or a game! And I feel like a total party-poop, because I’m always letting everyone down. At some point, I’m sure they’re going to give up on me. That said, I have discovered other starseeds who feel very much like I do and require a lot of their own alone-time, yet maybe no one quite as fanatical about it as myself. Who knows...?
So lately I’ve been researching this a bit and have discovered that when a person is going through a spiritual advancement or ascension there is a phase of this evolution that has come to be known as the “hermit-phase”. Hmmm, It seems there are a few of us who have preferred to remain in that phase!
Anyway, it’s said that this hermit-phase is almost an inevitable part of growing and developing in consciousness. As most of us know quite well, who are going through this sort of shift in consciousness, this transformational process can be very painful, because there is so much loss - loss of our entire reality as we learn that pretty much everything we’ve been taught on this planet has been a lie. And as we try to bring our friends and family along with us on this road, we find the majority have no real interest in coming along on our journey. In fact they think we’re crazy - that we’ve lost it and don’t make any sense anymore and this can cause great suffering as we learn the necessity of letting go of nearly everything that has become familiar over our lifetime and surrendering to the truth of who we really are - our authentic self.
This hermit phase can be extremely lonely and bewildering and the only comfort must come from self - as we realize that this is profoundly the truth of ascension. Ascension or expansion of consciousness is a solitary journey and no one else can do it for us. This is why some of us feel so much more comfortable alone, because we don’t contradict ourselves, we don’t need to prove anything to ourself. We can just sit alone and feel whole - where in a crowd we may feel isolated and fragmented.
In any case, it is important to have time alone to integrate what we’re learning and to be able to incorporate it into the self that embodies this life. We need to discover ways to not separate ourselves from others, but to bring our frequency and knowledge to others in ways that don’t alienate or discourage them from their own sacred path, which may in some cases be entirely different than our own. Still we could find ways to make them feel good about themselves - to raise their confidence, so the gap between our own way of life and theirs doesn’t separate us from being able to love and respect each other. It’s never our job to force our views on another, and within that, to be able to read the other and discern their readiness. It’s important to listen and to be able to intuit how much, if anything, we might want to share. I mean, are they interested? Do they really want to know what we have to say?
It seems to me that a big part of our job is to encourage and inspire others in whatever way we can, while finding a way to remain true to who we know ourselves to be. Even within my own desire for solitude, I do recognize that this is no longer a time to hide or separate ourselves from those who may feel differently. For example, it should no longer be embarrassing or awkward to admit freely and straightforwardly who we are. It’s a time to reveal the highest and most honorable side of our true being. We have to acquire the ability to integrate both sides of the equation, social and solitary.
So, is it okay or even natural for a starseed or light-warrior to crave solitude? Absolutely. In fact as I see it now, it’s imperative to our ability to stay healthy, to revive and preserve our composure, our serenity, our peace mind. Each moment spent alone can open us to a higher state of frequency and intuition, as we become reconnected with our own guidance and higher self. So yeah, don’t worry if you feel the need to withdraw a bit from many of those aspects of daily life you used to really enjoy and maybe opt for a solitary walk in nature or a cup of hot chocolate while watching the birds or listening to music. There can be something so mystical about those moments spent just sitting on the grass staring out at the scenery and discovering inspiration from the simple purity of it all.
Anyway, just a few thoughts that have been rolling around in my head. Let me know what you think!
Thanks again guys, bye bye.
COLLAPSING THE MATRIX: How do you see your universe? Is the matrix your prison or your liberation?
Collapsing The Matrix
Hello all you wonderful souls!
You know, as I mentioned in my Intro, I created this channel to chronicle the life of a starseed walk-in and I’ve attempted to do that throughout each of these video I’ve created, sharing those obstacles and triumphs experienced along the way. The idea being that there would be others out there in the world who might be feeling or experiencing similar encounters and situations and no one wants to feel alone. So it has been my goal to be here as a teammate or companion to your own journey.
I mention this because lately my own journey has reached a novel stage which has brought along with it new information, yet the more I learn, the more questions pop up, until my mind is spinning with speculation and what-ifs, bringing up conjecture after conjecture, until I wonder if I’m even really here in this body or am I just a floating awareness stuck in a sort of contemplative bubble. I played with the idea of presenting some of these ideas with you, sort of as if you and I were sitting on the couch with a cup of tea, philosophizing over the latest theory that has managed to percolate to the surface of our collective minds.
First off, you could ask any of my family members or friends from over the years about my intense annoyance with the design that the so-called etheric architect has come up with for the recycling of souls, lifetime after lifetime. I can’t tell you how many times I have muttered under my breath that the galactic engineer must have made a mistake when deciding what planet earth was going to be. I mean seriously, this whole reincarnation thing is ridiculous. Something is definitely wrong with this picture, from my personal perspective.
Frankly, these ideas are right now only sort of a philosophical mind-walk and a few of the concepts don’t necessarily even fit in within some of my own experiences. However that said, to begin with, if the developer of this realm were indeed a benevolent being, why would it create a world where you are directed to come back over and over again and each time with no memory of any of those other lives? So, the human story is that we are born and as we grow and evolve, we learn and gain knowledge along the way. We learn how the world works and hopefully along the way discover how to live our best life within that certain set of perimeters.
Ideally, we grow from each experience and become a better version of ourselves. In any case, in any lifetime we gain much wisdom along the way, until finally before we die, most people are starting to really get it, whether in an opportunistic understanding or in an unselfish and kind mastery. You know, the old deathbed scenario, where all is forgiven and we eventually choose peace. And of course this doesn’t happen in every case. I’m just generalizing, but I have worked with hospice patients for nearly 10 years now and have been so moved by their eventual serenity - their final acceptance of what is - what their life has provided them. It’s as if most of them have reached a higher frequency of insight and have really become quite enlightened, awakened to a higher aspect of self. They seem to know instinctively where they’re going and the majority flow peacefully into that transition. It’s amazing to see. Very touching.
So, this is the idea of being a human on earth. You are faced with set after set of circumstances and over time, commonly acquire the knowledge of how best to handle each of these circumstances. You eventually learn that resistance is futile, as it is said, and have reached the intent to learn the skills it takes to resolve each issue, along with the resolve to forgive, both yourself and any other. And this expands your soul. You evolve as you live life. You become kinder and more compassionate. By old age you’ve probably learned not to lose your temper and to more carefully choose your words, so as to not hurt another’s feelings. You’ve learned to focus on another’s needs as much, or more than your own. You’ve learned to love and to serve the greater good. You are awakened. And then you die! Okay, now that would be fine if it weren’t for this so-called veil of forgetfulness. So when you decide to come back, to reincarnate, you will have forgotten everything you learned and you will be starting over again from the same place you began last time. So I ask you, how does that make any sense? Even in the simulated world of computer gaming, the player’s representation, the avatar, learns and grows each time they play, through remembering what’s going to happen when they round that corner or open that door and once they’ve been eaten by the monster or killed by the sword, they choose a different route next time, evolving throughout the game. They learn the strategy that allows them to escape the bad-guys or win the battle. But here on this planet with its bizarre recycling program, it’s like you can’t escape. Why would this be happening in a benevolent universe? Who is to gain in this scenario? It wouldn’t be the returning soul. So what’s up?
Okay, so I could answer this question in several ways, none of them in my opinion suitable for soul expansion and eventual ascension ...unless you choose not to reincarnate. It’s cool if you have reached true ascension and are not coming back to planet earth.
So why would it make sense to work this way? Well, if this is, as Shakespeare said, that all the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players, then I could kind of buy into the idea of coming into the game without any previous knowledge, just for the challenge of the game. We all love mysteries and there’s nothing more exciting than a good movie or even a good computer game where you learn to go up the levels until you are able to triumph over all the obstacles. This I would understand. The game wouldn’t work if you had already accomplished it, then why play? It would be like getting the answers to the test ahead of time. So where’s the challenge in that? So is this just a game? Well if you’re asking me, I would say yes, but it seems to me that once you have played it why would you want to come back and play it again and again, because this earth is a harsh and lonely place to come back to over and over. Why would you want to recreate all the suffering? Wouldn’t you eventually want out? So, speaking of the veil of forgetfulness, there are various conversations going on now about how this earth is a prison planet managed by psychopathic ETs and they’ve created a soul trap, where when you die there are false guides who pressure or force the soul into reincarnating so the soul can never really escape and go home. They are saying that even the other side, or the afterlife, is within the same prison, so by dying you still don’t escape.
Personally, I just can’t seem to go down that road. It doesn’t seem to connect with anything I’ve come across, either in the knowledge I brought with me or what I’ve come to know within this current life. However, my mind is very open to new information, now knowledge, so really who knows? Maybe. Yet, everything I’ve experienced throughout my receivership and contact has been loving and filled with beauty and light. I haven’t personally, even in an out-of-body state, ever encountered negative or dark energies forcing me into a certain action or emotion, at least that I’m aware of. I mean it’s not that I haven’t had nightmares or astral dreams, but I’m never trapped or in danger.
So, what if I do fall into the belief that this is a prison planet with false beings of light forcing you to reincarnate over and over so they can feed off your energy? Well, I’ve learned that what I put my attention on is going to expand and eventually become my reality. I mean this is how it works, right? What you focus on grows. SO, why would I choose to see my journey in this way? Now I’m not saying that this world is all love and light. No, anyone choosing to watch the TV news is going to see the horrors that are available for anyone wishing a view of evil. It’s all here. Yet, we are creator gods and this is a planet of free will, such as it is, so as such we have an opportunity to fabricate our own heaven or our own hell, paradise or torment.
For most of my life I have been accused of being a “Pollyanna”. Now for those of you who aren’t familiar with that term, it comes from a book, then a movie, about a little girl who was always an optimist - always seeing the best outcome to every event, no matter how tragic it may seem. Even my son playfully teases me about his “Sunshine and Rainbows Mom.”
Usually it’s just good natured teasing like this, but there have been occasions where I’ve been hauled on the carpet, so to speak, for having my head in the sand - you know, the ostrich syndrome? But to be honest, I have never yet found a good enough reason to be other than an optimist. I mean why not? We already know what the alternative is.
Each of us has at one time or another had a friend or relative who is always playing the victim - always seeing the glass half empty. If given a chance no one would really choose to spend time with someone who is always whining about their misery. I can’t get a break - my life sucks. Yet it doesn’t take a genius to see why their life is the way it is. A bad attitude only creates more of the same. Everything is energy, frequency, and any attitude or perspective holds its own oscillatory frequency.
You know, from my perspective I think the greatest gift we can give back to the universe is our own happiness. The Dalai Lama says that the whole purpose of life is to be happy. Aristotle said “Happiness is the meaning of life.” Numerous sages and scholars throughout history have verbalized this same philosophy, “Happiness is the way.”
Well, so that philosophy is obviously very different than earth as a prison planet and with that, you can probably see why I might veer toward that happy scenario as a truth. Okay so, before you tell me I have my head in the sand, let me explain how I justify this outlook. It happened many years ago, when I discovered that all of my unhappiness was always when I tried to buck to system, as it were, when I tried to resist or fight what was. After awhile of being miserable, the thought came to me that ...what would it be like, if I just totally surrendered and accepted my life, my world, exactly as it was? What would that feel like? So I tested that hypothesis and, it took me awhile, but I found that every time I was able to really surrender into the now and allow the universe to be exactly what it is, a feeling of tranquility flooded me. To accept whatever comes, as appropriate, as just as it should be. To take on the understanding that nothing happens to me - it all happens for me! I figured that if I had the intent that I lived in a benevolent universe, it would eventually demonstrate this to me and this is what I found to be true and this is what I wanted to share with you. Life is what you make it. Life is how you see it. It really is true that you must believe it before you can see it. Once you surrender to what is, what is changes. It adapts to the new tranquil frequency and builds your universe from within that new outlook.
So what does this have to do with the recycling of souls I spoke of earlier? Why would a soul wish to live a life over and over again? Only if they were disappointed in that life - only if they had regrets that they hoped to remedy. Yet, if the soul was able to live a life of happiness without regret, they would have no inclination to repeat that same experience. When one is able to accept life as it comes, even if that life might be pre-determined, one can relax fully into the perfection of each moment and play the game from a place of childlike eagerness and excitement. Children never worry about what the next moment is going to bring. They are just tied to the present, You’ve all seen children in the middle of a war zone, soldiers everywhere and helicopters buzzing above and these kids are out in the dust and sand playing kick the can and laughing joyfully. There’s a reason they are most always happy and playful, because they don’t yet know regret. This is just life for them. Even if a child is disappointed because he didn’t get the scooter he wanted for Christmas, it doesn’t ruin his life - kids don’t wallow in grief and regret. They move on ...and this is what I suggest for us all. Life is such a gift, just as it is and only when we allow it to be just what it is, it becomes everything we could have ever hoped for. Take my word for it ... or don’t - that’s up to you. Anyway, just a thought...
I love you guys!
SAVED! Are we watched over and protected by unearthly celestial beings?
Hi everyone.
Okay, story time. One time I shared with a good friend, an event that happened to me, a true but rather strange experience. When I confessed that this event was one of many similar events, she told me that I should write them all down and put them in a book. Well, at the time this seemed too hard and time consuming. But now, with so many making videos and weird is not quite what it used to be, I decided to string several these amazing actual events together and put them into one video ...and I’ll leave the weirdest one to the end.
I’m sure most of us have had strange occurrences in life that would be really hard to explain, so have probably chosen keep quiet about them so we’re not judged or called crazy. Well since it’s probably already too late for me to worry about such a thing, I thought I would go ahead and take the chance ...the reason being to demonstrate that we are all watched over and protected by those in the unseen higher densities. Yet as I said, most of us hesitate to talk about these incidents, for fear of ridicule or even as a result of one’s own self-doubt. It’s easier to talk ourselves out of these supernatural experiences than to embrace them as the miracles they are. So my thought is to bring to light, how within one fairly typical lifetime, what may be easily dismissed by most as a coincidence, is in truth a purposeful life-saving etheric intervention brought about by Divine involvement and if one can identify these events for what they truly are, they can be all the proof one should ever need of an angelic presence in all our lives.
Okay, so I made a list, to remind me, of a few of these weird events that I thought you might enjoy listening to. Yeah, this first one I remember I was a small child, about three of four years old. It seems like I was always sick with anything and everything that came along. This time I was very ill and the doctor had to come to the house to examine me and ended up just giving me another shot of penicillin - his universal cure-all. I can’t begin to tell you how many penicillin injections were imposed upon me as a child. I remember asking my mother why people get sick here and I don’t really remember exactly what she said, but her answer didn’t seem to make any sense to me, because to me being sick was just stupid. It seemed like such a waste of time. I remember at this particular time all I felt like doing was sleeping. My mother laid me on the soft cushion of the window seat so I could look out at the sky. The next thing I knew, I was floating up toward the ceiling and remember passing right through the roof and on up into a blue sky. Immediately I felt completely well and the higher I flew the more blissful that feeling. The next thing I remember was being in a spacious room with white walls and lying on a table or counter with two non-human beings hovering over me. Mostly I remember their soft aqua-colored eyes. The female put her hand over my tummy, my abdomen and it felt warm and comforting. The other being began explaining telepathically that my stomach needed an infusion. Well I was too young to know what that meant, but for some reason I just trusted that it just had to be better than another shot, so I just closed my eyes and sank into the warm feeling. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remember was waking up on the window seat again and feeling so much better that I wanted to get up. So I swung my legs over the side of the window seat and stood up, but because I hadn’t been vertical for several days I was dizzy and my legs felt like rubber. My mom was sitting by the heater in a rocking chair, working on some papers and when she saw me up she was shocked. I told her I was hungry and she brought me a big glass of milk. I was so thirsty and it was so cold and delicious that I just gulped it down. Instantly I threw it all right back up and it splashed all over her chair. I sat down on the rug while my mother cleaned it up. While I was sitting there, I heard a voice in my head, the same voice I heard in the white room, reminding me that they had warned me not to eat or drink anything for 24 hours, or as they put it, one day and one night. I had completely forgotten that advice and obviously that was the result. The thing that sticks with me about that experience was how amazing food tasted after that.
Another of this sort of event that stands out to me was when I was around 12. During the summer my dad would take us down to the river to swim on those hot days. There was one area along the river that was fairly sheltered and the water collected into a sort of pool that began by a sloping graveled beach area and expanded out into the deeper water. At that age I was not a very good swimmer, actually never have been, and just sort of dog-paddled around the shallow part of the natural pool. I had always wanted to swim under the water and open my eyes. My older sister could do that and I thought it was so cool. I tried a couple of times but wasn’t very successful. The third try I was able to get under the water and see the bottom. I got so intrigued by what I was seeing, I didn’t realize that I had drifted out into the deeper water. I panicked and tried to get back up to the top, but couldn’t. By the time my dad got to me I was unconscious. What I most remember was being really warm and comfortable and thought I was home in my bed. I could see a bright light behind my eyes and kept hearing a voice calling my name - I thought it must be my mom calling me to get up for school. I felt like I was in a wonderful dream and didn’t want to get up. I tried to answer her, but when I attempted to talk I started choking and gasping for breath. Then I could feel my body being roughly turned over onto my stomach and someone was hitting me hard on my back. I soon realized where I was and that it was my dad trying to revive me. He was so relived when I started coughing the water out of my lungs. Afterwards his hands were shaking as he bundled me up in an old wool blanket and I felt so bad for scaring him like that.
One experience that really impressed me and has stayed with me all these years, was when I was in my 30s. One evening I had been visiting my mother and left her house at around 11:00 pm. As I was just about to pass the 24 hour restaurant at the edge of town, I suddenly, totally spontaneously, without thinking, jammed on the brakes and turned the car into the parking lot of the restaurant. It was as if the steering wheel had been taken out of my hands and someone else had turned in and parked the car. Then the most bizarre thing happened. I grabbed my purse and as if in some kind of a trance, went into the restaurant, walked up to the counter and asked for a large coffee to go. I paid for the coffee and walked back out to the car. Before I opened the car door, I took the lid off the coffee cup and poured it out onto the pavement, got back into the car ...and it was like waking from a dream. I was shocked and had no idea what had just happened. First off, I don’t drink coffee and didn’t drink coffee then and had no reason to stop at the restaurant. Why on earth would I pull in, stop and take the time to go inside and buy a large coffee, then come back out and pour it out on the pavement? I just sat there for a few minutes gathering myself and trying to figure it all out. Soon I started feeling very tired. So I started the car and steered it back onto the highway. As I drove, probably not more than ten minutes, I saw flashing lights ahead and realized there must have just been an accident. I was stopped by a police barricade and could see three mangled vehicles, one upside down and the other two kind of welded together and several people sitting on the ground and a few wandering aimlessly around. I could hear an ambulance in the distance. I was able to find a policeman and ask what had just happened. He told me that there had been a terrible three car accident with one fatality. So I asked him when it had happened and he said “just about 15 minutes ago.” Instantly, my heart started racing and I felt dizzy with the realization that if I had not stopped at that restaurant, I would have been one of those cars. Wow...And this isn’t the only time this sort of thing happened that ended up saving my life
Okay, I’m not sure if this one applies or not, but one night my son and I had driven over to a friend’s house about 40 minutes away to watch the latest Star Trek movie. It was around midnight by the time we started driving back home and had driven only about a mile or so when a strange extremely thick fog bank appeared in front of us. At first, I figured it would be okay because I knew the route really well, so I just putted slowly along. But the fog was so thick the only way we could tell if I was on the pavement was to have my son drag his foot out the door to check when we hit the gravel on the side of the road. It felt like we were suddenly on some sort of an alien world - it was really eerie. I can’t tell you how much time went by because all of my focus was on trying to stay on the road, but at some point the fog began to clear and by looking at the road signs I realized we were on an entirely different road than the one I started on. As I said, I knew that route really well. Well, I decided the only thing to do was to keep driving until I recognized a landmark and finally got back on to the right road. The weird thing was that when we got home my son looked at his watch and nearly three hours had passed. Again, it’s my feeling that either we had been withdrawn from the car into an alternate reality that had been blocked from memory, or we were detoured to keep us safe from a potential accident of some kind.
You know, I find it interesting how many of these incidents occur when my son and I are together, hmmm? Well, another experience that has really stayed with me all these years ...late one night my son and I were driving back home through a forested section of Northwestern Untied States. It was about 4:00 am and I was driving freeway speed while listening to a CD and my son was dozing in the front seat beside me when suddenly directly ahead was a huge male elk standing in the middle of the road right in front of my path. There was absolutely nothing I could do. I didn’t have time to jam on the brakes or swerve or anything. I just held the wheel as tightly as I could and heard myself yell out NO! I was sure we were dead. When my son heard me cry out, he jumped awake and grabbed the dash in front of him and we both watched as the car drove right directly through the elk without a sound or a bump, just as if it was air. When I looked in the rearview mirror the elk was still standing in the same exact spot looking as if nothing had happened. I mean, that elk had to weigh about 700/800 pounds or more and we had just zipped directly through its physical body as if it were a hologram. Needless to say, my son stayed wide awake for the rest of that trip. Crazy!
Another time that comes to mind ...I was a young teenager and had a monster crush on a boy at school. He was two years older than me and a brother of one of my classmates. Well, I should have known better than to even entertain the possibility of being attractive to a boy, any boy. I was stick skinny and had buckteeth and red patches of eczema on my arms. Pathetic! Needless to say not a pretty sight and was certainly not at all popular and would nowadays be called a geek. Well, for some stupid reason, I had gathered the courage to go up to this boy and ask him if he wanted to get a coke after school. I remember my hands were sweating and my legs were shaking and I was so terrified that I’m not even sure what I ended up saying to him. All I remember clearly was his reaction. He started laughing and said something like, “Sorry, but if you’d like to set me up with your sister that would be great.” I thought I would die. I whirled around and ran into the girls bathroom, slid into one of the stalls and sat on the floor. The next thing I was aware of was lying on a cot in the Nurse’s office being told I had passed out. My mom came and picked me up and took me home. Years later in a conversation with my mom about that day, she asked me if I remembered what had happened. I said I remembered her driving me home. Well she informed me that when she got to the school, the nurse mentioned that when she was trying to wake me up I was pushing her away and saying that I was with the angels and would not be coming home. I actually don’t remember saying that or what really happened, but I do remember feeling very different about that boy or even dating after that. The irony was that about four years later that same boy called and asked me out. I turned him down, I mean hey no way! But I will say that him later asking me out was a real boost to my confidence, which was greatly needed!
Another somewhat similar incident was when I was about 16 or 17. I worked at the local theater and didn’t drive yet so I would always walk to and from work. On the weekends the theater would have double features so I would often be walking home at around 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. One night I was walking through the College campus and a car with three guys in it pulled up beside me and asked if I needed a ride. I politely told them no thanks and continued walking, but they kept following me and soon began hassling me to get in the car and driving right beside me. I heard one of the guys say, “cut her off”. And as the car lunged toward me the engine just suddenly died. The driver kept grinding the starter, but it was totally dead. I just took off running, dodging behind trees on campus and finally made it home safely. I have always been convinced that the car dying was some sort of Divine intervention and since then I’ve never been afraid of walking alone outside at night.
Another, as a young woman, I had double pneumonia twice and was hospitalized both times with high fevers. One night I was lying in my hospital bed, wide awake, just listening to all the sounds around me. There was the hissing of the oxygen, the ticking of the clock, the beeping of the monitor ...and I remember there was a man down the hall who coughed and moaned throughout the night and it made me so anxious I wasn’t able to sleep ...the poor guy. Well, the way I remember this was that there was a moment when all the sounds around me began fading away, like turning down the volume on a radio, until it was completely silent. I felt so relaxed and peaceful and just as the hospital sounds had faded, I now began hearing new sounds, coming like from a distance. It sounded like soft music, reminding me of the tinkling of wind chimes or of some of the ambient music I now listen to. I remember opening my eyes and seeing a white mist around me. I couldn’t see anything else but was surprised to realize I was standing. Little by little the mist began to clear and I could see I was standing in a beautiful green meadow with wildflowers everywhere. The meadow was lined with distant tall fir trees. I looked up to see the sky with beautiful blue birds flying above and it registered that the musical sounds were coming from the singing birds. I just stood there drinking in the ecstasy of the moment. ...Well, in what seemed like an eternity later, the scene began to dissolve in front of me, followed by that same white mist and I could hear voices a few feet away. It was the doctor talking to my dad and my dad was crying. I had never heard my dad cry before. I remember almost word for word what the doctor was saying. He said, “We almost lost her last night. Her fever was up to 106 and we did all we could to bring it down, but it wasn’t working.” Well I had no idea that had been the case, because I was outta there! What I remember mostly about the next few moments was telling my dad all about what I had seen, the meadow and the birds. All he said was, “No more of this young lady, you scared the bejesus out of me!” Well that was tirst time I had ever heard that word, bejesus. Since that experience in the meadow, I have had that same scene show up again several times in lucid dreams and during meditation.
Very late one night, about 3:00 in the morning, my son had come to pick me up from the airport and drive me home, after a very ...soul-stirring European trip. I had not expected that cheerful little planned holiday to become what it ended up to be, a sort of dark night of the soul, forcing me to gaze inward at all aspects of self, through a deeply emotional interplay of my personal reactions to (how can I say this?) social interaction and circumstance. It was strange, during that entire trip, it was like I couldn’t find my bearings, or a way to conform to the situation and being so far from home. I was so out of my element that I didn’t know how to regain my equilibrium and felt lost in my own creation, my own erroneous conception, recognizing that I had done this to myself, unconsciously set myself up for a spiritual test that I wasn’t expecting or even felt ready to face. I had taken myself out of everything familiar to my safe little world and entered a world of strangers, even those faces of my traveling companions, who were my closest friends, took on an unfamiliar feature and I knew I was alone and it was all on me. There was no one to blame, I did it to myself. I purposely left everything I loved and set out on ...well what turned out to be, a sort of journey of self-discovery. A great illustration that when you’re on a spiritual path and you’re in position for the next lesson, it’s going to show up, whether you are ready for it or not! And this is what it became - that intended cheerful little optimistic outing I had planned had ended up being an extremely revealing self-examination that knocked me to the ground and laid me out flat! And my body rebelled as much as my spirit did. Frankly, I was constipated the entire time and hardly slept at all over all those days and nights. Probably more than you wanted to know...
You know, before this I always saw myself as a sort of a spiritual adventurer and really had no idea that I was that weak and it disappointed me greatly. So when that trip ended, all I wanted was to go home to my family and immerse myself back into that happy life I had created for myself. When I saw my son at the airport I was so happy to see him that I just broke down and cried and cried ...and continued to cry most of the drive home.
The night was pitch black, with heavy rain and the backroads we were on had lots of twists and tight curves. As we climbed in elevation and entered a deeply forested section of wilderness, with no houses for miles, we came around one of those tight bends in the road and our headlights fell on a very large coyote just standing there on the opposite side of the road looking at us. My son slowed his car to nearly a stop so we could take a good look at the coyote ...and suddenly ...how do I even explain this ...we were stunned and shocked to see that only a few feet away from the coyote was a girl, a young woman, sitting on the ground at the edge of the road! What? We couldn’t believe what we were seeing! Her hair was in a long messy braid and she was wearing a sort of peasant dress with only a light jacket over the top. She was holding a blanket above her head to catch the rain ...and as we watched, the coyote lowered his head and cautiously crept toward her until he was standing less than a foot away from her. It was then we realized these two were together! ...Now, if that wasn’t weird enough, the oddest part was the look on her face as she stared straight at us ...and kind of tilting her head to the side smiled at us, in the strangest way. This wasn’t a regular smile, it was very smug and mysterious ...you know that kind of sideways smile when someone has a secret? It felt like she was sending us a message within that smile. Then she threw her head back and laughed ...it was as if she was making fun of our state of shock. I mean, here we were 20 miles away from town in the middle of a mountain range. What were we seeing? You know we’ve all heard the native myths about coyote as the trickster or shapeshifter. It was bizarre! I mean, who was she and why was she sitting beside the road on a cold rainy night, with a large coyote beside her. What could it mean? It was obvious she didn’t need or desire help. It was like she was in her element and had the answer to some completely inexplicable knowledge or something. ...It’s so hard to describe the depth of that scene in front of us. It felt as if we had gone through a veil or something - some sort of portal - time had stopped and we were caught in the moment. I can still see it in my mind as if it just happened and my son and I both agree on everything we saw. I remember we just looked at each other in total amazement. It was like an outlandish perplexing dream of some kind.
In what seemed like several minutes later, when we had rolled ahead a few feet, we realized we probably should go back and see if the girl needed anything, although I was pretty creeped out by then ...but in the few moments it took to turn around they had both just disappeared ...or gone back into the woods maybe. Who knows?
You know, we have discussed this vision so many times over the years and have never heard another story quite like what we observed that extraordinary dark night. The closest would be some of the UFO interactions, when someone is seeing something that is so far out of the ordinary that the mind just can’t go there. Additionally, a very perplexing detail within this otherworldly event, is that the moment after our interaction with the girl and her coyote, all my misery and crying stopped and I felt cleansed. It was like the culmination of that entire spiritual journey, the phoenix rising from the ashes ...and I was free and whole.
We may never know exactly what happened that night, but the significance is undeniable. The universe was speaking, in a way that makes it impossible to ignore and will forever be one of those mystical moments that proves this world is not what it appears to be ...and when circumstances are right and there are those ready to grow, the universe will bring forth the magic.
So, the next time you are held up and late for work or have a flat tire or you’re stuck in traffic, just realize that rather annoying moment, you may be in the hands of angels ...that frustrating delay may just be saving your life.
Well, there ya go ...and believe me, that’s not the end of these strange events in my life, but definitely enough for now. But hey, if any of you have any similar stories to share, I would love to hear about them. Thanks guys! Bye bye.
CONNECTING WITH OUR GUIDES: Ideas that can help you contact your Spirit Guides, Angels, or ET family
Hello all!
Connecting With Our Spirit Guides
I just decided to pop in for a moment to bring up the topic of connecting with our higher guidance, whether we’re calling this Source energy, or spirit guides, or angels, the Divine, or simply the higher self, the I Am.
The reason I wanted to talk about this right now is I’ve noticed that many who discuss this seem to be, from my perspective anyway, making this too difficult. I mean, who is this that we are contacting anyway? Is this a force outside of us - a god being “out there - up there somewhere” and we’re hoping it will find favor with us and communicate? This is our first obstacle to overcome. The higher realm we’re hoping to contact is here within us. It is consciousness and consciousness is fundamental to our existence. So rather than being out there or up there we might want to look in here.
It’s no secret that religion has done a real number on us and most of us have grown up believing that we are these weak little bodies and this deity or supreme being is outside of us, somewhere up in the clouds, attainable by only a special few, those who faithfully meditate or pray to that outside force, which may or may not eventually bring us a response.
So, who or what is it that we want to meet? Is it this external being that we mentioned, God? And is this different than an angel or a spirit guide? And could our spirit guide be extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional? Before we even hope to connect we must be able to accept that there is such a thing. We also will need to trust that we can connect. Yet with all that, the most important thing is to believe and know that we are a powerful spirit who can do anything we put your mind to. If we come toward this from a position of weakness or inferiority, we will only connect with that frequency and believe me there are plenty of astral beings who are ready to take on that role as a false being of light. It’s time to stop relying on an outside force to come to our rescue.
I think it’s critical that we come to understand who we are - that there is another part of us, a higher vibrational us that is always here to assist, but can only come forward if we have the intention to contact this part of self. It’s not going to happen if we are going around saying or thinking, well I’ve tried to contact a guide or an angel and they never showed up so there must not be any, or maybe they don’t like me or I’m not worthy of having one, I don’t deserve it.
What will get us there is our emotions. If we have doubt we push it away. When we have trust we are closer. We have to believe it into being and actually we do this all the time. If we love, what we are feeling is that connection. If playing with a puppy makes us giggle with joy, we’re fully there - or touched by the warmth of another, that warmth is our connection. When we’re moved with the emotion of a beautiful scene of nature - nature is Source-Energy in form.
Sometimes it’s our expectations that bring the doubt. I mean, if we are, for example, expecting a verbal dialog or conversation, the first time - that’s probably expecting too much. We will always receive what we’re ready for and if we’re not ready emotionally for that experience it probably won’t happen, but it’s not that our guides aren’t there for us, it’s that we are in our own way. Maybe we’re too skeptical to allow in the possibility. Skepticism is fine, in fact can be helpful in navigating life, but if it bars us from being able to accept the exceptional, the remarkable, then it’s a misuse of our natural capacity for that potential relationship, that open exchange with Source.
