Q&A: THE AFTERLIFE - WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? (Suicide...Coma...Is it Painful...What about pets?)
Questions About the Afterlife: What happens after we die?
Hi everyone,
After my husband passed away, I immediately began getting telepathic messages from him about his journey into the afterlife and although this communication from him has slowed somewhat, we are still in touch today, as many of you are with your loved ones. This is something we can all do. You yourself may or may not have noticed these communications in various ways, from flickering lights to actual visual contact. I have received so many questions recently, about the afterlife and felt it might be helpful to put together some of the information I have gathered over the years.
You may remember me mentioning once or twice that I often receive information from those beyond the veil, those who have passed on into what some call the other side or the spirit realm and bring back that information. As I said, this is something we can all do, especially once we get comfortable with the fact that these realms are within our reach and are accessible to all. Anyone can contact their angels and spirit guides. So, the question I get more than any other is about the afterlife and what happens after we die. And, first just to clarify, we never die, we just move on.
When our soul creates the plan for our life, we place within that plan several exit points, where the soul can withdraw from the body (die), depending upon what has been chosen by the human at this point in his or her life. I’ve mentioned exit points before and plan on doing an entire video on this very soon.
So not long before the actual death transition takes place, maybe a few weeks or so before death, most people will have some sort of a hint or vague idea that something significant is about to happen. We may pick this up as an urge to complete unfinished business, put things in order or even as a desire to make things right with others or maybe a feeling of running away from those things that have kept us trapped and unfulfilled - it’s the bucket-list idea.
I have a friend who was in a horrible accident where she died and went to the other side, what we call a near-death experience. After she returned to life and after months of rehabilitation she began putting it all together. She told me that a couple of weeks before her accident, she kept having an urge to pack a suitcase, as if she were going on a trip. She wasn’t, but she said she had a strange impulse to get prepared to travel somewhere and wanted to be ready. She said she was filled with some sort of anxiety that she couldn’t explain and would find herself walking out the front door, but with no where to go - like a compulsion to leave.
So what is it like to die? I’ll begin with what my husband later told me about his own transition. His death experience took place in our home. When he became ill, I had a hospital bed set up in our family room, where he could watch the birds out the window. I slept on a cot beside his bed. A few weeks after he passed, on our first telepathic communication, I asked him what he experienced at death. He said that he had actually withdrawn from the physical many hours before his body actually died and was standing beside me, watching me read to him. Although I didn’t know it at the time, he spent those next hours comforting me and sending me healing light.
I asked him if death hurts. He said no, the actual death is not painful at all. He described it by being very much the opposite, nearly orgasmic in its joy and freedom. He called it pure ecstasy. He described how he left his dying body by pulling his legs over the side of the bed, standing up and walking a few steps away. He said there was a halo of light around every object in the room, including my own body. He went on to explain that if he had wanted to leave right away he could have, but chose to stay with me until the body was taken away. I asked him what his journey was like when he left for the other side. He said it was like leaving a darkened room and walking into another light- filled room, only it’s an entire sphere of light, color, and sound. He said he could still see the lower density world as it is, but from within an expanded frequency outside of material existence.
He also told me that in order to communicate with me again, he had to re-learn how to interact with physical matter. He said there are these wonderful schools on the other side where you can learn anything you wish to learn - all knowledge is available. He told me about classes where teachers give lessons to those who are in-between lives, on how to move energy around, as a means of sending loved ones signs and signals of their presence, like sending sounds or fragrances or turning lights off and on or ringing your phone.
One time not long after he passed I was walking from the mailbox back into the front door and heard the backdoor from the garage open up and then close. When I got to the kitchen I saw my husband standing there looking totally physical. Of course I was totally shocked! But the cool thing was that he looked so young - his hair was darker and he was wearing clothes that I remembered him wearing when we were first married. I was so excited and thrilled to see him I ran up toward him to wrap my arms around him and pop! he disappeared. I later asked him about that visit and he told me that it takes a lot of energy to become fully visible so he wasn’t able to stay in that form very long and that he had to pop out before I came too close to him because our frequencies were so different.
