BUILDING A NEW WORLD: What would it take from each of us to build a new world, a new earth?
Hi everybody,
Building a New World
One time when my son was young, he had a difficult decision to make and just didn’t know what to do. I could see he felt insecure about making a mistake and wasn’t confident he would even be able to make the right choice. He felt he had made poor choices before and was worried this would be another one. I tried several times to reassure him, but the longer the indecision went on the more insecure he became. As I mentioned before, my son was a real Star Trek fan, so I came up with the idea to ask him if he thought that Captain Picard would know what to do in this situation - and he said yes. So I suggested to him that all he had to do was to become Captain Picard and do what he would do. It took him awhile to decide this might make some sense, but in the long run it worked ...and many times after that.
You know, it takes getting past the programming we’ve been under ...that indoctrination into insecurity that permeates throughout this world. I mean could WE possibly make a difference, after all we’re only human, right? No, we’re not! We are pieces of Source Itself and possess all attributes and abilities. We’ve just been dumbed down by the constant pelting of bad news, from our religions and from our televisions. And when all we see is bad news our vibration drops and we feel helpless. No wonder we feel unable to make a decision or have any hope for a happy future.
So how can we change this, to become more confident and see a better world? Well, first we have to grasp the reality of what’s going on here, that there is a negative agenda pulling us down. Research on your own and find truth’s all out there for the discerning soul. Then once we ascertain the problem, only then do we have the potential to change it.
But how can we change an entire planet? By changing ourselves. We can’t change anything until we’ve undergone those changes within ourself. We first have to recognize there’s a problem before we can transform it. We must see and understand it and then become that change before it can manifest in the outer world and this takes patience and trust. Create your own world first, then you will begin to see those changes taking place around you.
So how do we create our own little world? Do we first have to deny the one we’re in? Of course not. It has its place, but we don’t have to live in it. We can live anywhere we wish and under any circumstances we want. So, let’s start with ourselves. We need to convince ourselves that we deserve to be happy and abundant. It sometimes helps if we can close our eyes and make ourself small enough to place into the palm of our hand, then hold that “self” out at arms length and speak to our selves as we would a beloved child or friend. What would we say to bring them comfort or confidence? What would they need to hear? You know what to say. Then take that knowledge and comfort inside to become your own. You must be able to believe that about yourself. I am that. That’s me. I am Captain Picard!
You know, I think there’s only one other person, maybe two, who I know personally that doesn’t watch the mainstream news. I’m not saying there is any problem with this or that they shouldn’t, I’ve only noticed that this barrage of bad news seems to affect them deeply and most often brings them to a state of worry or fear, about the future and even their present safety and well-being.
So how is it possible to maintain a positive outlook or high vibration while being told there are all these awful disasters going on in our world? Yet this is truly the key. For example, if something a friend told you has made you sad, about an accident or misfortune that happened at some place around the planet, if she hadn’t told you about that, would you still feel sad? No, because it would not even be in your reality, your world.
We as humans are greatly affected by other people and what they believe, especially those who proclaim themselves as experts. Admittedly, it’s not easy to feel good about many of the things going on in the world, but it’s our beliefs and the attention we give it that most affects our frequency. So, do we feel that if we choose not to tune into those scenes of tragedy that it makes us a bad person ...yet if we cry and worry over it, our remorse and suffering makes us a better person? Well, although this obviously doesn’t make a lot of sense, sadly we are taught that way. As children we are taught that because of the starving children in Afghanistan we should clean our plates, as if stuffing ourselves with food somehow brings help or comfort to those children who have no food to eat. What? What?
One of our greatest virtues as humans is our ability to empathize, yet it is also one of our greatest blocks to a peaceful mind that could insure us a high vibration. What becomes most critical is to use what is innate within us, our skill as observers - to be able to observe a chaotic scene or circumstance while distancing ourselves from the emotion it evokes. This can allow us the strength and courage to be of the greatest help, either physically or mentally. I mean, what good are we going to be to another in an emergency or emotional situation if our sensitive nature causes us to fall apart, by too strongly identifying ourselves with the one in trouble?
When you’re in a place of positive expectation, you are holding a high vibration. If you are able to hold this positive vibration for a time, it will eventually become your dominant frequency. This means that when we are in the presence of someone who is sad, or someone with a lower frequency, our calm demeanor can lift the other into a higher vibration. However, if we spend our time getting caught up in the other’s problems, commiserating with them about the wrongness of their plight or the tragedy or suffering, we lose our ability to be of assistance to them, because we have become the victim instead of the healer or rescuer.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “she lives in her own little world?” Well, I have. And who is that person who is usually earns this description? It’s most often either a happy child or someone who never seems to take anything too seriously - never gets upset about anything, always smiling, sitting in peace, happy just playing music or working in the garden, while the world freaks out around them. Or the spiritual practice of getting to a point where you are able remain peaceful in the midst of chaos? Well, my mother was able to do that. She was able to sit in her chair and read or write with the noisy activities of kids playing, phones ringing, cats and dogs and people coming and going. She often wouldn’t even hear someone talking to her or calling her name and if we would touch her body by tapping on her shoulder for instance, her whole body would jump up, startled, because she was gone somewhere else. Where? In her own little world. See, this is our answer. Yeah but, how do we stay in a high vibration while in today’s crazy world of threats and fears? Through creating our own little sacred space - through consciousness - building a realm of our own.