The other part of this is, if we are constantly focused on receiving this connection, this dialogue that doesn’t come about, we are more in the vibration of the lack of the connection than the reception of it. We can as easily push it away as allowing it to materialize. One of the best ways to encounter a relationship with our guides is to stop resisting it. If we feel it’s too difficult to connect it will be. Everything wonderful that comes into our lives is by following our path without too much examination or uncertainly.
Remember the higher self and guides, already know what we want and are constantly sending us advice and counsel - and this may come to us an urge to do something, maybe something we usually don’t do. If we don’t try to analyze this impulse or figure out why this has come to us and we just follow it through and something wonderful happens, even if it’s just a smile from a passerby, this can be the beginning of the trust that will eventually lead to exactly what we’re hoping for, a deep communication with higher guidance.
And as I hinted before, you must be willing to have the confidence that you are worthy of this communication. And more than that, you must be able to fully recognize that you are deserving of not only a dialog with the infinite, but that you are the infinite - a piece of God. Believing and knowing that you are greatly loved, simply acknowledging this fact to yourself, the Divine realm will begin to prove it to you and begin to arrange circumstances of abundance and joy to reflect that truth. Listen to your own internal dialog and when you ask your questions, I assure you, the answers will be there.
You know, I would love to know how you guys feel about this topic and what your own experiences might have been, so feel free to leave a comment. This is how we can all learn from each other.
Thanks everyone! Bye bye.
BACKGROUND PEOPLE: False "behind the scenes" extras who fill in the surroundings of our life movie.
Background People
Hi, hey I’m just wondering if any of you guys have been feeling this same way - for the past few months my head has been spinning with all of the information reaching us about this planet earth and what it really is. I mean, people debating everything from the earth being flat, to it being a prison planet. Some say this earth is both heaven and hell depending upon your perception. Or that it’s a soul trap where unsuspecting ETs believe they are coming to help and then can’t escape. Is it a school where you come to learn? Is it a holographic realm - or a dream? Is it a playground for ETs to come and have adventures they can’t have in their realm? Or is it just a test that humans have to pass before they can ascend? And who controls it? And are they god-like benevolent beings or are they self-serving monsters sucking our vital energy from us? Well, in this video I’m not here in response or defense of any of these possibilities, but I do hope to share with you one intriguing element within these potentials that I find absolutely fascinating.
By now most of us have at least heard of the concept that we are all living in a simulated reality, or an illusion, a dream reality, or that this entire world is just a computerized game that star beings come here to play out our fantasies in order to learn and grow. And if you haven’t come across any of these concepts then you’re in the right place! And really as with any or all of these notions does it really matter to our journey here, whether reality is as tangible as we believed? In any scenario, truly the only real thing is our experience and it doesn’t necessarily matter in what realm or reality that experience comes from, it’s what we get out of it.
Speaking of this world as unreal...maybe some of you parents have come across this sort of thing with your kids. When my son was only about three years old he came up to me and with a sweeping gesture of his little arm said, “This isn’t real.” I asked him what he meant and he repeated, “None of this is real.” He went on in that innocent open you know, kid-way to state that none of life in this world is real. Oddly, he didn’t really seem upset about this fact, I guess he just wanted me to know.
So is this unreal, an illusion? I remember a few years ago I was astonished to hear an astronomer saying that with these strongest telescopes, the further they reach out into space the more pixelated the universe appears to be. So that’s rather mind-bending and if I’m not mistaken seems to at least hint at the possibility that this is some kind of simulated universe. Well, with this idea in mind, I want to take a few minutes to present one component of this unreal simulated world that I think is particularly fascinating. This is the idea that there are those on the planet who are not real people.
Several years ago, Dolores Cannon wrote a series of books called the Convoluted Universe. I think it was in book 4 she wrote about what she called backdrop people. She says these are people in our reality who you would see on a busy street or shopping in a store or in a restaurant, or those people who fill up the airports and stadiums. She wrote about these people as energy-beings who have no purpose other than to play their parts as extras in our life movie. She says that we come here to experience certain events in our lives and these false matrix people are here to trigger our emotions and by their mere presence we learn more about who we are. She is one of them who refers to the earth as a school, where we come to learn our lessons and these energy beings are here as part of the assignment we agreed to take on.
A few years ago it was only Dolores Cannon who talked about this subject, now there are so many others, including myself who have received this information, although they sometimes have different names, like backfill people, unreal people, false matrix beings, or more recently referred to as non-player characters, or NPCs. When I first received this information I called them wallpaper people. Each of these other sources, also support and validate the existence of these lower energy beings. One source describes them as usually seeming to be very self-centered and angry at the world and that their presence here is meant to provoke us into reacting. As if it wasn’t hard enough here already, HA!
These extras or background people are here to rattle us. They can appear as animals or children too. They’re the complainers, the victims, those who fill up the scene around you. You might see throngs of them on TV. You know, like those in war zones or catastrophes - those bloodied bodies that fill up the media - all meant to create fear or other low frequency reactions. The abused child, the limping dog that just got run over - the drugged out homeless man accosting bypassers. The irate person throwing garbage out of his car as he speeds by flipping you off, or maybe the one holding a sign on the street corner asking for money or protesting the latest war. And I’m not saying these people are all unreal matrix beings. Just a few examples - like those who are only out for themselves and never consider the feelings or needs of another. They’re here to distract us and see how we react to them and the situation. Do they provoke anger in us, sadness, depression?
One guy discusses the idea that currently there are so many lower souls on the astral realms who desperately want to be on earth and are willing to temporarily take on this role as an extra. He says that these beings are attracted to the sensory world and become addicted to earth, food, status or wealth. What about that pompous politician who’s all rhetoric and no substance? This author says that because of the present state of the splintering of timelines, these unreal people now make up at least 50% of the population (some say even more), He says that they are presently, in some cases, here to fill-in for those who are ascending - walking-in to the bodies of those starseeds who have decided to leave and go home. And as this ascension continues, the numbers of these false humans will increase over time to maintain a critical mass of humans, sustaining the lower frequency of the planet. So this gives the impression that the theory of overpopulation is a fact, but overpopulated by who? Hmmmm...
Another source of information that seems to most agree with my own, says that these false people don’t have a soul, or a very limited one, and they seem to work through a single hive computerized digital mind or brain, reacting only to the matrix program. This program is so complex that they appear to be normal humans, but they are not. These Non-Source Players are empty matrix holograms developed to permeate and fill up the Earth and even though their bodies look, feel, and sound real, they’re just highly programmed AI so they appear indistinguishable from other beings, like in so many movies we’ve been watching lately that have created surrogates or clones.
The majority of information about these unreal people seem to agree that they exist to test us and evoke our emotional energy. They’re not biological but holographic, an energy being with no one inside, reacting only to the matrix program. Yet so realistically constructed, that if their bodies are hurt or wounded they would appear to bleed and cry out - they react exactly as a human would. They’re deeply embedded into the system but are nothing but potential energy, the same as a street sign or a mailbox, with no meaning except the one we give to them. Bizarrely, you could see them walking toward you and once they pass they could then just disappear, because there’s no one paying attention to them anymore. Pretty wild, huh? But as we’ve learned through the quantum world, if something is in our attention it exists, but if we no longer have our attention on it there’s no reason for the larger reality system to generate that part of the program anymore, so they disappear, becoming energy, to be used again as needed. As I’ve said, the more we learn about quantum physics the easier it becomes to make sense of all these crazy esoteric concepts.
These false matrix people are a reflection of the collective consciousness of those who are real, So you could say that they are created by us, for us, and therefore a part of our own personal program. Some are our co- workers, our neighbors, and can even be family members. Some seem to have more awareness than others and this seems to depend on the role they’ve been given by the system. They have no independent reasoning, no intelligent reaction - they just think what everyone else thinks and do what the program tells them to do. You know, I don’t know about you, but haven’t you at one time or another looked into the eyes of someone passing by and realized there’s just no one in there? I have a friend who said she was shopping and kept passing people who she swore weren’t human. She said they seemed to be like totally checked out and had what she called zombie eyes and moved like they were responding to some unseen stimulus that was driving them - yikes!
Okay by the way, I should mention that, since it is nearly impossible to tell these false people from the real ones, it’s very important to treat every individual with respect and love and not try to decide who’s real and who’s not. We need to be careful not to judge any other being. This could be a very cruel and dangerous game. Realize that each being, whether sentient or not, has a place in this reality, whether a plant, an animal, a rock or person, real or unreal, because remember what we’ve discussed in other videos. What you put your attention on grows. This is also possible with false matrix individuals. For instance, if we for whatever reason give them more attention, we are in essence giving them a bigger role in our movie - like offering an extra a speaking part - the more attention we give them the more real they are to our life path. And this may blow your mind, but a real person could even fall in love with a false person and with this extra attention, they could eventually become real. How? Well, this sort of thing happens all the time only we usually do it unconsciously. The more attention we give our plants, the more they flourish. The more we bless our food, the healthier it is for our bodies. The more loving attention we give to our spouse, the better our marriage. The more we pay attention to our children, the better they behave. The more we pet our dog or cat, the more love we receive back.
We can learn a lot from this concept of unreal people, by being kind to all creatures and recognizing that each character in our surroundings was placed here for our own expansion. Just as the tree outside your window thrives with the support of the sunshine and rain, we too blossom with the loving attention of others. It’s up to us to pay this forward to all other beings, real or unreal. This is how we grow. This is how we ascend.
Well, thanks so much for listening. And if you do find any of this content interesting or stimulating, don’t forget to subscribe for more! Bye bye.
WHAT IS LOVE: What Is Love and what place does it have in our lives?
What is Love?
I’m always searching for uplifting videos on YouTube and I’ve noticed that the ones I’m most drawn to, that really resonate with me, always seem to have a thread running through them or a declaration or view that everything is love - it all comes down to love. Love is why we’re here - love is the ascension, the shift - love is our work here and is at the core of all things.
When I was a child, during one of the visits to the higher realms, I remember asking the question to my guide, “Who am I?” And each time I have asked that question, the answer is always the same, “You are Love.” As I mentioned in my NDE video, during that experience I was awash in an ecstasy of unconditional love and it left me forever changed and searching for that same blissful sensation. Since that NDE I have been asking the question, what is this experience we call love and is unconditional love different than love? I’ve attempted to define love so many times and yet always felt a little unsuccessful. So what is love - and is it a noun or a verb? Is it an action, is it a sense, a feeling, an emotion, or simply a way of being?
The more I have embraced love throughout my life, I have come to realize that it is an innate component within the DNA of every soul-being, ready and waiting for activation. The other thing I realized is that love and unconditional love are the same thing. If you put conditions around your “love” is that really love? It could be need. For example, you need that person because of the way he or she makes you feel. The trouble with need is that there are conditions within it. They must behave in a particular way or you no longer “love” them. If this is the case, you really never loved them, you just required them. You needed them to fulfill a certain role in your life and if they were not in agreement with that role, they were expendable. Unconditional love is a selfless act. It is giving love without requiring or even expecting that love to be returned, because you’re not in it for yourself. You love wholeheartedly, unquestioningly, and this is the important part, even if their choices bring you sadness or hurt. You never stop loving them.
Unconditional love is an extremely high frequency and therefore very healing to the body and the soul. When you experience the frequency of unconditional love, it affects every cell in your body. For me it has (how can I say this?) come into expression sometimes at those expected moments, during meditation or watching a fiery sunset, or so much of the magnificence of nature. Or often at the most unexpected times, maybe watching a movie where a woman is giving birth, I just loose it. Or glancing out the window at the little girl across the street cradling her new kitten in her arms, the adoring expression of love on her little face just grabs my heart, or remembering my dad very gently holding a shiny green leaf beetle in the palm of his hand, showing it off as if it were a precious gem, watching the stars on a clear night or peeking into my son’s bedroom while he was reading stories to his teddybear.
It can be the simplest of things that absolutely flood my every cell with an energy of overwhelming compassion and benevolence to all of life. Could this be what is meant by “my cup runneth over?” I don’t know, but it sure feels like that - like this little body just can’t hold any more of this powerful sensation. It’s as if I’m floating in an ocean of radiant light - as if time itself stops and I’m an intimate fraction or component of all of creation in an emotional flow of deep deep affection and my heart swells with tenderness and warmth at the feeling and my hands automatically move up my chest and I feel my eyes fill with tears. I’m frozen in the moment, unable to speak or move, as if caught in a timeless present and that any movement would somehow collapse the wonder or the significance of this precious moment.
So is love visceral, instinctual? When I’ve been lost in this serenity of sensation, I’ve felt it as much in my body as in my soul. Which causes me to wonder if it is the natural state of all things and when we manage to tap into it, it permeates all that we are, all levels and frequencies of our reality, an integration of everything ever dreamed or imagined.
I’m realizing that one thing that makes it so challenging to describe love is, because although it is one thing, one feature or conception, the animation of love can be very different for each of us. Not only how we express it, but how we feel or receive it.
Yeah, as I try to describe what love is here, I seem to get stuck in what it feels like, rather than what it is or might be. To me, it’s like a nearly forgotten memory, yet not really forgotten merely misplaced, set aside for the earthly experience, yet within easy reach once the being (human) embraces the intent to know it and to welcome it wholeheartedly with every breath, every beat of the heart, into every single second of life.
Oh wow, you know it’s like trying to describe consciousness. Is consciousness simply awareness? The awareness of your own existence? Or is it everything? Every inner experience, every thought or feeling or intent, every sense, the pain in your wrist, the craving for a burger, the regret you feel for the thing you just said, the desire for a kiss? I’ve always described consciousness as a fundamental feature to all of life. And yet, at this moment, as I say these words, it’s clear to me that, it’s not only consciousness that is fundamental, but love.
I once had a teacher who said that love is at the core of all of creation and is what holds the universe together and the planets in their orbits in space. Without love there would be nothing. Nothing could survive without love, because it is the very source, the origin, of all of existence. Truly, there is only love.
Many years ago, I was listening to a channeled entity calling himself Joseph. Someone asked him one time, “What is God” and Jospeh replied, “God Is.” And it stoped me for a second and then suddenly, I got it. God … Is. So my very best answer to “What is Love?” ….Love Is.
BEYOND THE AFTERLIFE: What happens to the physical body at ascension, does past and the future exist
Beyond the Afterlife Transcript
Hello all!
In the last couple of videos, I’ve talked a lot about what happens when a human dies and moves into the afterlife. Now what I would like to discuss goes beyond this long-established earth cycle of death and reincarnation and into the ascension and transition of a volunteer starseed or light-worker from a 3D existence into an ascension to 5D and beyond. First we must realize that as a starseed, we have already attained the higher frequencies of 5D and beyond. So, the path of a starseed ascension in this planetary shift into the new earth, differs greatly from the traditional death of a human into the afterlife, or heavenly realm as it is usually called - the other side.
The main reason for this difference is that these star beings who came from higher densities onto planet earth volunteered to come into assistance of those on earth and one way to put it would be to say that they already have homes in the higher realms such as 5D, 6D, and continuing on up into the 9th 10th density and beyond. Those who came to earth for this shift into the New Earth, had several choices as to how to incarnate into a body for this mission. They could fashion a body from out of the light body in which they exist in the ET life they are leaving and depending upon other selections can either be born as a mirror image to their own likeness, or they can create a physical body very different than their own for use during this lifetime. Another option would be coming in as a walk-in to a body already living on the planet. Or they can themselves return as a walk-down, from a future state of this same timeline in which they lived during their current life. So understand that we’re talking about one soul living currently here on earth as a human being coming back from the future into its same “past” life.
You know, I’m not all that sure that there’s any real way I can do justice to this information or to bring the clarity to it that it deserves. This is because the knowledge comes telepathically from outside the spoken language as what I now call downloads in which volumes of data, details, and concepts come through at one time and I need to be able to sort it all out and find a way to express it all through words, in my case the English language. Yet, for some reason it all seems to come together somehow. So I will as always do my best.
Now to go into what will be different and why, for the transition of a star- being during this shift. Those star beings who now inhabit the planet, and I’m not talking about the false matrix people that Dolores Canon refers to as extras or backdrop people which in gaming would be an NPC or non- player character, no I’m talking about those starseed light workers who purposely came to earth to assist in the ascension of mankind. A great number of these volunteers chose or designed bodies they would keep and inhabit for maybe hundreds of years. Or there are some starseeds who are now using these human vessels who may opt to remain on the planet for whatever duration they choose then depart and go back to their ET lives, allowing the physical body to die as in a natural death. Or as I pointed out, may remain in this body for the rest of their life before going back home to Source, perhaps into thousands of years. Every one of you has this concept embedded into your soul, but maybe you’ve not yet regained those memories, but this is a time of awakening and many of you will now begin to recover that knowledge.
So let’s talk about this a little bit. How does all this come about and does this mean we are going to ascend our bodies and not die? And for example, how could a future aspect of you return into your past to meet yourself?
Let’s begin here with something a little more substantial. Well maybe it’s not all that substantial, ha! So, the universe is a field of consciousness. Everything, seen or unseen, that exists in our universe consists of pure light energy as vibrational frequency patterns, including us ourselves and that’s not even going into the parallel universes that exist side by side in higher dimensions that we are not able to observe, where anything that can happen will happen and in each of those universes exists a nearly exact copy of you living on an alternate earth, yet making different choices than you have made in this life, therefore living an alternate life.
Consciousness is fundamental to all of life and each thought we put out adds to the collective consciousness of the whole. Further, nothing in the universe is solid. Everything that appears to be solid, like a table or chair or your computer, or your body is actually created by an underlying vibration and as mentioned, at the core of all creation is consciousness, each conscious awareness influencing the whole, therefore the universe is a result of our thinking. As discussed in previous videos, this light energy consists of waves of potential until a conscious being (us) affects it through its own thoughts and perceptions. So we have the ability to change our universe through changing our mindset, changing our thinking.
Additionally, what we put out comes back to us. Every thought, word and action defines who we are and the universe reflects that back to us and the entire collective consciousness as a whole. So all of us on this planet as a collective determine the current timeline that we are all experiencing and each time we exert our free will, we affect the timeline we’re in. So we are the ones who will choose, or create, our timeline, therefore our reality, our world, through our existing now consciousness and the way we think , feel, and see our reality. So, the past present and future are all determined by this present moment.
We on Earth see time as linear, flowing forward like a river. This is because we are restricted to the bottom of the light energy spectrum and aware only of 3D and in this third density world this is how it appears to work. We see time as the duration between events, one thing after the other. Yet as we move up in density, as in the higher realms, time as we know it here ceases to exist and everything is all happening at the same time and the future and the past are all taking place simultaneously. And the only thing that keeps us focused into one specific life or moment, is that this is where we have intended to put all of our attention for a certain fixed set of circumstances and experiences that build a particular life. So when we can look at time from this higher perspective, we would see that our entire lifetime and all events within it have already happened. This is why we can say that the ascension has already happened. Because of course it has. This more extensive or broader view allows us to recognize that the only real thing is experience, a reflection of change. So I have an experience, as such, and then I have another experience. Outside of restricted space time where all is simultaneous, one experience did not happen after or before the other, but concurrent to each other and everything else in existence. So time, the flow of time, is an illusion. So this might say that the ascension of mankind has already occurred and therefore there is a future version of you who has already lived through these days that you are currently living in and this future self is still you, so therefore you on some level have ascended and gained it all. And you might ask, how would we access that information now? Well mediation is one way, intention another, where you set an intention to “remember” or “retrieve” this knowledge from your future or higher self.
Because we have memories of something that happened in the past, then there must be a past, right? But when you reflect upon that past event, where are you? You are in the present, a now moment, having that experience. And where were you when you initially had that experience that you call past? You were in the now, the present moment. There is always only the now. It was the now then and is still now and it’s the same for what we would term future events. Every event one experiences took, or takes, place in the present, the now. You are always in the now. So what does this mean for the past and the future? They are both an illusion. They cannot be real. As Einstein said, “The distinction between past present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” He ought to know!
It helps to realize that the universe, at least our universe, is a great divine energetic receptacle which holds all there is, every life there has ever been and will ever be, in a timeless soup of infinite eternity and what drives or operates all reality within this sphere is a great cosmic conscious intelligence, some would call God. The great Decider or Source, Prime Creator, The All in All. And within this space of infinity lies all of existence. So one soul may have lived thousands of lives in millions of timelines as hundreds of characters. Let’s say you could dip your hand into that cosmic container and pick out one particular lifetime and observe it. It might look like a tapestry of threads we could call timelines and that one lifetime will have within it numerous timelines as the individual selected details of its life.
So you may have to use your imagination here, but if you were like a sort of ethereal ant inching your way across this tapestry of one lifetime. As you wander along, back and forth, here to there, you may find yourself stepping directly into your 20th birthday, for example, then as you continue, wandering across to maybe two weeks before your death at age 98 and then return to maybe back to age 52, then again to about 5 days after your birth. Now as this aware ant, you may choose to land on one particular day within that life and stop to see what’s going on for you on that day. From within the higher density realities we can do just that - from a more elevated viewpoint we can observe any moment of that life or of any other lifetime we may choose to perceive.
And here we have to remember that there are no past lives, as such, or future lives, but all lives happening simultaneous to all others, Every timeline imaginable exists in a constant state of now and each moment we are living, as our moods fluctuate, we are shifting frequencies and with that, timelines. As Source Beings we could place our focus on any moment within any life and “be” there. And this is how we would intentionally shift timelines - through our free will. This is ascension and our work here, to do our best to hold a higher state of mind. As I’m sure we’re all aware, a bad mood makes us feel downright lousy and as a consequence lowers our frequency and the opposite is true, a good mood raises our spirits as well as our frequency - so it certainly seems preferable to shift into a higher vibration than a lower one. We all know the difference between feeling good and feeling bad. This is how we gauge our frequency.
A further aspect to this that I find interesting is that, reflecting upon a memory brings that event into the now, which is now changed by who you are in present and how you now perceive that event currently, rather than how you perceived it at that now moment in which it occurred. Therefore, your current perception which holds everything you’ve learned and gained from that now moment, changes that “past” event. Not by going back and fixing it through a sort of time travel, but by being it in this current now which holds all wisdom gained throughout all experiences in this lifetime until this very moment.
So all of these moments are happening right now but it is what we focus our attention on that creates this illusion of linear time. So if you have something in your “past” that you regret your remorse or disappointment in yourself that you could have done such a thing, your new wisdom and vision, can alter that event and leave behind the guilt it has held over you, which may affect your life to the point in which the suffering you have felt since that event took place is lifted, relieved. In essence, when you choose to adopt this knowledge into your perception, each moment you are made new and every moment is a rebirth into a life built upon love, compassion and forgiveness.
So in reality I am still being born, as are you. I’m still attending classes at school, I’m still falling in love and experiencing all those moments that brought me to now. And what that shows us is that, since we are living our lives on a timeline, everything on that timeline, everything that has happened in our lives, was supposed to happen. So was it all predetermined? So does that mean we have no free will? Yes and no. If we don’t like what’s happening and choose to do something different, that is using our free will, right? Yet are we really, because as stated earlier, everything that has ever happened within that universal bubble and everything that will happen is all occurring simultaneous to this moment. So are we really now making a new choice or did we already make that choice and are just following our predetermined path? So did I just now decide to make this video, or did it already exist and I’m just retracing those steps that I, myself, laid down in that timeline?
Alright, if you can imagine something, no matter how wild and weird it might be, it already exists, because everything already exists. So if you right now imagined a walrus smoking a cigar, it already exists within your timeline. How? Because everything in the universe happens simultaneously, therefore, the act of imagining this walrus is not only happening in this present moment, it is always happening, once created, it has always been there. Aaaaa....!
So back to the afterlife discussion. Many of you will begin to notice what you might call an in-life life-review., where you are experiencing a life review without dying. Where you might find yourself while dreaming, or in meditation, or simply as a daydream, reflecting on a time in your life that maybe you’ve even forgotten about where you’ve hurt someone’s feelings, or done something regretful, saying or doing something that caused harm or hurt to another and you feel remorseful and wish you could change it. Or a time where you did something wonderful, helped another in some way. These may be moments that at the time didn’t even seem significant, and you just went on with life never knowing how meaningful that moment was to your soul journey. So why would this be happening now? This during-life analysis is happening for those of you who will not be going to the afterlife to undergo the usual life-review, but will instead be taking your physical body with you into the higher frequencies of the ascension and this living- review is to allow a cleansing of all those things that may tend to block or prevent you from a smooth transition into 5D and perhaps higher. You don’t want to take those regrets with you into ascension.
What’s being called the new earth has always been here. The new 5D earth simply exists in a frequency higher than third density. On top of that, there are multiple parallel universes each with their own version of earth. The new heavenly earth that is being talked about into which human would be ascending, exists in all the physical levels, from 3D to 4 to 5 and beyond. So, how do we get to the new earth, this heaven on earth? By matching the frequency of paradise, nirvana. Learn to raise your frequency to equal the world you wish to live in and you will soon find yourself alive and well in that very world you just imagined into reality.
Ask yourself, did you really come here to die, or to ascend? There are books after books, videos after videos, on the process of death and dying on planet earth, as it has been happening much the same way for millennia, cycle after cycle of reincarnation. So why would it be any different now? Because we are all here to participate in the greatest global transition ever in the history of planet earth and are all now, this very minute in the process of creating a heaven on earth. This is your destiny. This is why you are here, starseeds. This is why you keep hearing the phrase, “You are the ones you’ve been waiting for.” It’s true - the return of the Christ - it is us you and I. And it is us, you and I, who will not only liberate our world, but glorify it and every living soul who rides upon and within it. Our future is certain. No need for skepticism, because after all it already happened and it was breathtaking!
So take care of that beautiful body, because you just might need it for a very long time! I love you guys. Bye bye.
STARSEED CHATS: Arrival of First Wave Starseeds and Using Discernment with New Information
Starseed Chat: Arrival of star volunteers and Using Discernment
Hi guys, I just felt like popping in here for a minute and chatting about a couple of things that I’ve been noticing lately and thought I would comment on. I’ve observed that a majority of YouTubers who are teaching spiritual concepts, either through channeling or ET visitations, or downloads. When they speak about the ascension, they almost never mention light-workers or starseeds who are over age of maybe 50 or 55. They hardly ever talk about the older first-wave volunteer starseeds and if they do, the information they are giving out often conflicts with the original ET reports. Strangely, they have changed the dates of when the first wave of volunteers began arriving during or shortly after WWII, to the 1950s and ‘60s. Holy moly, by then some of us had already been here on the planet for more than 10 or 20 years. I graduated high school in the 60s.
I think part of the reason for this misunderstanding is that so many people seem to think that Roswell was when all of this began, but that’s just not the case. My grandmother had this knowledge before my physical body was even born. The original reports stated that these first seeded souls (light-workers) began coming to the planet in a huge wave around 1945 and according to Dolores Cannon some as early as 1938 and 39. What altered this information? Is this spiritual ageism or could it be the Mandela Effect? Interesting....
The facts as I have always known them to be, was that those first seeded- souls came to earth to be born as human babies or as walk-ins to bring-in a higher frequency which would hopefully restore peace and uplift humanity, setting them on a new harmonious pathway, which would raise the density of the planet allowing for the eventual ascension of mankind. These first- wavers set the trend and because of the challenges and harsh circumstances that they came into and were eventually able to overcome, made things flow much easier for those volunteer groups that would follow. It’s sort of like critical mass, where once a group reaches a particular stage of awareness, that frequency they’ve attained can then be adopted by others coming in later without the adversities the previous group had to endure. These later waves of volunteers didn’t have to go through those initial stages of being lost on an alien world and somehow finding the strategies and strengths to cope and go on - that knowledge has been hard-earned by those who came before and is now a part of the collective consciousness and that information could then be retrieved on a subconscious level and then they could take it from there - no need for these later groups to repeat the same hardships of the first wavers and believe me they didn’t have it easy. I guess I’m just here to say, hey we’re not all dead you know. We have been holding the light for over 60, 70, 80 years!
However, that said, everything must change, evolve, and we shouldn’t expect things to ever be the same as they were, including in the spiritual community. There’s room for us all, the old and the new, and when we learn to integrate all that has come before, to all that is showing up in the present, we’ve got the whole picture and can then move forward in strength and integrity.
Okay, another topic I want to bring up is the value of discernment and the importance of being authentic to your own knowingness and listening to your own inner voice before all else. Again, as I think most of you would agree, there’s a lot of misinformation out there currently, from politics, science to religion, not to mention in the spiritual community and it seems to me there’s no better time than now to become more discriminating. Another trend that has been happening more lately is everyone is demanding dates - when is this going to happen? Within the wide arena of potential and possibility, it might be a good idea to let that one lay. These shifting times are unknown and we don’t really know all the details that could come about when these prophesied events are set to happen. There’s great wisdom in allowing the universal flow and not forcing it to occur outside of its time through your own impatience. It was pretty crazy after the date given for 2012, after which a great number of light-workers were quite upset because it appeared to them that nothing had happened, at least not as they expected, and those who put out that date as this momentous event, like the entire ascension of mankind, were horribly embarrassed and ridiculed. And these dates are still being given out. It’s as if that event that never came about has just been postponed. Now it’s the great solar flash where we will all be instantly transported into the new earth. And hey, I’m with you on that one and hope they’re right! Actually, I myself have received some knowledge regarding that potential. However, the point I’m getting at here is, let’s not let ourselves be blindly drawn into information that may be there only to gratify the ego of the one giving out the information. When our focus is only on our 15 minutes of fame, it’s very easy to get caught up in the wake of the one with the biggest following or the most exciting tale to tell.
Many of us want a teacher, want someone else to make our decisions for us, tell us what to do. We most often want this because we don’t trust our own knowing. We’re taught to be this way, through our well-meaning parents and teachers convincing us that they know best. So what do we do when someone shows up out of nowhere who appears to have all the answers and maybe those answers are different than our own? Especially if they seem very confident about their facts. Do we yield our own wisdom and submit to their truth, their perception? If our mind is open, we have a chance to learn something new, not by throwing away our own hard-earned insights, but by taking in this new information and running it through our own discernment filter, or what my husband used to call his crap detector. When we’re wiling to be unbiased and impartial to all knowledge, this is where we’re able to gain the deepest insight. This is because we’re not judging the more recent information through own ego or need to be right and therefore don’t hold any energy on who and where it came from. And I hope this is what we all do with new information that might be different than our own. This is how we all grow and evolve. And if there ever comes a time when we have decided that our truth is the only truth, then we can no longer learn. I really love that quote, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” Isn’t that great?
Anyway, thank you for giving me a chance to ramble on for a few minutes to get out a couple of things that have been on my mind lately and hope it might make some sense to some of you or perhaps to open up a dialogue for further conversation. I think there’s some value in discussing these topics and sharing ideas with others who might have been contemplating concepts like this or similar. The cool thing is there’s room for it all and this is how we grow, individually and as a group complex, becoming an intelligent network of great minds, knowledge and wisdom.
So see you soon - Bye!
Q&A: Subscriber Questions: Addictions, hybrids, sensitivities, immersion, reincarnation, walk-ins...
Q&A: Subscriber Questions Transcript
Hi Everyone,
Over the past few months I’ve received quite a lot of comments and questions wanting to know more about a particular subject in a video, especially after posting the “Afterlife” video. So I thought it might be helpful to try to answer of few of those questions and hope to clarify anything that might be confusing. And again I’d like to repeat that this knowledge I share with you here is my own what I’ve gained from my guides, teachers, and higher awareness, and I’m not necessarily asking you to take it on as your own truth. Use your discernment and decide what resonates and research what doesn’t. And although we definitely can learn from everyone, you will always be your own greatest teacher. So have fun with it and let’s see what we’ve got here.