Over the years I’ve asked him all sorts of questions about what it’s like there ...like do they still eat food ...and if not, do they miss it or having sex or smoking or other things like that. He said some of them still enjoy their favorite foods or drinks but eventually get tired of it and move away from that. About sex or drugs he said that the only souls who would retain that sort of interest would not have yet fully transitioned onto the spirit side - that that desire would only come from one stuck on a lower astral plane. He said no one who has fully transitioned and reached the higher frequencies has any real interest in that sort of physical activity. This is because the bliss and ecstasies of unconditional love are so far beyond anything ever sought or experienced on the lower densities that those urges disappear almost immediately, because now they can fly! They can pursue their dreams, anything they want to do, live anywhere they want to live, in a house or not, visit other realities, fly a starship, become a dolphin swimming in the sea or sit atop the highest mountain and not ever get cold. Those earthly vices or things that once meant so much crumble by comparison.
Nearly everything my husband told me about death or the afterlife was absolutely beautiful, but he did once talk a bit about those who die and are so riddled with fear, maybe from religious programming or other deceptions, that when they die they don’t believe they’re dead and refuse to move on, so they just remain in the astral realm, the world of ghosts ...no longer in the world of the living, but not yet in the afterlife. They desperately want to stay in their earth life - some even believe they are still alive and may even try to get back into the body after it’s long dead. When this does happen, an angelic Guide is sent to them from the higher realms to help out. The guide goes up to this lost soul and gently explains that they are dead and they need to move on and assures them there’s nothing to fear and hopes to assist them on into the Light. He said there are Angelic Guides who choose to do only this. It’s their highest wish to help guide those stuck between worlds to move on into their true home. Sometimes it can take them years to convince the “dead” souls that a beautiful paradise awaits them, if they will only have faith and allow them to help. Sadly, there’s nothing the Guide can really do until the person (soul) is ready to ask for help. He said some of them even get stuck in a Hell of their own making, because that’s what they believe in ...and what they feel they deserve. Yikes! He said that once these souls are convinced they’re dead, they are then taken to a location which is a lot like a huge hospital, where the soul can rest and recuperate until they’re ready to move on. They’re even given what they are told is medicine, because they believe they’re sick and that it will help them, although it is not really medicine but Light energy. From there they will at some point be asked if they’re ready to watch their Life Review, but some souls really don’t want to and refuse, sometimes for years, until they’re ready to review their lives, maybe because they are either too ashamed or afraid of what they’ll see, not trusting that they won’t be judged or punished. Again, those are usually souls who are stuck in religious dogma and don’t realize there is never any judgement or reason to feel guilt.
So is there a Hell? No! Just as heaven is, hell is only a personal frequency, a state of awareness, which the person him/herself has created through those fearful beliefs built upon misinformation. If the church tells you there’s a hell and you believe it, that hell can exist for you ...and yet there’s no such thing for the one who doesn’t buy-into that story. The truth is that we are all pure Light, pure Love and this is all we need to know to generate and to join that heavenly realm. Where we go after death is up to each of us, so let’s all make good choices, choices built on love and caring.
It’s also important to realize is that our earthly life is an illusion, a dream, chosen and created by us for our learning and we can never do anything that’s considered wrong by the higher realms. We are only actors playing a role. It’s an experiment set up by Self in order to gain knowledge and wisdom - a test to see how we will do in certain situations or circumstances. We can never fail, we just learn how to keep improving and each time do better, until finally discovering that everything is love. Once we recognize that through this state of unconditional love we can build our own paradise, we begin to choose everything from our inner-being, the heart of soul, within the purity of unconditional love. And that is true surrender.
Another fascinating thing is about the death experience is how the majority of souls require some sort of “transport” from life into death. They believe that because the afterlife or heaven is a place they must travel to, they will be met by someone, a guide or an angel, to take them from here to there. So there are these illusionary stations set up where the dead will be taken to a bus, boat or plane and be guided aboard for their heavenly journey. It was described how these angelic helpers, wearing long white robes, help to guide the newly deceased person through their journey, where they’re then met with other helpers who, depending upon the soul’s needs, will take them either to a resting place or if they are ready, to the High Council for further instructions.