So, what conditions do we want to live in? What circumstances would be ours if we lived the way we wished? I suggest that we contemplate this, we visualize it as much detail as we want, or simply as a statement. My world is beautiful - everyone in my world is friendly and fulfilled and abundant. My world is free from suffering, from war, from poverty. And turn the TV off. If you don’t see it, it’s not in your reality. But, is this only denial? No, you’re not denying that this other world exists, the illness, the hatred, the loneliness. Sure it may exist, but do we really want to live there? Why would we choose to live there if we don’t have to? And, we’re not doing this to run away from this world and its conflicts. We do this to become creators of something better.
Put into your world only those elements you wish to be there. You choose. Imagine it to be and it is. You decide that those who walk by are friendly and happy. You decide that the driver in the next car is a wonderful being of love and kindness. Make these things your truth and they will reflect that frequency of love. Have you ever noticed on your walk, when a person is walking or driving toward you and they may seem kind of remote or distracted and then look over your way ...and if you smile your very best smile out toward them or say good morning or comment on the sunshine or wish them a beautiful day, have you noticed that their whole demeanor changes? Their hand may go up in a friendly wave, their face lights up, their body straightens ...and you did that! There have been studies done that show when someone smiles at you and you smile back, your brain chemistry changes and your body is flooded with endorphins. Imagine the power you have. You have the power to lift another soul, including yourself!
My favorite true story that Wayne Dyer often told, is that of a despondent man who had chosen to kill himself. He was quite determined and had it all planned out. He would drive to a dangerous stretch of road, that he knew about, which had an elevated cliff embankment that rose high up above a rocky ocean shore and his plan was to drive his car over that cliff. He left the house fully determined to do just that. On his way he had to stop at a traffic light and while he was stopped there, a beautiful young blond woman in a hot racy red sports car pulled up beside him. As he glanced over at her, she greeted him with a huge friendly smile. Well he was so stunned and impressed by this - that this beautiful woman would care enough to smile at him, that he decided right then and there, that if he was worthy enough to gain the attention of such a lovely smiling woman, he MUST be worthy of life itself. And instead of driving to the cliff that day, he drove home. That “chance” meeting saved this man’s life. And the most important takeaway here is that, she wasn’t trying to save this man’s life, she was just being herself, who she is. This lovely being was simply expressing her true nature. And any or all of us can do the same.
What if we all could realize the power WE have to change another’s outlook, simply through a smile or pleasant greeting, or taking a moment to wish them well. And when we do this, when we send our love out toward another, it bounces right back to us and this builds upon itself. I notice on my walks that the more friendly waves or happy greetings I receive or give, the better I feel. I often return home filled with gratitude for my life. And you know how we’re always wondering what our purpose is in this human life. Well, from my perspective if this was all we ever did, sharing our smiles and love with others, our life would reflect a harmony and magnificence unequalled by most any.
Many of us believe that those who make the most difference here are those who make the biggest splash, the politicians who rant on about changing the world, or those who have acquired great wealth and build huge skyscrapers in honor of themselves or their technological invention, or the actors who bring us to tears or make us laugh, or the singers who bring thousands to their stage. Are these the role models for a better world, or are they just making the loudest noise?
It’s not the one you see on television, announcing his own virtues to mankind, who makes the real difference in the frequencies of love and awareness. It’s most often that peaceful soul hiking the forest path to photograph the newly sprouted spring leaves, or the sun sparkling off the distant mountains, or the one who communes with the stars while the world is sleeping, or the one who isn’t afraid to hold a hand or share a hug with a stranger. It’s the one who doesn’t follow the rules of control - the one who lives a life of love. Love is what created this world and love is all that will ever be required to save and protect it. And the same goes for all of us. We do not need a government, or religion, or any other controlling body to tell us how to live. All we need is ourselves expressing who we are - our true innate nature - the pure essence of love - and sharing that with others. This is all that will ever be needed to build that new world we all hope to see.
And what is this new world we hope for? It’s the one we hold in our hearts, the one that shines forth from our eyes, that causes us to choke back tears at the beauty of a new sunrise - it’s the one we want to give to our child, it’s what makes us root for the good guy in the movie, it’s what lies within each one of us, the beauty that causes our hearts to keep beating - it’s that which lies at the core of each and every one of us. There’s only one ingredient needed to build a new world, a new earth, and that ingredient is love.