ONE: In the last video about addictions I was wondering if we ever get addicted to other people, like a boyfriend or husband or child and that makes us more afraid of dying? Oh yes, absolutely. In fact I really should have added that into that discussion on addictions, but didn’t think about it while I was recording. Our anxiety of leaving our loved ones, family and friends, is one of the top worries that creates the fear of dying, along with a belief in a hell or getting lost - this is all a fear of the unknown. And yes, a large part of an addiction to a person is they make you feel safe and the thought of either them leaving you of you leaving them through death is an aspect of survival itself. You may have developed a need for them in your life and depend upon them for your care or for companionship and can’t stand the thought of being without them. Maybe they’ve become so important to you that you just don’t want to be with anyone else and they become your whole life and to love someone that much, that’s really beautiful. Yet it can become a sort of obsession. It was for me. I certainly felt that way about my husband and when he passed, we had become so close over the years, that I and was convinced I wouldn’t be able to live without him. That’s of course completely understandable. Yet, I know it’s almost impossible to see this at the time of loss, but this can become a vital opportunity to trust and learn to surrender to a higher power, to accept what you can’t change and grow from it. It’s absolutely natural to become afraid of losing our loved ones, but at some point it would be wise to recognize how detrimental this anxiety is to your life and peace of mind. That’s one reason it’s so important to learn about the afterlife and that our loved ones did not die and never will - they just moved into a higher realm, a realm of pure love and beauty and are accessible to us at any and all times and you will soon have the opportunity to be with them again if you choose. Try not to worry, You will never lose them - I promise you.
TWO: What if a person has come to earth purposely to experience addiction? Then will they still have to be reincarnated? Okay, the way I understand this is that it will mostly depend upon whether the person is still addicted, still caught up in the habit, or has successfully released it. When an addiction is a deliberate part of the life plan included for the experience, at death the memory returns and the soul will remember this addiction was a chosen part of the divine plan and will then be directed back to the afterlife where he can then decide if he chooses to go on or reincarnate. The trap is when the soul becomes so lost into its material life that all it wants is to come back to earth to resume its addictive behaviors. It’s really enough just to hold the intent that we don’t agree to return and we won’t have to.
THREE: I have a question about the Immersion video where you said that rather than walking into a body for a lifetime, an ET could use the immersion technique for entertainment or short little trips, instead of years. My question is, do they still have to breathe in the liquid? No, if they are only going to be immersed for the duration of a game or a short time, this is referred to as a dry immersion and there is no need for the nutrient liquid. That is only needed when the body is in suspended animation for years.
FOUR: I have a question about the Afterlife video. Is it possible to skip over the life review after death, or are we forced to watch it and we can’t move on until we do? Okay, from what I’ve been told, you’re able to put off viewing the life-review until you’re ready. Some wait for years before they agree to watch it, but most are anxious to see how they did and to learn from it. So, I’ve been told that before a soul decides to watch its life review, it will usually go to a resting space of contemplation to reflect on the life they just left, before moving on. They don’t usually move on further until their life has been reviewed. This is a very important part of this in-between life to discover where the soul is on its journey. The life review is there to help the soul learn and grow from their experience and decide what areas they might want to improve on in the next incarnation. They are never judged by others for anything they did in a lifetime. If there is any judgement, it is always self judgment. It’s my understanding that your guides will occasionally ask if the soul is ready to view its life. If not then it is free to wait. The guides continue to comfort and reassure the soul and after a time of reflection and contemplation, most finally decide they’re ready to watch and make plans for the next life.
FIVE: This question is from the video “Starseed Sensitivity: If you are waymore sensitive than most people to smells and sounds and lights, does this mean you are a starseed? Well, not necessarily, but the fact that most starseeds are so much more sensitive to the earthly vibrations, there is definitely a higher possibility that one who is overly sensitive to light or sounds or smells and crowded spaces, has most likely come from a more tranquil life in a higher frequency of love and those earthly things that assault the senses are much more difficult for a starseed to tolerate than one who has become used to it, through several earthly incarnations.
SIX: Here’s a walk-in question: Do you mean a soul can leave a human body during its physical lifetime and another more advanced soul can enter the body and continue the journey to ascension? Exactly. There are thousands of walk-in souls in human bodies here on earth right now, from all ET races. A walk-in swaps places with the one who was born into the body, either temporarily or permanently, for the purpose of performing a particular mission that usually includes helping to assist and heal humanity in some way.
SEVEN: This question is also from the Immersion Video: So can someone have two souls in their human body through their lifetime here or do you mean that one soul can navigate one or more bodies? And does the walk- in event always occur as the result of a trauma or illness? What I was discussing was that the soul who is lying within the immersion pod is able, if desired, to guide and direct more than one human body at a time. This would often be for a similar intention, yet those physical vehicles, or bodies, could be located at any place or time period on planet earth. The technology is astounding. So, the walk-in procedure has been agreed to by all souls before the event takes place. Usually, this is a situation where the original soul inhabiting the body agrees to vacate so it can then be occupied by another incoming soul for a predetermined mission or goal. At the time of the exchange there is one soul occupying the body, that soul leaves, and the new one comes in to take over the life. It is, however, possible for one soul, the ET being lying within the pod, to operate two physical bodies. This however is not a routine choice. And the second part of your question, yes that often happens, where the human experiences a traumatic event which triggers an awakening and the frequency of the consciousness rises. Each soul exchange is chosen for different reasons, not always because of trauma. The soul who chooses to leave the body could do that for a myriad of reasons, he’s probably received everything he wishes from a human life, or maybe the soul has changed its mind and wants to go back home and leaves a perfectly healthy body behind, so that body container is grabbed up by an ET to use as a walk-in vehicle. And this is of course, always agreed upon by all participating souls.
EIGHT: Before birth are we able to design what the body will look like and what if more than one soul wants the same body? It is the soul itself who decides the physical characteristics of the body. The guides may show you more than one body and it is up to you to accept or reject their suggestions. Once you choose the body it is yours.
NINE: You said that during your near death experience you were at an exit point and could leave if you chose to. Is everyone who commits suicide at an exit point in their lives? Not necessarily, but if a person does decide on suicide they will be advised by their spirit guides to wait until the next exit point shows up, because it will make the transition much easier for all involved. Still suicide is the most difficult death for those left behind and there is often a lot of self-blame, “like what could I have done to stop this, “why didn’t I see how bad this was?” Really, taking one’s life is never the answer.
TEN: Could we opt out of reincarnation? Absolutely, but this takes an aware being to make this choice, so you’re not vulnerable to a lower density spirit attempting to pressure you into coming right back into another human life, by telling you that you messed up and need to come back and repeat that life. Once you have returned to the in- between realm, you can opt out of reincarnation and remain in the afterlife for as long as you choose.
ELEVEN: Why is there a hierarchical system that exerts control on the other side and decides our next life? The high council is only there to help support you and make suggestions. They’re not there to control or force you into reincarnating. As mentioned, once you pass over to the in-between realm, you can decide if or when you choose to come back. The council is only there to give advice. It’s their job and they always have your welfare at heart, so to speak. Every detail put into your life plan is your own. However, if they feel you are making mistakes or trying to take on too much at a time they will make suggestions for revisions, but if you insist, they will not interfere with your decisions. They are only there to protect and guide you.
TWELVE: What is the process of designing or finding a human body, choosing parents, physical features, birth location, etc? Every choice, whether it’s parents or the body or any other detail is al selected toward accomplishing the goals within the life plan. When choosing parents, the soul will have the option of checking in on them first, viewing them as they are living their human lives and decide if they seem suitable for their needs. As an example, sometimes the soul may choose abusive parents in order to learn compassion or self-worth, or they may choose birth circumstances, like poverty or abandonment in order to provide them with the resolve to escape those environmental controls or restrictions. The process of creating the physical features of the soul’s body is done through thought. In the afterlife realm everything is created through consciousness. The physical body is first imagined and then concentrated into a physical reality. However, it’s different for a walk-in. If it’s been decided that the soul will walk-in to a body already alive on the planet, then the soul will not create the body, but use the one already in a life on earth.
THIRTEEN: Could we reject the body choices offered to us by the council if we don't like them and wait for the body we want? Well, I pretty much already answered this, but to expand on it a bit. So as I said, the final choices will always be the one incarnating. If the guides feel they making poor choices they will do what they can to dissuade them from making a decision that might be harmful. And they can do this by showing the soul little visual snippets from that potential lifetime and hope the soul will come to a more favorable conclusion. See, when we reach the higher realms of the afterlife, the soul will see the physical world very differently than from a 3D perspective. The body is chosen to coordinate with the details set into the life plan for a particular purpose. So it might not be the body and features you would choose from your current human life and preferences. In fact sometimes souls will even choose a deformed or disabled body for the challenges it presents or for the experience of overcoming the prejudices of others.
FOURTEEN: If there is no time, all happening at once, could our souls reincarnate into a past or future period of Earth's linear timeline, counting from the latest incarnation's point of time when that life ended? Or could we come into a life while we’re still alive as another person in the same time period? Another great question. As far as the time period, yes, you are able to choose to incarnate into any time period, even one which would be considered to be a future time than the life you just left, or the same time period in which you are currently living. Let me see, how can I put this. Because a soul can splinter itself into as many bits or fragments as desired, it has the freedom to select in what way it prefers to occupy the chosen vehicle. For example, identical twins are one soul inhabiting two physical bodies. Or another option is one soul, but two fragments of that soul, living in two individual bodies in the same present time. So in this case it would indeed be possible to meet yourself! Additionally, what often happens is that the soul fragment decides to loop back to repeat the exact same life it just left, hoping to do it better this time. When this takes place, at death, the soul chooses to immediately return to the same fetus they were in during the life they just left and are born into that exact body and life once again, with a goal to live a more suitable life, to change what had happened in the previous life and make it better.
FIFTEEN: So this question asks: I already know who the person is that I will reincarnate into in my next life and we are currently living at the same time period. But after knowing who he is, I don't want to become that person and want to choose a different body, could I change my body choice or is it impossible? And if I do this, does it mean I will create an alternate timeline? Wow, another great question. If your soul fragment has incarnated (or walked-in) to this person you mentioned, then you are already living this life simultaneous to your own life. It’s important to remember that your higher/ soul self makes these decisions from a much more elevated frequency realm and may choose very different experiences than you would choose from your 3D mind. If your soul has chosen this person to incarnate into, not chosen lightly or carelessly, they are carefully planned out to expand our consciousness and evolve our soul. So living life as this person must have been chosen for the greater good of all. And yes, every alternate path creates a new timeline. then it must be important for your evolution as a soul. These lifetimes are
SIXTEEN: How do you know if you are a walk-in soul? Most walk-in souls will have a sensation of not belonging to earth or feelings of not fitting-in with their family or friends. Some walk-in souls choose to come into the human body with no memory of who they are in their ET life and some choose to retain some memory. So it’s different for everyone. I would say however, that if you’re asking this question, you probably are a walk-in soul, because this topic is so out-there and bizarre to ordinary humanity, to even be willing to speculate on this as a possibility, you’ve already reached far beyond the mundane and are teetering on the brink of a great awakening, so I would say you are definitely a starseed.
SEVENTEEN: From the video “What Race Am I”, I have lucid dreams where I am met by a friendly reptilian being who tells me that I have a hybrid child and asks if I would like to meet her. When I agree, the reptilian brings me a beautiful little baby girl with large golden eyes and scales on her head and arms. I hold the little girl and feel a deep love for her and don’t want to give her up. When I wake up I feel like this was a real experience. Can you tell me, did this really happen to me? Well, as always I would ask you to use your own discernment, but from my perspective, wow, with the deep love you felt, I would say that this was definitely a very real experience and what a beautiful one it was. Many starseeds tell of being brought aboard a ship and shown their own hybrid children and most have a reaction very much like your own. They feel a deep love very similar to that they feel for their human children.
Wow, great questions guys. Keep em’ coming! Bye bye
ADDICTED TO EARTH: Can you be happy without your lover, favorite foods, your smart phone, internet?
Addicted to Earth
Hi Everyone. Back Again.
Something has been coming to me lately that I think is important to us all and therefore decided to jump on here and chat a bit about it. To begin with, I’ve noticed that here on earth, it seems there’s a rather peculiar tendency built into humans to have an immediate reaction to each situation or event, especially one that is unfavorable or frustrating, instead of pausing to assess the situation first to determine what the correct reaction might be, rather than just going off on it. Most of us have experienced this ourselves, you know, where we’ve kinda lost it? And we’ve all at least witnessed it. As children we probably first saw it on cartoons like Popeye or Roadrunner or Daffy Duck - I mean, they just get creamed in those cartoons. When kids watch adults behaving in this way they pick it up too. It’s as if they’re being taught that when something goes wrong you should curse or throw things and stamp your feet - as if this is going to help or remedy the situation. So what’s behind all this? Is this just a spontaneous backlash, or do we somehow believe that this makes sense and the louder we curse and bang our fist the more apt we are to change or fix the situation? Or is it just instinctual? An innate brutish animalistic behavior, deeply imbedded into the physical human DNA - for survival maybe? Who knows? I’ve never been able to explain it, why under the same conditions one person reacts very benignly and another very violently?
This leads me to what I wanted to chat about today. Lately I’ve been contemplating what I would like to accomplish in the time that remains in my life here on planet earth. You know, kind of the deathbed scenario - where you look back on your life to consider whether you have any regrets. What would I wish I had done or had not done and what do I feel I was never able to accomplish or rise above? This has always been important to me, because I don’t want to have any bad habits lingering through to the end that I might take home with me. I want to clean it all up while I’m here on earth so I won’t have to come back through the cycle of reincarnation. You know, there’s a lot of emphasis on karmic cleansing, releasing all karma before death and some may see this type of reaction as karma - all these personal limitations and weaknesses we all have. I see them more as addictions, habits we may be holding on to. Why does he act the way he acts? Why can’t she seem to ever let anything go? These are the karmic ties that bind us to the earth cycle of reincarnation. It’s not so much that I did this to her and now we’ll have to come back into another life and she will do that to me. The way I see it, it’s what habits or behaviors own you? What are your needs? For example, do you act before you think? Or is it difficult to let things go and you play them over and over again in your mind - oh great when we go to dinner at Marsha’s house she will probably go on and on about her new BMW and of course if I say anything she’ll probably get mad at me and gossip about me and then I’ll end up without any friends at all. We create whole huge dramas in our minds that have never, and probably will never happen!
So again, what about these reactions we seem to have about any and all unwanted events that come into our lives? When it comes to this subject, my husband was one of my greatest teachers. He never reacted to a situation until he evaluated it. I never saw him throw a fit of anger. He never spoke harshly to me in all the years we were married, other than one time when I was going off on him about something he finally just calmly told me to be quiet and sit down, which I did. It was all my bad. He seemed, when it came to this sort of thing, to have the bigger picture and a knowledge that lashing out doesn’t do any good, in fact can just make things worse and even cause damage. I told him many times throughout our marriage that I wanted to learn how to do what he was able to do, to remain calm at all times, no matter what was going on around him. One of my spiritual teachers referred to it as remaining calm in the midst of chaos. A very high state of enlightenment for sure.
So it’s always been my goal to do it all in this one lifetime, because as far as I know I’m not coming back. So to overcome all my weaknesses, habits, limitations, I want to get it the first time, not the second or third. I really don’t want to be stuck or addicted to a behavior. Some people call this shadow work. But I don’t know, for some reason that sounds hard to me. I tend to just consider it as evolving, learning or realizing who I am and if this indeed matches who I want to be.
So what are these things I’m talking about? You know, at the simplest level, things like food cravings, sex, coffee, chocolate, alcohol or drugs. Like the guy who is grumpy until he has his first cup of coffee. Is the grumpiness who he really is or is his habit so deep that the grumpiness is just his need for a coffee-fix. Our brains have their own chemistry and our behaviors teach our brains how to react to that stimulus - the craving for a coffee hit, for example, or the first drag of that cigarette. The person becomes addicted to that release of neurotransmitters, like dopamine, in the brain and the habit is set up - and this can be something as benign as the craving for a chocolate bar or as destructive as the frenzied heroin addict who may even kill to get his drug.
Other habitual behaviors could be based on emotional addictions, possibly rooted in severe physical or mental trauma. Somewhat like PTSD this may eventually manifest as anything from anxiety disorders to erratic manic behaviors, or deep depression, where the trauma is lived over and over to a point where the brain chemistry is so affected that the person loses his ability to function normally and this may even develop into a reaction like self-mutilation or cutting behavior. Why on earth would someone cut themselves? Well, if someone has been abused to the point of becoming numb, maybe the physical pain somehow takes away the emotional pain? Maybe it serves as a means of feeling alive again? Or perhaps as a form of exerting control? Maybe self punishment? Or self empowerment?
Mostly what I’m talking about here are the material things and behaviors, such as, I have to have a beautiful house, two cars, a beautiful partner, the right clothes with the right brand names, you know, wealth and status. Or it can also be things like the adrenalin rush of a sport like rock climbing or hang gliding, bungie jumping or the excitement of sitting on the couch or in the stadium watching your favorite team win their game. Now let me make this really clear, there is nothing wrong with any of those things. These can be some of the most enjoyable activities in life and can inspire and thrill us and in many cases these are the main reasons we come here, to experience the stimulation of exploit and adventure that this planet offers. This is wonderful!
So, what I’m rattling on about here is to not allow ourselves to get caught- up in the need for these things, food cravings, smoking, alcohol, sex, or drinking too much Pepsi, for instance. It’s fine to do it all in moderation, as long as we realize these desires are all transient conditions and we should not be dependent upon these for our happiness, because when we leave earth, we leave behind all these things. We should ask ourselves, can I be happy without this? If we cannot see ourselves being able to survive without the internet, for example, it owns us.
So basically, most of these actions are not wrong, although some can be harmful if overdone. For example, a good steak can be delicious, but if that’s all you ate it could be pretty detrimental to your health. Just the habit of being fearful all the time can ultimately lead to bizarre behaviors. Like the guy who believes if he doesn’t open and close the front door 17 times before he leaves the house his family will die. Sometimes this is a brain disorder but these are the sort of behaviors that come from one who is caught in a fearful place. Then as I mentioned, there’s the heroin user who would rather starve to death than to miss his fix. Then to go further, there’s the abuser, the person who gets a thrill or some kind of gratification out of mistreating another, physically or mentally, even killing. Obviously, this is the most dreadful example of what we’re discussing.
So why is this so important? Because this material habit, or any habit, has within it an addiction to a low frequency and those patterns of behavior that give you the physical or psychological sensation you crave becomes an attachment that exerts control over your life, your attention, your reasoning mind, your thinking, until you have no will to refuse. So are any of these things really enough to pull us back into the loop of reincarnation? Ask any near-deather and they will tell you that during their NDE experience when they were given a choice to stay or go back, the very second they had even the tiniest thought about what they would miss in their human life, ZIP! they are back in their body again, sometimes in horrible pain. So I’m just hoping to point out that it might just be a very wise thing to consider that really any link to the material world is enough to bring you back to earth again, and I’m simply suggesting that not only is this a perfect opportunity to advance our conscious awareness, but to be able move up in the frequencies to enjoy life in some of the other magical realms of infinite potential and possibility.
Well, for me it’s bananas. Yeah, I know, pretty pathetic right? But I crave bananas and feel like I just have to eat at least two a day. So a couple of years ago when I realized how strong this craving was, I forced myself to give them up for a short time until I felt I could live without them. I did the same thing with chocolate. It seems like my thing has always been food. I don’t drink or smoke, but I eat. Many years ago it was peanut butter. And I drank coffee for awhile, but gave it up when I found out I was pregnant and never went back to it.
We all have something we feel we can’t do with out. As mentioned before, today it seems to be electronics, the internet, smart phones and tablets. Well, I’ve never had a smart phone because I don’t want to be one of those who can’t live without it, however, I do have a laptop and an iPad and I’m pretty hooked on to those. I also love streaming British comedies and detective shows on Acorn TV and even though I Iook forward to watching a show in the evening, I’m hoping to convince myself this is only entertainment and not an addiction that I can’t do without. Kinda silly right?
The other thing I have been a fanatic about for most of my life is exercise. After a year of being disabled when I was a young woman, and not able to walk, when I healed I began exercising like a fiend and became a long-distance runner, then a ballet dancer, then an avid hiker, now a daily walker. It’s all the same craving. There have been many times when I’ve had a real anxiety attack when I haven’t been able to get outside for a walk and feel like I’m crawling up the walls. Yet I try to reassure my self that at least none of these habits in general are harmful. My husband used to joke and say I had all the good habits and he had all the vices. Not true, by the way.
Anyway, each one of these things I’ve mentioned, and others that I haven’t mentioned, I have tried to admit to myself and face head-on and at least release the fanaticism, the habit, to then be able to enjoy it as only a pleasure rather than a habitual need.
We have a real chance here, while in this human life, to tie up all the loose ends and be able to take pleasure in the fact that, if we can accomplish this while here, we are unencumbered and free to play the game without restriction and this way when we leave this life we aren’t dragging any material baggage along with us and can take this gift of freedom back home to our higher self, to the realm of the Divine, Source itself.
Well good or bad, that’s my rant for the day!
See you soon and thanks for listening! Bye bye...
PRE-BIRTH MEMORIES: Planning process souls go through before incarnating for a life on earth.
Pre-Birth Memories
Hello everyone,
Well, it’s over 100 degrees again today, so I thought I would just stay inside and answer another question that came in recently. My friend Jane asked me if I would be willing to share my personal pre-birth memories of the process I went through to create the soul-plan for this current life as a starseed walk-in. This is something we had chatted about a couple of times a few years ago and at that time I’m not sure I had ever heard anyone else share a pre-birth story. I did however know there were more than a couple of books written on the subject, so it was obviously out there somewhere. Well, Jane said that she had very recently noticed the topic coming up on YouTube, where a couple of others had revealed their own experiences, so she felt that I should feel comfortable revealing my own. Well I told her I had actually considered talking about this earlier, in the NDE video, but felt it might be to kind “out-there” for some, plus I’m always hesitant to talk about subjects that I still have a lot of questions about and this is one of those topics, where I’m very clear on the memories themselves, such as they are, but have trouble fitting those experiences into other parts of my life memories. You’ll see what I mean as I go on.
So, I’ll do my best to share what I know and what I don’t know. What I mean by this is that some memories are quite distinct, yet they seem to have originated from a part very separate from who I am now as this soul- being here in this body. I have made a couple of attempts at sorting this all out with my angels and guides, but have been told that there are just some things that I am not yet ready for and I have to be okay with that. I mean, I feel really lucky to remember what I do remember and part of this is because of my NDE, where the Council allowed me to keep those memories of this pre-birth process. I’m so grateful for that. I wish the rest of my memories were that clear, especially the memories previous to my walk-in experiences, the immersion procedure and so on.
So yes, I can happily share my pre-birth memories and who knows, maybe this will somehow help to awaken the deeper knowledge of what I now know to be a projected soul experience, a part of the walk-in encounter. And you know, I guess it isn’t all that odd to still have some confusions about what happened and when and how, and this may be in part because of the missing pieces, but also the difficulty of trying to use language to explain something so intangible as to be nearly indefinable, so it’s hard to line it all up and I suppose the truth is that if we knew it all we wouldn’t be able to continue the game-plan we came to participate in. (Aaaaaghhh)
So okay, I guess to start with I might want to mention that I’m familiar with more than one life as an Arcturian soul and have retained some of those recollections. So, when the call came from planet earth for volunteers to step down into human bodies, I was in-between Arcturian incarnations, at home in the non-physical realm, at a position referred to by some as the ninth dimension or ninth density awareness. My lives as an Arcturian were spent between fifth and seventh density, mostly aboard the starship Althena, which is not only the name of the ship, but of my Arcutrian complex or family group. And a rather interesting aside here, is that when this body was born a name was chosen that holds the same resonant energetic geometry as the Arcturian essence I carry within me.
What I remember about this progression is that, like so many others, I had been summoned to what the guides refer to as the High Council, who’s job it is to prepare souls for the passage from spirit, into the physical. This Council also oversees the Akashic Records, where the accounts of every life that has ever been lived or will every be lived, is stored. So, there’s a very comprehensive process of advice and guidance and instructions that each soul must go through before incarnation - such as making absolute sure that the soul really wants to do this and is choosing from a position of love and support for all involved.
Well, to begin with I was in a place of Light, pure white Light, and noticed there were hundreds of illuminated globes floating all around me and at some point, it came to me that I too was one of these floating globes or orbs of Light. I found out later that these orbs were actually other souls, like myself, who were going through this same process of incarnation into a human baby. What I remember most clearly about this stage was being in a state of childlike excitement. These are the clearest memories, this process of counseling, where these light-beings that I thought of as my guardians, were kindly and gently explaining to me all of the potential problems or hazards I might encounter as a human, asking more than once if I was sure I really wanted to do this. I remember that they cautioning and counseled me in the potential for injury or straying off course. They warned of all the many characteristics and mannerisms of those inhabiting planet earth and what I might encounter as a human. I was shown holographic visuals of historical depictions of war and chaos, but along with remarkable gentle scenes of birth and family and landscapes of peace and beauty and laughing children playing with animals. I can still in some way sense the exhilaration I felt at the time as I realized that I would soon be living among all this stimulation. I kept saying yes, I want to go, I want to Go! I remember just wanted to get on with it. It seemed like this part of the process was taking forever.
Another part I remember well is that they made a point to explain that when a soul has never incarnated onto planet earth, the consciousness of the incoming soul will be implanted with a set of false memories of previous human lifetimes lived on earth. Now, these are not lives they have actually lived, but are inserted or projected into their memory to assist this incoming soul, by familiarizing them with, not only what it’s like to live in a human body, but those things they should avoid or fear, so they won’t, for example, put their hand in the fire or immediately get eaten by a bear. So yeah, these implanted memories are meant to acquaint them with human life, so they’ll be more familiar and comfortable with what to expect when walking-in to a human body.
I also remember clearly the love I felt for these guides and angels, for their kindness and warmth, as they instructed me on what to expect as I would be descended down through the levels of density into this human vehicle I would be living in for the duration of my stay on earth. The guides explained that once I agree to the incarnation, there would come a moment where I wouldn’t be able to turn back. I was taken to a location ... well actually I wasn’t taken, I was just there, a place that looked a lot like a very bright domed room where the walls were made of a sort of glowing bluish energy. Here I was told that since this was my first trip into the third density, if I agreed, I would be given a small demonstration of reduced frequency to help to prepare for the discomforts of the necessary slowing of light energy down into a material structure. And you know, to tell the truth, I don’t remember much about this part of the experience, I only remember being somehow pulled back out of that space into another.
It’s this next part of the pre-birth preparation that’s the clearest memory for me and consists of choosing all the details, the birth location, language, parents and others and events most wanted to encounter during this lifetime, even what were to be the physical traits and personality of the human. There were also some issues I purposely chose that were more emotional, things I had a curiosity about, like intimate human relationships and family. I have a distinct recollection of wondering what it would be like to be in a war or to hate or be jealous or to be stabbed or killed. Additionally, I wanted to meet with opportunities where there would be a clear choice between forgiveness and vengeance, for example. And just to jump in here, I admit that a few of these more emotional details that were purposely placed into the plan at that time, I did not remember choosing then, but only after the fact. For example, when I was much younger I faced a situation where I had an extreme reaction of jealousy and it wasn’t until that set of circumstances had been mended/forgiven, did I remember that it was a chosen part of my soul journey and something I had very much wanted to experience. Wow!
When I left the council area/space I was finally left with only one guide. I know he didn’t really have a name, but for some reason I’ve always remembered him as Jess, so for purposes of the conventional, I will use that name. Jess took me to what was in my memory called the circle room - or maybe that’s just what I called it. I wish I could tell you why, but.... The only vivid image I have about this space was that I seemed to be sitting on a floor. And I know, this is a little odd, because I don’t remember actually having a body at this time, just a light form, yet for some reason in my memory of this, I felt very much like I was the size of a small child, sitting on the floor, beside some sort of an oscillating opening just to my right. Jess for some reason left me there and when he returned, or when I noticed him again, he told me that I would wait here. Hmmm, well it wasn’t really that he told me this in words, it was just placed into my awareness, that I would wait and then receive a signal at which time I was to step into the opening on the floor, or whatever, of course there probably wasn’t really a floor, but I’m doing my best to describe the indescribable. Anyway, I would probably now call it a tunnel or portal but at that time it didn’t mean anything to me. I just trusted that everything would be fine and I was anxiously anticipating the next moment.
I have mixed recollections about my pre-birth journey from here, but again will do what I can to relay what I can recall. Jess had made it very clear that when he gave me the signal to leave I would need to jump on it right away. So I was ready, and yet I remember when Jess did signal me to jump or move now, I hesitated for just a split second and I know there’s really no time, so I’m not sure how all that works, but anyway I paused, not because I was afraid, but suddenly I didn’t want to leave my friends. Yet, because I knew this was very important to Jess that I leave now, I jumped or fell into the opening.
The only feeling or emotion I remember from here was one of extreme longing, like a homesickness. It was deep and painful, but only lasted a moment, or maybe my focus became caught up into the journey and what was happening around me. Truthfully, the next thing I clearly remember was arriving in the body, and the woman who was to become my mother. And, the reason this pre-birth story is still a bit confusing to me, is that, as I mentioned in a previous video, the baby did not thrive and nearly died more than once and rather than gaining from its birth weight, it lost weight and became as I said, near death. So, I have since been told by my higher guidance that I, my soul fragment, left the baby’s body and returned home, or where I came from, to walk-in at a later time. And apart from that, I had subsequently been told by my mother that as the baby’s health improved, its body didn’t respond normally, didn’t crawl or begin walking or talking until a point where my parents became very concerned about the child being disabled in some way - and what was eventually revealed to me by higher guidance, was that the reason for this was that the soul fragment, had purposely left the infant’s body because, in order to save its life, it, the baby, would need to be taken aboard the ET craft for a DNA upgrade and restoration. This is because the Arcturian soul essence frequency was not compatible for that human corporeal vessel and so, in order for the baby to develop well, its body would need to undergo a physical upgrade and this was only possible through advanced alien or extraterrestrial technology. So, obviously since I’m here in this body, vital and alive, it must have worked!
So, I apologize for the rather erratic course this information has taken, in my attempt at presenting this process, but from my perspective it just wouldn’t feel right to try to dumb it all down. So I suppose all this subsequent walk-in walk-out stuff probably needs its own video. So before I lose you completely, I’ll just leave it there and when I’m able to put together a more concise explanation of the pre-birth information together with the walk-in information, I will at that time get back to you with that video.
Until soon, bye bye!
EXIT POINTS: Windows set within the pre-birth plan for the termination of the physical body.
Hi Guys
Every now and then I get the urge to remind everyone that I certainly do not in any way have all the answers, or see myself as some sort of a guru or spiritual teacher, or even a medium. As I’ve stated before, my roots are not human, but in most ways, I’m just a normal person living a fairly conventional life, doing all the normal things one would do here, attending school, university, getting married, having a child, watching those I love get sick and pass away - the same things everyone else has experienced. Yet, along with this more mundane side of life I have managed to awaken to great knowledge along with holding memories of my ET origin and why I came to earth at this time, being a seeded soul who came from the stars to participate in a mass awakening here on planet earth ...and I give you my word that I will do everything I can to be a positive force during this shift by sharing what I’ve learned, and continue to learn, with any other who might care to listen. Understand that the information I share with you here is what I brought with me and what I’ve managed to learn and receive along the way and am still learning and evolving, just like you. So, feel free to accept what feels right and discard what may not resonate. This is your journey, so enjoy it.
Okay to begin, when a soul chooses to come to earth for a human life, a plan is created that will hold a blueprint outlining details that they hope to achieve during that incarnation. These issues and circumstances are placed into specific moments within the course of that life, where the person will be most likely to encounter them - and this is always for the purpose of soul advancement.
Also, included within this plan are several required potential points of exit for termination of the physical body, meant to put an end to this current incarnation. These exit windows are set at junctures where the requirements of the lifetime have been fulfilled, or when the soul feels it has experienced enough of earthly life and it offers them a choice of whether to withdraw and go home or to stay in their human life until the next potential exit point approaches, or as the individual fulfills the essential issues written into the life-plan, then it’s free to choose an earlier departure. By the way, an exit point is not chosen only by the entity himself - it also has to be agreed upon by the spiritual guides and helpers.
And y’know, it’s also important to remember that from an energetic level, the entire lifespan of a human being is seen as only a brief moment and those negative times that are seen by the human as huge tragedies are to the soul merely minor inconveniences.