Another question I often get is do our loved ones on the other side see us and know what we’re doing? Absolutely! This may be a leap for some, but the other side, the afterlife, is here with us, only a different frequency. It’s a state of awareness that we can connect with anytime we wish, simply by switching our awareness from here to there. Our loved ones are able to be with us whenever we think of them or call their name. They want to stay connected with us. They celebrate events with us, birthdays, holidays, graduation. They constantly send us signs and signals, most of which we ignore, but they never give up ...unless we ask them to.
My friend Carole once asked me if we are we bothering them by talking to them too much. Never, they are always there for us, because time in the afterlife is much different than it is here, which means that they can be in several different locations doing many different things at the same time. Remember, all is concurrent to everything else, all lives, all events, even the in- between-life-lives, but taking place on alternate levels to one another. Our loved ones have not gone anywhere. They are just as here as they ever were, we just can’t perceive them because we’re not on the same frequency band they are.
So you might ask, does this mean they’re watching us while we’re on the toilet or in the shower or those who have maybe remarried, is your husband on the other side watching you make love to your new husband? The simple answer is no, not because they couldn’t but because they wouldn’t. It’s like a spiritual principle. They will not look in on you unless they have your permission to do so. The only time they might come to you without you asking would be to warn you about something or to comfort you or help you in a time of crisis. Some loved ones who are extremely close to you, like a spouse or the mother of a child, may in fact choose to become a sort of guiding angel to you while you remain on earth. Remember, for them the veil has lifted and all of their limitations have been released, all of their angers, guilts, resentments, or prejudices are gone and they are the best they’ve ever been. They’re still who they are, but without those shortcomings. This is because they’ve seen the light, so to speak. They now see the greater picture and have been able to let go of their stubbornness and convictions of the ego and are totally immersed in love, so even if they died without forgiveness, the peace and beauty of the space they now occupy has erased all of those learned behaviors and they can see things clearly and through the eyes of compassion and love. All they want to do is to console you and send you comfort.
And, take my word for it, those on the other side see the human body very differently than they did while on earth. Those imperfections they worried about while here have now become a no- thing, or even a badge of honor and this is how they look at us. After my husband had been gone for a few years I became self-conscious about how I must look to him now, because I had aged so much. I was embarrassed that I had become so much older than he was when he died and now I must look like an old woman to him and here he is cavorting about in a light body that would appear to be about 25 or 30 years old. Not fair!
Well, he assured me this is not the case at all. Once a soul has been on planet earth with all the suffering and disfigurement, they look at us like superstars for sticking it out. They see what we go through with our illnesses and physical ailments and all they want is for us to be okay through it all. They want us to know that they are here for us ...just as we are now.
By the way, most everyone who passes will choose to attend their own funeral or memorial. Hey, wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you want to be there for them - your loved ones - to console them - to find some way to touch them or to connect with them and let them know you’re there? Maybe you would even want to hear what they’re saying about you?
At my husband’s memorial both my son and I saw him standing among the others, up near the tables that held his photos and awards ..and in fact we were able to corroborate with each other what he was wearing, including his favorite hat! He was there with us!
So, another subscriber asked what about our pets? Will we see them on the other side? Absolutely. I knew a guy who saw his little terrier during his near death experience. The dog right ran up to him with his tail wagging, just like he had during life. I had a cat that I loved so much named Cootie. He slept with me every night. His favorite place was to snuggle up to me at the small of my back. One time I was very ill in the hospital with double pneumonia and I missed Cootie so much that the only way I could sleep was to set my purse behind me into that little empty space at the small of my back and pretend it was my cat. Cootie died two days after I brought my son home from the hospital as a baby. When he saw the new baby he somehow knew things would be different and that our time was over. Most all of us have that favorite pet we can hardly wait to see again. Well, we will!
By now, most of us have fully realized that reincarnation is real, not only real, but that each of us has or will have thousands and thousands of lives, in all sorts of timelines, planets, realms, different races, different genders, species, and so on. Well, one of the questions I received was, “If my loved one reincarnates before I die, will he be there to greet me on the other side?” Yes. Let me explain. The you that is here in this body is only a fragment of your true soul. That which you know yourself to be is only an idea, a story you came to live through. When your body dies, all that has been you in this life will go back and integrate with the higher self. You, Joe or Mary, are just an aspect of self, just as your loved one was ...is. There is no time, as we know it, so your loved one and you and everyone else are living all those many many lives, concurrent to this one. So, your loved one will always be there when you pass over ... if it is your wish to see them, they will be there.
