I DON'T MIND WHAT HAPPENS - What would it feel like to never again be upset by anything in your life

I Don’t Mind What Happens

So, we’re all talking about ascension or the new earth and what’s going to happen in this remarkable transitional year, wondering what life will be when we get beyond this troubled 3D world. So, what makes life outside of Earth different, easier, than it is for a human on Earth? What would a human need to learn and become proficient in before moving on to a higher 5D life or above? Well, we would first need to be aware that the higher frequency, the faster things manifest. So we would need to be able to control our thoughts. We would need to get good at focusing only on those things that we would want to create and include into our world.

So what’s the difference between our ET self and our human self? This is what we would need to determine before being ready to move on to our higher frequency life. And this should be our work here.

The Earth is an experiment, a game, that ETs, star beings, willingly come to play, both for the adventure and for the expansion it brings to the soul. When the experiment began, it was programmed as a game of survival, much like our action-packed computer games. However, over time the level of difficulty has been purposely raised and the experiment is now set at the most difficult level, and beyond just survival, it is now an ascension game. Where before incarnating here, the star being designs a plan, with all the pivotal roles and significant events built into their avatar role within the game or movie. And of course one of the most important details within the plan, is the veil of forgetting, where the avatar, the human, will agree to come in blind, with little, or no, memory of who they really are. See, we were not forced into this life as a human. We planned it all. We knew the game before we came into it. We designed a map, a blueprint, of our choices and movements within the game. We wrote a script that our character would follow, leaving some room for diversion or distraction, to make the game even more interesting and in some cases more dangerous. So guides were assigned to interfere if we got too far off the scripted route. So you see, there is nothing really for your human to do, other than to surrender to the game. It’s already there for you to take part in. It’s like being an actor in an exciting movie. The character the actor is portraying doesn’t know, from scene to scene, what is going to happen next, but the script has already been written and the movie completed. So our job, as actors, is to yield to the script.

It helps to get a grasp on how our world, our life and surroundings, come about. Is this indeed a friendly universe or plagued with wickedness and immorality? It’s actually all sort of backwards to how we may see it. Most of us observe the world and then decide how we feel about it. We may even watch the news and take our cue from what it’s showing us, wars, political battles, financial doom, and believe that our life is bad because of what’s going on in the world, “They” are doing it to us. They are causing all the problems and that’s why my life sucks! When in reality it’s the exact opposite. It’s our view of the universe and how we feel about it that creates our very lives and the world we live in, our daily existence. The way we “see” the world, creates it. If we give our attention to the state of earthly concerns, society, and allow that to affect us, that becomes our own concern and constructs that very reality we call our life.

So what is an ascension game? Well, the goal is to remember, to increase your awareness, to rise in vibration and conquer the obstacles and restrictions of third density. Each level freeing us from the ignorance and imprisonment of the lower levels. And I must say, that there is nothing like a determined starseed, who, no matter how many monsters and dragons it has to slay to rise to the next degree, it will never give up.

So how do we defeat the evil monsters and win the ascension game? The solution may surprise some of you, because it seems in complete opposition of our human instinct, yet that is the hidden strategy, the key to the doorway leading to the exit that one must discover. And by giving you this clue, am I stealing your thunder? Am I opening a portal that you should be discovering on your own? Maybe, but our earthly role as starseeds and light workers is to assist in the awakening of humanity. And it’s only a clue. It’s still up to each of us to complete the work toward our own ascension.

So, over the past month or so, this has been my quest, my focus. It begins with a concept that I’ve mentioned throughout my videos and that is to fully understand exactly what it is that has provided some humans with a knowledge or faculty to be able to completely and unconditionally accept and embrace their life, exactly as it comes, no matter what is happening in their lives or in the world. As some of you have heard me say, since becoming a human avatar in this ascension game, it has been my objective to reach a full proficiency of this mastery. I used to wonder where this drive came from and have since discovered that it was programmed in to my role as a light worker and activated through the immense contrast found on this planet vs the world I just came from.