From my understanding, there are generally five of these exit portals, placed at specific periods within the life-plan where they would cause the least amount of disturbance or disruption to the incarnated soul and to those who are closely connected, like family members or friends. These exit windows are placed relative to the degree of achievement reached by the individual. They are those points in time when the incarnated individual actively wants to leave for whatever reason and move back into the energetic non-physical realm. A significant aspect to all of this is, that the more knowledge and wisdom the soul has gathered throughout a lifetime, the easier the transition will be. I find this fascinating.
This is designed in such a way that the incarnated soul has the freedom to decide how and when these requirements are to be met and has the free- will to choose which route or timeline to take in achieving that goal. Y’know, it’s often believed by humans that when coming here, one should experience as much as possible within each incarnation, but really the main objective is the quality of these accomplishments, not the quantity or length of life.
Another factor to this is that the soul actually has the entire lifetime to meet these situations and challenges and can take as long as he chooses to fulfill the basics of this plan and there are no right or wrong methods of departure, including suicide. Although suicide is generally not advised, because this choice might make things more difficult later on. So when a person is contemplating a death through suicide, their guides will do their best to advise that they wait until the next set exit window, because these windows of opportunity are set into moments where conditions are most compatible for termination and will lead to the the most uncomplicated transition and allow the incarnation to end in the most harmless and effective way. So if the human wishes an early escape in this way, the best choice would be to contact the spiritual helpers to be guided to the next exit portal.
So, what I’ve learned is that the first of these exit points is set somewhere from birth, well actually before birth, to about seven years old. This opportunity for leaving the body is placed at a position where the soul has at least achieved incarnation into a physical vehicle, even for a very brief time, and allows for withdrawal at any point from fetus to, let’s say seven years or so. This might be a case where a soul simply chooses to experience developing as a human fetus, or just to experience the birth process, maybe including a stillbirth or a crib-death, or to only live a few years as a young child. After all, this is all for experience and soul advancement.
Again, my understanding is that the second exit point can be applied somewhere between ages seven to around twenty or twenty-one, where by now the person has probably learned a bit about the human condition and has probably developed some sense of purpose and direction. So, when a soul at this stage decides to accept an exit, the method of death or termination might be something like a sudden illness or an accident. This exit is set in place when the soul has chosen a short incarnation and in that brief span of time has been able to accomplish what was desired - maybe they were only interested in experiencing being a young teenager, for example. In this case, the soul will be guided toward an event considered to be an accident that will result in the death or termination of the body. And this is interesting ...this actually means that at this time all existing parallel realities and timelines for this being, this individual, are also dissolved.
The third exit point is set somewhere up to the age of around forty, maybe forty-one, forty-two years old. By this time most souls would have achieved the major ingredients required within the incarnation. However, if the soul chooses to skip or pass-over this termination window and continue human life, it’s at this stage when the person begins to ask the deeper questions, what is my purpose, am I in the right job, the right marriage, what is often referred to as a mid-life crisis. It’s not necessarily whether the individual has reached all its personal goals within the lifespan that’s most important here, but the journey itself. And in fact, this is the interval that the person will gain the greatest benefit and expansion from its incarnation ...and everything they’ve confronted during these years, all the challenges and obstacles, will all become a very important part of their evolution as a soul. Interestingly, the exit windows chosen during these years are usually something physical, like an aggressive cancer or a maybe a brain tumor or aneurism, where the person will leave quickly, because he’s been able to achieve what he came to do.
The fourth exit point could be anytime up until about age 70. By now the person has encountered most of its expected life experiences and those opportunities have all led toward a spiritual progression. So, it’s during this time when he, or she, can become awakened, or if already awakened will feel pulled to be of service and want to discover ways to help others to gain enlightenment. So if the incarnated soul chooses this exit point it’s usually when the awakening has already been completed and it’s decided that the incarnation is no longer necessary.
In one of the telepathic conversations I had with my husband after his death, he mentioned that one of the reasons he had walked-in to the body when he did was that he wanted to experience what it was like to die from an illness. Wow, that shocked me. But he explained that from the other side we see these human hardships or even suffering as a great physical adventure. Holy moly!
The fifth or final exit window is essentially the last opportunity to end the incarnation outside of the natural death of the body through deterioration and old age. This termination point runs anywhere from age seventy to whenever the natural death has been planned. So, from this point, those souls who choose to continue human life have begun to experience physical decline, or old age, as a chosen part of the life-plan and so, interestingly, from here on there’ll not be as much need for spiritual guidance or assistance, until death. This is because the soul actually wishes to live through all the characteristics of age and everything that comes with it. Personally, I’m not too crazy about this part, but it has been chosen, by me, so I have no one to blame! But the cool part is that when one does choose to take this exit window at the end of life, this transition will be much smoother than if they had chosen an earlier withdrawal and is used when the soul has completed all its desired experiences and spiritual growth and the guides see no further need for the incarnation and will assist the person in finalizing that soul’s journey.
Another thing I find intriguing, is that those incarnated souls who appear to have extremely difficult or horrible lives and endure terrible hardships, are actually attempting to increase and accelerate their evolution by taking-on everything at once within a short duration and then accepting an early termination point for their exit. They want to get everything done in one lifetime, as quickly as possible, so they choose very harsh grueling and complicated life tests, so they can leave early. This is why certain people leave when they’re still in the prime of their lives and for no obvious reason.
So the way I see it, what is so cool about understanding these rather esoteric spiritual concepts, is because it opens up a world that we may have not even imagined before, a world so far outside of the perimeters of the mundane, as to seem like magic. This enigmatic knowledge can bring us to such a place of inspiration and peace - to truly understand and know there is so much more than just what we’ve learned in our schools or in our nine-to-five jobs - to realize that we, with the help of angels, created this life, this very life we’re living in, made all our own decisions and put in all our own choices and details, those specific events, extraordinary planned meetings of those who would become pivotal relationships and circumstances - that no one forced any of it on us. We are no longer the victim, but the creator, the master of our universe. Ha! It was us all along. You know the old saying, “When the student is ready the teacher shall appear?” Yes, because you placed the teacher within your life-plan, to come and wake you up when the time was right. Well, as one of my teachers often said, there’s no greater time than the present. And when you’ve done everything you came to accomplish, you can move on ...or you can stay. It’s up to you. Each of us at one time or another will make that choice, to decide we’ve done enough and it’s time to withdraw or maybe decide, like myself, to stick it out until the very end and see what happens!
See ya!
Q&A: THE AFTERLIFE - WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? (Suicide...Coma...Is it Painful...What about pets?)
Questions About the Afterlife: What happens after we die?
Hi everyone,
After my husband passed away, I immediately began getting telepathic messages from him about his journey into the afterlife and although this communication from him has slowed somewhat, we are still in touch today, as many of you are with your loved ones. This is something we can all do. You yourself may or may not have noticed these communications in various ways, from flickering lights to actual visual contact. I have received so many questions recently, about the afterlife and felt it might be helpful to put together some of the information I have gathered over the years.
You may remember me mentioning once or twice that I often receive information from those beyond the veil, those who have passed on into what some call the other side or the spirit realm and bring back that information. As I said, this is something we can all do, especially once we get comfortable with the fact that these realms are within our reach and are accessible to all. Anyone can contact their angels and spirit guides. So, the question I get more than any other is about the afterlife and what happens after we die. And, first just to clarify, we never die, we just move on.
When our soul creates the plan for our life, we place within that plan several exit points, where the soul can withdraw from the body (die), depending upon what has been chosen by the human at this point in his or her life. I’ve mentioned exit points before and plan on doing an entire video on this very soon.
So not long before the actual death transition takes place, maybe a few weeks or so before death, most people will have some sort of a hint or vague idea that something significant is about to happen. We may pick this up as an urge to complete unfinished business, put things in order or even as a desire to make things right with others or maybe a feeling of running away from those things that have kept us trapped and unfulfilled - it’s the bucket-list idea.
I have a friend who was in a horrible accident where she died and went to the other side, what we call a near-death experience. After she returned to life and after months of rehabilitation she began putting it all together. She told me that a couple of weeks before her accident, she kept having an urge to pack a suitcase, as if she were going on a trip. She wasn’t, but she said she had a strange impulse to get prepared to travel somewhere and wanted to be ready. She said she was filled with some sort of anxiety that she couldn’t explain and would find herself walking out the front door, but with no where to go - like a compulsion to leave.
So what is it like to die? I’ll begin with what my husband later told me about his own transition. His death experience took place in our home. When he became ill, I had a hospital bed set up in our family room, where he could watch the birds out the window. I slept on a cot beside his bed. A few weeks after he passed, on our first telepathic communication, I asked him what he experienced at death. He said that he had actually withdrawn from the physical many hours before his body actually died and was standing beside me, watching me read to him. Although I didn’t know it at the time, he spent those next hours comforting me and sending me healing light.
I asked him if death hurts. He said no, the actual death is not painful at all. He described it by being very much the opposite, nearly orgasmic in its joy and freedom. He called it pure ecstasy. He described how he left his dying body by pulling his legs over the side of the bed, standing up and walking a few steps away. He said there was a halo of light around every object in the room, including my own body. He went on to explain that if he had wanted to leave right away he could have, but chose to stay with me until the body was taken away. I asked him what his journey was like when he left for the other side. He said it was like leaving a darkened room and walking into another light- filled room, only it’s an entire sphere of light, color, and sound. He said he could still see the lower density world as it is, but from within an expanded frequency outside of material existence.
He also told me that in order to communicate with me again, he had to re-learn how to interact with physical matter. He said there are these wonderful schools on the other side where you can learn anything you wish to learn - all knowledge is available. He told me about classes where teachers give lessons to those who are in-between lives, on how to move energy around, as a means of sending loved ones signs and signals of their presence, like sending sounds or fragrances or turning lights off and on or ringing your phone.
One time not long after he passed I was walking from the mailbox back into the front door and heard the backdoor from the garage open up and then close. When I got to the kitchen I saw my husband standing there looking totally physical. Of course I was totally shocked! But the cool thing was that he looked so young - his hair was darker and he was wearing clothes that I remembered him wearing when we were first married. I was so excited and thrilled to see him I ran up toward him to wrap my arms around him and pop! he disappeared. I later asked him about that visit and he told me that it takes a lot of energy to become fully visible so he wasn’t able to stay in that form very long and that he had to pop out before I came too close to him because our frequencies were so different.
Over the years I’ve asked him all sorts of questions about what it’s like there ...like do they still eat food ...and if not, do they miss it or having sex or smoking or other things like that. He said some of them still enjoy their favorite foods or drinks but eventually get tired of it and move away from that. About sex or drugs he said that the only souls who would retain that sort of interest would not have yet fully transitioned onto the spirit side - that that desire would only come from one stuck on a lower astral plane. He said no one who has fully transitioned and reached the higher frequencies has any real interest in that sort of physical activity. This is because the bliss and ecstasies of unconditional love are so far beyond anything ever sought or experienced on the lower densities that those urges disappear almost immediately, because now they can fly! They can pursue their dreams, anything they want to do, live anywhere they want to live, in a house or not, visit other realities, fly a starship, become a dolphin swimming in the sea or sit atop the highest mountain and not ever get cold. Those earthly vices or things that once meant so much crumble by comparison.
Nearly everything my husband told me about death or the afterlife was absolutely beautiful, but he did once talk a bit about those who die and are so riddled with fear, maybe from religious programming or other deceptions, that when they die they don’t believe they’re dead and refuse to move on, so they just remain in the astral realm, the world of ghosts ...no longer in the world of the living, but not yet in the afterlife. They desperately want to stay in their earth life - some even believe they are still alive and may even try to get back into the body after it’s long dead. When this does happen, an angelic Guide is sent to them from the higher realms to help out. The guide goes up to this lost soul and gently explains that they are dead and they need to move on and assures them there’s nothing to fear and hopes to assist them on into the Light. He said there are Angelic Guides who choose to do only this. It’s their highest wish to help guide those stuck between worlds to move on into their true home. Sometimes it can take them years to convince the “dead” souls that a beautiful paradise awaits them, if they will only have faith and allow them to help. Sadly, there’s nothing the Guide can really do until the person (soul) is ready to ask for help. He said some of them even get stuck in a Hell of their own making, because that’s what they believe in ...and what they feel they deserve. Yikes! He said that once these souls are convinced they’re dead, they are then taken to a location which is a lot like a huge hospital, where the soul can rest and recuperate until they’re ready to move on. They’re even given what they are told is medicine, because they believe they’re sick and that it will help them, although it is not really medicine but Light energy. From there they will at some point be asked if they’re ready to watch their Life Review, but some souls really don’t want to and refuse, sometimes for years, until they’re ready to review their lives, maybe because they are either too ashamed or afraid of what they’ll see, not trusting that they won’t be judged or punished. Again, those are usually souls who are stuck in religious dogma and don’t realize there is never any judgement or reason to feel guilt.
So is there a Hell? No! Just as heaven is, hell is only a personal frequency, a state of awareness, which the person him/herself has created through those fearful beliefs built upon misinformation. If the church tells you there’s a hell and you believe it, that hell can exist for you ...and yet there’s no such thing for the one who doesn’t buy-into that story. The truth is that we are all pure Light, pure Love and this is all we need to know to generate and to join that heavenly realm. Where we go after death is up to each of us, so let’s all make good choices, choices built on love and caring.
It’s also important to realize is that our earthly life is an illusion, a dream, chosen and created by us for our learning and we can never do anything that’s considered wrong by the higher realms. We are only actors playing a role. It’s an experiment set up by Self in order to gain knowledge and wisdom - a test to see how we will do in certain situations or circumstances. We can never fail, we just learn how to keep improving and each time do better, until finally discovering that everything is love. Once we recognize that through this state of unconditional love we can build our own paradise, we begin to choose everything from our inner-being, the heart of soul, within the purity of unconditional love. And that is true surrender.
Another fascinating thing is about the death experience is how the majority of souls require some sort of “transport” from life into death. They believe that because the afterlife or heaven is a place they must travel to, they will be met by someone, a guide or an angel, to take them from here to there. So there are these illusionary stations set up where the dead will be taken to a bus, boat or plane and be guided aboard for their heavenly journey. It was described how these angelic helpers, wearing long white robes, help to guide the newly deceased person through their journey, where they’re then met with other helpers who, depending upon the soul’s needs, will take them either to a resting place or if they are ready, to the High Council for further instructions.
Another question I often get is do our loved ones on the other side see us and know what we’re doing? Absolutely! This may be a leap for some, but the other side, the afterlife, is here with us, only a different frequency. It’s a state of awareness that we can connect with anytime we wish, simply by switching our awareness from here to there. Our loved ones are able to be with us whenever we think of them or call their name. They want to stay connected with us. They celebrate events with us, birthdays, holidays, graduation. They constantly send us signs and signals, most of which we ignore, but they never give up ...unless we ask them to.
My friend Carole once asked me if we are we bothering them by talking to them too much. Never, they are always there for us, because time in the afterlife is much different than it is here, which means that they can be in several different locations doing many different things at the same time. Remember, all is concurrent to everything else, all lives, all events, even the in- between-life-lives, but taking place on alternate levels to one another. Our loved ones have not gone anywhere. They are just as here as they ever were, we just can’t perceive them because we’re not on the same frequency band they are.
So you might ask, does this mean they’re watching us while we’re on the toilet or in the shower or those who have maybe remarried, is your husband on the other side watching you make love to your new husband? The simple answer is no, not because they couldn’t but because they wouldn’t. It’s like a spiritual principle. They will not look in on you unless they have your permission to do so. The only time they might come to you without you asking would be to warn you about something or to comfort you or help you in a time of crisis. Some loved ones who are extremely close to you, like a spouse or the mother of a child, may in fact choose to become a sort of guiding angel to you while you remain on earth. Remember, for them the veil has lifted and all of their limitations have been released, all of their angers, guilts, resentments, or prejudices are gone and they are the best they’ve ever been. They’re still who they are, but without those shortcomings. This is because they’ve seen the light, so to speak. They now see the greater picture and have been able to let go of their stubbornness and convictions of the ego and are totally immersed in love, so even if they died without forgiveness, the peace and beauty of the space they now occupy has erased all of those learned behaviors and they can see things clearly and through the eyes of compassion and love. All they want to do is to console you and send you comfort.
And, take my word for it, those on the other side see the human body very differently than they did while on earth. Those imperfections they worried about while here have now become a no- thing, or even a badge of honor and this is how they look at us. After my husband had been gone for a few years I became self-conscious about how I must look to him now, because I had aged so much. I was embarrassed that I had become so much older than he was when he died and now I must look like an old woman to him and here he is cavorting about in a light body that would appear to be about 25 or 30 years old. Not fair!
Well, he assured me this is not the case at all. Once a soul has been on planet earth with all the suffering and disfigurement, they look at us like superstars for sticking it out. They see what we go through with our illnesses and physical ailments and all they want is for us to be okay through it all. They want us to know that they are here for us ...just as we are now.
By the way, most everyone who passes will choose to attend their own funeral or memorial. Hey, wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you want to be there for them - your loved ones - to console them - to find some way to touch them or to connect with them and let them know you’re there? Maybe you would even want to hear what they’re saying about you?
At my husband’s memorial both my son and I saw him standing among the others, up near the tables that held his photos and awards ..and in fact we were able to corroborate with each other what he was wearing, including his favorite hat! He was there with us!
So, another subscriber asked what about our pets? Will we see them on the other side? Absolutely. I knew a guy who saw his little terrier during his near death experience. The dog right ran up to him with his tail wagging, just like he had during life. I had a cat that I loved so much named Cootie. He slept with me every night. His favorite place was to snuggle up to me at the small of my back. One time I was very ill in the hospital with double pneumonia and I missed Cootie so much that the only way I could sleep was to set my purse behind me into that little empty space at the small of my back and pretend it was my cat. Cootie died two days after I brought my son home from the hospital as a baby. When he saw the new baby he somehow knew things would be different and that our time was over. Most all of us have that favorite pet we can hardly wait to see again. Well, we will!
By now, most of us have fully realized that reincarnation is real, not only real, but that each of us has or will have thousands and thousands of lives, in all sorts of timelines, planets, realms, different races, different genders, species, and so on. Well, one of the questions I received was, “If my loved one reincarnates before I die, will he be there to greet me on the other side?” Yes. Let me explain. The you that is here in this body is only a fragment of your true soul. That which you know yourself to be is only an idea, a story you came to live through. When your body dies, all that has been you in this life will go back and integrate with the higher self. You, Joe or Mary, are just an aspect of self, just as your loved one was ...is. There is no time, as we know it, so your loved one and you and everyone else are living all those many many lives, concurrent to this one. So, your loved one will always be there when you pass over ... if it is your wish to see them, they will be there.
Another thing that almost everyone wants to know is what about those who commit suicide? Are they judged harshly or thrown into some sort of Hell? No, of course not. There is nothing like that on the other side of life. When a person does take their own life, most immediately they find themselves surrounded by light and warm loving beings and are gently escorted to a place that looks a lot like our hospitals where they can rest and recuperate. During their time there, the most significant thing they learn and the message they bring back to those who can receive it, is that they are shown that by leaving their earthly life early, they have reduced the time they had on earth for growing and evolving their soul. This is a sad thing, because this is why we come here, to develop as a soul and to help others along the way. They’re not judged for this, except maybe by their own guilt and disappointment of themselves and the realization of the hurt and suffering they’ve caused others. I’ve been told that while on the other side they usually volunteer to help assist others who have also taken their lives, because no one can understand better than one who has experienced the same thing.
Or what about someone who dies suddenly, like in a plane or car accident or being shot. In this case, although the soul may be shocked by the experience and not sure what just happened, it feels no pain. It may seem like the body would experience great agony and suffering by being blown-up or horribly maimed, but the fact is that the soul actually leaves the body just before impact or just before the bullet hits, and feels no discomfort. It’s only the body that is affected by the collision or bullet hitting the flesh, yet here is the soul standing beside that body, perfectly safe, watching all the commotion and wondering why he feels fine.
So many people wonder what about the person who’s in a coma? Where are they? There have been so many movies made about people in comas becoming lost in a frightening nightmare. This however, is not what people report who have emerged from comas or have died while in a coma. The one person I know who had this experience said what she remembered during that time was just being busy, messing around, like in life. She said it was like being free, in a dream where you do kinda the same things you would do in a normal dream or daydream, playing and interacting with others.
One fascinating aspect of the afterlife is told by Dolores Cannon. She talks about a great Library where everything that has ever happened or will ever happen is stored there. It can appear as shelves of books or as video screens where, if you were curious about history for example, you could watch the actual replay of the earth’s greatest battles or most magnificent moments of what happened or will happen to mankind over time. Or you could read about or watch various chapters from your own life, similar to a Life Review, only maybe what your life would have been if you had made other choices, married someone else and had six kids or lived in Spain instead of Montana, for instance. You can visit any event or situation you choose. All knowledge is contained within this Library.
I remember my sister and I discussing one time about people with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Where are they? Where do they go? I had a teacher once who said that this is chosen by the person at a soul level, where they’ve become so tired of mundane existence and this is their escape - they retreat from obligation or maybe boredom into a world of fantasy, the world of spirit. And while we think they’re kinda zoned-out and miserable, because that’s what the body displays, they’re actually off having wonderful adventures. One man I knew thought he was fishing. He would sit on the edge of his bed taking his invisible fishing pole - you could see him , baiting the hook, then casting out the line, perfectly happy and content. Sometimes he would get excited because he had just landed a big one. It was only those around him who judged him as crazy. He was perfectly fine. The soul is always at peace.
You know, the afterlife to us, seems like such a huge mystery, and yet all of us have been there, more times than we could possibly count and we could discuss all of its various forms and features until the cows come home, as my mother used to say. ....Its a place we all know well - for some a weigh station to visit briefly before moving on into the higher realms or finally going home to Source and for others a vacation spot between lives, incarnations, being born into a body again, whether here on earth or elsewhere.
Well, we’ve really only just scratched the surface here but the greatest message, I think, in learning about the afterlife is that we can be reassured that those loved ones who have passed are fine. They are in a beautiful realm of pure love - a place of magic, where one can experience anything their heart has ever desired - where there is no death, no pain, no fear, just the joy of being and loving.
So I hope all this has been helpful in some way and keep those questions and comments coming. I love to know what you’re thinking. See ya next time! Bye Bye
BUILDING A NEW WORLD: What would it take from each of us to build a new world, a new earth?
Hi everybody,
Building a New World
One time when my son was young, he had a difficult decision to make and just didn’t know what to do. I could see he felt insecure about making a mistake and wasn’t confident he would even be able to make the right choice. He felt he had made poor choices before and was worried this would be another one. I tried several times to reassure him, but the longer the indecision went on the more insecure he became. As I mentioned before, my son was a real Star Trek fan, so I came up with the idea to ask him if he thought that Captain Picard would know what to do in this situation - and he said yes. So I suggested to him that all he had to do was to become Captain Picard and do what he would do. It took him awhile to decide this might make some sense, but in the long run it worked ...and many times after that.
You know, it takes getting past the programming we’ve been under ...that indoctrination into insecurity that permeates throughout this world. I mean ...how could WE possibly make a difference, after all we’re only human, right? No, we’re not! We are pieces of Source Itself and possess all attributes and abilities. We’ve just been dumbed down by the constant pelting of bad news, from our religions and from our televisions. And when all we see is bad news our vibration drops and we feel helpless. No wonder we feel unable to make a decision or have any hope for a happy future.
So how can we change this, to become more confident and see a better world? Well, first we have to grasp the reality of what’s going on here, that there is a negative agenda pulling us down. Research on your own and find truth ...it’s all out there for the discerning soul. Then once we ascertain the problem, only then do we have the potential to change it.
But how can we change an entire planet? By changing ourselves. We can’t change anything until we’ve undergone those changes within ourself. We first have to recognize there’s a problem before we can transform it. We must see and understand it and then become that change before it can manifest in the outer world and this takes patience and trust. Create your own world first, then you will begin to see those changes taking place around you.
So how do we create our own little world? Do we first have to deny the one we’re in? Of course not. It has its place, but we don’t have to live in it. We can live anywhere we wish and under any circumstances we want. So, let’s start with ourselves. We need to convince ourselves that we deserve to be happy and abundant. It sometimes helps if we can close our eyes and make ourself small enough to place into the palm of our hand, then hold that “self” out at arms length and speak to our selves as we would a beloved child or friend. What would we say to bring them comfort or confidence? What would they need to hear? You know what to say. Then take that knowledge and comfort inside to become your own. You must be able to believe that about yourself. I am that. That’s me. I am Captain Picard!
You know, I think there’s only one other person, maybe two, who I know personally that doesn’t watch the mainstream news. I’m not saying there is any problem with this or that they shouldn’t, I’ve only noticed that this barrage of bad news seems to affect them deeply and most often brings them to a state of worry or fear, about the future and even their present safety and well-being.
So how is it possible to maintain a positive outlook or high vibration while being told there are all these awful disasters going on in our world? Yet this is truly the key. For example, if something a friend told you has made you sad, about an accident or misfortune that happened at some place around the planet, if she hadn’t told you about that, would you still feel sad? No, because it would not even be in your reality, your world.
We as humans are greatly affected by other people and what they believe, especially those who proclaim themselves as experts. Admittedly, it’s not easy to feel good about many of the things going on in the world, but it’s our beliefs and the attention we give it that most affects our frequency. So, do we feel that if we choose not to tune into those scenes of tragedy that it makes us a bad person ...yet if we cry and worry over it, our remorse and suffering makes us a better person? Well, although this obviously doesn’t make a lot of sense, sadly we are taught that way. As children we are taught that because of the starving children in Afghanistan we should clean our plates, as if stuffing ourselves with food somehow brings help or comfort to those children who have no food to eat. What? What?
One of our greatest virtues as humans is our ability to empathize, yet it is also one of our greatest blocks to a peaceful mind that could insure us a high vibration. What becomes most critical is to use what is innate within us, our skill as observers - to be able to observe a chaotic scene or circumstance while distancing ourselves from the emotion it evokes. This can allow us the strength and courage to be of the greatest help, either physically or mentally. I mean, what good are we going to be to another in an emergency or emotional situation if our sensitive nature causes us to fall apart, by too strongly identifying ourselves with the one in trouble?
When you’re in a place of positive expectation, you are holding a high vibration. If you are able to hold this positive vibration for a time, it will eventually become your dominant frequency. This means that when we are in the presence of someone who is sad, or someone with a lower frequency, our calm demeanor can lift the other into a higher vibration. However, if we spend our time getting caught up in the other’s problems, commiserating with them about the wrongness of their plight or the tragedy or suffering, we lose our ability to be of assistance to them, because we have become the victim instead of the healer or rescuer.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “she lives in her own little world?” Well, I have. And who is that person who is usually earns this description? It’s most often either a happy child or someone who never seems to take anything too seriously - never gets upset about anything, always smiling, sitting in peace, happy just playing music or working in the garden, while the world freaks out around them. Or the spiritual practice of getting to a point where you are able remain peaceful in the midst of chaos? Well, my mother was able to do that. She was able to sit in her chair and read or write with the noisy activities of kids playing, phones ringing, cats and dogs and people coming and going. She often wouldn’t even hear someone talking to her or calling her name and if we would touch her body by tapping on her shoulder for instance, her whole body would jump up, startled, because she was gone ...off somewhere else. Where? In her own little world. See, this is our answer. Yeah but, how do we stay in a high vibration while in today’s crazy world of threats and fears? Through creating our own little sacred space - through consciousness - building a realm of our own.
So, what conditions do we want to live in? What circumstances would be ours if we lived the way we wished? I suggest that we contemplate this, we visualize it ...in as much detail as we want, or simply as a statement. My world is beautiful - everyone in my world is friendly and fulfilled and abundant. My world is free from suffering, from war, from poverty. And turn the TV off. If you don’t see it, it’s not in your reality. But, is this only denial? No, you’re not denying that this other world exists, the illness, the hatred, the loneliness. Sure it may exist, but do we really want to live there? Why would we choose to live there if we don’t have to? And, we’re not doing this to run away from this world and its conflicts. We do this to become creators of something better.
Put into your world only those elements you wish to be there. You choose. Imagine it to be and it is. You decide that those who walk by are friendly and happy. You decide that the driver in the next car is a wonderful being of love and kindness. Make these things your truth and they will reflect that frequency of love. Have you ever noticed on your walk, when a person is walking or driving toward you and they may seem kind of remote or distracted and then look over your way ...and if you smile your very best smile out toward them or say good morning or comment on the sunshine or wish them a beautiful day, have you noticed that their whole demeanor changes? Their hand may go up in a friendly wave, their face lights up, their body straightens ...and you did that! There have been studies done that show when someone smiles at you and you smile back, your brain chemistry changes and your body is flooded with endorphins. Imagine the power you have. You have the power to lift another soul, including yourself!
My favorite true story that Wayne Dyer often told, is that of a despondent man who had chosen to kill himself. He was quite determined and had it all planned out. He would drive to a dangerous stretch of road, that he knew about, which had an elevated cliff embankment that rose high up above a rocky ocean shore and his plan was to drive his car over that cliff. He left the house fully determined to do just that. On his way he had to stop at a traffic light and while he was stopped there, a beautiful young blond woman in a hot racy red sports car pulled up beside him. As he glanced over at her, she greeted him with a huge friendly smile. Well he was so stunned and impressed by this - that this beautiful woman would care enough to smile at him, that he decided right then and there, that if he was worthy enough to gain the attention of such a lovely smiling woman, he MUST be worthy of life itself. And instead of driving to the cliff that day, he drove home. That “chance” meeting saved this man’s life. And the most important takeaway here is that, she wasn’t trying to save this man’s life, she was just being herself, who she is. This lovely being was simply expressing her true nature. And any or all of us can do the same.
What if we all could realize the power WE have to change another’s outlook, simply through a smile or pleasant greeting, or taking a moment to wish them well. And when we do this, when we send our love out toward another, it bounces right back to us and this builds upon itself. I notice on my walks that the more friendly waves or happy greetings I receive or give, the better I feel. I often return home filled with gratitude for my life. And you know how we’re always wondering what our purpose is in this human life. Well, from my perspective if this was all we ever did, sharing our smiles and love with others, our life would reflect a harmony and magnificence unequalled by most any.
Many of us believe that those who make the most difference here are those who make the biggest splash, the politicians who rant on about changing the world, or those who have acquired great wealth and build huge skyscrapers in honor of themselves or their technological invention, or the actors who bring us to tears or make us laugh, or the singers who bring thousands to their stage. Are these the role models for a better world, or are they just making the loudest noise?
It’s not the one you see on television, announcing his own virtues to mankind, who makes the real difference in the frequencies of love and awareness. It’s most often that peaceful soul hiking the forest path to photograph the newly sprouted spring leaves, or the sun sparkling off the distant mountains, or the one who communes with the stars while the world is sleeping, or the one who isn’t afraid to hold a hand or share a hug with a stranger. It’s the one who doesn’t follow the rules of control - the one who lives a life of love. Love is what created this world and love is all that will ever be required to save and protect it. And the same goes for all of us. We do not need a government, or religion, or any other controlling body to tell us how to live. All we need is ourselves expressing who we are - our true innate nature - the pure essence of love - and sharing that with others. This is all that will ever be needed to build that new world we all hope to see.
And what is this new world we hope for? It’s the one we hold in our hearts, the one that shines forth from our eyes, that causes us to choke back tears at the beauty of a new sunrise - it’s the one we want to give to our child, it’s what makes us root for the good guy in the movie, it’s what lies within each one of us, the beauty that causes our hearts to keep beating - it’s that which lies at the core of each and every one of us. There’s only one ingredient needed to build a new world, a new earth, and that ingredient is love.
The WALK-IN IMMERSION PROGRAM: ETs come to earth using a procedure known as the Immersion Program
The Walk-In Immersion Program
Hello beautiful beings,
I believe it’s important that we all recognize that we are more than these human lives we are living. To start with, I want to bring up the idea that all of reality takes place in this same expanse, the same space, yet on infinite spectrums of density and awareness. Sometimes we, as humans, can feel so alone and abandoned. These feelings are deep and real and yet the facts are not this at all. This expanse in which we are exploring our human lives is only one small reality, the reality of the third density and this 3D world has been restrained within a frequency matrix that has held and suppressed our natural and innate abilities, bringing us to feel limited or weak and alone, where we are not. In truth we are never, can never, be alone.