Another thing that almost everyone wants to know is what about those who commit suicide? Are they judged harshly or thrown into some sort of Hell? No, of course not. There is nothing like that on the other side of life. When a person does take their own life, most immediately they find themselves surrounded by light and warm loving beings and are gently escorted to a place that looks a lot like our hospitals where they can rest and recuperate. During their time there, the most significant thing they learn and the message they bring back to those who can receive it, is that they are shown that by leaving their earthly life early, they have reduced the time they had on earth for growing and evolving their soul. This is a sad thing, because this is why we come here, to develop as a soul and to help others along the way. They’re not judged for this, except maybe by their own guilt and disappointment of themselves and the realization of the hurt and suffering they’ve caused others. I’ve been told that while on the other side they usually volunteer to help assist others who have also taken their lives, because no one can understand better than one who has experienced the same thing.
Or what about someone who dies suddenly, like in a plane or car accident or being shot. In this case, although the soul may be shocked by the experience and not sure what just happened, it feels no pain. It may seem like the body would experience great agony and suffering by being blown-up or horribly maimed, but the fact is that the soul actually leaves the body just before impact or just before the bullet hits, and feels no discomfort. It’s only the body that is affected by the collision or bullet hitting the flesh, yet here is the soul standing beside that body, perfectly safe, watching all the commotion and wondering why he feels fine.
So many people wonder what about the person who’s in a coma? Where are they? There have been so many movies made about people in comas becoming lost in a frightening nightmare. This however, is not what people report who have emerged from comas or have died while in a coma. The one person I know who had this experience said what she remembered during that time was just being busy, messing around, like in life. She said it was like being free, in a dream where you do kinda the same things you would do in a normal dream or daydream, playing and interacting with others.
One fascinating aspect of the afterlife is told by Dolores Cannon. She talks about a great Library where everything that has ever happened or will ever happen is stored there. It can appear as shelves of books or as video screens where, if you were curious about history for example, you could watch the actual replay of the earth’s greatest battles or most magnificent moments of what happened or will happen to mankind over time. Or you could read about or watch various chapters from your own life, similar to a Life Review, only maybe what your life would have been if you had made other choices, married someone else and had six kids or lived in Spain instead of Montana, for instance. You can visit any event or situation you choose. All knowledge is contained within this Library.
I remember my sister and I discussing one time about people with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Where are they? Where do they go? I had a teacher once who said that this is chosen by the person at a soul level, where they’ve become so tired of mundane existence and this is their escape - they retreat from obligation or maybe boredom into a world of fantasy, the world of spirit. And while we think they’re kinda zoned-out and miserable, because that’s what the body displays, they’re actually off having wonderful adventures. One man I knew thought he was fishing. He would sit on the edge of his bed taking his invisible fishing pole - you could see him , baiting the hook, then casting out the line, perfectly happy and content. Sometimes he would get excited because he had just landed a big one. It was only those around him who judged him as crazy. He was perfectly fine. The soul is always at peace.
You know, the afterlife to us, seems like such a huge mystery, and yet all of us have been there, more times than we could possibly count and we could discuss all of its various forms and features until the cows come home, as my mother used to say. ....Its a place we all know well - for some a weigh station to visit briefly before moving on into the higher realms or finally going home to Source and for others a vacation spot between lives, incarnations, being born into a body again, whether here on earth or elsewhere.
Well, we’ve really only just scratched the surface here but the greatest message, I think, in learning about the afterlife is that we can be reassured that those loved ones who have passed are fine. They are in a beautiful realm of pure love - a place of magic, where one can experience anything their heart has ever desired - where there is no death, no pain, no fear, just the joy of being and loving.
So I hope all this has been helpful in some way and keep those questions and comments coming. I love to know what you’re thinking. See ya next time! Bye Bye