REINCARNATION AND SOUL LOOPING: What is the process ? Do we have to return? Do our pets come back?

Hello beautiful beings!

I recently received an email from a very nice man asking if I might put out a video answering some of the questions he had about reincarnation. I found his questions really interesting and thought you guys might too. So, as always I will share my understanding of this process, to the best of my knowledge and if I don’t know the answer I will tell you!

As you would probably agree, when most of us think of reincarnation, we understand it to be the rebirth of a soul into a physical body. So this, of course, goes along with the idea that the soul never dies, it just returns into another body, another life. The other part of this thinking is the belief that reincarnation is required, as a means of advancing up through the levels of consciousness to finally end up at home with God. And of course these concepts differ with each religion or philosophy, some accept this transmigration of soul and others don’t. Yet, the most fascinating part for me is that the identification of the me - the I - is unchanging and immortal, traveling through numerous bodies through an infinity of time and circumstance. I am always me, yet me in divergent lives.

It’s like that lazy Saturday morning when you lay in bed with your eyes closed, knowing you don’t have to get up and go to work and your thoughts begin to wander over time. You remember that hike you took with your friend when you saw the eagles and there you are right back into that place, watching the eagles as if for the first time. Or you might begin thinking about what your next vacation will be. You see yourself standing on a green hillside overlooking a little village below. Then your thoughts might travel to the sweet memories of your honeymoon in Paris and all the time you haven’t moved from your bed on that peaceful Saturday morning. Well, that “you” that took that mind trip, that is who you are, not the body in bed. You are the consciousness, the thought, and that is the you, the self, who travels through lifetime after lifetime, incarnation after incarnation. This is the spirit/soul that never dies. You are always you, inhabiting different bodies at different eras and different timelines, perhaps different planets. It’s always you, you in a alternate role, playing a new part, for the expansion of that self, the I Am.

Well, to more fully go there and to give meaning and comprehension to reincarnation we must have some understanding of simultaneous time, or the past, present, and future existing simultaneously, as in Einstein’s block universe. Uh let’s see …If we look at our lives as a DVD, where our entire life is included on that DVD, which includes within it, past, present and future. Our whole lifetime has already been recorded, the movie made, beginning to end, onto that DVD. When we play the DVD of our life-movie it will unfold minute by minute, in linear fashion, just as it appears to do in our reality. It’s all already on the DVD, what has happened and what will happen in our future. An event might be playing out, yet nothing on the DVD has changed. So, we may believe the past has happened, because our brain contains memories of that past event, but if we didn’t have those memories, we would not have a past. Really, time doesn’t exist, except our perception of it. It’s like a series of snapshots second by second by second, all happening now, in the present moment. As Einstein said it, “The distinction between the past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” So this may help in the discussion of reincarnation. Just as Einstein saw it, the past, present, and future are really an illusion, because they all occurring concurrently, simultaneous to each other and everything else. There is only now. And this means that there are no past lives, no matter where they are occurring in earth’s history, they are all existing together, in unison with each other. This is why sometimes we have dreams of being ourselves, yet as another person, sometimes even another sex or race, in a totally different life. We’ve just, through our dream, tapped into that timeline.

So let’s get really out there, beyond the simple idea that you were my father in this life, so in the next life I’ll be your father and so on. So to bring the concept of reincarnation into a workable dimension and discuss why it is the way it is. Let’s just say that at some point the reincarnation system was hacked, for lack of a better explanation, and became very different than it began. So the process that occurs when a human dies, now is very different than it was, say a few thousand years ago, or more.

And who was responsible for this hack, the Reptilians, the Church, the Arcons? The hack was the technological installation of the false Matrix, by those who preside over the earth, which emits a controlling frequency toward the earth that not only reads the thoughts of the people, but guides and instructs them into behaving a certain way in their own interest, the interest of the controllers. This frequency affects not only the people themselves, but also the reincarnation program, the ether fence that surrounds the Earth, making escaping nearly impossible. It’s a form of mind control with directs the people to manifest whatever the Matrix tells them they should want or need. This is the virtual game we often speak of, incarnating, forgetting who we are and trying to find ways of remembering, in order to raise up through the levels and escape the Matrix. Very much like a computer game.