It seems that we as humans can usually only perceive within this matrix bubble, but can’t perceive those higher realms, including our true selves. Yet those more elevated realms are actually within this same space, but reside within a higher density, frequency, invisible to us ...but just because we can’t perceive this other density with our physical eyes, doesn’t mean it’s not there. I mention this because I want to assure you that you actually are never alone, even when you perceive yourself to be. And this is not a bad thing, but a very good thing, because these higher levels are based on pure love.
I choose to skip over the 4D astral realm in this instance, that realm of disembodied souls, ghosts and parasitic entities. These have no place in what I’m here to discuss with you. This is because my whole message is and will always be, that your frequency is your protection and your freedom. Everything is mind. You are your ideas and you will take those ideas and beliefs with you wherever you go. They define you and create who you are. This is why we come here, for the expression of those ideas. It is our behavior and what we learn here that are the only things that matter and not the material things. If we can find those things that bring us joy and raise our mood and frequency, we are then fully protected from the shadows of the lower realms. Hold your frequency as high as possible and watch the world around you become a heaven on earth.
Okay to begin, as I mentioned in a previous video, from my first memories as an ET walk-in, I have had a close communication with my Galactic family. When I was very young each night as I closed my eyes to sleep, they would come to me in golden weaving fingers of light, assuring me that everything was fine and I was safe. In the case of a nightmare, they taught me how to escape if I became threatened by dark entities or fearful encounters. In that circumstance, I was to close my eyes very tightly and visualize a safe place, somewhere I wanted to be, then to very slowly open my eyes and I would either be in that safe place, or I would wake up in my bed, safe and sound. I was told I would be protected throughout my life and when it was time to go home, I would suddenly become very tired and should lay down on my bed or the couch and go to sleep and I would wake up in my immersion pod aboard the star craft.
They explained that there were junctures within my soul plan where I could make choices. I could choose to go home while I was still young and if I accepted that choice, they would extract me, actually pick me up, my physical body, and bring it up to the ship through the use of a tractor beam, much like the ones that were used in Star Trek ...which is another story for another video! What is also for another video, is the fact that if my 3D body were to be extracted and brought aboard ship, I would then have the chance to meet myself. This is a situation where one soul is able to manage two or more bodies at the same time. I’ll talk more about this later. ...
Okay, so if I chose to stay in the physical body into old age, at the point of leaving the human vehicle, the body, it would appear to have died through natural causes, just like any normal death, but my soul, my ET body, would simply awaken aboard ship and would I resume life as it was before I came to earth as a projected walk-in soul. I bring all this up to make the point that there were later times in my life where I seemed to sense that connection with this galactic knowledge slipping further and further away as I began to identify myself as a very imperfect human girl with only dreams to hang onto - as if my galactic knowledge was only a distant fantasy, no longer there to console me. It was so clear and comforting to me as a child, but as the teenage years approached and my body and hormones began yelling at me, I felt so gawky like I no longer fit into my flesh, like I was squished down into an ill- fitting costume for some play or movie I was in, but without the same script everyone else had. I tried to fit in with others at school, but was like a fish out of water. I didn’t recognize myself anymore - I wasn’t ET and I wasn’t human. I felt there was only a small piece of me talking and walking through life. In fact I had dreams where I wasn’t me and couldn’t recognize anyone in the dream, including myself. Where was ...I?
So I thought it might be of interest to some of you who’ve also felt this way, and to provide some knowledge that has helped me to make sense of it all and to finally settle into my life and accept the choices that I made previous to coming into this earthly life. This information that I’ll share here, was only provided to me after coming to the realization that these feelings of not fitting into my life and my body ...that this was all exactly as it was supposed to be, all a part of my journey here, to accept life as it was and not to fear or resist it. To finally understand that I was exactly who I was meant to be and my differences should be acknowledged as a piece of my authentic nature, my true self. And now I hope that the information in this video can also be of help to others who have encountered this same distress. Where is the real me?
So let me begin with a very simple explanation about the process of walking down into a human body, through what is know as the Immersion Program. And I will just skim the surface of this here, because can you even imagine the depth of technology used in this process? Holy moly - way above the capacity built into my little human brain. Oh and speaking of brains ... as an aside here ... the physical brain of a human being is actually a dampening agent, purposely meant to allow through only a certain grade of intelligence or awareness, based upon your personal soul journey. This is because we come from Source, we are Source beings, where all is known to us and when we come down here, or into any physical life, we come to play the game, to be challenged and to test ourselves through working from within a limited set of perimeters that allow us the obstacles to face and get past. That’s why we have the physical split brain that we do, to set limitations that allow us the greatest challenges for our earth experience.
Without a physical brain, there would be no reason to take on a body, human or otherwise, because we would already have all the knowledge and would know who we are and why we came, so there wouldn’t really be any reason to for human life, no challenge. And to a certain extent, this goes for any physical body, human or ET, although in the fifth densities, their brains are very different than ours. For example the hemispheres are one structure, not split like a human’s. Then when we get into the higher densities above 5D there is no need for a brain, as they exist as light, so there is actually no need for any internal organs. Beyond the physical we are all just glowing orbs of energetic awareness, consciousness. That light body can take-on any shape desired by the soul, or no shape at all, or perhaps a simple orb of light - or if desired, the light body may still retain the basic humanoid shape of the 3D or 5D being.
Oh wow, how did I get off on this? Oh my gosh ...I digress.
Back to the topic at hand. I was going to talk about the process of walking down into a human body. When this is desired by an ET, the usual method used is immersion technology, where the body of the ET stays on the ship or planet in a cryopod or immersion tank in a state of stasis, or suspended animation, and the soul of the ET is inserted (through agreement of both souls) into the body of a human who has been previously prepared for this incoming soul. This immersion procedure is actually the method customarily chosen by countless ET races. This is because there is always a danger of the seeded soul becoming lost in the human role, forgetting who they are and choosing to reincarnate back to earth, rather than returning to their ET family. The immersion program helps to guarantee their starseed a safe return to the body. It also allows the person to choose when to go and under what conditions, all controlled by the individual itself before entering the pod.
Some starseeds using immersion technology have chosen to arrive on earth with little or no memory. Interestingly, this is just a setting in the pod and can be adjusted as desired. In general, immersed souls tend to have retained a part of their memory, or at least enough intuitive awareness to prompt them to know that they are not from earth. Those choosing to position the pod-setting to no memory at all and accept the veil of forgetfulness, is usually because they feel it will be more exciting and suspenseful if totally immersed into the human drama, with no previous memories. They are very aware that life on earth is only a game. Although I can say that, while in their human existence things can become very real and maybe even horrible and if they had a choice at that time, they would probably choose to opt out!
Yet, the interesting thing is that when the walk-in returns to their ship or planet, the majority say they were glad they went in blind because that was the experience they wanted and they wouldn’t change even the suffering, or being killed or dying from disease. Hmmmm...
The current reason for sending ET souls to Earth is because the only way to truly understand what the population of a planet needs, is from the ground level. This way, the ET crew can communicate with their starseeds to get the real picture of what is going on and what is needed by them to assist. ...Also, an interesting additional use for this immersion technology is kinda cool - it is used for entertainment and games, for short little visits into a simulated world, very much like the HoloDeck on Star Trek. I know guys, but it’s really true!
But for a long term walk-in experience, the ET will lie down naked into a pod, or immersion tank, especially designed for this purpose. When the body is fully connected to the equipment, the program will begin to deliver electrical stimuli to the muscles and internal organs to keep the vessel healthy and from muscle atrophy. The body is then immersed into a liquid which the person breathes into its lungs. This liquid is filled with all the nutrients and oxygen the body will need over the months, or even years, perfectly preserving the tissue over the extended stay in suspended animation. This could be for a normal human lifetime or even for thousands of years.
The program will then put the person to sleep, diverting and imprinting the entire sensory experience directly into the brain of the avatar on earth. It’s like a soul exchange where one consciousness leaves and another takes over. In order for the avatar container, body, to accept the higher frequency soul, it must be prepared for the transfer. This most often means the 3D body has had to be previously abducted and taken aboard the craft for the necessary adjustments to be made to adapt to the 5D frequency soul projection. These agreements were made before the birth of the 3D person to later be used as an avatar to a walk-in.
In fact, this immersion technology has become so advanced now that now the ET can have the sensory divergence experience without even being in a pod, as long as they are in close proximity to the system, like on a ship that possess that technology.
The frequency signal coming from the ET soul is like tuning a radio signal to a receiver of matching frequency, or as close as possible. As the incoming ET soul inserts, or projects, its consciousness into the avatar body, the person leaving will exit and arrive wherever it has previously chosen, like the other side, or back home to Source, or to its home planet or craft.
And what’s really bizarre is that the individual in the pod, if he wanted to, could actually have his consciousness directed into several avatars at the same time. So it’s possible that there could be more than one physical vessel, or body, directed by one ET soul - more than one body at a time. However, this would usually be in very different circumstances for each avatar, maybe even in differing timelines.
This exchange usually takes place within a second, a breath, but for the walk-in there may be some moments of disorientation or dizziness. They may even believe they’ve died, but this uneaseness passes quickly. Nevertheless, there is a definite phase where the new soul may notice some discomfort, such as feeling like nothing seems to fit anymore. Because, upon arrival they take-on the memories of the former owner of the avatar vehicle and, somewhat expectedly, may not feel all that close or connected to these others in that earthly life, or to their job, or family members. They have forgotten their ET life and now have only the memories of the person who lived in this body, yet may feel distant from the family structure or relationships, because in a way, this Earth life is all new to them and they don’t yet feel comfortable with it all. However, because the incoming soul is of a higher frequency and awareness, they usually adapt to their situation without much trauma.
Incidentally I should tell you, if there were a situation where the ship that the ET was lying in, in the pod, were to be attacked or in some sort of an accident, the immersed individual would be awakened and the sensory input would be returned to that 5D person and the liquid drained from the body, leaving the 3D person without a connection - yikes! And, in the case of the death of the immersed person, the 3D avatar would also die. The human form would simply collapse in death, shocking family and friends. By the way I should add here that very often the vehicle chosen for the soul exchange is one who has just undergone a severe trauma or tragedy that has caused them to want to leave, to get away and find peace - not always but sometimes. So when the elevated soul walks-in to that body and picks up the memories of the previous human, she or he, fully believes that she is that person who underwent the loss or tragedy, but now within her own higher consciousness she can view that tragedy from a much more scaler view and although she still believes it was she who experienced the loss, suddenly feels less connected to the trauma and the entire human body feels such a huge relief from that deep grief - almost feeling as if she’s been reborn, an entirely new person, which of course she is.
It’s like she’s seeing the world for the first time. All those things that seemed insignificant before are now in the forefront of her awareness. She hears the sounds surrounding her with new ears, noticing everything, the singing birds, the soft breeze, smelling the air, the flowers, everything is enhanced with a beauty never noticed or appreciated before. She may spend days doing nothing but taking walks or sitting under a tree or standing in the shower for hours on end. With this new perception, those things she cared about previously , or the deep pain she felt before, all take a backseat to the exploration of her new life. She may quit her job, leave her relationship, move to another home, another state or country, friends drift away and new ones may come.
This immersion program is very popular with star races right now and is happening all over the globe. ETs have been coming to earth for thousands of years, but it’s only fairly recently that this program was introduced. Before that ET souls who could adapt to the planet would come down in their own bodies, for whatever reason. The newer program is much safer for the individual because they can completely immerse themselves in life as a human, safely, whether for entertainment or for a specific mission, like the starseed volunteer program. Although it’s understood by them that life on Earth is a dream, an illusion, this does not mean that the life one lives here is false. It is a real experience, a play of consciousness, and it is experience that is important.
So Immersed or not, what is of greatest consequence is to remain on the path we have chosen for ourselves and not to try to drive our life, but to relax and let it flow. This is because whether coming directly from Source, or from the Other Side, or from the Immersion program, it has all been planned beforehand, before your entrance into a human vehicle and the intention is to follow that blueprint.
We all have a plan before coming here, no matter what process we chose for arrival - a plan meant to function in the way we most desired it to. If we were to get in our own way, by deciding it should be different and make some sort of a detour from out of ego, that diversion from our own pathway could alter our timeline, or even set us on a path of destruction.
We all brought our frequency with us when we came, along with the knowledge that this life is a temporary stopover, no matter how many years we’ve been here - to learn and bring back that knowledge and wisdom when we return. There is never anything to fear. We are always watched over and loved, even if we may have forgotten, or don’t believe it. We are always guided. And when it is time for our exit from this 3D world, we will leave. Although this may be seen by loved ones to be a tragedy, the moment we get back we will understand and recognize this earthly adventure to be our greatest achievement ever!
Until next time ... bye.
CONSCIOUS INTENT: Using focused thought toward creating a new world of peace.
Conscious Intent
(Using focused thought to direct a conscious intent toward creating a new world of peace.)
Hello beautiful souls.
So, I’m curious, how many of us have ever asked ourselves, how am I contributing to this war? What am I doing that is causing this, or making it worse? Where is my responsibility in this conflict ...or any other conflict? And, why would I want to ask myself that question? After all, for me that war is halfway across the world - it doesn’t have anything to do with me, right? ...right
Many of us might ask ourselves, how can I help with this situation, but we may never have asked what am I doing that is making it worse, or what my own responsibility may be.
For those who are familiar with quantum physics, you may have already determined the answer to this question - or those who follow the metaphysical understanding that this world is an illusion, or a dream - or the idea of parallel worlds or timeline jumping - or what about the crazy Mandela effect, impossible right?
So just to ramble a bit ...from the quantum perspective, what is known as the double slit experiment might be able to shed some light on this. It would be much better if I could show you this with graphics, but I’ll do my best to explain - and I will include a link below this video that can explain this much better than I can.
But anyway, what is know as the double slit experiment in physics, has been taking place by scientists since the early 1800s, when they were then hoping to answer the question, is light a wave or a particle?
The experiment consisted of a barrier, like a piece of wood or cardboard, with two slits cut into it. This barrier is situated to sit in front of a screen, with some space in between the two. The scientist then shot a beam of light toward the barrier with the slits. The idea was that, if the light was made up of particles, when shined through the barrier with the slits, the light particles would leave two corresponding marks on the back screen. On the other hand, if the light was made up of waves, the waves would interfere with each other creating a refraction pattern of several lines on the screen. The results of this original experiment showed that light was a wave.
In later years, with Einstein’s discovery of light as photons, and as this experiment was performed over and over again, it was found that light could actually act as both a particle and a wave. When they fired a single particle, or photon, at the slit, one at a time, there obviously wouldn’t be any other particles for the photon to bounce off of, yet the interference pattern of the wave still appeared on the screen. It was as if the photon knew the paths of all the other photons. Then the experiment was performed with electrons where a detector was set up beside one of the slits, to measure the photons as they went through, in order to show where they landed on the screen ...and here’s where things got really weird.
This is where the electron leaves as a particle then becomes a wave of potential, goes through both slits and interferes with itself, to hit the wall. So what’s this about? The very act of measuring or observing the particle means it only went through one slit, not both, as with the wave. The particle acted differently because it was being watched. So we could say that the observer collapsed the wave function, simply by observing.
As we said, light has two natures, wave and particle and will act as both waves or particles depending on whether they are being observed. When light is in a wave-like state, in the same way the ridges of water cross each other, these waves interfere with each other. When light is in a particle-like state, it forms into discrete packets known as photons.
So, as soon as the photon was being measured by a recording device, only two parallel lines appeared on the screen. Why? It was the observation of the electrons that changed their behavior from behaving like a wave into behaving like a particle. This doesn’t even have to be visual observation by a human or another conscious life-form. Simply by recording it, the electrons behave like regular particles and as soon as the recording device stops, they behave like waves again. This is called The Copenhagen Interpretation, which tells us that, when a measurement is done, there is a different result in the double slit experiment than if there is no measuring instrument there.
If a particle is not observed then its behavior is completely determined by probability. So we now know that light behaves both as a wave and a particle, but we can never observe both states at one time. When we observe the light it behaves like a particle, but as long as we don’t measure it, it behaves as a wave of potential and actually exists in all the states it can possibly be in simultaneously. This is known as superposition, so instead of the electron taking a single trajectory, it can take all potential trajectories.
Why do we care about this? Give me another minute and hopefully, you’ll see what I’m getting at. If we can understand that our universe is made up of waves of probability, coagulated into structure by an observer, in this case us, it is we who take on the responsibility of what reality becomes, decided through our own perceptions and beliefs and attitudes.
Remember, I’m not asking you, in any way, to take on my understanding of all this. These are just my personal conclusions of what I have learned over the years from many different sources and had to find a way to put it all together. It works for me.
So to continue, most of you have heard of the thought experiment called Schrodinger’s Cat. The goal was to explain the simultaneous existence of two states, where when unobserved the cat in this experiment, can be both dead and alive.
A cat is placed in a covered sealed box with a radioactive sample that has 50% chance of decaying and killing the cat. While the box is covered, we have no idea if the cat is dead or alive and only once we open the box will we know if the cat made it or not. So if we think of the cat as a particle, using the superposition principle, we would say that while the box was covered and the cat was not being observed, the cat was both dead and alive, in order for it to be in all the states it could possibly be in. It is only when we lift the box to observe the cat will the superposition collapse for it to be either dead or alive.
To get even more bizarre, there is a theory called the “Many Worlds Theory” which states that anything that can happen does happen. So when Schrodinger’s cat was observed, in one universe the cat was found to be dead and in another universe the cat was found to be alive. The theory explains it like this, when the cat was in the covered box, it was in the superposition of being both dead and alive. When the box was uncovered a split in the universe occurred, where in one universe the cat was dead and in another the cat was alive. So, in this theory, every time there is more than one possible option available for the universe, the universe splits and creates copies where ALL possible outcomes come true. So for example, in one world you married your high school sweetheart and in another you didn’t. There could be a world in one of these universes, where you or I were never born, a world where there has never been money, where World War II never happened, or a world where Hitler won, or a world where, in this same time frame, humanity welcomed extraterrestrials and now everyone has flying cars and the ETs come and go freely. I like that one!
Now let’s ask again, how am I contributing to this war, or to my health issues, or to my child’s unhappiness, or to my poverty, or my disappointments, or to my nightmares? Whether we choose to follow the science or the metaphysics to help answer these questions, the answers will be the same and it all stems from how we perceive the world around us.
How do I see the universe, my neighborhood, my family, friends, my life? Have we ever asked ourselves, how did I create this? Most of us only ask, why me? How did this happen to me? How does this affect me? Not how did I do this?
Like the woman who’s mother had breast cancer and while watching her mother through her medical journey and all the fears and pains of chemo and radiation, the woman decided that since she was her mother’s daughter and they shared similar genes, that she would undoubtedly at some point express this same cancer. So in her fear, she chose to have both her healthy breasts removed, “just in case.” Tragically, she didn’t understand that she was responsible for her own body’s health and this need have nothing to do with her mother’s journey. Like most of us, she was under the false programming that our genes decide our fate, that we are our genes, so she believed the doctor when he told her that there was a genetic component to this cancer and so could very well be in her own future.
In truth, it is not the genes that determine the expression of health in the body, it’s the owner of that body, you, me, us, our environment, our attitudes, our beliefs. Everything is us. We decide our fate, if you will. As Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work has shown, genes have very little to do with it. Bruce Lipton is a cell biologist and the father of Epigenetics, which is the study of how our behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way our genes work.
In his words, “Our beliefs control our bodies, our minds, and thus our lives...”
Gene activity can change on a daily basis. So as Lipton’s work shows, if your mind’s perceptions are reflected in your body’s chemistry and your nervous system reads and interprets your environment, which controls the blood’s chemistry, this means that you can literally change the fate of your cells by altering the way you think, your thoughts, your beliefs. Again, I will include a link to Dr Lipton’s work below this video.
So once more, how could I be contributing to war and conflict? Well, do I watch the news? And if so, how do I feel while I’m watching it? What are my thoughts, my emotions, my reactions? How does my body feel, angry, fearful, hopeless? And how is that contributing to the collective consciousness of the planet?
So, what if I don’t watch the news? Am I ignoring the suffering of others? Am I simply in denial ...does this make me a bad person? Let’s go there. Does me watching the news help anyone? Is my distress going to make the situation better? From what we’ve been shown no, but it can make it worse!
How did we get into this mess in the first place? Well, each one of us is a powerful creator and each emotion, thought, and deed is registered within the field of consciousness of the planet. We, are each puzzle pieces within the whole and each of us contributes to the overall completed picture.
And all this really does get as crazy as the old question, If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one to hear it, does it make a sound? What if I suggested to you that it not only does not make a sound, there is, in actuality, no tree, because there is no one there to observe it, to hear it. As the double slit experiment shows us, it is the act of measurement that allows for the waves to become particles, to become reality. Therefore, the tree does not exist until a consciousness observes it. Then if he is there to watch it fall, he will hear the sound. So without a human consciousness, would the world even exist as we know it?
In the most elementary sense, nothing exists without an observer ...and as you can imagine, this would take more than one or two videos to discuss. It took physicist Tom Campbell a trilogy of three huge volumes, “My Big Toe”, my big theory of everything, to explain this. Thomas Campbell is both a scientist of the highest caliber and a mystic. He is a consciousness researcher and in his work he describes the nature of our larger reality, answering the most complex problems of modern physics. His work is established on the understanding that all of our reality as we experience it is based upon consciousness and that we exist in a non-physical subjective reality, rather than an objective physical reality.
So, why should we care about these things ...whether the falling tree creates a sound? It is exactly this that shows us our responsibility and how we can help a world in crisis and is the most important concept to understand, that shows exactly how we can help in any situation at any time. It is the collective consciousness that allows a war and it is the collective consciousness that can stop it.
To add to this, another pioneer in this consciousness field is Masaru Emoto’s work with water crystals. His work demonstrates that water is shaped by environment, thoughts, and emotions - that the molecular structure of water is changed by the presence of a human consciousness. This is why we bless our food and drink. He shows that water has a memory and carries within it our thoughts. Our bodies are made up of water, therefore our thoughts affect the rest of the world. He said that love and gratitude are the most important words that we can utter and should be used as a guides in our daily lives.
Lynne McTaggart of The Intention Experiment and several other worldwide international bestsellers, took part in an experiment that was introduced first by Emoto. The intention was to purify the water of Japan’s ‘mother lake’. The lake was polluted with putrid-smelling water that people often complained about. Emoto asked a group of 350 people to use their hearts to send love to the lake with the intent of purifying the water. The results were astounding, the water’s condition drastically improved and the foul odor completely disappeared. The McTaggart experiment was equally, if not more, astounding, where at the end of one of the trials, the water was so much cleaner that it was difficult to tell it from a bottle of mineral water. Amazing.
So imagine if a conscious loving intent can clean up a small body of water, think of the implications of using this technique in cleaning up our own bodies, or the body of humanity, or if enough of us had this intent, the entire planet.
So what can we take away from all this? Why should we care about these odd little snippets of information and whether there is a moon in the sky if we aren’t there to look at it? Because, understanding that this reality is not set in stone, but is malleable and can be molded and altered through consciousness and depends upon each one of us, this is the way we can help a world in crisis.
What we’ve discussed here today brings us to understand that the most powerful use of our consciousness is not necessary to sit and watch the news feed and sympathize or get angry ... or to participate in any of the many physical protests going on across the planet, but to work with our inner-being on bringing through a more positive reality, through raising our vibration and altering the timeline, changing the truth of what is happening on earth.
Again imagine, if directing love toward a polluted body of water to purify it can work, so can directing love toward a war, good guys and bad guys. Remember bad guys need love too. That’s how good guys turn into bad guys, through the absence of love. A broken soul is one without love. Return the love and watch that soul come alive. No one is inherently evil, they have just learned to do evil things. What might be the result if a large enough group of benevolent souls directed a peaceful intention of love toward all involved in the hostilities?
There is nothing more powerful than focused intent, directed thought, congealing a new positive version of the planet and dreaming it into reality. We are masters of manifestation, responsible for everything that comes into our reality. This higher level conception overrides the lower frequencies of fear and anger and can eventually become the dominant vibration of circumstance, the quarrels, the conflicts, even the armed confrontations of a military action. It’s up to us. So, the way I see it, those willing to consider all of this, truly are the hope for this world.
Thank you all.
HUMAN BODY ET SOUL: ETs from all over the universes come to discover what it’s like to be human....
Hi Everybody.
Human body ET Soul
Something I’ve been noticing lately is ... whether starseed, human, hybrid, ET, there are some things that are always the same. We all want to love and be loved, we all want to matter, to hold a place in the universe, we all want to make a difference somehow, to add meaning to our existence.
I’ve found that one of the most beautiful recognitions in life is the understanding of unity and what it means to a soul when one is able to digest, to fuse, with its surroundings, with loved ones, with nature, with knowledge. This integration seems to base itself in the inclination toward surrender - when all facets of self come together in peace, in harmony with each other. When no aspect of self outshines another - when all just is and you simply are - that’s the oneness we’ve all been told about.
We’re all seeds to one another, seeds of knowledge, seeds of divinity, of hope, of optimism, of love. It’s much like that one seed that builds a great forest or a meadow of grasses and wildflowers, or a field of clover or poppies. To create a pine tree, for example, the seeds form when pollen swirls on the wind and lands on the flowers in the treetops. Once pollinated, these flowers grow into pine cones. Single entity seeds develop inside the cones. These seeds are like fragments of ideas, much like ourselves. Each individual entity self, each idea, comes together in cooperation to form the whole. Germinating seeds become seedlings and seedlings become plants and plants mature into trees that give off pollen and so forth until an entire stand of trees turns into a forest. Now what was once the individual has developed into a complex ecosystem made up of many layers of plants and animals, which along with the soils, the climate and the landforms create an ecosystem that mutually benefits all.
The more an ET society advances the more interconnected it becomes, where the individual makes way for the emergence of a vibratory network or complex of souls all working in cooperation toward a mutual goal. I have memories of being on an Arcturian ship and participating in bringing in information where we worked both on an individual basis as well as within a group consciousness. We understood that to gain knowledge, if we all put out the same telepathic thought together, rather than just one of us, that we would gain much more and much deeper information on that concept. We understood that each one of us has individual abilities and intelligence, but also each has certain personal limitations. So when we work together as a group, focusing telepathically on one concept, the knowledge that arises from this focus is presented much clearer and more detailed and we therefore learned to proceed in this way for every new investigation and discovery.
The water that flows through the pipes into our homes that we drink in our morning tea. That water is soon to become an important part of our physicality, our very cells. We could ask, which is more important, water or food, rain or sunshine, male or female, ET or human? It’s only when we unite it all that it becomes of service to both the individual and the planet herself. A single cell becomes a baby, a baby becomes a family, a family becoming a neighborhood, a neighborhood a community, a town, a city, and so on.
This Earth is a perfect opportunity for this example. Extraterrestrials and extra-dimensionals from universes and galaxies arrive to take on suits of flesh created to accommodate souls from every ET races imagined - through the amazing process of birth or of a consensual soul exchange. They wear these flesh costumes to provide a vessel, a container, in which they can ride within for a time to allow them the adventure of human life - to become a part of a community of numerous races into one group, one people, bringing their individuality with them - each becoming a cell in a great divine being called humanity.
This is how we learn about each other, by being another’s race - one race of many races - exchanging ideas, thoughts, swapping roles and information - all coming together into one great thought - the thought of love, love for a child, for a friend, a neighbor, an animal, or the ultimate understanding, love of self - I am that. Like a growing child discovering aspects of self until becoming mature enough to integrate various beliefs, opinions, and ideas all into one concept of “me” and this realization is to be the genesis of a great truth - now demonstrated as I am Joe or Sally.
I love watching nature. The other day I was fascinated by the birds at the feeders outside my window. I was taken by how they all manage their own way in a sea of species, from the cute little bushtits to the huge raptors soaring above. The house finches and chickadees, nuthatches and warblers - juncos. There are the ground feeders, the seed feeders, the suet lovers, the hummingbirds, the noisy crows and jays - an entire menagerie of singing, clicking, chirping, crowing and cawing - and yet they all get along. They all seem to mind their own little world in such peace and joy, all singing together. If a larger bird like a crow or a jay would swoop in, the little ones would scatter and the moment the crow would leave they would all come back, as if nothing happened, no anger or upset at being chased out, just happily hopping back to their favorite spot among the shrubs - no gathering of one species against another - no gossip among the chickadees to war against the scrub jay, for instance.
The partnership of nature is amazing. You’ve all seen it on YouTube, a sheep suckling a baby goat, a dog romping with a deer, a cat raising baby mice, a duckling befriending a batch of kittens. It’s a crazy wonderful world and we can learn from it all.
Here we are on this planet, a conglomeration of ET races all within the bodies of humans, living and working together. What could be better? When we learn about this planet and what it was created for, it all begins to make sense, a playground for ET souls. We come down here from the stars, Arcturian, Pleiadian, Urmha, Andromedan, Essassani, and more, to be among those from all worlds, from all densities. We come to live with those we cannot meet with under our usual circumstances, because of incompatible physical issues or other factors.
Here on Earth we can all live together, interrelating and communicating with others who we would never meet or know in the higher densities. Just as the great Source, the All-In-All, fragmented itself into an infinity of selves, as a means of gaining awareness and knowledge ...here on Earth nature can’t survive without diversity. A forest without diversity dies and so would a civilization. Tree monocultures are usually grown to produce cheap lumber, but planting a monoculture instead of a mixed forest, ends up destroying biodiversity, producing trees that are prone to weakness and disease, creating dead zones within the planting. As ecosystems evolve in nature they become more diverse. A mixed forest creates more diversity, therefore more resources. Instead of drawing nutrients only from the soil, the trees can start exchanging resources with other plants, through cooperative interchange.
We, as humanity can learn from this model and evolve to work together for the betterment of all. It comes down to recognizing that we are all related to one another ...through residency if nothing else. Why do people have parties? So they can come together and share ideas and food and drink and laugh and talk together. Hey Joe, whatcha been up to lately? Oh I’m building a new deck on the back of my house. What’s new with you? I’m writing a book. Hey did you hear Amy’s pregnant again? Well, the third times the charm - hahaha.
What is really fun to realize is that this party conversation may be taking place between a Sirian and a Pleiadian and an Andromedan. The neighbor down the road may be an Orion soul who arrived in the human body for the same reason you did, adventure, learning, contrast. And some wonder why it is that humanity just can’t seem to get along. Why are there always wars and conflict? That conflict only comes about through separation, when one side is judged by another to be wrong because, they don’t think like we do.
In truth, we come here to discover and to learn from each other. We’re not all supposed to be the same. This world is made up of unique and remarkable souls and the gift of being here is in sharing those differences without prejudice and therefore growing from them. So, remember, your sister-in-law just may be a 7th density being from Venus, so don’t judge her as weird because she wears crystals or goes out at night to speak to the stars. That gruff old man living two doors down may have just come from a life as a fifth density race of evolved reptilians and came here to see what all the fuss is about.
None of us come here for more separation. We come here for the contrast and the chance to develop a deeper understanding of soul potential - to become more than we were, to learn to raise our vibration - to know acceptance - to learn to love freely and openly - to be who and what we are, divine vessels of truth and beauty. This is the human race. Thanks.
STARSEED SENSITIVITY: How a sleepless night can imbue a starseed with a new perception of life....
(How a sleepless night led into an expanded perception of humanity)
Hi Guys.
Well, the other night I couldn’t sleep - unfortunately not unusual for me, but over time I have managed to learn a few tricks to make the occasional night of insomnia a little better. Going outside to do some deep breathing, watching the stars, enjoying the peace and quiet while the world sleeps. Well, this time none of those hopeful strategies worked, for several reasons.
However, for me they only served to create a kind of feeling of homesickness. That feeling of being in a strange place and yearning for home. I began to reflect on the reasons for coming into this earthly life. Reminding myself that I had not come to experience a perfect little life of peace and fresh air, but to find out what it’s like to be human. To live among them as human myself and to learn unconditional love and appreciation for their intrepid nature and resolve, their determination to thrive and the courage to continue. To have children and to trust that this is the way it’s supposed to be. I’ve watched the motivation of my family and friends, always trying to do the right thing for their kids and to be kind to others. I’ve observed this over and over again.