So going back to an earlier part of my life. When I first became aware of being on an alien planet, with it came the disturbing awareness of the deep ignorance and hostilities found here, which of course immediately made me want to run away and this disappointment of the planet and its inhabitants continued on for many years, sometimes nearly crushing my natural vibration. Now, I’m not necessarily talking about those in my family, or even most anyone in my immediate environment, but those usually in a situation of some authority, military leaders, politicians, occasionally a teacher or surprisingly even some students, who would use vulgar language or make rude gestures or even threaten or bully others. When I was a kid, this shocked me to my core and I desperately wanted to escape this element, this heavy atmosphere, that seemed to permeate outside of the safety of my family, with their kindness and lightheartedness. I really didn’t know how to deal with this outer social world and the uncertainties within that mood, that undertone of negativity.

So to be honest, I spent some years learning to adapt and not always in a positive way. I mean, as I studied my peers, for example, I could see that the most popular kids at school were those who had a sort of brash overly confident personality. And, this also carried over to the adults. During these years, I kind of became a student of humanness, so to speak, and began to see what worked and what was admired by others. I began to recognize that there was a sort of mode of behavior of those who became most successful in life and I, as this observer, discovered that this was the way this 3D world worked. Those in authority get to that level, because they have an ambition that encourages a disposition to think and act outside of the rules. Kind of a look out for number one mentality. Do it to them before they do it to you, sort of viewpoint.

Now, obviously I’m generalizing here to make a point, but this leads up to the original topic I first mentioned. And I also should say that, over time, on the other hand, I’ve also discovered the amazing beauty and overall benevolence of the majority of nature and mankind on planet Earth. Yet at that time and in my impressionable state, the way I saw it was that the game-plan of mankind was to rule or be ruled, bully or be bullied, fairly obvious within the political world, or even in narcissistic doctors or lawyers, out for themselves. So, how is it possible to maintain a positive attitude within this sea of self-centeredness and how did I get beyond this opinion, this belief that there is something very wrong with the world the way it is?

Well, this is what I want to talk about today and share some things that utterly turned my viewpoint around and changed, not only my way of thinking about this world and its humanity, but also my own perspective of living here. I discovered that no matter how hard you try to change others, or the world, it will never work and this is because it is a consensual universe. Most of us are on a default setting, putting our attention on what is wrong, therefore, by focusing on what we don’t like, only creating more of it!

The world we live in is constantly being built and altered through our own beliefs and impressions of what we see and hear. So we’re authorizing others, the planet, to dictate our reality, instead of the other way around, where we, through our welcoming reception, are able to impose upon the world, a reality based upon our own loving heart.

Have you noticed that when a person has lived to a very old age, say over 100 or more, when asked their philosophy of life, they nearly all say, don’t take life so seriously. This is a key. These elders, through their life experience, have figured out how to let go of worry. Looking back over life they have been able to recognize how hoping to change others is a useless battle and only causes stress and disease. I remember Wayne Dyer once telling of a family member who was previously very uptight, but after a near death experience became very calm under any condition, kids playing, dogs barking. When the interviewer asked why he thought this was, Wayne said, “It’s because she now sees the bigger picture.” He intimated that she now knows that things are always the way they’re meant to be, therefore it does no good to complain or become a victim of circumstance, that will only bring unhappiness and illness. And that’s a hard concept to swallow unless your’e able to view it from a higher insight. It’s like Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” This suggests the need for a shift in mindset, withdrawing from the conventional thinking and embracing a new perspective to successfully confront our problems.

So, as I said, this has been my deep desire to, in this lifetime, reach the place where I’m no longer triggered by what’s happening around me, or what’s going on in the world, or by what other people do or say. And lately it has come clear what it takes to bring this mastery into life and thought I would share some thoughts with you.