When this technology was placed thousands of years ago, it used the collective thoughts of the people against them. It was their own thoughts that imprisoned themselves, but they didn’t know that of course. It works out of fear. This is where religion came into it, subduing the people with fear and executing rules for them to follow, with threats of hell and damnation. And probably the most important part of this hack was using this mind control, to impose ideas about how everything worked, based on whatever result the controllers were looking for, implementing this totally false program and leading the people into manifesting this negative reality, exploiting them for their energy - coercing them to manifest a reality where the people serve them in every possible way and now even more, with mass media people are constantly being indoctrinated into thinking the way the controllers wish them to and if people are forced into a situation where they have to work to survive, they don’t have time to contemplate anything different to give them any hope and advance their consciousness. They simply don't think that there is any other way to live and that their job is the most important thing. It becomes a status symbol of success showing that working hard is the virtuous thing to do. They just don't see any other option and that belief becomes their entire reality.

Even after death the Matrix mind-control persists, as they continue to exploit and manipulate the people. When the controlled masses die, those beings in control, disguised as light beings or angels, could choose to intercept them through the lower astral and convince them that they haven't been good enough in this life, telling them they messed up. This could be in the case of suicide or even just an insecure individual prone to feeling guilty or remorseful. But the important thing here to understand, is that we don’t have to listen to them! We don’t have to believe them or even recognize them as real. We can just ignore them and move on. Nevertheless, the Matrix has the ability to read each person’s weaknesses and can use that to manipulate them. The beings might show them their recorded life review and insist that they will need to go back and do their life over again in order to pay off their karma. So if the newly deceased person concedes to this instruction, they would not go back home to Source, they would just be recycled back into the next incarnation, doing it all over again.

Now there is another piece to this reincarnation topic that I personally find fascinating and that is the concept of soul-looping. It’s not really a different occurrence, just a deeper element to the subject. A case of soul-looping is where the soul for whatever reason wishes to live the exact same life over again as the same person - somewhat like in the movie Groundhog Day. This may be because they loved their life so much and want to repeat it for that very reason, or more often it’s because they are sure they could make better choices this time and challenge themselves to repeat the exact events again. This idea of soul looping is where deja vu comes from - that feeling that you know what comes next - that’s because you could have already lived that same moment before.

Now remember there is no time in the afterlife or spirit world, so the soul can choose any timeframe, past or future to reincarnate into. However, the soul who wants to loop back into the same life will jump back into the same fetus in the womb of their mother and be born all over again as the same person they just were and through their original parents. However, there is a downside to this and after several loops, the soul may begin to feel trapped and wants out, but doesn’t know how to do it. It’s exactly this that makes the subject of reincarnation so important, especially today. For those of us who are determined to make this our last life on earth, we need to understand fully the potential disadvantages of returning to a physical life on planet earth. This is a time of ascension, not to repeat cycles of karma. Karma is an old frequency and no longer needs to be paid off like an obligatory debt that needs to be settled. This is part of the old system of control and we no longer need to be concerned or fearful about past errors or misjudgements or those will continue to own us.

All we need to understand is, if at some point in our life we did something we now regret and feel remorseful, we can now commit that we would never do this thing again. Now karma no longer has any hold, because the frequency of karma is very low but the frequency of forgiveness is a very high vibration. So forgive yourself and others. It’s necessary to release that grudge - the anger and vengeance or those disappointments and regrets in order to ascend - simply make the best out of each experience and then let them go. This not only releases the remorse, but replaces the karma with wisdom. The real trick is to finally understand that you are perfect as you are - now become the frequency of that loving, kind, being. This is all it takes to be free and don’t let anyone try to convince you differently.

Okay, let’s address some of the questions that were asked.

First question: Was reincarnation ever a natural and spontaneous process of the miracle of life?

Well yes, it was seen as just that, an opportunity to experience physical life, for a myriad of reasons. Reincarnation could be a process where a soul would purposely design a physical body and life that would allow them to interact with and face certain issues or events, as a means of evolving or advancing in wisdom. It was also meant to be a vehicle for playtime, to simply enjoy the physical realm without any permanent or lasting consequences. It was understood that it would be a chance to live a dream or fantasy - a wonderful vacation….But with the installation of the Matrix became something very different.

Second question: Is the reincarnation process fully technological?