That sleepless night became a great gift, an incentive to never again lose sight of the fact that my existence here as a human being on planet earth is not only for me, but for them. For the others I came to love and admire and to assist in any way possible. And it once again became clear to me that this journey here among these amazing beings, is the greatest gift I could have ever given myself. To expand my very soul essence, with not only tolerance and allowing, but to acknowledge the song of mankind - a dichotomy of contrast yet ultimately a flawless harmony of truth. Symmetry hidden within the chaos - a glimpse into the miracle of disorder and confusion organizing itself into the underlying intention of love - the perfection of the unfolding universe. Yes, sometimes it gets a bit bumpy before reaching that final stage of orderliness and peace, but oh my gosh, what a magnificent journey we can all have along the way!
Sleep tight!
My Personal NDE
Hello Everyone.
Recently, I was asked as a part of the Perceptual Studies research on near death experiences, to share my own NDE and realized that I would need to get it down into some kind of decent digital form. I’ve only officially shared this experience two other times. After I came back from my NDE I wrote it all down and I shared that article with a few close friends. Then I made a very poor digital recording of the event, but I didn’t have a good camera at that time and I was really nervous and I think it came off as rather robotic and drawn out. So here we are again and I will try to lay it all out as best I can and make it available to you, or anyone else who might care to listen.
One of the reasons I have held onto this experience for so long is I haven’t ever heard another one quite like it and felt maybe it was too personal to talk about, you know maybe just for me - plus it’s all so bizarre and I didn’t want to be considered weird or maybe even crazy ...or to have someone thinking I was just making it up. Actually, I didn’t really think anyone would believe me anyway!
And something I find interesting is that although this happened many years ago, it’s as if it happened only yesterday, everything is still as clear as it was then. It’s funny almost every NDE experience I’ve listened to, they all say that same thing - that this experience was more real than this life. You never forget the emotions. Every time I go back into that event in my mind, I’m flooded with all the same feelings that I had back then. That’s why it’s so hard to explain in words, because so much of it is feelings and sensations. It’s like trying to explain the warmth or tenderness of the love I felt. How is it even possible?
Oh, and I should say, the problem with trying to explain all this in a linear sequence is because at the time it almost seems like it all happened simultaneously and it’s sort of hard to explain what happened when, but I’ll do my best to make sure it’s all included somehow.
Well, okay. As I said, it was many years ago, at a time when my life was kind of a mess - well more than kind of. I had no idea who I was and felt really alone, even though I had a very supportive family, especially my sister. I had gone to a doctor hoping for help and all he did was to diagnose depression and send me home with a bottle of sleeping pills. I didn’t know where to turn. One afternoon, I was driving home to my empty apartment and a feeling of total exhaustion came over me and all I could think of was to be able to fall asleep and never have to wake up again. I felt like a lost soul on an alien planet and all I wanted to do was go home.
Well, obviously I’m not proud of this, but when I got to my apartment, without even thinking I grabbed my bottle of sleeping pills and poured them all into one hand and choked them all down with my orange juice. The next thing I did was to yank out the phone cord from the wall. This was back when everyone had landline phones. I threw the comforter off the bed, pulled on my blue bunny-pajamas, closed the drapes, plopped down onto the bed and closed my eyes.
My next thing I was aware of was a soft voice whispering my name. The voice was instantly familiar to me and yet I couldn't quite place who it was. I was suddenly very comfortable, immobilized, almost as if I were drifting upward and this feeling stayed with me for awhile. Soon it was like I could open my eyes and could see my surroundings and I was floating high above a room and as I looked downward I could see the figure of a woman lying on a bed. She was wearing blue footed-pajamas and had a kind of a sad looking red bow hanging down on her forehead. It took only a second to realize that this person I was looking at was me - my own body. The weird thing was, I remember as I looked down at her I didn’t feel any real connection or closeness to this person, instead what I felt was how foolish people can be.
The next thing I remember - well I say the next thing, but like I said, it’s hard to know when it all came about, but it seemed like it was one of the first things I noticed. It was that voice again - the same voice that called my name. The instant I focused on that sound, I felt myself being drawn upward into a sort of radiant or shining mist that started swirling around me. And here I remembered that I wasn’t in my body, yet I felt like me. But it was more like I was a sort of essence with maybe an orb-like shape? Anyway, this illuminated mist formed into foggy cloud-like formations and I was floating along like on a breeze, toward that voice.
Here’s another thing that’s hard to explain, but it was like I was wrapped in a cocoon of light. Everything was brilliant white light and the feeling reminded me of being tenderly held by a loving mother, warm and safe and completely loved. It seemed like I floated in this bliss for days or maybe weeks - like it was an eternity.
But I do finally recall being pulled from that sensation into a place that felt more material - well not material, more tangible - more perceptible and the voice continued pulling me forward. Again I tried to place who it was speaking, but just couldn't. You know, it was like when you hear someone on the phone and you know you should recognize this person, but can't quite identify who it is.
At some point a brilliant light began to form ahead of me, or maybe I just finally noticed it, I’m not sure. The more I put my attention on it, the brighter and larger it grew and there was a sort of rushing sound around me, like a strong wind that made the voice harder to discern and instead of speaking my name it kinda changed into a soft pulsating hum, which I continued to hear throughout this experience, occasionally transforming into musical sounds or notes that seemed to be coming from everywhere, all around me. It was like being bathed in a beautiful melody.
The closer I came to the light my entire essence was immersed in a profound feeling of love - like an unconditional love, a love like I had never felt before, or since. And again, the word love doesn’t even seem intense enough - it was more like a reverence or a passionate emotion too powerful to describe - like if I tried to describe it further I would somehow tarnish the sacredness or significance of the moment.
And you know, this experience, from my perception, could have taken place over years. Any recognition of time had absolutely disappeared. I have no concept for how long I hovered in this tranquil state, but it felt like it could have been a lifetime. And during this phase I could hear words coming into my awareness - some that I remember were like, You are a magnificent energy being of light - a spark of divinity - whole and perfect just as you are - a powerful creator - you have never left us and are only dreaming your life on earth - you are here safe at home and will be watched over and protected until you awaken from the dream". There was a continual stream of this sort of supportive dialogue and I just kind of blissed out on the love.
Then, at some point I became aware of another voice, or maybe not a voice but a presence, prompting me back into consciousness, as it were, and I watched as a figure materialized in front of me. At first it was just a foggy haze, but as I watched, it developed into a humanlike embodiment which kind of glowed, like it radiated light from within. It’s kind of hard to put a gender to this glowing being, but I felt there was a notable feminine quality to the voice and a kind of etheric beauty unlike anything I had ever seen in life. She exuded such warmth and kindness and I was immediately put completely at ease.
You know, oddly I never questioned where I was or what was happening to me during these moments, yet everything felt strangely familiar, in many ways more familiar than the life I had just left. I’m not sure I could have even told you who I was at that point.
So, the first communication from this being was to inform me that I would probably not be staying in this realm. She explained that in all likelihood I would be returning to my body, but first would accompany her on a journey. Watching this delicate entity as she spoke to me, it registered that her mouth was actually not moving. Instead of speaking verbally, the information came straight into my mind and not in words, but in large packets of information, each containing huge amounts of data, which were brought directly into my awareness. It was much as if I were remembering what I already knew, simply regaining intelligence that had been temporarily forgotten and the more data I received the more (how would say this?) the more expanded I felt - like I suddenly knew all the answers to the universe and every question I had ever had was answered. The instant I came to this understanding, I felt myself moving again and the environment around me changed.
Now I was looking into what appeared to be a vast space or large room - everything was illuminated, filled with a white light. In the center of the room was a large round table surrounded by several chairs. Seated at the chairs were approximately a dozen human-like entities all dressed in white robes. Some of them had white or gray hair and I remember thinking they must be very wise advanced beings. I guess to me the gray hair was a sign of wisdom. The amazing thing was that instantly, I recognized this space and knew that at some point in my existence, I had been here, in this room. I was told that these beings are a like a council that helps to guide and advise souls who are in the planning stages of an incarnation and at that very second I remembered why this was familiar to me. These same beings were the ones I had called my guardians as a child.
Well, I’m not sure when this happened, but I now was in a body that felt more like mine, only like it was made of energy or light. I sat at this table with these amazing beings for what seemed like hours, as they explained to me who I was and why I was here and why I had come to Earth for this human life. This was all done telepathically. They told me that before I had come into the body, they had assisted me (as they do all incoming souls) in creating a script for this upcoming lifetime. Through my own choices and their advice and guidance, an outline is created, providing a map toward the intended goals of that lifetime and the more knowledge they shared with me, the more I remembered that experience. For example, I clearly recalled the process of choosing my own body, how each feature and characteristic was considered toward the goals of this upcoming incarnation, physical appearance, personality traits, attitude. One thing that was made very clear to me at that time, was being advised that a high vibration, optimism, and a light heart would be very important.
And this part just still blows me away. They reminded me that I had volunteered to come onto planet earth, with many other souls, to fulfill a particular need at a crucial time in the evolution of humanity and to help with the earth's transition into a higher density. They informed me that this was not the only time I had done this sort of task, but was the only time I had taken on a human body, They said that during these initial planning stages, souls are shown what to expect and warned how dangerous this planet could be with mankind's tendency toward violence. It is explained that, what they called the earth-school, is the most demanding in all universes and that by coming into this lower density, with its violence and chaos, there would be a remote possibility of becoming lost within this sea of human emotions. They explained that it could be pretty challenging to consistently hold a high vibration while surrounded by such potential darkness. However, they also assured me that I would never be alone and would always be guided and advised. Nevertheless, through free-will there is always a possibility of divergence from the script. And if this were to happen, they indicated that I would then be on my own to find my way back and that all they could do would be to continue offering guidance and hope that I followed it.
They explained that as a rule, throughout these planning sessions, the incarnating soul meets with this council and other souls who will be participating in the journey with them, like those who would become friends or family members, or even enemies and rivals, would be chosen to challenge the soul into reawakening. Numerous decisions are made during this time, place of birth, nationality, parents, physical appearance as I said, intellectual capacity, talents and abilities, and these are all are written into the script. The soul, with the help of the guides, must also decide on a personal objective, something that they hope to accomplish for their own evolution and then add each component toward that end, choosing every significant encounter, event, and relationship. From all of this, a template is then designed incorporating all these facts and details.
I was again reminded that I had agreed to come in with a group of souls who would be incarnating all around the globe with the collective goal of lifting human consciousness. These extraterrestrial beings from many different worlds and dimensions, would come to earth in a massive wave, the first of several similar groups to follow.
They went on to describe how, with the misuse of the atomic bomb, the Galactic Federation (which oversees the earth) had been forced to decide at that time what action should be taken, whether to intervene in some way, or to simply allow mankind the destructive path they were on, undoubtedly ending in total annihilation of the species and the planet. A vote was taken and it was decided to put out a call out to the universe for volunteers to come and help the Earth through these transitional years. These volunteers would provide the influence needed to raise the planet's density and provide a more positive outcome, allowing humanity another chance to evolve as it was meant to. And I know how crazy this all sounds, like Star Trek or something. That’s why I held off talking about any this for so long - it sounds so bizarre!
Well anyway, the first wave of these star-children, or starseeds as they’re called, would arrive just as WWII was coming to an end, their sole purpose to raise the frequency of the planet. They would be scattered all around the world, spreading their light at a time when humanity was on the edge of destroying itself. These children would carry an individual soul-signature and would be monitored and assisted throughout life. Their level of inner awareness and higher resonance would inspire some to become teachers, scientists, philosophers, writers, or performers. And although a large majority of these new humans would choose very normal lives, raising families and pursuing careers, others would be loners, attracted to very simple contemplative lives, yet nearly all would at some point find themselves pulled toward spiritual pursuits, such as metaphysics and the transcendental.
Before coming into a human body, each of these volunteers would be informed how difficult life on Earth could be, especially for first-timers. Consequently, some of these volunteers might at some point in their lives, be compelled toward thoughts of suicide, as a strategy for escape from the confusion and chaos of an Earthly life. Therefore, written into each agreement, would be a number of potential exit points, windows of opportunity for departure or withdrawal from Earth, where the body would die, but the soul would go home. These exit points would be assigned to each of these souls at various points within the life of the individual and they would be set at specific junctures when both the planet and soul would be vibrationally compatible, so as to cause the least amount of trauma to everyone involved. I was told that I was currently in one of these potential exit windows and this was the purpose for this meeting. Wow.
It was explained that I would have the choice to stay or to return to the body. They assured me there would be no judgements or repercussions with whichever choice I made, however, they did advise that this starseed presence was imperative to the future of mankind. They also assured me that if I willingly returned I would be permitted to keep these memories of this encounter, which would be helpful in keeping my spirits up during difficult times. They added that their constant love, support, and guidance would only be a thought away.
Until this point the council had remained seated, but now one of the females rose from her chair and stepped closer to me and extended her hand out toward me. I took her hand and we began slowly moving, more like floating, away from the table. Nearly instantly we were in a new setting. Like I said, it’s really hard to tell which happened when, but we were now standing in an amazingly beautiful parklike meadow with green grass and brightly colored flowers and magnificent tall trees. And just as an aside, I have returned to this same visual several times over my life - like something would cause me to change my focus and I would pop into this place again. Anyway, I was stunned at the beauty and vivid colors. The grass was greener than I have ever seen on Earth and the flowers looked as if they had ben dipped in paint - the colors had a richness and depth to them, like the color was layered - and the sky a deeper blue than I had ever remembered seeing and that amazing music continued. My guide then dropped my hand and made a small waving gesture and near where we were standing, suspended in the air, was a large holographic screen, more like a window, but with more depth and dimension. With another wave of her hand a scene appeared in front of us and I was shocked to realize that what we were looking at was a visual of my own bedroom with the body still lying on the bed. She then turned toward me and told me that we would be viewing several pivotal events from my life which she felt would be important to review. It was so fascinating and I was actually kind of exited about looking back on my life and we spent the next ...whatever...skimming through past events, some I remembered, others had been long-forgotten. The amazing thing was that I discovered I was not only observing these scenes, but was immersed within the event, as I if were reliving each second with all the emotions and sensations of the original episode and at the conclusion of each, my guide would ask for my viewpoint of what I had just seen, how I now felt about it, and what my original intent had been. I could tell this was not meant as a judgement, but was more for my own assessment.
In the midst of some of these scenes I would find myself as the other person, reliving the event from their perspective, seeing and feeling all the emotions and reactions that they had felt as a result of what I had said or done. Needless to say, some of these moments were very uncomfortable and I would find myself in deep remorse, wishing I could change it all. Fortunately there were also several of these past events that I felt quite good about, they were those times when I was able to provide comfort, often without realizing the effect at the time, or to make someone smile and feel better about themselves. I loved these moments and wanted more of those!
After a time, she switched the review from past circumstances into future events, showing me people I would meet and things I would do if I chose to return to the body. She would then show me these same events, in the exact timeline, but without me, without my presence. This was amazing and meant to show how different these circumstances would be without me. She explained that each one of us is a crucial part of the whole and when one departs early everything on that timeline is altered and must adapt to those changes, which then creates an entirely different timeline, different future. I was then given glimpses of a new earth and a society without war. I was told that this was one potential for humanity, if a large enough percentage of souls could raise their frequency and evolve toward a more loving state. I was shown a world at peace, with no need for money or government, where communities worked and played together for the greater good. In this probable future there was no longer illness or disease and every life was valued. The entire planet was once again in balance and nature had been restored and all of humankind had developed a deep reverence and respect for the Earth and for each individual life.
As I watched this amazing world unfolding before me, I looked into the faces of the people and I felt such love and gratitude for the miracle of hope and renewal. All I wanted at that moment was to become a part of making this happen.
The moment I came to that realization I felt myself withdrawing from the scene, almost as if I were falling forward. In an instant I was back in my body, choking and gasping for breath. I could hear an intense pounding and it took me awhile to realize it was someone beating on my front door. It was my sister who had been trying to call me and knew something must be wrong. The first words I tried to say to her I just burst out laughing. I couldn’t believe I was in that same life that a short time ago had seemed so dark and hopeless and now here I was and everything was different. My sister poured coffee down my throat until she could tell I was going to be okay ...and all I could think about was how I would never be able to tell her about where I had been.
Those first few hours after returning to my body I was in a state of delirium, my senses still reeling with the experience and information I had received. I felt so grateful. All I wanted to do was to find a way to share that love and knowledge that I had received on the other side and I was absolutely determined to live the very best life possible. That dream of the new Earth is still so alive within me and that deep sense of purpose that I felt during, and after, that magical NDE has never left me.
Thanks Guys ...thanks so much. Bye.
Stages of a Starseed Part Two
Hello all.
I will begin where we left off in Part One. I had just mentioned my near death experience ...and again, I will make a detailed video about that NDE. The results of my NDE and DNA upgrade completely changed not only my experience, but surprisingly, the lives of the others in my immediate world. It was as if I had popped into another version of myself and my surroundings. It was later explained to me that with the frequency upgrade during the NDE, I had moved into an alternate timeline. I remember my poetry and writing also changed overnight from morose and hopeless to radiant sunrises and flowers and giggling babies.
Life everywhere was changing fast. Some of the things I most personally remember during that time were, the eruption of Mt St Helens, losing the beautiful John Lennon, There was some big to-do about Pac Man - not sure what that was - I do remember that all my son could talk about back then was the new Star Wars movie The Empire Strikes Back, I also remember the hostage release, and then there was a movie actor becoming President, the royal wedding, oh yeah and the movie ET, the first artificial heart transplant, I remember the Space Shuttle explosion very well, watching the new Star Trek series - and among all of this there was an exceptional planetary alignment in the solar system where eight planets were significantly aligned, which generated the first world peace mediation and what has come to be known as the Harmonic Convergence. People all across the world were speaking about spirituality and peace. Nothing like this had ever happened. I remember even Johnny Carson got his entire audience to chant OM. It was wild. Imagine an entire world touched by this unity. It was a time where everyone was talking about it, peace on earth.
It was then that I decided if I was going to hang around here for awhile, I was going to do it my way and find a way to live my purpose and my interests and the drive and yearning to know my higher self. So like my grandmother before me, I became a student in a school of wisdom, where we learned ancient knowledge from an extraterrestrial Andromedan teacher and were put through sometimes grueling tests of focus and endurance. I became so involved with this school life, almost to the point of fanaticism. All I wanted to do or talk about was what I was learning about becoming a master of Light and Love. I had totally forgotten that this is where I came from. Well, this mysterious transformation was very confusing for my husband. He had married this giggly perky flirty girl and now she’s turned into some sort of a hippy granola fanatic, sitting under a tree all day in the lotus position breathing and chanting. Seriously, he wasn’t sure how he should react - luckily he was very patient and able to ride the wave until my sanity returned. What a guy!
When I left the school, life returned to normal, but with some amazing improvements. I discovered that I could combine a deep spiritual life with the best part of a conventional human way of existence. Our son by then was off into a life of his own, learning and growing. I found a great job teaching marine biology in the same building that my husband worked in. We became immensely close, during those years, best friends, and spent as much time together as possible. We would take our breaks together or eat our lunch while walking around the estuary or on the beach, we would talk and talk about our families, our jobs and always the best ways to make the world a better place. We traveled and discovered wonderful shops and restaurants, attended concerts and the ballet, went camping and took long hikes, cooked meals and canned fruits and vegetables from the garden, we sang and danced and pretty much played our lives away, all we wanted out of life was to be together and have fun.
Well, I wish I could say this is what continued for us, but unfortunately the universe had other plans. A few years later my husband experienced his own personal walk-in event. As in my own case, this had all been planned before his birth and now it was my turn to face the uncertainty and confusion that sometimes comes with this sort of soul exchange, where the personality undergoes an extensive transformation. However, in my husband’s case, he knew exactly who he was and the job that he came to do. This, for me, was the most difficult experience I had ever known. The worst of it was that just about the time I got comfortable with the adjustment, he explained that he would be leaving and his body suddenly became seriously ill and in what seemed like days was gone.
At first I was completely numb. All I could do was cry and beg Source to bring him back. I couldn’t believe the universe could be so cruel to steal away everything that had brought me joy. I was convinced I couldn’t go on living. I bawled and howled so much my throat was raw and finally when I did try to talk, no sound would emerge. It was like my throat would close up any time I tried to speak and I would start coughing until I finally had to give up trying. My son was so supportive and loving, yet nothing could take away the pain I was feeling.
One night I was rolling around on the floor in agony pleading for relief from the suffering. My body was freezing cold and every joint ached and my eyes and head burned with pain. Suddenly, I could see a light behind my closed eyes and moments later my whole body was bathed in a warm golden light. I felt so much immediate relief I didn’t move a muscle - afraid it would go away. Then and a delicate voice came into my mind, the same voice I had heard during my near death experience. It was a voice filled with the tender caring of unconditional love, comforting and reassuring me. I felt like I was swimming in warm liquid love. I had completely lost all sense of where I was. All I knew and felt was that state of pure golden love.
As you can imagine, it’s really hard to describe this experience, but it’s as if the deep agony of grief had opened a sort of Divine Portal and something Holy had stepped inside and suddenly I didn’t care if I ever spoke again, everything was internal, inside myself and there was no need for external expression ...like what was inside me was so Sacred that if I attempted to articulate it, it would somehow dishonor or tarnish the purity of who or what it was.
Over the hours and days that followed, every part of who I had been was altered - made new ...like there was no relevance or recognition of any previous life or character, personality, that existed before. Everything was different - what I liked or cared about, enjoyed. From inside it felt as if I had no choice, I had to be this new self - like being pulled toward truth. As if I were answering a call, a message that had lain dormant within me awaiting birth. For quite awhile I found it difficult to do anything normal. All I wanted to do was to lay on the grass and watch the clouds drifting across the blue sky. I was mesmerized by the birds and the insects buzzing above me. And, who was this “me” this “I” who observed all this?
And, since this transformation, I had to learn who I was all over again, to find that child, that carefree angelic ET self at my core - the me who is my essence. I soon began to smile and laugh again, to trust and know that this is all a part of the magic that makes up one life, one human life.
The most phenomenal and extraordinary thing to come out of this awakening is beyond anything I ever expected to encounter in this life. Over these remarkable transformational first weeks, I began sensing a brilliant light presence around me, where I would see a violet light in front of my eyes and would be able to “hear” internally an intelligence speaking to me, sometimes coming as more than one essence. They introduced themselves as a complex collective of what they expressed as companion guides and advisers. At first the presence was subtle, but as time went on, it was almost like having a conversation with a friend. After hundreds of these dialogs, or discussions, they told me I was what they called a “receiver scribe” with an innate ability to receive and transmit knowledge and information from higher densities. They explained that they would soon be asking me to bring through information from themselves and other extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional beings and would then provide this information to certain individuals or to humanity itself. They showed me how to receive and simultaneously write down the incoming information, sometimes word for word, other times it would come in as large conceptual abstractions that I would then be asked to translate into English. In this case if I would get stumped on a word, they would bring in the right word or correct the one I was using. They would often wake me up in the middle of the night to transcribe a message. They said that with the collective consciousness sleeping, the field of perception would be clearer and it would be easier for me to pick up and receive their message. This form of reception went on for several years as I transcribed message after message, first on paper and then digitally. After years of handwriting these transcripts, one night they woke me to inform me that I was now being asked to receive and transmit the information verbally and make video recordings of these sessions. For the first several months I did this, I would only record the voice, because the mere thought of appearing on camera terrified me, especially while receiving the information live. I didn’t like the idea of giving over my control and what if they made me look stupid! I have never ever been interested in being a channel. I was actually quite comfortable being a scribe, receiving then transcribing the information digitally or on paper. But, receiving live on camera - no way!
It took many more visitations and sleepless nights on my part, to convince me to hit the video record button on my computer and sit in front of the camera and speak their words. Well ..the first live camera recording was for a group of star beings who called themselves “Those From Beyond”. Oh man....I was so nervous before that first recording. They purposely didn’t give me any warning beforehand so that I wouldn’t have any time to freak out. Just told me that when I became aware of their presence that I was to hit the video record button and they would take care of the rest. I mean, I was just dressed in sweats, had no makeup on, didn’t even fix my hair, I just wrapped myself up in a warm a scarf, set my laptop on the carpet and plopped down in front of it, hit the record button and looked down at the floor the entire time. After I felt them leave, I stopped the recording and watched it. Aside from the embarrassment of looking so awful, the information was so amazing and beautiful, I cried with emotion to think I could be a conduit for such incredible knowledge.
Well, I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with this recording, until a few days later when they came through again, informing me that I was to find a video platform in which to upload this recording and those that would follow. They explained that the majority of humans have become stuck in a reincarnation loop, living only lives on Earth, rather than investigating the infinity of other worlds that are out there to explore. They told me that several starseeds, especially those of the first wave, came to Earth as storytellers and some are now being asked to receive and record onto video, stories that would be communicated to the receiver from star beings from all over the galaxy and beyond. The stories would be told, expressed, through the channel, by the star being who actually lived it. The reason behind this would be to awaken mankind to the multitude of alternative planets and realms to incarnate into.
Over the next few months they had me repeat the process of sitting in front of the computer, hitting the record button and allowing the story to come through. They added that after the video was recorded, that I should then transcribe each word and add that text to the finished video and this would be for those who would prefer to read the narrative rather than just watching the video. They also added that they would be bringing through their own messages from time to time as relevant to the awakening.
With each incoming story my confidence grew until I was finally able to face the camera and speak the story that was coming through me, as if I were the entity telling it. The YouTube channel that I created for these videos is called Cosmic Voices and I will include a link to that channel below this video. The latest video was received and posted only days ago.
So, after nearly a year of receiving these stories, it was then suggested that I create a second channel where I would tell my own story of being an ET walk-in living in a human body and all the delights and challenges that this has brought over the years. Well I did some pretty deep thinking about what it might mean to out myself on YouTube after holding it all in for so long and the thought of being judged or made fun of or even disbelieved ... and what would happen if I was recognized by neighbors and other “normal” people who thought of me as just being this regular person. After all I had pretty successfully hidden this part of myself from my ordinary life and really wasn’t sure I could do it. It was one thing to be the storyteller on Cosmic Voices, but this would be ME, the real me, telling about my actual life. Why would I want to do this? Even if I never revealed my name, it would still be me, my face on screen, so....
Well, obviously I agreed to do this, the results of which you are watching now. I guess time will tell how my message is received. But I can say that those who have left a comment or a like have touched my heart and given me so much hope that it’s possible for me to make a difference somehow - if nothing else to give you a glimpse of what is happening worldwide, as thousands are awakening and trusting to share their truth with all others on the planet. This is our story and we offer it to you with hope and open hearts that it might in some way be of assistance to even one other person. We are all on this journey together and supporting and encouraging each other is a part of our mission, our purpose and reason for being here. To each of you watching, I love you. I am so proud of you for being who you are. You are my sisters and brothers from the stars. Thank you for spending this time with me. Bye now…
Stages of a Starseed Part One
Hi everyone. I’m so happy to be with you again. I hope you are all doing well.
As a starseed and lightweaver, it’s my job, as it is with others, to do whatever I can to be of assistance to the human race. The knowledge I share in these videos comes both from my Higher Galactic Guidance and from the various ET contacts I’ve had over my weird and wonderful life in the body of a human girl and woman. I certainly don’t see myself as any authority or expert on these subjects and don’t pretend in any way to be a spiritual teacher. And really, outside of the ET communications, I have lived a very simple and quiet life. Nevertheless, it has been my privilege to have retained a strong connection with higher understanding and perception. I therefore, can’t help but feel it is my duty and responsibility to find a way to bring this knowledge on to you and I will do my best, always, to bring it through as clearly and simply as I can, concentrating more on the metaphysical side rather than getting too deep within the scientific details, although at some point we may go there too.
What I’d like to address in this video are the various stages a starseed might go through during an incarnation on planet Earth. And, as I am most familiar with my own journey, I’ll begin there, although this could apply to most anyone. So, this video will be in two parts.
As mentioned in an earlier video, I came into this human life somewhat aware, as happens with many children, yet, this awareness most often fades as the child adapts to a Terran existence and soon may come to believe this life now is all that exists, or ever will. Children are extremely adaptable to their environment and will imprint on whomever is caring for them, parents, sitters, siblings, teachers and other such role models. These others can greatly influence the child as she or he grows. In my case, as I began to learn about the lives going on around me, I found myself naturally falling into the ways of these others.
My parents were kind and funny and I loved and admired them. My older sister became a sort of second mother until I started school, but my favorite teacher and mentor was my grandmother. She took me under her wing and told me amazing stories about how Jesus came to earth in a starship, which was the great shining star of Bethlehem. She used to say “thoughts are things” and explained how you live your thoughts - what you put your attention on becomes the world around you. She was strict about playtime with my sisters and brother. If we wanted to play cowboys and Indians, for instance, she reminded us that the Indians were just as important as the cowboys and advised us to alternate roles between the two. She said that this is how it works on Earth, you’re a cowboy in one life then you’re an Indian in another - ha! She was amazing and it was only after her death that I discovered that for many years she had been an initiate in a spiritual school of ancient wisdom.
As the first few years went by, I had pretty much put away the ET life I had just left and focused on my terrestrial family. When I started grade school, however, even being the child that I was, I felt there was something very wrong with the way education was structured - the kids had no say - school was just forced on us and there was no room for creative thought or ideas or differences in learning styles. We all had to fit into the box enforced upon us. And as the days at school went by, I became more and more despondent, nearly to the point of a crushing anxiety every morning before school. One day I became so anxious, nearly to the point of terror and had to get out of there. I found myself jumping up from my desk, crashing through the heavy school doors and running as fast as I could toward home. When I got through the front gate, I just kept running, over the front lawn and down through the orchard and into the valley beside the creek. I just stood there panting for several minutes, my whole body was shaking. I was too distraught even to cry, until I saw my mother hurrying toward me. She put out her arms and I ran into them sobbing. Without asking me what had happened she just held me close, promising me it would all be okay. All I wanted at that moment was to never have to go back to that scary prison called school.
After that, my mother did what she could to help me adapt to school by having my sister, who was one grade above me, show me the way and take care of me as much as possible. She would walk me to school every morning and back home every afternoon. She walked me to each class and picked me up afterward. It was obvious to me how confident and comfortable my sister was in the school environment and wondered why she was and I wasn’t and what was wrong with me. She had friends and the teachers loved her. I can’t tell you how many times I heard the phrase, “Why can’t you be more like your sister?” Well, I didn’t know why I couldn’t. I became more and more disappointed in myself and that’s when I started getting sick. I contracted pretty much everything that came along, measles, mumps, flu, colds, rheumatic fever, pneumonia, and more. When I look back, the most peaceful times in my childhood were when I was lying sick in bed, the higher the fever, the better and I wouldn’t have to go to school.
The summer I turned eight years old, I was playing outside by myself at the side of the house when suddenly I was knocked over sideways by an invisible force and fell over into the soft cluster of ivy that covered the hillside. The next thing I knew I was in an open blue space, like floating through a summer sky. I could hear a soft loving voice talking to me. I wanted to stay here forever. I don’t remember everything the voice said, but I do remember asking not to go back, but was told I would need to return. I felt myself becoming very sad until the voice assured me I would feel much better when I returned, because I would, as it said, have “more of myself” and wouldn’t be so scared all the time. I remember falling out of the sky and landing back into my body with a hard thump. When I got up I had a terrible pain in my head and was sure I was dying. I ran into the house and told my mother I had a really bad headache. She looked at me lovingly and said, “Honey, kids don’t get headaches”. So of course with that explanation I trusted the pain would stop soon ...and it did. Mothers always know best!
From that time into my teens I was very happy, almost to the point of giddiness. I loved making others laugh and became the family comic. I would stand up on the piano bench and pretend I was an opera singer singing out from the top of my lungs. My dad had played in a dance band when he was young and played the piano beautifully. He would play and I would sing. Nearly everything was a joke to me - everything was funny. I got in trouble more than once at school because I would just burst out laughing for no reason and would get sent out into the hall. When the teacher came to see if I was going to “be good now” I was sure I could hold it in, but as soon as I got back into my seat and someone would just look at me I was gone again!
Puberty had its ups and downs but I was mostly happy and healthy, until I was in my senior year of high school and became ill with a fever and one of my legs became so stiffened that the knee wouldn’t bend. The doctor told my mother it was a severe case of rheumatic fever along with arthritic complications which had caused a heart murmur. I wasn’t able to walk for more than a year and had to miss graduating high school with my class. I got very skinny and my dad would carry me around here and there or have me stand on his feet and he would “walk” me to the bathroom or bedroom or outside to lay in the sun. It was a very peaceful and contemplative time for me. With my mom and dad working and busy and the other kids in school I was alone during most of the day and would sit at the piano and sing and play for hours or just read book after book.