One of my favorite movies from several years ago was Forrest Gump. I was so taken by his innocence. Which of course was blamed on his low IQ, but was really just the way he saw things. He completely lived in the present moment. Like when he decided to run. As he put it, “for no particular reason” he decided to go for a run. He just put on his new Nike jogging shoes and ran and ran and ran. Well, he ends up running for three years! Three years, two months, fourteen days and 16 hours, to be exact, crossing the Mississippi River four times! At some point he comes to be a sort of celebrity curiosity and as others become intrigued with why this reclusive individual would do something so unconventional, he begins to pick up followers, who figure he must be on some amazing spiritual quest. I think, recognizing his peaceful demeanor, they began to follow him, wanting to know what he knows, until he has a huge crowd behind him, hoping he would lead them to nirvana, hoping that when he stopped they would learn the meaning of life. One day he stopped running. Everyone who was behind him also stopped, eagerly waiting, straining to hear what they had been waiting for, mile after mile. They watched, in total silence, as he turned around to face them. And what were these great long-awaited words of wisdom? “I think I’ll go home now.” He wasn’t running for a reason, he was just running because he wanted to and when he was done he was done. For you movie fans, it turns out he ends up running 13,889 miles! Yep, this simple, beautiful soul, just living his life, doing something none of us would ever consider doing. My kinda movie!

Back in the early 80s was the first time I ever heard the now famous statement by guru Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti was an Indian mystic who rather ironically felt very strongly that if you’re following someone else, like a spiritual teacher or guru, you’ll never find truth. And It was during his 1977 lecture in California, when during his talk, he paused and leaned forward to the audience and with a sort of conspiratorial tone said, “Do you want to know what my secret is?” And of course the entire audience leaned forward in anticipation. Then in a soft hushed voice he said, “You see, I don’t mind what happens.”

Well, when I first heard him say this, a feeling of electricity shot through me and I knew this was the answer I had been searching for, if I could only make this happen for myself. So over months and years I began asking myself what that would be like. What if I didn’t mind if I had money or not and never worried about it? Imagine - what would that feel like? What would it feel like to not mind if I was alone and had no one to talk to or to kiss or cook for? What would it feel like to be completely unconcerned whether I had hair or not, whether I was attractive, whether people liked me, whether I had friends? What would it feel like to be free from this societal pressure of being accepted, to be acceptable just as I am?

I’ve learned that this pressure we put upon ourselves creates an internal conflict. Always measuring analyzing the circumstance to determine whether we pass the test of being good enough, pretty enough, smart enough and this internal assessment can follow us throughout life. Yet, when we reach a point of not being bothered by anything, then there is no conflict inside. And when there is no conflict inside, there is no conflict outside.

Happiness is accepting what is and letting go of what you can’t control. If you rely on the outside world to provide you with happiness, like a boyfriend, or a new car, then you’ll be controlled by whatever is happening in your life. As Joseph Campbell put it, “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” Great quote. In fact, nothing outside of us has any meaning at all, until we give it meaning, however, we need to remember that if viewed through fear or apprehension, the meaning we give it could be very flawed. For example, if someone has lied to us, we may decide that now everything that person says to us is a lie. Then, what can happen is that since we have given this meaning to everything we hear from this person, the brain can receive the emotion that we’re feeling and actually reinforce that truth.

Okay, so we can’t control the circumstances of life, but what we can control is how we respond to those circumstances. It’s a decision, just like any other decision, to quit smoking or giving up sweets. Just like those victories, this may seem difficult at first too, but when we make the decision, we really can learn to accept life just as it is. And believe me, when we’re able to do this, life gets so easy, because there’s no reaction to anything, no stress involved in anything that comes along. We really can create an authentic life through learning to say yes to our reality. This is not a weakness, but a strength. We’re not pretending, we are simply accepting the wisdom that everything is just what it is. This circumstance or event is not bad or good, it just is. The other part of this is that, once we realize we can’t control what another person thinks or feels, there is no reason for emotion, like anger or disappointment. Once we can rethink how we’re going to interpret life, getting through each harsh experience becomes much easier. This is our escape hatch, our ascension from ignorance into the brilliance of insight and finally wisdom.

And how do we accelerate this ascension process? How do we enter that new earth everyone is talking about, that beautiful 5D world we’re all hoping to gain entry into? This is it! Through learning the art of surrender. Once we truly understand that ascension is not a material or physical action or accomplishment. It’s the rising into a higher state-of-being and allowing that intrinsic vibrational flow of consciousness that is the core of who we innately are. Our true essence incorporates all levels of light frequency, all the way back to Source. We are that divine light that Is that is the New Earth and that Isness is Source itself!

Enough for now - I love you guys!


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