No, only in some cases. Outside of the immersion, walk-in, walk-down use of technology, the process of reincarnating is quite natural and organic …where a soul decides to come back through the human birth process and live out a human life. I’m sure what he’s talking about here is where an extraterrestrial being uses immersion technology (a computerized virtual reality) to walk into a human body and function as a human for a particular mission or purpose. Actually, the reincarnation process could happen many different ways. A soul could reincarnate directly from Source and at death return to Source. A soul could reincarnate from the Spirit Side, what most call the Other Side and return to that realm at death. Or as it was mentioned, a soul might willingly or unwillingly become caught-up in a loop of coming directly back into the same life over and over again.

Third question: Is it a technology used by many star races or just a few?

Yes, in fact the immersion technology is used by most star races. This is because it’s the safest way for their starseeds to visit earth. Even if their human body is killed, they’re still safe within the immersion tank or pod. So this is the main technique used by most races who come to live life as a human, for a short time or a full lifetime.

Forth question: Are there star races that also dominate and use this technology with bad motivations?

Yes, there are those who live and work through the astral level who are able to use the immersion or walk-in technology for control and manipulation through fear and can sometimes be encountered in a dream state or out of body or astral travel. However, their ability to terrorize or cause harm really hinges on the strength and determination of the one they are hoping to intimidate. It’s important to just say no! We can hold off these beings by letting them know we’re not afraid of them and tell them to leave and they will. You’re of no use to them if your’e not fearful.

Fifth question: Is there any relationship between karma and the pre-reincarnation plan?

Well yeah, but karma isn’t really a necessary part of a pre-birth plan. It’s just that after death many souls bring their habits and regrets back to the spirit side with them and then choose to create a plan based on overcoming these karmic weakness or what they feel were mistakes. If a human dies without having done their shadow work to release negative energetic obstacles and thought forms, these can create blockages, generating a sort of karmic obstruction through this belief, which is an unnecessary burden to bring into the next life and we can make sure this won’t happen if we clean up all those restrictions during our lifetime.

Sixth question: How to reincarnate on a beautiful and peaceful planet?

I love this question, because yeah, I totally agree. A significant advantage we receive from awakening is to realize we never have to incarnate on planet earth again, unless we want to of course. There are so many amazing and beautiful realms and planets to explore and all we have to do to make this happen is to not allow ourselves to become hooked or addicted to the earth plane. Once we get past our desire for what the earth has to offer, we can go anywhere in the galaxy. And if we still choose a physical life, there are infinite planets we could incarnate onto, for a vacation, or for a lifetime!

Seventh question: If we experientially realize our true being during reincarnation, will we not reincarnate again? Or what are the requirements for us not to reincarnate again?

This is pretty much what I have been talking about. What holds us into the cycle of earthly reincarnation is habit or guilt and regret and hoping to mend those past mistakes. If we feel we’ve hurt others or done a poor job in life, then we are vulnerable to psychic attacks and manipulation from astral beings disguising themselves as spirit guides, informing us that we’ll have to go back for another life on earth. But if we’ve awakened to our true power as a force of light and love and have successfully forgiven our past and learned from our mistakes, we’re free from the wheel of karma and there is no need to return to a physical life on earth, and can choose not to reincarnate again. Yay!

Last question: If we experientially realize our true being during reincarnation, will we not reincarnate again? Or what are the requirements for us not to reincarnate again?

The way I understand this is that our pets are a part of our own pre-birth plan. They have a different soul than we do and exist more as a part of nature, and an extension of our own plan. This is not to say they are not their own being. They are, but if they have been a part of our life as our pet, this is the role they have agreed to for that particular existence, as our dog or cat. Although, it is very possible for an ET soul to choose to come to earth as a cat or dog, either just for fun, or as a means of encouraging or consoling a human, through their appearance as a dog or cat, to comfort and inspire a child or adult who may be suffering. But usually it’s the intention of the animal soul, to be available to us through our plan, if this is something we choose, like horses or cattle for example. They are energy beings brought into the physical through the mutual intention of a divine soul. If you have a loving pet that has passed from this life, if you choose, the conscious energy of that pet will be there for you on the other side of life, just as they were when they were alive. Our pets are great teachers of love and patience and forgiveness and their benefit to our physical lives is invaluable.

Wow, what a great bunch of questions. Thank you Paulo! Bye bye.


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