When I healed enough to walk again I was so thrilled to be mobile again that I started exercising every day, doing yoga and other fitness routines. As soon as I could, I began jogging, then running, doing half marathons and 10k runs and began winning ribbons for my age group. I found sports and physical exercise to come really easy to me. I also joined the local ballet academy and danced ballet for many years. I’ve since realized just how powerful a determined mind can be in healing a body. I stopped eating meat and ate mostly vegetables and fruits and grains. Not long after that the doctor tested my heart again and said he couldn’t find any sign of the murmur - yay!
Then I fell in love and got married. It was just the two of us, very romantic. All through my life I had absolutely no urge to have a child and that was still my plan. However, one night I was taken onto a ET craft and told there was a soul asking to come through me as my child. This soul very much wanted to be on Earth during the ascension and was asking for me. I said no, insisting that I didn’t want to be a mother in this life, but when I met the soul I was very moved by the purity and sincerity of its being. I was shown a holographic visual of the child at four years old and as soon as I laid eyes on this little boy, I fell in love. He was charming and adorable, like a little Buddha. I was shown scenes of us playing together and laughing. I said yes. A few months later I became pregnant. It was an amazing experience. I wasn’t sick with morning sickness for even a day. I kept doing my exercises up until the day he was born. It was an extremely easy birth with only moments of labor and I was up walking directly after the birth while still in the delivery room. My husband and sisters were shocked. And as the baby grew, just like the vision I was shown aboard the craft, my son and I played together as if we were the same age. It was such fun.
The next several years rolled by and I was totally immersed into being a mom and a wife. It was all about family. We were very happy. My sisters and their husbands would come over every weekend and the kids would enjoy being together and we would all play instruments and sing deep into the night. I would bake cookies and cakes and we would all cook meals together or have a BBQ outside. We would take trips and go fishing and camping. It was almost like a Disney-movie family or a Father Knows Best TV show.
Then suddenly, for reasons still not fully understood, things began to take a strange turn and my world began collapsing around me. It felt like someone had turned down the frequency dial to a setting of fear and disloyalty and trepidation. One family member committed suicide, another had earlier attempted the same thing, relationships ended, couples split up, either through death or divorce - my world had gone mad and so many individuals, including myself, were faced with very difficult decisions. Everything I had known as normal life tuned upside down. It was crazy. What is it they say ...it’s always darkest before the dawn? Well, I don’t know if that’s true, but in this case it was. And this was right before I got another big spiritual jolt. It was the 80s and the world was changing fast. So uhh let’s see, the point I want to make here is that these stages that come into a single life are sometimes not even noticed by the person as anything but life. It’s normal, we get a job, fall in love, get married, buy a house, two cars, have kids, get a dog and a cat, a mortgage a divorce. You know the deal. That distant extraterrestrial life you remembered, or didn’t yet remember, falls far into the background as you face the joys and trails of life, no matter where you are around the globe. It all applies the same. This is because most of us who come here choose to become human and live a life of being just that, a human on earth.
Before we come into human life, we have planned it all out and written a basic script that has within it those main objectives and essential points that we want to approach during an incarnated existence. It also has placed within it, those significant meetings, pivotal people and events we will come into contact with during this life, additionally, our entrance and exit points of birth and death, including also the ethereal updates and adjustments made throughout the life. Those times where you might go back home briefly or to a craft for a physical or mental upgrade, so to speak.
Just as Source itself did, and we are that, our soul is able to fragment itself to bring into our human life exactly what we need and when. For example, if you have chosen to drop all memory at birth, this will be programmed in. The most significant moments that lie within your plan are those moments of remembering and awakening to your true self as an extraterrestrial being, to drop down through the layers of density and work your way back up to remembering who you are. The hero’s journey, as it were. So there may be phases within one lifetime where you have no conscious connection to who you were before coming into your human body. And there may be other junctures, or perhaps only one, where you begin to remember who you are and the more you remember, the more you know. One way to put it is, there will be times when you don’t need as much of your soul awareness and times when you are ready to become wholly who you are in the higher realms you came from. So, if you happen to be one of those who chose not to remember yet, take my world for it, this is as it should be, because it was chosen by you and when it is time to awaken and remember, you will. I promise!
It was during this erratic stage in my life, and that of those around me, that I became so saddened and disheartened with this life as a human and began to feel I had been here long enough and had squeezed everything out of the human experience that I could. There was ...like a vacancy inside, a deep yearning inside my chest that made me feel empty and alone. One day it all came tumbling down on me and all I could think of was escaping from this unforgiving madhouse I had fallen into and I longed for home. I waited until I was alone, yanked the phone cord out of the wall, put on my soft blue bunny pajamas and downed a handful of sleeping pills with my morning orange juice. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes. The hours that followed were spent in another world, another realm, as I underwent what is now known as an NDE or near death experience. I won’t be able to go into the details in this video, because it’s already long enough as it is, but I will soon make a full detailed video about that NDE and what I experienced and learned from going back into that higher realm. I had ended up back into the etheric sphere where my life had originally been planned out and, long story short, at the end of that encounter was told it was essential that I returned to my terrestrial life ...after which nearly everything in my existence changed.
So, I’ll say goodbye for now, but please stay tuned for part two which will come very soon, followed quickly by the NDE.
WHAT ET RACE AM I? How to contact your guides and discover your extraterrestrial family....
What ET Race Am I?
Hello all, and a special hello to all my new subscribers. Thanks guys. I really appreciate you and your comments and questions.
In fact I thought I would pop in today to answer a question that came in from one of the subscribers. The question is, Can you talk to us about how to connect to our guides to discover what extraterrestrial race we are. Sure, I'll do my best to offer any knowledge that I have on that subject.
One of the best ways I've found is to monitor your dreams. Many of us, most of us, are visited by ETs in our dream state. This is because when we sleep, our vibration automatically raises, allowing for this contact to take place. Now I'm not talking about abductions here. I'm talking about Source Energy and higher density souls, your ET family, for example. While dreaming, or after awakening, pay close attention to objects and people, including animals, that appear in your dreams. The best way to recognize and communicate, is by learning lucid dreaming and there are numerous books and online courses that you could take for this experience. Or you could just put out the intention before you go to sleep that you will know you are dreaming.
Set up a talisman that you'll recognize within your dreams, a clock, a coin, or maybe a small statue, or whatever. And when you see it you'll know you’re dreaming. What works for me to test whether I'm awake or asleep, is by attempting to fly. If I can fly I am obviously dreaming and I can take it from there. Also, look around the dreamscape to discover signs and situations that might point to an ET experience. For example, is everyone speaking your language? Or is the language different than in your normal awakened state, but you can understand it?
Are you breathing air or water or another liquid? If you're aware that you're underwater or breathing liquid you're probably an extraterrestrial taking part in the immersion program and your body is lying, or standing, in a tank filled with liquid that feeds your body all of the necessary nutrients to keep you alive and healthy while on earth in a human body. Look into a dream mirror to see what you look like. Chances are you'll be able to see your ET body. And if you’re in an open space, like a large white room, you're most likely aboard a star craft. Also, notice if there are any people in the dream that you know are dead, relatives or friends that have passed over. If you are able to communicate with them in the dream, you are really actually together. Your frequency has risen enough that they can now communicate with you in your dream. So, ask them if they know your guides or your ET family, because they can connect with the higher realms and they'll be able to tell you this if you ask.
Another good way to discover what galactic race you are is through stillness or meditation. And it’s helpful before going into the meditative state, that you set an intention. Create a sacred space and ask and intend to connect with the highest frequency possible for you. Tell Source or your Higher Self, that it is your intention to communicate with your galactic family and ask them for their assistance. You can also ask your guides and angels for their help and guidance. Fill your body with Divine Light and then go into the stillness. Don't try to make anything happen, just feel and observe. Interestingly, this meditative connection can also happen spontaneously without purposeful or meditation or intension. After all, your Higher Self knows what you want. So once you put out the desire it is already on its way to you. The most important part of this connection is to remain in the highest frequency possible at all times. This way you'll always be protected from any lower entities or thought-forms.
We all have psychic abilities and always have the ability to tune in to other realms, In fact, I’ll give you a personal example of this, which happened only a few days ago. And I should preface this by saying that I have not listened to any mainstream news for more than 20 years. I don't own a smart phone and I'm not hooked up to cable and I turned off any news notifications on my iPad and computer. So unless I'm actually interested in obtaining something in particular I won't know what's in the news unless someone tells me about it. Well anyway, that day I had been shopping all morning and was exhausted and, as is my habit, I flopped down onto the soft carpet in my living room and closed my eyes for just a minute to regain my energy. In seconds I was standing in the snow beside a line of trucks driving slowly past me. Then in a flash I was instantly back into my body, wondering what the heck that was? Where was I? And what was that odd convoy of trucks? Well, because it didn't mean anything to me I just let it go. The next day I was telling someone about the strange moment of finding myself standing in the snow beside a row of trucks and the person told me about the Canadian truckers protest. I was shocked and wondered why would I pop into that scene? My feeling now is that, because it was so saturated within the collective consciousness I had just picked it up as significant somehow.
The next suggestion I have in discovering your guides and ET race, is through synchronicity. This is where we become aware of how the Universe is constantly communicating with us all, if we can learn to take notice. Pay attention to everything life is showing you. It’s so easy for us to come to believe that everything in our environment is just coincidental, but that's never the case. We are living our thoughts and if we're observant we can see how our life unfolds before us, showing us our likes and dislikes, our desires and prejudices, always reflecting our opinions back to us. So if we can really become great spectators, we can learn who we are. We become a witness to our own lives. So my advice is to start noticing what comes into our lives, what YouTube videos show up on our homepage and what appears in our Facebook feed, or what comes into our mailbox or shows up at our door, and what seemingly chance meetings or interactions we have with neighbors, or the grocery store clerk, or maybe the random video that we find appearing on our desktop, or the movie that turns up when we haven't even scrolled for it, or that person that accidentally called the wrong number, and so on. We must begin to recognize that nothing comes into our lives by accident, it's always us. We are the only creators of our universe. So begin to notice what we, our Higher Selves, has put in front of us as messages. Our source self knows what we want to experience and is constantly sending us signals and signs.
One of the most significant, yet misunderstood, pathways to identifying our guides and ET family is through imagination. Our imagination is actually more real than what is before us. We just need to release the number done on us by those who have come to believe, or want us to believe, that imagination is childish or a pretense, when in truth it is who we are. Every thing in our world was first imagined, every object, the chair you sit on, the clothes on your back, even the child you gave birth to. Imagination is your power as a creator. Every invention was first inspired by an imaginative mind.
The best advice I can give, is to be discerning with your imagination. Use it as a tool of love and benevolence. Be an original creator. Create purposely, not by default. Invent the life you most wish for and then watch circumstances and events alter and transform into a life where are you are guided by grace, where you know who you are and where you came from. Think and trust and believe, from your highest self, from your greatest and most magnificent character. Re-create yourself to be the person you always hoped to be, for that is the authentic self, which many of us are keeping hidden deeply inside.
It’s time for us to let go of the programming, that over generations has weakened us to believe that we are limited in ways we have never really been. Imagination is the magic of the soul. Use it to build the life you once thought was impossible, into the dream you have always deserved.
I love you guys ...and thanks Jane, for your great question. Bye bye!
LIFE ON EARTH: What is the rationale and motivation behind an incarnated lifetime on planet Earth?
Life on Earth
As you’ve heard me say before, there are many reasons that a star child might choose to incarnate on planet earth. The circumstance I feel most tragic is the human who has become caught into a cycle of reincarnation, living life after life desperately hoping to get it right. They may have experienced a lifetime of disappointments or regrets and feel they’ve made mistakes, maybe hurt someone, or even killed someone, or worse and at the end of that life they are so remorseful that all they can think about is doing it over again. “I know I can do better next time. I won’t make those same mistakes. I know I can get it right”. So they immediately jump back into the same or similar life and do it all over again. The problem is they end up doing the same things they did before. Why? Because that’s who they are. They return into this life without the memories of the life they’ve just lived so they end up acting the only way they could at that time, under those same conditions and circumstances. They haven’t evolved past who they were and don’t realize that in this 3D matrix the collective consciousness pretty much runs the show and the demands and pressures of that chosen life are going to be the same - so they end up trying again and again caught on a wheel of reincarnation that never goes anywhere and never stops.
Each life we live is a play ...a play of consciousness to which there is a beginning and an end. It is a completed masterpiece. The screenplay has been written, the movie made and we are meant to move on to the next one, the next adventure and if we still wish a life of the physical, there are infinities of worlds and planets to choose for a lifetime, in many ways much more desirable than earth with its heavy densities and lower frequencies. The rest of the galaxy and beyond is all 5D and above. Why hang out lifetime after lifetime on only one? It is true that a life on earth can do much toward accelerating the expansion of a soul, but allowing one’s self to get stuck only stagnates and slows the natural ascension and the progression on toward more magnificent roles and greater exploits.
Another reason souls decide to come to a life on earth is for the experience they can gain; where they can create a specific script with circumstances and events written in allowing them to face certain issues they want to address or overcome. One might call this karma. Or maybe they just want to fall in love or raise a family or fight in a war, or confront an obstacle; coming into a body that is disabled or has other limitations that will challenge their resolve and who they are, very much like creating a computer game. These souls usually come in for a one time physical life and at the end leave the body without holding regret or guilt. They recognize life on Earth for what it is, a game. As Einstein said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”. Once we can truly understand that this existence here is a dream - that we are only dreaming - life here can become a magical romp through the world of the physical. This is when we can begin to learn to “lighten up” and not take every little thing so seriously.
As I mentioned, some choose an earth life as a means of clearing karma. Maybe in one life they were responsible for making a decision that ended up killing hundreds of people, or maybe had taken part in a horrible massacre or they were a cruel husband or father or acted in evil ways and after death became remorseful and determined to fix what they have done. The problem again is that they often just keep coming back, never satisfied with the results. So they create a lifetime hoping to somehow rectify their mistakes. For example if they were a tyrannical slave owner, they may script within their game, their prebirth plan, to be born as a slave under similar circumstances. If they were rich they may choose next time to come into a poverty stricken family. They choose to reverse their circumstances with a goal of paying off their karmic debt. Personally, I have a much different take on karma. Once the person sees and understands that what they did was not ethical or just, that recognition and remorse and intention to set it right, is all that is needed to balance any karmic debt incurred during that life. There is no judge and jury ready to hang you because you messed up. The only judgement is always self-inflicted out of disappointment and self loathing. And this does nothing but add further trauma and slows the soul’s essential development into a state of self-love and wisdom.
Then there’s the reason we discussed in a previous video, where an entire planet or civilization is in peril and star beings line up to volunteer their services, either to come into a human body, a walk-in, or to physically come to earth themselves, as a walk-down. This has happened many times over history, where an extraterrestrial being shows up when and where they’re most needed, like Tesla, or Gandhi, Galileo or Joan of Arc., Martin Luther King.
This brings me to discuss another part of this same subject. Currently the world is awakening and there are so many of us wanting to discover who we are. Who am I and were did I come from? Now with so much information coming through about the different star races, everyone wants to know who their galactic family is. What race am I? Most starseeds at some point come to recognize that they come from outside the earth, but unless we are actually contacted by our ET race, it isn’t always clear exactly which star race is ours. So we research and usually there’s one group we feel more connected with and decide this is our family race and from then on establish that this is who we are. I am a Pleiadian, or I am an Arcturian. I would like to suggest that it isn’t so important which race we choose to be identified with, because we have all been many races and we may just feel more attached to one or another because that was our most recent existence or we are now currently living a life as that race and are lying in an immersion pod having come to earth as a walk-in, wondering why we feel so identified with that particular race ...because we are that race now. It can be very comforting to finally know who our star family is and helps us to feel less alone.
Just as so many have lived earth lives as individual races, in remarkable eras and civilizations, different locations, timelines, generations, ethnic groups, families, male and female, we who come from the stars have also lived a diversity of races, shapes and forms, a multitude of unique beings on realms and planets known and unknown. Another lightworker I recently spoke to told me that she had just become aware, after a lifetime of not knowing, that she has lived as both an Andromedan and a Pleiadian. Another good friend and star-being has lived as an Orion, another shared that he feels he is a Sirian. I personally am aware of having lived as several races including Arcturian, Urmah, and Andromedan and some I don’t even have names for. For instance, I know of at least one lifetime where I had wings, one where I had blue skin, one where I lived and breathed under water, and the strangest existence that I’m so far aware of was as a being that was attached to another life form and I myself did not have the ability to move and was fully reliant upon this body I was fastened on to. Sort of like being a barnacle on a whale’s back. The barnacle is alive, but not mobile on its own and grabs its food with little feathery appendages as the whale swims through the sea. Is the whale more alive than the barnacle? Of course not. The barnacle lives a full life, all the while riding on the back of a great water mammal. Life is life, just because it may not look like us, it is not greater or lesser than ourselves. We will all soon have the opportunity to meet and greet those who are very different than ourselves in feature and form, but are our true brothers and sisters of Source. These are times of great awakening, not only of our extraterrestrial origins, but of our tolerance, our forgiveness, appreciation and love, not just of ourselves and our human families, but of all living things. This is the most magnificent gift we can gain in this lifetime, to learn unconditional love of all existence, in both the familiar and the unfamiliar. A wise entity once said to me that we are all here to make known the unknown and this is the opportunity life is now offering all who are willing to take the chance to walk outside of everything we’ve ever known as real and true and embrace the magic!
I would love to know your own thoughts on all this. Feel free to leave any comments or questions and I’ll see you next time!
Akashic Implants and Projected Lives
One of the reasons I decided to create this channel was because I wasn’t seeing many other first wave starseeds willing to talk about their experiences, especially on video. That can be extremely daunting, to say the least! I suppose much of the hesitation is because these bodies are so much older than the newer starseeds and beautiful hybrid children in their youthful human flesh, who are recently so active on YouTube and social media. The work they are doing is enormously important. Yet, I deeply feel that our story also needs to be told, if for no reason other than the struggles of paving the way for younger lightworkers to drop in and take over ...and that’s the way it should be.
When we came in, the world was not at all ready to hear our stories and as your know, especially back in the 50s and 60s, some who attempted to tell the truth about UFOs and ETs or share extraterrestrial knowledge, were terribly penalized and forced to keep still through threats of harm or even death, a few were even diagnosed as insane and institutionalized and drugged. This is a pretty strong incentive to keep quiet and just live our lives with as much peace and joy as possible. This is really why we came.
Now, however, is a very different story, yet even so most of us who did come in with the first wave of volunteers after WWII are either too old or too tired and just choose a quiet life and obviously some have already left the earth plane. Nevertheless, with that in mind, we have had a full lifetime of experience, some episodes hopefully that the newer lightworkers will never have to go through as we did, although to my mind, there is as much positive as negative in being a starseed either then or now. I wouldn’t trade the life I’ve had with any other from the stars or from the earth.
So that said, the subject I want to discuss today is one I have never found others talking about in quite the same way, so it may be new to you too. This is something my Guides shared with me a little more than three years ago. I was sure I would hear other starseeds or hybrids talk about this, but not so far, so here goes.
I have been very aware, especially over the last ten years or so, that when I look back over my life there are certain times and events that don’t seem like they belong to me. Some of you have probably had similar feelings such as this, where you look back on your younger self and wonder who that was that made those stupid decisions or did those questionable things. Well, this is a bit like that only goes even deeper.
This knowledge was given to me after I had continually been asking my galactic family why I never seem to know exactly what’s going on, not only in this life, but also in my dreams. I watch others in this life just going along living normal lives, most seemingly knowing exactly what they’re doing and where they’re going. I don’t mean necessarily that they’re doing the right thing or making great choices, it’s just that they have a direction and they just go forward doing that thing. I on the other hand, am always sort of out of the loop.
The odd thing is that I excelled in higher education, science and physics, maybe simply because it was my intention to do so. I hoped it would help me to fit in and I guess to a large degree, it did. However what I’m discussing here is different than that. What it’s like, is like I’m an actor who has joined the cast midway through the play and everyone knows their part, except me. I’m just watching for clues from others to know when I’m expected to step in and say my lines. This unease has followed me throughout this life, always observing others to see what they’re doing and hoping it will trigger some similar inclination in me ...hasn’t happened yet! I mean I’ve learned to become very independent and outwardly confident and composed and can talk to most anyone about anything, but inside always hoping to discover the script and stage directions that will finally explain my character to myself. Hahah ...crazy, I know.
So after asking for clarity on this dilemma for a few years, the information finally came in from my guides about three years ago or so. When I asked why now, rather than when I first brought this up, they explained that when an ET is embodied into a 3D life, both circumstances and environment can become pretty murky and in order to bring information through and have it be able to be received, the frequency of the starseed must be equal to the information coming in and in the humdrum routine of everyday life, the density very often gets in the way, sometimes for years, while the person lives their life.
What they told me about this difficulty I was having was, that I am not only a firstwave starseed, but this is also my first life on earth. So in this case what happens is (get ready for this) previous to the star child (of any age) coming in to the body and this can be an ET of any age coming into a body of any age, they will go through a process of having one or two earth lives inserted or installed into their memory to help them to navigate through the upcoming human life. Otherwise in this initial life they’d be like a fish out of water, not knowing what’s going on or how to act or behave. These inserted lives are lives they have not actually lived in the physical, but are implanted into the soul consciousness of the star-being, so to them this appears as a real life, real memories and if this person were to later be regressed, hypnotically, these memories, these lives, would show up as their own actual past existence. I mean, it’s like who are we, really?
Well, what is really helpful in understanding these concepts of timelessness and simultaneous existence and memory implants and timelines, is the fundamental knowledge that we are multidimensional beings, existing on many planes at the same time. All lives we have ever lived or will ever live are happening concurrent to this one. So there are no past lives as such and no future lives and keeping this in mind is very useful.
I asked my guides how this insertion of false memories happens and they explained that depending upon what the soul wishes to experience in the upcoming lifetime, other terrestrial lives with these similar situations or conditions will be chosen to be embedded into the star-being’s soul essence. These lifetimes are chosen from within what some are calling the akashic records, with the permission of the one who actually lived the life. So the star-child will be implanted with a holographic imprint containing all the experiences and emotions of that life. It becomes their own and at the end of the life they live on earth will become a permanent part of their own akashic record. So that soul ends up gaining a full lifetime of experience and wisdom, without actually physically living it. Blows my mind!
This process is done to help the first timer to adapt to the extreme contrast from their own extraterrestrial life and home to living a life on earth. They are first advised and counseled about the risks of a terrestrial life in order to make sure they still want to volunteer. This is all carefully overseen by a high level advisory body who assists the soul through the process of accepting or rejecting the lives shown to them and are constantly advised and guided ...and this is all toward the benefit of the seeded soul, because it will always be that soul’s ultimate decision. Of course, once the starseed has come into the body and is living their human life, having gone through the veil of forgetting, they will have no memory, or very little, of having gone through this implantation process of choosing and accepting these lifetimes as their own, but will nevertheless benefit greatly from them. And this use of akashic implantation is also why so many believe they were Joan of Arc, or Jesus, or Queen Victoria, or Napoleon. So their stories and the wisdom they gained from those extraordinary lives are within the akashic memories of many others who have lived lives on earth. It’s like they borrow their knowledge.
When I came into this human body I still retained memories of this planning stage of my incoming life. I distinctly remember these kind and benevolent beings reassuring me and asking me over and over again if I was really sure I wanted to come to earth. They warned of the dangers of getting lost once I was heavily immersed in the density and would have forgotten so much of my ethereal origins. When I first met my husband I told him about remembering all this, about these wise counselors who I always have referred to as my ethereal Guardians and how excited I was to be accepted as a volunteer to be seeded in a human body. I was so anxious to step down onto the planet that nothing they could do or say would persuade me not to come. They showed me holographic visuals of wartimes and scenes of great tragedies, but they also included beautiful and touching scenes of love and respect from the life I would live and some were so engaging and delightful that it only inspired me more to commit to a life on this mysterious alien world called earth.
Another part of the knowledge the guides shared is pretty wild and again one I haven’t heard discussed in this detail ...and that is the aspect that throughout the lifetime of a starseed walk in, there may be occasions within that life where the consciousness walks out for a brief time. This can be due to a desire of the immersed soul, illness of the body, DNA adjustments, or a myriad of other reasons. So, most of us have heard of walk-ins, but I have never heard another discussing a walk-in leaving and coming back in. And there’s more to this. Not only can this happen, but sometimes when there are situations where only a small fragment of the consciousness is required then the soul is able to manage and operate two or more bodies at a time. If there is a situation with a walk-in that requires a more elevated or expanded consciousness, then more of the soul essence could be brought through as necessary.
If, as I mentioned earlier it becomes necessary for the consciousness of the walk-in to leave for a time, the body doesn’t die - it continues with that life, but the consciousness that operates it is in a star ship while the soul “projects” its conscious awareness from aboard the ship, while in a state of stasis within a cryo or immersion pod. Those in contact or living with the human will usually never notice any difference while the soul-essence is projecting its existence from the ship. And it turns out that this really isn’t that unusual, because the majority of walk-ins are doing just that the entire time they are occupying or controlling the physical body. Because they really aren’t residing within the body, but managing it from beyond, usually within their own starship.
You know, this knowledge that I receive from my galactic guides, for most of my life I just figured that all of what they were giving and showing me was for me alone. I mean, they were my guides with me since my arrival, so I felt it was kind of my own guidelines for life. So I pretty much kept the information to myself. Not because I didn’t want to share it, I very much did.
And when I was able to find someone else teaching or sharing some of these same things, it was so exciting to me. That’s why I loved theoretical physics so much. So over time, when questions came up in conversations with others, I would share what I thought might be appropriate to the conversation. However, I do want to say, that at least half the time when I did share any of these rather outlandish ideas, the other would look at me like I had bugs crawling out of my eyes or my hair was on fire - ha!
So listen, please feel free to dismiss anything that doesn’t resonate with you. No worries. Take what feels right and dump the rest or save it for later. I will say, however, that it’s been so beautifully validating over the more recent years when I have found some of these same principles spoken about from other extraterrestrial sources. Also, I have been taught that one can only receive data and information from the level or frequency in which they vibrate. So the higher our frequency rate is, the more knowledge we can absorb. We not only grow as we learn, we also learn as we grow, as we expand our consciousness, our knowledge. And the more we expand, the higher our frequency and the larger capacity we have to learn more.
Thank you so much. Bye bye.
What is a Starseed and could you be one?
Hi my friends,
What is a Starseed?
We hear a lot these days about starseeds, sometimes called Ightweavers, lightworkers, difference-makers, and light-bearers. So what exactly are we talking about? What is a starseed? If you’re drawn to go online to ask, you’re probably going to get a similar explanation from everyone who’s attempting to describe this, including myself.
So what is a starseed exactly? Starseeds are advanced souls who originate from distant planets, solar systems and galaxies, typically far from Earth. These souls were summoned here to fulfill a divine mission of bringing and holding Light onto planet earth. Most Starseeds don’t even know they are one and may not know throughout their lives. They just know they don’t belong here. Some have come from the Pleiadian star system, or many from the Andromedan and Sirian systems, others from the Arcturian, Orion and Lyrian systems. Every starseed, no matter where they come from, carries special encryption codes designed to unlock and activate their knowledge and abilities at a predetermined time, decided before their arrival into the body.
Starseeds know they’re different than other humans and they often feel neglected or left out. Because of this many have grown up living solitary lives. They’re often called weird or eccentric by others. Most Starseeds know they’ve come to earth with a particular purpose or mission and because their vibration is naturally higher than the 3rd density matrix, simply by being on the planet is enough to assist in raising the frequency of earth and others around them. It is in their nature to spread love and knowledge and kindness to all.
Most of them have had an “imaginary” friend as a child, or even as an adult. They tend to daydream a lot and have memories of living on another planet or realm. They express deep feelings of homesickness and a strong sense of not belonging to earth. They love reading sci-fi books and watching sci-fi ET shows and programs. They’re very empathetic and intuitive and usually, at some point in their terrestrial life, will experience a deep spiritual awakening. They’re highly sensitive in nature and often have psychic or paranormal abilities. They can’t stand violence or harsh language. Other people, including babies and animals are drawn to them. They’re usually vegetarian, not always, and shy away from traditional medicine, seeking natural and alternative healing modalities.
A few other things I’ve noticed about starseeds is they all seem to have an innate knowingness - an ability to just know things, such as knowing the answer to a question before the question is even fully asked. They also seem to display great hand-to-eye coordination, so they tend to excel in sports for instance. Most exhibit psychic abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, mediumship, or even teleportation. Starseeds are often talented as singers or playing an instrument and sometimes become teachers or doctors or healers, or writers or public speakers or even actors. Yet what seems to be at the core of all of them, is the need to be of help, to make a difference somehow.
These are just some of the characteristics these souls carry, so if you find yourself resonating with some of these traits, there’s a good chance that you are a starseed. Those watching this or any of the other hundreds of YouTubes about extraterrestrials, your interest alone is symptomatic of being a starseed yourself, even if you’ve not yet become aware of that fact.
In fact most ET souls have come into life as a human being with little or no memory of who they are and who they’ve been. This is the veil of forgetfulness often mentioned. So hey, welcome to Earth!
Well anyway, it feels important to me to make the point here, that the intention behind this channel is not to separate human beings from starseeds, but exactly the opposite, to bring all together into an understanding that we are all here to awaken to our true self and to become aware of our origins as the ET beings we truly are.
It has been explained to me that humankind is not a race, but is made up of hundreds, thousands, of different ET races, who for one reason or another at some point in their existence, have chosen to drop back down through the densities to don a third density human bio suit, the human body. These can be 5th 6th or 7th density beings who have already completed their journey back to Source, but periodically seek the stimulation of the physical, feasibly while assisting mankind on its journey through ascension, always aware that they are here to make life sacred.
The majority of starseed walk-ins and walk-downs are here now for the shift of consciousness from sleeping controlled worker-bees to awakened self- governed free-thinking entities. These days that we’re experiencing now have been written about for generations and this is why the skies are now filled with ET ships and humans everywhere are waking up to their true mastery and authentic nature. The fear that has held us all down is lifting and for the first time we’re able to see through the shroud of corruption. One by one the world is awakening from a deep slumber and we, you, have come to help.
Please never doubt who you are. Never place yourselves beneath another because of who they say they are or who they channel. You, beautiful beings, you who chose to be here now to inhabit this sweet little world are said to be the strongest of the strong and the most courageous of any who have ever incarnated at any time in earth history. Learn everything you can learn, do your own research. Don’t just become a follower of any guru or self-proclaimed channel or federation or council. You will always be your own greatest teacher, whether you call yourself a starseed or a human, it makes no difference. We are all equal at core.
So, the main distinguishing thing to consider is the frequency that you allow yourself to hold, how you see the universe as friendly or dangerous. That frequency is your identification, your galactic or universal signature which identifies you to the higher realms. This vibrational resonance is who you are and what you will take with you when you leave this world. It is that which reveals you to those above, your character, your knowledge, the way you think, your inner-being and what makes you up as a shining and beautiful being of light and love.
Allow yourself the courtesy of being and living your greatest most magnificent self. Never argue for the limitations that this 3D world has placed upon you. Give yourself the permission to rise to the highest potential possible, to shine your brightest light throughout the remainder of this remarkable existence you’ve chosen to participate in as a human being, during these last days of the old paradigm and the entrance into the dignity and splendor of the fifth density world, now welcoming you into your greatest role of all time. Now celebrate - you’ve earned it!
Telling Others - The possible repercussions of admitting you are an extraterrestrial being
One of my clued-in friends once asked me how my terrestrial family reacted when I told them I was not human. Well, as you might expect, it was a mixed bag. Growing up we were a very close family. My parents were both scientists and with a great love for biology and the natural world and they instilled that appreciation within myself and my siblings. We spent nearly every weekend on field trips, outdoors in any kind of weather, hiking the dunes or walking through a rain forest, my parents registering in their journals, the weather conditions, the terrain, altitude, temperature, and each plant and animal seen along the way. For a child, this was an enchanting realm filled with the magical kingdom of fairies and elves.
The first time I told my mom that I remembered coming from a different world, she seemed to take it all in stride, but I was actually only 3 at the time. My dad reacted in his usual joking manner and simply said, “Well it’s mighty nice of you to join us all here - hope you decide to stick around for awhile!” My sisters were too young for a real opinion at that time and my brother wasn’t even born yet.
The second time I mentioned my ET roots, I was about 13 or 14. My younger sister and I shared a bedroom upstairs and one night I was awakened and “told” to look out the window. Hovering in the air just above our big fir trees were three small craft - UFOs or as many called them back then, flying saucers. I was so excited and happy to see them that I rushed over to my sister’s bed to wake her up so she could see them too, but no matter what I tried she wouldn’t wake up, I shook her body, I yelled in her ear, I jumped on the bed, nothing. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my visitors had put her into a sleeping trance state and that visit was only for me. In the morning I told her about the ships and she told me I was dreaming - I couldn’t change her mind. So I explained that they often visited me to check my health and see how I was doing. I told her I was from the stars and that these beings were helping out many of the star families who had children on planet earth. She listened for a few minutes then laughed out loud telling me I had a great imagination. I’m sure she would say the same thing today!
Over the years, I continued to tell my story, but just to family. A couple of times I had attempted to share my story with friends and they looked at me like I was crazy and made fun of me - really hurt my feelings and I decided this was not information most even wanted to hear. My family humored me and started calling me an alien, but I could tell they were only joking and didn’t really believe me. At least I don’t think they did. The only family member that actually recognized who I am was my grandmother. In fact, she told me that when I was born she recognized me. She told my mother that I was an angelic being and came from, what she called, a heavenly world. As I mentioned in another video, she was the one who named me, giving me a name that means gift of God - or Divine gift. She later explained that naming a baby is very important, because the sound made while speaking the name creates, what she called “music”, or a resonance that helps the child to wake up to their true self - as she put it “To know who you really are”.
So even though most of my immediate family didn’t really buy my story, they did seem to admire my psychic abilities, precognition and that sort of thing, talking to dead relatives, or were at least curious about them - even asked me to do readings for them. My dad continued to make jokes and my mother continued to listen and be supportive, usually saying something like, “That’s nice Dear”. Actually it was my brother who seemed to believe the most, or at least pretend to - he would even ask me questions about what he teasingly called “my alienness”. When he was young he had a real interest, but when he got older he stopped asking. My older sister did ask me a couple of times where I was from and how I knew that and so on.
When I met the man I was going to marry, because of the previous humiliations and judgmental remarks, I decided that on our first date I would be completely honest with him, from the beginning. I didn’t want to fall head over heels and then be disappointed ...again. So at about midpoint over our dinner I blurted out, “I’m not from this world”. Well, he didn’t miss a beat. He was immediately sincerely interested and didn’t seem to think it was all that strange and asked me all sorts of questions. It was amazing and fell madly in love right then and there and have never fallen back out!
A few years after we married, I joined a women’s group - wonderful women all about my age and all with a deep interest in spiritual subjects like channeling, psychics, UFOs, ghosts, and best of all extraterrestrials! It was such fun meeting every week to talk about these fascinating topics over tea or lunch. Over the years of these gatherings, people would kinda come and go, some dying, some moving, some changing interest, until there was a little core group. I loved these women so much - still do. These gatherings became what felt like a safe space to discuss anything, so one day my story just sort of came out. Each week I, and others, would read something we had written, a short story, a poem, or maybe a dream she had. One of the women was a really great writer and read several chapters of her book to us - it was great. Well, one morning I was reading an experience I had had, but writing it as if it happened to someone else. One of the women guessed that the story was about myself and interrupted saying, “This is true isn’t it? Is this you?” I didn’t know what to do - so I hesitated for a moment - took a breath and confessed, “Yes it is,” The whole story came out, who I am, where I’m from, what I remember. I told them about my Galactic Guides and how they’ve been with me since I came to Earth and so on. They all listened intently and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
Unfortunately, what I did not expect was an interrogation the next week, from one of the members.”How can this be true if you haven’t ever told anyone - why don’t you go on TV and admit to the world who you are - I’ve known you all this time and you’ve never said anything - if you’re really an alien being why do have a normal life, like everyone else? Why didn’t you admit it when we first met?” And more, much more. It was a totally unexpected attack and I was devastated. I was so hurt and embarrassed. I did my best to explain that there are thousands of others just like me and most are living a life just like me, marrying, having kids, working at a job, doing normal life things! I explained that I hadn’t outed myself to the world because I was following celestial guidance and that it was not the right time to reveal myself, but that time would come, when the world was ready, and at that point some of us would speak out and others would choose not to. Well, I cried for days over that, wrapped in my husband’s arms and he explained that some people just can’t go there - it’s just too weird for some. Nevertheless, it’s just not much fun being someone that you’re not allowed to be, to express, always feeling like a fraud, like you’re pretending to be one of them for your own survival.
It’s a scary thing to be so different that you’re always in a slight state of anxiety being around others. You never know who’s going to recognize your weirdness or see you for what you are, but not accept you. If they are preceptive but unenlightened, they may see you as some kind of threat, like you’re dangerous somehow, I guess. Believe me, those are not conditions in which you would be inclined to reveal yourself.
These days it’s very different. Things have changed so much. For more than the first half of my life, I didn’t personally know anyone like me and now thanks to the internet, YouTube and Zoom webinars, I have met hundreds of other ET souls of all ages, male and female and my story, my nearly identical life has been told by so many others who have talked about these same obstacles and bigotry and the greatest thing of all is, even though the majority of the world is not receptive, it’s no longer a hostile or maybe I should say, unsympathetic world, because now with so many starseeds here, most every family now has at least one member who is awakening and admitting who they are. We’re everywhere, in every country and on every continent around the globe. Some hate it here, some love it. Some want out, and there are some who are determined to stay and finish their mission.
The last thing I would mention here is that although I’ve lived my secret most of my life, I’ve been a really happy person. Life has been good to me and I’m very hopeful that I have also been good to life, during this long earthly adventure while wearing this rather well-worn human suit!
We Firstwavers have, over all these years seen many changes, but never changes like this world has seen over the past two or three years, wow! And I can assure you those changes will not stop soon, yet I know and trust deeply that what is happening in this world and above is all for the betterment of humanity - it may not look that way at the moment, but as you know here on planet earth change takes time. I for one, am excited to watch it all unfold day after day, until that moment we’ve all been waiting for and the pendulum begins swinging the other way and mankind emerges from out of the darkness of control and steps into the brightness of a new day, a new era, a new life!
The Aging Starseed - What happens for the incarnated ET soul as the physical body ages?
The Aging Starseed
It has come to my attention that many starseeds choose a third density life simply for the compelling adventure of living a long life in a physical human body, far into old age and all the hurdles and challenges that can bring, all those changes and cycles a material body goes through with age and decline.
What often happens as one gets into the more advanced stages of life as the body weakens, the star being wants out. Hey I didn’t sign up for this - let me out of here- I changed my mind! Old age is hard, the aching body, the forgetfulness, the disappointment, forced to give up so many things she loved and the sadness that brings. This stage of life can continue for awhile or sometimes for the rest of the life.
However, with many starseeds, after they grieve the loss of youth and beauty, an interesting thing begins to happen. As she, or he, becomes somewhat resigned to the way things are, an unexpected transformation begins to occur. As the body forces them to slow their pace and expectations, the person begins to notice the world around them changing, altering to accommodate their new condition.
For example, the elderly woman who in her younger days spent most of her years working and taking care of kids and a husband, trucking kids around to dance classes and soccer games, making lunches, driving them to and from school, with hardly any time to herself and feels lucky if she can squeeze in a quick run before work. How many times has she heard herself say, I’ll do that when I retire?
Now here she is, that same energetic attractive woman, but now in her 70s or 80s. Now instead of running through the park, she walks slowly and carefully over the same terrain, yet what took her 10 minutes now takes her an hour or more. Now as she walks the trail around the lake, things she never noticed before are more obvious. Today she notices a spectacular yellow butterfly drinking nectar from a bright red flower, a flower she would never have noticed before, as she jogged past, now becomes the center of her attention and a thought runs through her mind that she doesn’t ever remember seeing a butterfly that color or a flower that red. All those things that remained irrelevant or invisible to her on her early morning run, thinking only of getting to work on time, now were revealing themselves in front of her.
How many thousands of times had she run past the giant Doug Fir tree at the head of the north trail? Today, at her unhurried pace, her gaze is suddenly drawn to a quick movement about 6 feet from the base of the tree and she slows further to watch the little downey woodpecker skittling its way around and around the massive trunk, and she finds herself smiling at the comical rapid movements. She never before noticed the deep groves in the rutted bark and paused to watch the little boxelder bugs crawling in and out of the many holes on the surface. She smells the musty sweetness of the needles lying at the base of the tree and for the first time pauses long enough to allow her gaze to follow the entire length of the huge tree from base to top and wonders at the age and life of this great old entity, contemplating what it must have seen from the earliest moments as a sprouted seedling to this moment, her moment, her now and the bond that is beginning to grow within her for the innate wisdom housed in its majestic frame. Does it think or does it just know? Does it ever get bored or is life so harmonious that all it sees is the perfection of this moment. Her hand reaches out running her palm over the grooves and allowing the fingers to explore the knobby depths of the hollows and somehow knows she made a lifelong friend and without any of the ego or effort that usually happens when humans meet, but merely with the curiosity of the present.
This is what can happen when one releases the focus on self and settles it on another. Ego takes a back seat to the wonder of nature when the body slows and pauses long enough to perceive its surroundings and the deeper senses can take over - instantly there are birds singing, the sun is brighter, the sky a deeper blue, the grass softer underfoot. She becomes aware that the joint aches have lessened, the breeze feels warmer on her neck, her spine straightens, shoulders relax ...and perhaps in that extraordinary moment she is young again - not because she tried, but because she allowed the moment to be what it is. She let go of resistance to the many frustrations and disappointments of loss, the loss of youth and the resistance that brings to the physical.
The second that resistance was lifted, harmony returned and everything again made sense and a new life unfolded directly in front of her. That one seemingly unimportant, insignificant moment brought a new melody to her senses. It was then that a curious vision came into her mind, something she had not thought of for years and she whispered to her tall friend, hmmm maybe I’ll see if I can dig out that set of oils from the back of the closet. As she turned back toward the house a feeling of gratitude filled her heart and she was aware of how much lighter her body felt and wondered if the clouds had just parted or the sun just got brighter. Hmm, is that possible? Maybe... I know for myself, this began happening a few years ago and I now find my most memorable or distinctive moments are those spent in solitary contemplation, while walking or working on a task or hobby. This aging, this slowing or weakening of the physical seems to give way to a greater capacity and appreciation of the nature of creation itself, allowing for a deeper insight into that which lies beyond the duty and function of human agreement and obligation - as if being given permission to step out of external responsibility and into the world of curiosity and inspiration. It’s not that the days of driving kids around isn’t important, it is, but from my wider perspective, it would sure be a shame to get so caught up in that, as life itself, that you would never be able to move out of that frantic pace and into the peace that exists beyond it.
That field of clover you once ran through with your dog, you may now instead, stand in the middle of, now able to see things you may have not ever even known were there before. Now, standing still in the center of the field the senses become alive - suddenly there’s a brand new world, an entire community of smells and sounds and colors - the bright pink blossoms, the masses of busy insects, the dampness of the group and fragrance of the blooms, the rustling of some little critter scouting out dinner ... and again the mind becomes alive with wonder and you’ve just become a part of an entire realm of existence that excites and expands the essence of who you are ...and you’ll never again be just that old man or old woman. You are it all, the entirety of life itself and maybe for the first time, you begin to know and really recognize who you are.
A Starseed Life - What is it like being an extraterrestrial soul inhabiting a 3rd density human body
A Starseed Life
Hi everyone, you know I keep thinking about how the heck am I expecting to share my life as a starseed in a video? I mean it’s been a pretty long life so far, so obviously that would be one long crazy video. So I think what I’ll do is just pick a topic and make a short video of whatever comes to mind. So, today I thought I would take a few minutes to share the very beginning of my arrival here on earth, as a walk-in starseed.
To begin with ...a short explanation, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ending WWII, an etheric call went out throughout the cosmos for extraterrestrial volunteers of all types and races to come to the aid of planet Earth to assist in the awakening and eventual ascension of humanity. I am one of those ET souls who arrived at that time, along with countless others, with the fundamental purpose of bringing a higher frequency to the planet to help awaken those sleeping humans caught in the cycles of control and manipulation. I am what is known as a first wave starseed, having arrived with those first in line after the war, to be born as a human child, or to come in as a walk-in soul to a body specially prepared to accommodate or house an extraterrestrial soul. Since then there have been two or three other “waves” of starseeds coming in to incarnate as human children or walk-ins of any age.
After arriving in the body of a human child, my first memory is of lying on the grass looking up at a perfect blue sky, hearing the singing of birds and smelling the sweet fragrance of the pink blossoms. I immediately recognized that this was not my world, yet at that same moment was conscious of why I was here. Very near to me, to where I was lying, I could see a human woman hanging clothes on a line and humming softly to herself. I felt so much love and gratitude for this woman who was to become my mother. She was beautiful with dark hair and blue eyes and bare feet that danced over the grass as she dug into a basket pulling out sheets and clothing and waving them in the air before pinning them onto the clothesline.
From those very first moments of life as a human, I felt awkward and unsure of what was expected of me and as I grew up these feelings intensified, never completely at ease with my surroundings and I was often sick as a child and more than once came close to death. I remember numerous nighttime visits to a ship where my body would be tweaked and upgraded to be able to continue holding this alien soul. This still happens. I will share those experiences at a later time.
What made human life bearable were two things, first my human family. They were wonderful and I loved them so much. Second was my ET family. They were always with me, and still are. From the time of my arrival, every night as I closed my eyes, they would come to me, showing themselves as moving vibrating streams or fingers of golden light behind my closed eyes. Sometimes they would speak to me, other times just stay until I left my body. Each night I would feel myself begin to rise up off the bed, higher and higher, and suddenly I would be home. The next thing I would know would be waking up from a dream, wonderful dreams where I might be floating in a sea of crystal clear water, breathing in the water as easily as air, or maybe standing on a cliff high above an ocean of deep blue and watching the waves lapping at the shore, or sitting on a grassy hillside above a green valley filled with wildflowers, or flying way above the tops of trees and then falling backward onto a soft cushion of air and slowly drifting downward until feeling the ground beneath me.
My early childhood was filled with magic, having deep conversations with grasshoppers or the shiny green beetles crawling up the screen, or petting a new batch of kittens, or bottle feeding a new baby lamb, watching ants carrying leaves and stems into a hole, or playing with waterbugs and striders in the creek, or climbing to the tops of trees and singing out a song to the world, “here I am!” My grandmother was the one who named me, a name meaning Divine Gift. She talked to me about God and UFOs and ghosts and angels and played a magical violin with notes so high and pure they would hang in the air as if forever suspended vibrating my chest and moving my heart to tears.
As the years progressed and I started school, I began to see things that were very confusing and upsetting to me. I couldn’t understand why people would gossip and make fun of each other, purposely saying things to hurt someone, or even hitting another person or being mean to a dog or a cat. I had never experienced things like this before and it really disturbed me. I never felt so different, so inadequate to understand what was going on. I alway felt baffled and self-conscious, like something was wrong with me. I went to my mother and asked her why are people so mean to each other here? I asked if I was adopted, because I was so different than my siblings or the others in school. She assured me I wasn’t adopted, but I remember her saying something that really surprised me at the time. She said, “Some day you will realize how special you really are.” Well I sure did not feel special, in fact barely adequate. It turned out she knew a lot more than I realized at the time and I found out later that she had memories of having been brought aboard an ET ship when she was pregnant with the body that would become mine and was told that there had to be some adjustments made to her body that would affect the DNA structure of the fetus. As it was, the baby still didn’t thrive and almost died more than once.
Obviously there is both positive and negative in being a starseed, but especially one with some memory of where they came from. The good about remembering is that you know this is only a temporary stopover and you’re just here to learn and grow, while having an adventure you wouldn’t have anywhere else and if I die, I just zip back home! The bad about having some memory is that the little frustrations that a human might take in stride can seem more defeating to one who remembers a place where these things don’t happen in the same way. For example, how insubstantial material substance is here, everything wears out and breaks, the furnace breaks, the roof needs repaired, clothes wear out, or you get a flat tire, or your body wears out, which doesn’t happen in my world, you need glasses, you lose strength, suddenly you just want to give up. It sucks here and I just want to go home!
The best thing is, that I have learned so much by being here and continue to learn and grow every day. I’ve learned how to be happy in spite of where I am ...or hey, maybe because of it, who knows? Or happy in spite of my circumstances. Well, that said, I definitely know what it’s like to have your heart broken and to yearn so desperately to go home. I know what it’s like to not have any friends, or if I do have a friend I feel like a fraud because I can’t be myself. I know what it’s like to have no one talk to, to be so lonely you want to die, to cry out and beg the universe to let you go back home. I made a mistake - I don’t belong here!
Still, I have learned I shouldn’t expect others to be like me or think like me and to recognize I can learn from everyone, if I just let them be who they are. I had to finally learn to accept and love them as they are and not to expect them to change or become different. I’ve learned that there is beauty everywhere if I’m willing to see it, that the world, this world, can be wonderful, even extraordinary, when I allow myself to view it through the eyes of love and appreciation. Everything is here once you learn to go with the flow, to let it be just what it is, an adventure planet, where every event can be an adventure, whether it’s falling in love or trying a new food, or a new hairstyle, or how about the adventure of getting old, whoa! that’s a big one, or losing a loved one or being betrayed, or watching kids play, sometimes laughing sometimes fighting. It’s a world of duality, good and bad, night and day, friendly unfriendly, happy sad. I know I came for this, just as it is and I guess I might as well stay until my time is up! After all, why would you want to miss the end of the movie, right? See ya soon!
Letting it Go - A Starseed's view of the foolishness and harm of holding grudges.
Letting It Go
Hi Guys,
You know, I have been wondering a lot lately about all these stories that the ETs have brought through to us on this channel and how amazing and diverse life is throughout the universe - so many other planets and realms to visit and incarnate onto and into - and it’s got me thinking about how this earth is a perfect place for learning and facing issues and limitations, but is not necessarily the best place to come for a peaceful happy life. For that you’d probably want to try one of these worlds mentioned in the videos. Anyway, as I was considering all this, it brought to mind all of the obstacles people face here and can learn from and I realized how important it could be to take advantage of being here while we’re here and what we could do to truly advance our souls while here on earth with all it’s base challenges, emotional pains and suffering and that while we have these human bodies we might as well do everything we can to evolve in consciousness before moving on into the higher realms. And one of the first things that came to me, because of how prevalent it is here and how many lives are destroyed by this, are people who hold a grudge against another and allow it to go on and on festering and never find what it takes to get beyond their anger or judgement against the other. It just shocks me how common this is and why they can’t just forgive and let it go. After meditating on this for awhile, I realized that this subject just might be one of the most important things we could address in this lifetime.
Oddly, this same topic has been coming up a lot lately in conversations with others, where they tell me about a family member or friend who hasn’t spoken to their relative or friend for years because of some trivial misunderstanding and it’s totally ruined their relationships. I hear about this so often. My discomfort with it is how foolish it is. I mean, holy moly this is just a game, a movie ...but even if you aren’t aware of that, you’re alive and what’s more important than the quality of your existence? Why mess it up with some silly grudge? What’s more important than being at peace with yourself and others? Besides what else do you have to do? Really? It seems to me that this now moment, this very lifetime is the perfect place to grow up and address issues just like these ... anyway, I’ve been having trouble understanding why someone would be willing to die holding onto some petty grievance simply out of stubbornness. What’s going on there?
I guess the thing that’s been getting to me is, as a starseed for example, what an impediment - what a barrier this is to your own frequency, your own eventual ascension. Seriously this is why we come here to face these limitations and release them - to grow in consciousness to learn about ourselves and decide who we want to be. I mean really ...okay say you have a friend or relative and something you unknowingly did hurt them or made them angry in some way and you have no idea what you did, they just stopped talking to you or maybe one day they just lash out at you, telling you how horrible you are - either way they’re obviously upset and may have even complained to others about you - maybe they have a good reason or maybe it’s just in their personality to gossip or be judgmental and good luck hoping to change that! Anyway ... they may just be jealous or resentful because you are who you are. But it’s up to you to realize that from their perspective, you did something to them and their anger is completely justified and maybe you did or said something hurtful without even realizing it. So let’s say in this scenario, you try to fix it. You apologize and ask to be forgiven, but they ignore this gesture even if you continue to try. What can you do?
Well I remember watching ...it might have been Wayne Dyer or someone else who had some wisdom and he was discussing this point, where there has been a long- standing grudge that has alienated friends or family members, destroying the relationship. Well ...he explained that when something like this goes on and on without a solution, someone must finally step up and be the hero - be willing to ask themselves, how can I make this better? What can I do? He said, someone must be willing to take the blame, even if that person isn’t responsible for the grudge, they must have the courage to be the bad-guy ...or seen as the bad-guy anyway - to take it all on - to accept full responsibility and apologize as if it were they who caused the entire situation. This is courage - enlightenment - wisdom - this is humility and this is what we all can be. If we can just get over ourselves. I mean, it sounds good and is definitely a lot easier if we understand how important it is - that if we don’t handle it in this current incarnation, we’re just going to have to come back and do it all over again until we do get it. I don’t know about you, but I do not want to have to come back and readdress all of my issues. No thanks!
So luckily, in my own life, I have faced very little of this sort of situation, however, those that I have come across have significantly changed my approach to life and my sensitivities to others. I have faced this dilemma twice, two different times, yet ironically, nearly at the same time, one on top of the other, for some reason. Guess it was my time to deal with the challenge - let’s face it, no one likes to be judged, deservedly or not deservedly.
So in my case, both situations were very similar. I had somehow managed to unknowingly, no excuses, antagonize these two individuals, through something I said or did. In both cases again, I was accused of ignoring them or their needs. In one case the person felt that because I had not picked up the phone when they called, that I didn’t want to talk to them. Not True. In the other case I had casually mentioned that I would sit with this person on a plane trip and instead ended up sitting in another seat. I honestly had no idea this would be hurtful, but I should have put myself in their place and on reflection I can understand that it was hurtful. It would have hurt me...
One of the main setbacks here was that this person didn’t inform me of what I had done and that they were very upset with me, I just noticed their resentment and aversion toward me. I asked if they were angry with me and they denied it which made it really confusing because they still displayed a real obvious animosity. After some time, when I did discover what I had done, I felt terrible and immediately apologized, but the damage was done and that relationship harmed irreparably.
In both cases, I tried everything I could think of, wrote email after email, sent cards letters, had phone conversations, but they just weren’t having it - nothing did any good. I cried many tears over this and mediated on it over and over again. Then I realized, if this wounded soul were myself, what would help? What would I need, from this person who had hurt me. Suddenly it became obvious to me. I would need them to see it from my perspective and take full responsibility for ignoring me. As soon as this came to me, I remembered those wise words and decided to allow myself to be the bad-guy who had thoughtlessly hurt them. So again, in both cases, I apologized from their position, their viewpoint, and said something like, “you know, you are totally right, I get it, I really messed up and I deeply regret hurting you, I can only imagine how you must have felt and I am so very sorry and just hope that someday you can forgive me.” And I left it at that. In one case it worked and we became close again, in the other case they were not able to forgive me. What can ya do ...it is what it is.
The thing is, I have so many other friends or family that these two things would never have bothered them at all and they probably would have even made a joke about it like, “Yeah, so maybe next time I call you’ll actually answer the phone, ha!” Or in the other case, “Oh well, I didn’t really want to sit with you anyway, it gave me time to talk to someone interesting, haha!” That would have been great, but that said, some people are just more sensitive than others and tend to take things more personally, more seriously. That’s okay, I get it, been there myself many times.
What I’m trying to say is this, holding a grudge when it could easily be remedied by yourself is, not only foolish, but harmful - harmful to you and your vibration and harmful to so many others it touches. Remember, it is a spiritual truth that when directing hostility out toward another, that harmful vibration is sent directly back to you 10 fold! It’s time to be greater than our limitations. As I said, if not now, when? It’s a perfect time to shine out our love to all, especially those who we may have hurt or those who have hurt us. They deserve our light too.
There’s an even deeper element to all this. We are at some point, all going to die, or go home and when we do, we take who we are, we take ourselves with us, just as we are, with all our warts and weaknesses. It’s not like we suddenly become someone else, some great enlightened master, we are who we are. So it’s imperative to take these precious days to develop the you that you want to be, as a soul. I’m pretty sure that none of us want to have to go back to kindergarten, as it is, and learn it all over again, just to get back to where we are now. That could take another lifetime or several lifetimes. Speaking for myself, not me, no way. I want to do as much as I can in this life and take it all back with me, all the wisdom gained. And one of the most significant impediments to happiness and peace, is this very issue.
Another important matter is releasing guilt while we’re still here. It can be so detrimental to our soul for us to hold on to that regret and guilt over what we’ve done in the past, playing it over and over in our minds. This is really destructive. Guilt helps no one and can greatly lower our frequency. It’s just as important to forgive ourselves and simply do better from now on. Don’t spend any time on regret, just build the soul from this moment on.
I know we can do this. I know how hard these things are to admit to ourselves, but we all have these shadows within us. It doesn’t make us bad. We are both the darkness and the light. We came here to face this duality, face our weaknesses and overcome them. This is our work here, to decide which side we wish to land on and develop. This is our gift of an earthly life - let’s make the very best of every moment we have left in this wonderful crazy life as a human and lift our dream as high as we possibly can. Hugs!
Why are we here? Why do extraterrestrial beings choose to incarnate on Earth?
Why Are We Here?
Hi everybody. Okay, so I contemplated whether to even address this topic, because I wasn’t sure it would be understood by everyone. Then I got thinking that probably the only people that would actually click in on this channel are other starseeds, other ET souls like myself, so decided it might be the perfect subject after all. It was a question I received asking why we are here. So I thought I would rant a bit about why we’re here. Great question.
So, why in heaven’s name would awesome infinite high vibrational beings from realms of startling beauty and peace, choose to come here to this messed up planet of separation and chaos? Why would one who is free to zip among the stars choose to lower themselves, squash themselves into a dense 3D body of flesh - a body prone to aging and illness and pain? Why would an infinitely intelligent master of the universe voluntarily do this - taking a chance of forgetting who they are and maybe even becoming caught up in a cycle of reincarnation, totally forgetting their true home and state of being? Why would a galactic being who has already reached a higher vibrational level or maybe even far beyond material limitations ever choose to incase themselves in a physical body here on planet earth? Why are we here?
Well, first of all, for that very reason, to experience the physical, to journey through the world of the senses, to feel the nature of reality around you. One of my favorite things has been, although I haven’t done this lately, but for example, hiking in a forest and smelling the dank sweet fragrance of the damp forest floor, decaying leaves and plants, feeling the roughness of the bark of the huge trees surrounding me, to enjoy the strength of my legs as they hike hills, to hear the birds twittering in the trees and maybe the scuttling of an animal running through the grasses, to watch the sun set from the top of a cliff overhanging the ocean below and feel the cold mist enveloping my body as the light grows dim and to know the sensations and emotions these moments evoke in me, feeling the beauty of my experience choke at my throat and the tears stream from my eyes. This is being alive in the physical.
Of course there is the other side of experiencing an earthly life that we all know and are aware of, the physical pain of a broken bone or arthritis or toothache or even a scape or cut. Then there’s the emotional pain of abandonment or loss - the heartbreak of a lost love, the unhappiness caused by a myriad of disappointments, the anger, the fears, the desolation of loneliness - so many miseries. And strange as it seems this is also why we choose to come here - life!
From a more spiritual motivation, we come to grow our soul, to expand our consciousness, to learn. Life on earth is the fast track to the understanding of self - self knowledge. Nowhere else are we going to get this same education! I mean, to start with everything is here, the good guys the bad guys, the dangers and the pleasures. Where else can you go to fall in love, to have a baby, to find that perfect partner, to eat too much, smoke too much, play too hard, stretching yourself by setting goals of achievement in sports or other competitive activities, running faster and farther, winning a ribbon for some achievement you’ve worked really hard for.
Then there’s the idea of coming here as a test - to agree to losing your memory and having no idea you are this great high vibrational being, to see how you handle each challenge. This is a great place to watch our own reactions to each problem that comes along. How am I going to react during confrontation or disagreement, or someone who simply doesn’t like me, for one reason or another? Am I going to take their hostility personally or am I going to be able to realize their jealousy or dislike is their own problem with something about themselves that they don’t like? I remember having that exact thing come up for me many years ago and it helped me to decide that one of the main things I wanted to achieve in this life was to be able to take it all in stride, to not react to situations, but to accept and deal with each situation from the realization that each challenge is in some way a gift, even if it doesn’t seem so at the time. You know that saying “nothing happens to me, everything happens for me”. I want to be able to know that before I react.
Okay, so from my perspective, the main reason that I and so many others have come here during this particular time on earth is because of the shift in consciousness we’ve all been talking about for so many years now. Some call it the ascension, I’ve heard it called the event, or like Dolores Cannon, she’s talked about how there was a call put out to the universe to assist the earth, for volunteers to come to help humanity during these transitional times, to hold a higher frequency to assist mankind in the liberation of the planet and what she called the coming of the new earth.
And I’m thinking that most of you who might be drawn to watch this or any of the other videos on this channel, already have within you, if not a clear memory, a feeling or knowing that you are here for a reason, a job or a mission of some kind. I for one have always had a clear memory of how and why I came and I’ll share that in another video. But this is a hugely important and significant time to be here. I know it’s crazy here - insane and bizarre right now, but we knew when we signed up for this, we knew what it was going to be like. Again, this is truly why we came. Are we stupid? No, we are not stupid.
I guess one way you could put it is, most of you have probably heard something about the timelines being broken or fractured and that the starseeds are here to heal the timeline, actually to create a new timeline, along with the highest possible future for us all. So how do we do this? First I feel that we have to stand in our own power. We have to know clearly who and what we are. We have to give up being a fearful victim to the whims of the media and stand up for what we know to be right. We can feel it inside. It’s almost as simple as just being who you are, you know, just being your authentic self, the self that sits at the core of your being. You know, the one who knows when you’re messing up and making a stupid choice, the one you hear in the back of your mind telling you to forgive or let it go or don’t do ...whatever. The one who remembers your own strength as an ethereal being, the one of your imagination that maybe you’ve never allowed yourself to really know. We have to allow ourselves to be magnificent!
As a child, who did you want to be? Who were your heroes? Who did you most admire? For me, it was always the one who said no! In movies I watched as a kid, it wasn’t for example, Peter Pan I most admired, it was Tinkerbell, it wasn’t Winnie the Pooh, it was Tigger, cause he was always happy, bouncy trouncy full of fun, fun, fun! My heroes were girls like Pollyanna or Jo in Little Women, free spirits, one who stood up to authority. I read all the Nancy Drew books. Nancy, who was always doing exactly what her father Carson Drew told her not to do, but she would solve these great mysteries. I loved Anne of Green Gables - nothing could bring her down. Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. I admired the one who was different than the rest, not necessarily the prettiest or smartest, but the kindest, the one with the heart of gold, the one with a naturally happy perky disposition, the one who didn’t let the world crush her, the one staring out the window during school or getting sent out into the hall because I couldn’t stop giggling. This is how we discover or rediscover our true self, before the world took it away.
Why are we here - starseeds? To elevate the collective consciousness. To be who we are in the middle of craziness. To help by manifesting peace and joy and love and abundance - to see the beauty in everything in every moment, to enjoy life.
How does this help? By raising the frequency of everything around us. One person, one soul can make all the difference. To focus on a favorable outcome - be an optimist. Why not? It’s better than the alternative and adding to the mayhem. To be a positive role model. To teach through example - to share hope and goodwill. If we want to see this shift happen, we first have to BE that shift, ourselves. We are the ascension. We are high vibrational and multidimensional spiritual beings and are here to bring that brilliant vibrance into the physical and shine! It’s as simple as that - each one of us - to lift all of humankind to a state of oneness and love.
So, there ya go - that’s my rant for the day. See ya!